Tuesday, May 3, 2022
As the present potential of progress personal and planetary is examined, we (of the House of Rakoczy)
release the following advanced truths to all mankind, to those who are already able to cognize truth and also to those who will peruse my words until, by the dawn of pure reason and effort of holy prayer, the great truths contained herein shall be correctly understood.
We begin then a manifesto designed to free the planet from some of the intense opposition to Good which has been generated by erroneous principles and abuses not regarded so by many who use them but which are certainly a deterrent to the flow of that divine element of Christ-good which would otherwise bring healing and peace and freedom to all men and to all nations.
Long ago in Transylvania>
when the Banner of the House of Rakoczy was first unfurled on behalf of the great cosmic Brotherhood it was to bring peace and freedom to the world and to end the tyranny and oppression which for far too long had robbed mankind of his birthright immortal.
It has been necessary for us through the ages to utilize many forms of communion and education including what may be termed coeducation whereby the soul of man, apart from the mortal form while the body sleeps at night, is correctly informed about some of the great truths of the universe. These are wholly unacceptable to the domain of mortal reason in the daylight consciousness simply because teachers, friends, companions and circumstances have already set up a mold and matrix based upon human concepts bereft of the wisdom contained in the golden pages of the record of pure God-truth. -Master Rakoczy: Pearls of Wisdom 8:3
As we continue our dissertation concerning the mechanization concept, studying how the mechanical sense can be avoided and infinite creative grace of God expanded as a mighty fiat of life in the consciousness of the individual, we are firmly aware of many of the pitfalls to be avoided by the aspirant. Hence, we must point out the dangers of automatic reflection from the subconscious to the conscious mind; for the conscious mind does ever implant its thoughts—whether outworn, transient or deeply engraven—into the great chamber of subconscious knowing. -Master R: Pearl 8:7
To the Avant-garde of the Light, the Gift of God’s
Opportunity for Deliverance Is Given. By That Great
Openness of Spirit That Is the True Mark of the Heirs
of Christ, Sieze It to Challenge the Mechanized Inertia
of the Righteous and the Mechanized Righteousness
of Simulated Man Who Pledges Allegiance to the Letter
of the Law in Church and State While Betraying the Spirit
of the Lord in His Blessed Children:
-Master R: Pearl 8:17
The death which I herein refer to is the death of the individual’s opportunity to expand his greater soul consciousness. This death is imposed upon man more by the evils of a mechanized civilization than it is by individual abuse of the law. For men are born into an environment which at the onset would stifle the very breath of the Holy Spirit which infuses them with life if it were not for the guardian angels and all who serve to keep the flame of God blazing upon this darkened star. -Master R: Pearl 8:18
As the ladies and gentlemen of this twentieth century take such simple objects as the dishes from their tables and place them in an electric washing machine, they are completing with relative ease and in a most practical way a task which for generations has been most undesirable. The mechanical contrivances of this age have freed mankind from many undesirable tasks, and the future holds promise of even greater freedom.
Now, I do not think that there are many who suppose that we, in our releases, would propose man’s abandonment of these aids and assistances, and I feel certain that most individuals have grasped, at least in part, the message we have sought to convey. However, as I begin to discuss reality, I wish to make certain that all understand that we seek to free mankind from the mechanical sense itself and not from mere apparatus....Long ago we released the words “From the unreal, lead me to the real. From darkness, lead me to light.” <3> The light of reality is always God-oriented, and it is just this simple—that God is light. The imprisoned splendor of his light, fragmented from the pure white multiprismed rainbow beams, diffuses itself in substance, as in society, as a potential of the first magnitude. When men become God-oriented they find that reality which frees them from mechanical reason and experience criteria and brings them to the feet of the Master Presence of Being, free at last from the enslavement of the finite self....
Now there are two forces at work which relate to scientific mechanization, both of which could have ill effects upon mankind. The one is the complacent sense of taking all achievement for granted without appreciating or analyzing the tremendous efforts men have made to improve their lot. The other is complete absorption with mechanical concepts whereby all is seen through the outer examinations of physical science, which attributes both cause and effect to the material universe. This I consider to be likened somewhat unto a man gaining the world of mechanical ideas while losing his soul-sense that needs, as the greatest of all talents, to be nurtured and expanded. As Jesus said: “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” -Master Rakoczy: Pearl 8:20
The Master Jesus has stressed the potential of You the responsibility of each individual for development of his latent talents and his ability to serve the cause of the divine life. History is replete with magnificent experiences and accomplishments of those men called saints. There is no myth behind these episodes in many cases; and often good men, rendered so by divine action implanted upon the Earth through their form and being, were more excellent than portrayed. It matters not that some few were glamorized beyond their attainment. I am certain that their aspirations were even higher than the image portrayed. Heaven has not conspired to man’s condemnation but to his emancipation. And thus I proclaim it now, in this series on the mechanization concept. -Master R: Pearl 8:23
To the Avant-garde of the Light the Gift of God’s
Opportunity for Deliverance Is Given. By That Great
Openness of Spirit That Is the True Mark of the Heirs
of Christ, Sieze It to Challenge the Mechanized Inertia
of the Righteous and the Mechanized Righteousness
of Simulated Man Who Pledges Allegiance to the Letter
of the Law in Church and State While Betraying the Spirit
of the Lord in His Blessed Children:
-Master Rakoczy: Pearls of Wisdom 8:25
The cart continues on its rugged journey over the dusty road in an age far less mechanized than the present one; and the lad enjoys, without the feelings and pressures of modern living, the simplicity of the countryside reflecting the beauties of nature, the golden moments of childhood, and the tenderness of a spirit attuned to the harmonies of the universe. Bound for the palace of a count of the nobility, the cart wends on down the road. I remember it well, for I was the boy.
All people upon Earth, all who dwell here, in their precious halls of memories record numerous experiences which have simply delighted their beings. The cluttered halls of memory at times become charged with the vibratory action of that which is coarse, of that which stifles the flame of freedom, of that which does not speak of the elemental creation of life and nature–the trees, the natural verdure, the elemental things of the forest and field, the sparkling mountain stream, the laughing, happy waters, the exhilarating air, the beauties too of the fireside and the candlelight and the silver, the pewter, the friendliness and the warmth of good-neighborliness. All of these qualities at times, in the race for the expansion of vanity and ego, are forgotten, and men live no more in the pioneer spirit of the wilderness, but they live in an age of mechanized grief. -Master R: Pearl 8:34
The Lady Kristine–‘twas the name given her by Saint Germain at La Tourelle–was then taken to the Cave of Symbols where, in the company of beloved Rex, Nada, Bob and Pearl (ascended master youth who received the initiations for the ascension under the auspices of the Great Divine Director, Saint Germain, Lady Master Leto and the messengers Godfre and Lotus in the 1930s), she (her soul in her etheric/mental/feeling vehicles while her physical vehicle lay unconscious in the hospital) was seated in the atomic accelerator known as the ascension chair. -Master R: 8:41
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