Wednesday, May 4, 2022
to control both Church abd Pope
You must place supreme value upon your emergent Christhood. Treat it as a diamond that must be cut and polished and treasured, beloved. Through these shepherds we may yet hold the balance. We repeat the message, for some have not understood—or in hearing their ears are waxed dull and they do not interpret right action from their hearing! Let the Christed ones then be concerned with their future and the future of the Earth. Let them gather in the heart of Mount Zion-- that is, in the consciousness of God. And in that consciousness let them choose the land we have prepared. And without that consciousness let them be driven from the land we have prepared! For we are not here to receive escapees from personal karma and those who flee in fright.
…The qualification is of heart and soul and fire of chelaship! Thus desiring must meet the levels of attainment and of self-givingness that we have taught many years through these Messengers and tens of thousands of years to your very persons. Thus qualify yourselves in the order of builders and masterbuilders who have come as a unique mandala of light. Understand the qualification of heart and spirit of noncondemnation and the spirit of God-harmony. And therefore I say to all, hear my Word! For the land itself will not accept those who are there for ulterior motive and alternate reasons. You must understand that the path of sainthood and purification of heart is the way of safety….
And I assure you even as I reassure this Messenger that this Mantle of Elohim of the Fifth Ray shall remain with her and unto you a certain guide and a certain vision with whom you may consult if necessary and if need be. This Presence then is for fulfillment of the transfer to the mountain of God and beyond, for right decision in every area of this activity. also for binding of the seed of the wicked who oppose that vision and that truth and who espouse and embody that error. Through you calls to the All-Seeing Eye of God this will be accomplished and multiplied unto you as that opening of inner vision for which you have longed.
…When you give the sound of the decree of Elohim you enter the aura of Elohim throughout cosmos. And you are a part of the sustaining sound of God that sustains matter creation beginning with your own physical body and physical cells. And therefore this is why those who have decreed for so long and given violet flame decrees have a sustaining of vibration of the Central Sun that turns back the years and turns back deformities and results in transmutation of the genes inserted into the seed of lightbearers by the seed of the wicked.
…And that initiation of Christhood, beloved, demands obedience to the law of sound, rhythm and cosmic music of the spheres. For should you who would be entrusted with God’s power in this age go out of the way of harmony and disobey the voice of the Messenger when the command is given—“Peace, be still!”—or when you cease your peace and remain in discord, when you refuse to stop and arrest spirals of death and decay and rebellion, in that moment, beloved, you must not have the power of God at your disposal to misuse. For so grave a karma should come upon you to sin against Elohim. Understand the command of “Peace, be still!” of the Lord Christ. It is the warning: if you will be not still you are in danger of making grave karma by your continuing actions misusing the light of the seven chakras. You must speak it to the carnal mind in yourself, to \ tramp thoughts that upset you! For it is one thing to have concern and lawful concern. But if your life is tumbled and tossed by your concerns, beloved, you are also in a vortex that is a downward spiral. –ElohimCyclopea: 7-5-86 at Camelot
It is well to remember that in training its representatives the false hierarchy attempts to make of Christ and of holy orders of the Church a mechanical mockery. In the pride of intellect they quote Scripture, they imitate Christ and his followers, they wear the garb of self-mortification, they stress all right virtues, they denounce vices and excesses, they espouse humility as the sister of obedience yet remain robot-like in their expression of both. But they do not always succeed. Despite its dark and degenerate spirals the Society of Jesus today is made up of 30 percent sons of light--whose devotion directly to God and His Christ has shielded their pure souls from the sullied stream of consciousness which originated in Ignatius Loyola. The remaining 70 percent consists partly of dark souls and partly of those children of God who, whether through pride or ignorance (their own ignoring of the inner law of Christ), have allowed themselves to be programmed after the ways of dark souls.
The Spiritual Exercises written by Loyola are replete with the doctrines of the Devil well woven into true teachings of Christ. Like his consciousness which became the field for sowing of tares among the wheat, his writings so combined the greatest light and greatest darkness that they cannot be separated except in the day of the harvest when the Lord will send His angels to gather the wheat of Christ consciousness and to bind the tares of luciferian consciousness that they might be consumed in sacred fire. Combining the social sense with the use of mechanical manipulation in the mind of the founder, the false hierarchy attempted to use the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as a means to justify the ends of fallen ones--those ends being control of both Church and Pope by the Archdeceiver himself who thenceforth would work to use the founders as puppets on the string of the larger scheme of Antichrist. But there was one exception among the seven who remained wholly pure in the sight of God and man, the one who has been revered as the patron of missionaries and remains to this day the light and flame of the Society of Jesus--Saint Francis Xavier. -Kuthumi: Pearl 19:13
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