Above all do not become caught up in your own rigidity. For the demons are rigid, and they would entrap you into their mechanization-man, false-hierarchy pathway that is not true chelaship.
-El Morya, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:35
Be firm with the demons of self-deception that peer and peep out from behind that soul with weakened identity–weakened from abuse perhaps and self-abuse at that. But all of life is fragile until the heartbeat of the little bird nestles in the heartbeat of God and at last knows an identity greater than its own–that indeed is its own. O my beloved who love, be willing to atone for fragmented lives and their ignorant self-fragmentation through ignorant misuse of life and love....
Sometimes we find conditions of psychology relating to previous incarnations wherein the soul has receded as it were into a coma; and that which is the dominating force within the temple is but a collection of stray entities which objectivize rigid demands made upon the outer personality in formative years. Multifragmented personalities consist of multipurposed entities magnetized by the outer mind to piece together a composite self that meets the demands of society and persons of authority it has encountered....
Many criminals, once caught, have witnessed to the born-again experience. A number of these are genuine conversions by the power of the Holy Ghost, but many more are an expression of tremendous fear and trembling of demons who enter vacated temples of souls bound in a hellish astral nightmare. Then it is the demons who cry out from these haunted houses “Lord, Lord!” and, for fear of exorcism or even incarceration or execution of their subject submit to a form of religion and a form of conversion merely as a device for their self-perpetuation.
The demons which run in packs like hungry wolves (whose name is Legion, for they are many) coming to the fore and then receding with tides of the astral body and lunar influences may run the gamut from omnipotence to impotence, from arrogance and anger to self-pity and acute melancholy, causing the subject to engage in unexplainable weeping punctuated by fits of highs and lows, ending in miserable depressions. Considering that demons and entities (who themselves have no identity except the vehicles of their subjects) have various modes of self-expression characterized by addictions of drugs, alcohol, nicotine, sugar, marijuana, sloth, sensuality and every enslaving human habit, it is not surprising that the pseudo-self of the lost soul becomes highly defensive of the modus operandi of its own entities...
Let the truth be known! This abnormal apprehension is but the trembling of possessing demons and household entities who fear the ultimate fear–their extinguishment by burning and shining light of the Lamb within his servants.
Without the action of the mighty circle and sword of Elohim Astrea, the sword of Archangel Michael and El Morya’s Excalibur, those well-meaning relatives who would otherwise welcome the truth of the Holy Spirit in their heart of hearts often take up the cause of raging demons and in the process lose all credibility with their loved ones on the path because of their irrational rantings and ravings.
...–chiefly Archangel Michael and mighty Astrea–tens, hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of these roving demons are bound by angels of the Lord and cast into the Lake of Fire where their form and ferocity is utterly consumed, nevermore to return.
If you stop and consider the state of consciousness of the planetary body, you will realize that the conditions of Earth are due to unseen forms and forcefields motivating otherwise sane men and women to an unexplainable madness. Even the leaders of peoples and nations make their moves on the international chessboard calculated toward self-destruction and destruction of their nations. Such decision- making by blind leaders of the blind can be explained only by the presence of subtleties of obsessive and possessive demons.
Not in the ties of flesh and blood but in ties of souls who in love are the body of God on Earth is found the inheritance of the kingdom of God. Thus he walked the path of the rose cross not of the flesh but of the Spirit. Go and do thou likewise.
My beloved, there is no condition or circumstance however depraved or despondent that cannot be changed by God through the living saint who follows the Lamb in the way of surrender, sacrifice, service and selflessness so long as he proceeds with a right heart out of love...
-Sanat Kumara: Pearl 22:40
Then you are invincible. You are invincible if you know it. But if you forget it for a moment and say “Woe is me,” then there will rush in the astral tide and dark ones and countless demons. They await the moment when you forget who you are.
-Lord Krishna, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1992 at the Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 35:8
Michael will be pursuing the protection of the light, of the children of light, of the teachings and of many, many lifestreams who otherwise would be deprived of blessings of life itself on the morrow. It is the protection of those who must also fight demons of the astral plane at night, those who are involved in momentums of drugs, of alcohol, of suicide, of death, of all forms of selfishness and sensuality.
-Lanello, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1976 in Washington D.C., Pearl 44:26
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