Thursday, July 14, 2022
Brothers of Shadow
We are angels of sacred fire. We know the thoughts, feelings, levels of consciousness almost infinite in finite form. We see how layers and layers and layers of the being of man must be defined and dark layers extracted by fire. Only the fire of God can resolve the dilemma of the age! Only the fire of God can move in as a needle-ray to penetrate the Earth and consciousness of mankind and to withdraw those elements that are energies of the spoilers, spoiling the barrel of humanity’s consciousness-Listening Angel, Pearl 19:47
And so, you see, there are spoilers—the spoilers who have come into this nation and every nation. And each time that there has been an opportunity for freedom, they have taken it as license. They have taken advantage of every promise in order to expand the forcefield of Antichrist. -Saint Germain, Pearl 62:45
As a point of spiritual discernment, the students of light ought to examine carefully the activities of spoilers, so-called by reason of their immature37 conduct26 and their alliance with powers of darkness, who utter unfounded statements against the laborers in the Father’s vineyard. -Divine Director, Pearl 14:35
This is a movement of lightbearers who are not content just to see the vision or just to know God’s love. It is a movement of souls who dare to be, with Jesus, one who enters the temple and puts out the money changers and overthrows their tables. This, beloved hearts, is the work of men and women of courage, the youth of courage in America today. For invaders in the temples are the invaders of the temple of man and woman, of government and of every institution across this land and in every land. They have invaded every walk of life, and we know their plan. -Lanello, Pearl 53:5
Know then that Amazonia, in counsel with Omega and the Cosmic Council, has determined to go into the depths of the astral plane in South America and to contact those places where the records of corruption and betrayal of her mystery school did take place. And therefore she shall, empowered by the very Godhead, move against those records of totalitarianism and tyranny of very ancient times when these fallen ones of an extraordinary stature did rage in the Earth and were the spoilers in the land. -Elohim Hercules, Pearl 30:47
I am in the land of the free and home of the once brave who had kept the torch of honor and of freedom as guardians of that flame on all fronts and in all planes of consciousness. But today because of the spoilers and their coming with a mass darkness of ignorance those who have within their hearts the brave light of threefold flame, those who have this consciousness of the free are covered over and over and over again by a garment of ignorance, of a mass hypnosis whereby those who are the brave no longer know how to be brave or to bring forth the elements of the Trinity for the life that was once America. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 56:15
What is noteworthy, beloved, is that in all areas of crisis and ultimate catastrophe it has taken but a few lightbearers to save a situation and but a few spoilers to ruin all for the people. -Saint Germain, Pearl 30:66
I know that some who are reading this course may not have considered themselves religious at the beginning. Perhaps the intended functions of spoilers, the Brothers of Shadow, to ruin the purposes of religion by ruining the lives of those who profess to follow religion may have corroded your acceptance of the Laws of cosmos -Saint Germain, Pearl 13:12
And the initiation of chelas of light in the ruby cube by the Four Cosmic Forces is the promised sign of the victory. For in the initiation of Guru Maitreya is the key to undoing of that which was done. So is the sign given in the coming of the two witnesses authorized by God to write again with the finger of God that which He wrote on two tables of testimony. These original writings were actually the mysteries of the path of the rose cross which were withdrawn because some among chelas were the spoilers. But in the day of the Lord’s visitation He will raise His right hand against the spoilers and they shall no longer have power to thwart the divine plan in its imminent descent from the great blue causal body of the Great Divine Director–the living sponsor of the twelve tribes and of their prophet, Samuel and of their Messiah, Christ Jesus. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:18
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