Thursday, July 14, 2022
Banner of Maitreya
Bammer27 of12 Maitreya38. 27+12+38=77=7 x Able 11.
The beauty of the God-design in all creation bears witness to the perfect concept held by God for every man....
spoilers so-called by reason of their immature37 conduct26=63 and their33 alliance30=63 with powers of darkness.
He who said “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” also spoke these words: “By their fruits72 ye shall know them.” While we advocate that the student of cosmic law become as harmless as a dove, flooded with the milk of human kindness tethered to divine kindness, we also advocate that he should learn to be wise–even wiser than a serpent in this era of great social cleavage when the hearts of men are nigh failing them for fear.
Saint Paul referred to those who become hypercritical of individuals and organizations dedicated to the beautiful purposes of God, saying, “There are many unruly30 and vain19 talkers23 (30+19+23=
72) and deceivers whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert26 whole houses, teaching40 things32=72 which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake.” Let the students of light understand then that unfortunate though it may be there are those who move among the brethren professing that they24 come18 in14 the15 name15 of12 God17=115=5x23 (lucre=23) who participate in evil rituals of gossip and slander and thereby tie themselves at inner33 levels21=54 to forces not of light. A word of explanation is due from our level to those sincere students who desire to know the truth about the deceivers.
-Divine Director, Pearls of Wisdom 14:35
note to above, numerologically: neroli duffy, immature conduct, their alliance=63 each phrase.
Then we have By their fruits, unruly vain talkers, both phrases 72, same as self-justification.
Then we have inner levels54 which is same as Peter Duffy.
spoil, subvert, Duffy, Putin, Loyola, conceal, hide, under, decoys are all at 26.
////////// Christ-cheer to the honest ones! The fat is in the fire hic et nunc. -r., siskiyou county, ca
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