Thursday, July 14, 2022
spoilers 2
Saturday is the day when all violet-flame beings of the cosmos may multiply their offering upon this altar and the altar of the Messenger's heart. So know that, beloved, and come to that service and give your all and reverse the tide and call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of fallen angels who move throughout the world and are the spoilers. They are the spoilers from forever and a day. But that day has come and that day will be their nemesis; and it will be their nemesis because you the chelas of El Morya understand the stakes and you are not about to give up this Terra to fallen angels! [33-second standing ovation] -Saint Germain, Pearl 45:39
Make that call, beloved, and rid this earth of those who are the spoilers. And they are the spoilers, and we have known them for aeons. And we have come because we have seen that the children of the light on Earth do not understand that equation of evil and they do not want to believe that evil exists. Well, let them tell you that, beloved, but you know better. -Morya, Pearl 45:21
The so-called common status of mankind—that life which all are given in common among men—must be stepped up to fulfill the fiat of the Divine Ones who govern and direct the atmosphere of spiritual progress for planet Earth! I am well aware as are the other members of the great Cosmic Councils of the smothering lethargy which like a fog swirls about the children of men until they seem caught in an involved emotional whirlpool from which escape may seem impossible. -Maitreya, Pearl 4:36
By contrast to human struggle toward its own precious divinity, the spoilers, the careless, the drifters, the idle, the pleasure- bound, the skeptics have continued in the pain of a mad round of fear. It must someday end. And end it will! I, Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray declare today in God’s name I AM, the fear of man no longer has any power for those who will put on the radiant garments of light (and I saw a Woman Clothed with the Sun—Rev. 12:1). The creation must put off vestments of fear and put on light. And inasmuch as love is light and light is love then let love triumph over fear! Let all tyranny tremble before the precipitated power from on high, the God-power almighty to give liberty, freedom and blessing to every lifestream who will put their hands, their minds, and their hearts to the plow to serve the cause of the Brotherhood of Light and unite mankind by plowing that straight furrow that prepares the land for seedtime, harvest and the victory age for our dear Earth!
-Nada, Pearl 4:6
Of course the spoilers must be left to walk their sorrowful way alone until they can through the hammer blows of returning karma perceive that God is ever just. The true chela cannot fail to advance spiritually by dispelling all false illusions about human friendships which unfortunately are often only the result of mutual self-seekings--and see clearly that friendship which has value to light and truth always exalts the soul. Such who are aware of this will also be aware of the joy of God whose eternal Spirit of undying happiness and bliss travels from East to West, from a measured inner unfoldment of soul into the conscious outer side of existence where it abides to inspire men with the need to set aright the foundation of friendship with God upon which He has declared “I will build my temple!”
-Djwal Kul, Pearl 4:3
Illumine self for God, keep humble before advancing spiritual stations and always prefer good to evil. Then shall life’s illusions be dispelled one by one and the reality of eternity, the happiness found only in God shall be known as the only permanent happiness for both East and West! Hurrah for the good life—this the spoilers who constantly walk among men to hurt and deceive simply cannot spoil! -Djwal Kul, Pearl 4:2
For centuries lamentations on the lack of world unity have troubled the hearts of men. Mounting criticism has even dared to attempt the defilement of the immortal image of God. Certainly the spoilers whose perceptions are so finite have never taken care to practice discrimination as to whom they made a target. Did they not use my Son as a gazingstalk? When no other was available these have practiced self-condemnation and by this means they have weakened the bulwarks of faith and love in their own blessed orbit. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 6:2
When men behold God in all things and actually pass through the structure of form to contact the great spiritual light that pulsates in the ethers behind form their joy begins to expand toward its fulness. The transcendental nature of God means that man the manifestation will never attain to the realization of the Infinite and remain as man. The symbol of the serpent swallowing his tail, known to the ancients, indicates the cyclic nature of the universe and transcendentalism of Being. It is a great pity then that mortal men do not recognize the power of faith to bear them up out of all depressive states and to obtain for them that regeneration of Being which, buoyed up in cosmic understandingbecomes a mighty fount of divine knowledge, able to deliver them from the toils of the spoilers and those who would subvert the universe to their own purposes (simply because they do not understand it, or because they have entered into a state of rebellion against the very Laws of God which do function in absolute fairness to all). -Archangel Michael, Pearl 7:39
The net of competition is to be found in manifestation everywhere in the religious societies of the world. It is a sad thing that the use of hypnosis in the pulpit and various other modes of control of the human mind, designed to attract the children of men to the personality of religious leaders, is very prevalent today. Now it is never the intention of the Great White Brotherhood or the Great White Lodge to found a cult rooted in human personality; but rather is it the will of God to uphold principles of truth that have within themselves inherent power to deliver men from the spoilers. -Hilarion, Pearl 7:38
To those who have yet the clarity of vision to see we say, “Awake before it is too late!” There are those who seek to carry a torch for freedom, but they are surrounded on every side by the spoilers and the purity of their motive is distorted on every hand by an almost militant propaganda machine. Yet they continue fearlessly to uphold the Banner of Christ. Such as these have won our respect and our support, for can heaven do less than to pledge her all to the faithful who dare in the darkest hour of human infamy to seek to preserve us a nation? Those who are alert will understand the need to uphold in prayer the land of pilgrims’ pride, the ancient boundaries of respect for neighbor, for property, for opportunity and those who have the courage to take a stand for the principles of the Brotherhood.
Men must cease to function in a domain of limitation. They must expand their awareness of the fact that with God all things are possible. They must seek new methods for the production of food lest in future days because of demographic problems mankind find themselves hungry on a world scale. Men must seek new ways to bind up wounds of the nations and to put down the cars of juggernaut created by the spoilers who in their outreach for social justice have failed to perceive universal justice. There is a higher law, and the higher must demand of the lower significant homage that will enable new gifts to be given. -Vesta, Pearl 12:1
Let all understand that he who places his hand in service upon the plow to plow a straight furrow that others may eat shall himself not go hungry in time to come. What a pity it is that the spoilers are so widely disseminated and that the carriers of the seeds of God sometimes appear as a ragged handful of tired old men. I will take even one of them in preference to thousands of self-centered sowers of darkness whose every thought is for their own gain. -Morya, Pearl 13:31
The spoilers are currently in the ascendancy only because of the lethargy of those who cry “The cause is lost.” Fear not to cry out against darkness. So shall the hallmark of quality be engraven in the minds and hearts of men, for light and darkness exist side by side. He that is for us ought not to be against us. -Morya, Pearl 14:33
Thus it is wise, beloved, to count one’s heritage and to understand the spoilers in the Farth and the archdeceivers. They have manipulated the lifeblood of the people in currency manipulations. Therefore “In God We Trust” can no longer be said of a money system but only of the sacred hearts and sacred labor of the people themselves. Is it any wonder, beloved, that in Earth there are those whose motives run counter to the commonweal? Know then your history, a cosmic history, and know your angelology. -Archangel Uriel, Pearl 30:63
Let the fierceness of Kali rage until the darkness of death and hell in Earth is consumed by whitefire of the Divine Mother in each and every chela of the will of God!
I AM THAT I AM in the fiery vortex of the I AM Presence. So I AM the Shekinah and the Divine Mother. And I have come for the liberation of light and ightbearer!
Therefore, beloved who embrace me, embrace now living sacred fire. Embrace, then my true son, my true daughter. Therefore let the allegiance to the Banner of Maitreya, to the Banner of the Divine Mother be pure and swift as an arrow.
Let it be clear as crystal, even the mighty crystal that does unveil itself as ribbons of light and Elohim reveal, beloved, the fulfillment of the chalice in the heart of the Inner Retreat to the Elohimic level! [21-sec. applause]
There can be no delay for victory in
Earth, for this battle is won by moments and by seconds. Therefore I AM the Kali who does defeat delay and delay tactics and the chela’s own propensity to procrastinate.
Therefore, beloved, when you think to take a step take it! and never look back. For when you wonder and reason and doubt and fear, blessed hearts, you may wear a hole in the Earth where you are and thereby predict thine own demise.
Blessed ones, you must march forward. Thus you have sung the song to the Sun that is sung by pilgrims marching to the Sun away from dead and dying worlds. This is the true march and singing as they face the light and never look back but march on on that cosmic highway.
And therefore these ones having, as it were, ribbons of light flowing behind them as attachment to etheric spheres of their home stars, become as those who take the best and leave the rest and thus take home the harvest in their spheres [causal bodies] of light and let the rest wait for dissolution of worlds.
Understand, beloved, that that which can be harvested must be harvested. So the crops do not wait in the fields lest rain come and spoil them. Thus understand that there are worlds to be harvested, worlds of light and good and great consciousness. So come the reapers! And when they harvest the good fruit, lo, the tares are left and then other reapers come and harvest these and bind them in bundles to be cast into the Lake of Sacred Fire.
Blessed hearts, you see, when you stand ready to be plucked by the angels of light for victorious service midst legions of light you understand that because you have prepared yourself to the harvest, both as bountiful offering of the Divine Mother and as harvesters yourselves, you are clearing the field of all that is of worth and allowing the remains to stand alone, their tatters blowing in the wind as some scarecrow left over in mid-October.
Realize this, beloved. Let light be harvested that evil may be bound. Therefore tarry not in the cups of the evildoer.
Look up, beloved, for nigh unto you is that mighty sphere of light, a bower of loveliness: I AM THAT I AM in the fiery center of the great causal body of the Divine Mother appearing!
So I AM THAT I AM THAT I AM. So I AM a devouring flame as light goes forth out of my mouth. And it is fire, beloved. It is living fire. So may it proceed from me lest you yourselves find your tongues singed.
Therefore when you make the call I, Kali, shall release that sacred fire into the core of evil. Let the call go forth! For I AM here and I have had enough. And I say, enough is enough!
So behold the day of the legions of Kali has come! The day of the legions of Kali has come, beloved. And this is not the dark night of Kali Yuga, save for the dark ones. It is the light day of the Great Kali come, beloved! And it is the Day of the Appearing of the Divine Mother!
So I AM here! And see how this light as lightning itself does illumine the sky with a light no man can gaze upon. It is the Light Kali Yuga. And behold, mine own in the Earth shall truly embody crystal fire mist. And the mist shall crystallize. And we shall see where the seed of the wicked are left.
Rise, O hosts of light. Rise, O legions of the Mother. For the liberation of the Mother in Earth is come—and in the heavens. And the liberation as never before of Her chelas is upon you.
O ye faithful to my heart, I give you again the heart of Kali. I AM in the center of the flame, my sword. I AM—the Presence of God is—Shiva! Shiva, Shiva, Shiva!
-Kali, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 17, 1987 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana, Pearl 30:51
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