Sunday, April 10, 2022
you are destined to survive cataclysm and war on this planet
Therefore there are positioned in the earth in the United States, in the former Soviet Union and in other so-called hot spots today angels as well as sons and daughters of God, whether in embodiment or in other octaves, who are working very hard, fiercely and fearlessly. They are indeed reinforced by the legions of Ray-O-Light, angels of fearlessness flame.
Thus I come to you with a report at this juncture of the decade and the twelve-year cycle that is upon you, and I tell you that these events which have of recent date taken place in Moscow are the tip of the iceberg of that which is, to put it in your terms, a mess. The mess of this country and of people not tethered to the intelligence of the mind of God has resulted in a society totally unpredictable, a society that can be at once and suddenly ruled by very dark forces and then put on the semblance of order. The extremes that you have seen, as well as the fighting, the dissonance and low levels of consciousness and low vibrations due to oppression upon this people now seventy years have brought about a situation which cannot be trusted. Therefore remember, beloved ones, the quiet before the storm.
… But you must be like the angel of Revelation, one foot upon the sea, one foot upon the land. Therefore you have the stability of being grounded in community, and you may [also] go out from community and return—community being your focuses and centers throughout the world and this center here.
One of our concerns is that in many cases Keepers of the Flame have not realistically considered the warnings of many among our bands concerning the densification that takes place in your consciousness, in your four lower bodies when you are not diligent in invoking the violet flame to transmute both descending karma of the Dark Cycle and the rising tide of the astral sea. Thus, beloved, the subtleties of deceleration are not observed by those who give way to their karma instead of moving against the tide of that karma, moving uphill when the tide is moving downhill.
Thus I caution you, as others have. There is only so much intercession that the hosts of the Lord can provide, so remember the quick call, remember the thrust of the mind, sending the sword of blue flame into the cause and core of many conditions.
There have been those who have been exposed to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters who have never internalized them, though they may have been students of long standing. Thus they have wearied in well doing and no longer desire to be counted as world servers, to do battle with the legions of Archangel Michael, the legions of K-17 and the many armies of the Lord and the Faithful and True. Thus attention to self and self alone, whether in a materialistic or a spiritualistic way, cuts off from the devotee great opportunity of karma yoga. Balancing karma in this age, both personal and planetary, is your ticket to immortal life. Let me tell you, beloved, there is such an urgent need for world transmutation that those who engage in it are truly putting on violet-flame garments, which they shall wear until the angel of the Lord puts upon them the white robe of the ascension and their seamless garment is whole.
These may be days of great trial and hardship, but they are days of immense opportunity. There has not been another time in the history of Earth, save in the past golden ages, when the ascension was such a present possibility. Because the legions of the light are, so to speak, desperate for the assistance of their counterparts in the earth, they are willing to go to any lengths that the Law will possibly allow to assist souls to come into that point of such a realization of the inner fire—when that fire ignites in one’s being and there is the whoosh of the flame and then the power is present.
And then from that moment on there is the fire infolding itself as you draw and pull down and pull down the fire of your mighty I AM Presence, increasing and increasing and increasing. And there comes a point of critical mass when you know that you have a counterbalance of light and you are determined that you will not be moved this way or that but you will stand and still stand as that Christ in the Earth, wearing the armor of God—and that whole armor of God—and prepared then to stand against the wiles of the Devil and to make them shrivel by a touch of the sword of flame that is now yours.
Many of you are reaching that point of the inner fire being more than just a tiny prick, a flame in the secret chamber of the heart. Move for it! Go for it! We have given you that example. Now you can become it.
Thus, beloved, nothing can be said to be a shoo-in, can be said to be permanent. There is no situation in Earth about which we can speak this evening and say “We are confident all will be well,” whether it is the Middle East or Somalia or your own White House or what was the White House in Moscow. As events move on and as the signs of prophecy written in the heavens are read you will see that fewer and fewer people will find themselves able to deal with solar-plexus vibrations that are sweeping the Earth from this group and that group, from this catastrophe and the next catastrophe. The upheaval, beloved, is not over with. Therefore make your peace with God.
You can have all the things of this world you want, but why forsake God in the process? Why forsake your path? These parallel paths are possible. There is a way that is made plain. It is the Middle Way. The Middle Way is the right way, the way whereby the foot in the earth and the foot in the sea become a portion of oneself in the etheric octave and in the levels of Christ consciousness. -K-17, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 6, 1993 at
RTR, MT, Pearl 47:38
Beloved ones, these other gods, against which you have been warned for thousands of years, are a complex of a hierarchy that spans into the distances of the physical universe. The false hierarchy of the fallen ones has its eye upon Terra, for here upon earth a cross section of life from the many planetary homes and systems of the galaxy is now evolving. In each and every case when the judgment descends on a certain evolution, it reaches back to that planetary home far, far beyond even the sight of astronomers. Earth then has become the proving ground for all of the various philosophies, evolutions, lifewaves of the many systems. As Earth goes, so will go a vast segment of the life of cosmos. Thus many have gathered in embodiment, many are waiting to embody, and still others are the saints robed in white reinforcing your hearts, your efforts, your will, your strength, your sense of mission and of the certain victory of the light….
May the flame burn on, and may the Holy Child be enshrined in your heart….
When you pray for the children of the world, will you not bow before the mighty light of the Cosmic Christ indwelling in them and reestablish in Earth a new reverence for life….In the name of my Son Jesus I consecrate this child and this focus with the Electronic Presence of the baby Jesus as he was when he came into the world and was received in the temple. Now he is received by you. -Archeia Mary, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 24, 1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles County, Pearl
And therefore the appearance of Mother Mary at Lourdes in France and Fatima in Portugal and the placing of the Holy Grail in Glastonbury and so many other miracles that have occurred in Italy and other places, humble abodes where the faithful have kept the flame—all of these have been for the banking of the fires of the Holy Spirit against the day of the marching of the Nephilim and their war councils and those whom they manipulate in war, and against the day of the threatening of cataclysm due to the long centuries of the records of war in Europe….
Therefore I am describing to you a flame which we now ignite in the very center of Europe. And this flame, as the fire infolding itself, actually contains the seven rays in concentration one after the other in a circular, spiraling, upward-moving fashion so that all of the paths of the root races, all of the journeyings of the early peoples and their migrations to and from Europe might be fulfilled and redeemed and the Christ consciousness of each of the seven rays be maintained for the fulfillment of the fiery destiny of the lifewaves who have incarnated and had their experience on that continent—not to mention and not the least of which are the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel….
I pray then that you will not count the personal cost in your life—not the cost of sacrifice or service or surrender or that selflessness which is the requirement of the hour.
One and all, archangels send forth this call: Let us establish the coordinates of the Inner Retreat and the teaching centers! Let us raise up a body of lightbearers! And let us save Earth and her evolutions for the victory of the golden age!
By this sign of the cosmic cross of whitefire we conquer! In His name, pax vobiscum.
-Archangel Jophiel and Christine was delivered to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1981 at Camelot, Pearl 24:12
And in these days that are passing, in these very hours your lives are being betrayed by fallen angels in power.
And what do we read? That high percentages of the people of Europe now trust this individual from Moscow. I tell you, beloved, Saint Germain who is in our chambers this evening at Fátima does tell you from his heart that this same individual is the prince that did enter that golden-age civilization fifty thousand years ago as he, the Lord of the Seventh Ray and the Knight Commander, did [then] prophesy….
It is lawful for a people to make their statements of protest to their leaders. It is lawful for a people to expose the truth. It is lawful for a people to invoke the Archangels for the binding of the fallen ones who have been the oppressors of my people for tens of thousands of years….But you must recognize it and you must realize that if and when the Senate of the United States does ratify that treaty, as they have been rushed to do, so there will be the opening of the way for the Soviet to make war as soon as all of his radar installations have therefore been put together. Beloved ones, it is in fact a netting together of these vast systems with those newly produced that can be completed in a year or less.
Blessed ones, the hour is far spent! I, Gabriel, say unto you, it is a time for the calling of the [Lord’s] Judgment upon those who have planned the massive chemical/biological warfare upon this continent. Let it be known, beloved, that those who would escape must escape, for those who will be left will not be able to raise the right hand and turn back what has descended.
And I will tell you why the Lord will not intercede. The Lord will not intercede for the karma of a people who have gone the way of lust and selfishness and the pleasure cult–for a people who have not challenged their leaders, for a people who have believed the Lie and now rush to enter into trade agreements and the control of Europe by the Soviet. Blessed hearts, it is a stampede of those blinded by their karma, I tell you, and therefore only their returning karma shall awaken them.
Would to God that they should have heeded Fátima and all turned to be converted to the Blessed Mother and have given their prayers since the very inception of the Bolshevik Revolution!
And I charge you, beloved ones, the Popes who have not revealed the third secret have indeed betrayed the people! And if they have not done so, as some have said, because it would encourage Communist coups, I tell you this is false logic, and it is the logic of the Divine Mother that they ought to have heeded. For a people, had they known what was coming upon them, had it been told to them many decades ago, should have risen up in defense of their nations and of their personhood. But without knowledge and without a vision the people perish!
Why do you think the Blessed Mother came? It is because the people required this vision and, as you know, not unto this hour has any Pope called upon so revealed that third secret of Fátima; and this is why Mother Mary appeared again at Medjugorje to the children. But this time those secrets could not be revealed on time [for the nations to act] for the very karma of the Church itself in not delivering her first messages [and of the people’s neglect of their God] and, alas, therefore the warning shall come only three days before the events take place….
When has the light and the truth ever been popular amongst the masses [or their oppressors]? When have those who have never been able to face the accountability of personal and planetary karma ever been willing to hear the prophet in the land? When have they ever welcomed the Divine Mother in embodiment? I tell you, beloved, they do not desire to encounter a living Guru because they may have to surrender some of their human nonsense, some of their illusions and some of their dabbling in the lesser and black arts….
Beloved hearts, no greater betrayer has ever walked the nation than Ronald Reagan himself, [inasmuch] as he has known in his heart exactly what these Communists are preparing, and he has known it for years. Therefore I say, he has abdicated his responsibilities, and his mantle has been taken from him months ago and he no longer walks holding the mantle of Saint Germain.
I tell you, this is come upon a people and a people of light in America who should have stood stalwart in defense of a leadership who should truly defend Europe no matter what is the ingratitude of the nations of Europe; and I tell you there is ingratitude, and therefore let us call a spade a spade!
How will you be defended if you do not allow your bases to be used then by the United States? I speak to you, Spain and Portugal, and I say, let the Goddess of Liberty walk this land and rekindle in your hearts the threefold flame of intense gratitude and let those burdens [the karma of spiritual blindness that accrues from spiritual selfishness] fall from you and realize that the one who said “I came not to send peace, but a sword,” lives today and lives to defeat the forces of Evil that assail you.
And therefore the sword is the two-edged sword dividing the way of Truth and Error and of the Tree of Life. Therefore, beloved, that Sword of Peace is able to keep the peace because it is extended, and thus this is the meaning of the sword. A sword that is in defense of freedom is lawful and that sword need not harm any.
I tell you, a nation such as the Soviet Union that has violated its ABM Treaty and established nine large radar stations around its borders and is increasing [its ABM capability] every day and is now putting up massive ABM and radar systems connected with it [the radar network]–beloved ones, there is no reason to do this unless you expect to launch a first strike and have to [i.e., must be prepared to] receive a retaliatory strike. I can tell you, beloved ones, as I know the hearts of a people, there is not a shred of intention on the part of anyone in the United States to launch any strikes against this planet; and therefore, those who prepare to war, go to war! This is Europe, who has known the drenching of soil with blood, lo, hundreds of years! This is Europe, who has known the preparations of a Hitler that were watched and observed and yet no one believed that war was coming.
Blessed hearts, these preparations are massive and unless those of you who understand the meaning of the strategy of Light and Darkness prepare there will be no time to prepare.
Blessed ones, I tell you that these Soviets have misused the science of Nikola Tesla and they are actively using ELF waves and others, such as microwaves, not only to destroy life but to sabotage the space program of the United States, not only to do this but to act against individuals who will raise their voice and their cry against these fallen ones.
Therefore do not underestimate this massive conspiracy against your governments and nations, including rays so powerful as to lull the people themselves to sleep. Therefore they have demonstrated sufficiently to themselves that they are capable of putting rockets and planes out of commission by this misuse of the ancient technology of Atlantis brought to modern man through Nikola Tesla and yet perverted again by the black magicians in the USSR.
Blessed ones, the West refuses to see it, refuses to tell her people about it! And all seek personality and the god of money and the god of lust. I tell you, the betrayers of yourselves are there! And let them know that I AM an Archangel and that I have spoken this hour and I have come then to pierce their illusion across this entire continent in the hope that a people will awaken and a people will rally!
And therefore I have sent the Messenger for this quickening action; and those who have come from all nations and gathered, let them gather together in a prayer vigil specifically for the turning back of the nefarious plot against these nations. Blessed ones, I tell you, the time is short!
I, Gabriel, am the Angel of the Annunciation and my annunciation to you in this hour is that as the age of Aquarius dawns it is the birth of the Universal Christ within every heart of light upon Earth; and I tell you that birth of the Cosmic Christ in your hearts nation by nation is for the quickening of a planet unto the golden age of Aquarius, and this is what is foretold in the annals of the Great White Brotherhood. And I tell you that the false hierarchies of the sinister force and the fallen angels and the aliens who abet the cause of world totalitarian movements, they know the timetable of the birth of the Christ even as Herod knew the timetable of the birth of Jesus, and he would not stop in the slaying of one child! He had his henchmen slay all the male babies and yet he could not deny the life of the living Son of God.
I tell you, beloved, they know. The fallen ones know that if they do not act in time the whole world will come into that God consciousness. And you will see a violet flame planet appear and an acceleration and you will see transmutation and world changes and the people walking with their I AM Presence and knowing God face to face!
This is what could come upon a planet if this force of war be turned back; and if it be not turned back, beloved, then you will see an age of darkness and the Dark Night of the Spirit and you will see that come to pass which is prophesied in Revelation and in Fátima and in Medjugorje of mass starvation and death as Death will stalk the Earth through plague and through war.
O beloved ones, it is an hour to be on your knees daily, to set all other activities aside except those which are essential for the maintenance of your life. Blessed ones, it is essential to pray daily by the hour for Almighty God to intercede that this terrible plot of darkness happen not. You may calltherefore for the [Lord’s] Judgment upon the entire International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy–of those superpowers and those in them who have aided and abetted one another’s cause and plotted together at inner levels truly the destruction of nations as they exist today.
And when you hear fully the teachings of the signs written in the heavens that are called astrology, as I have given them to the Messenger to bring to you, so you will understand just how clear is the import, how clear is the prognostication of these events. Let it be told, beloved. Let it be heard! For if the voice be not spoken in this hour and you do not hear me, then I tell you it will be the ultimate betrayal of Mother Mary who came in 1917 and yet whose message has not been sung, has not been told, has not been spoken!…
Beloved ones, in the heart of the living Christ and in the heart of the Divine Mother I seal you.
I AM Gabriel which stand in the Presence of the Divine Mother and her Manchild! I AM Gabriel who say unto you, I have spoken, I have transferred to you a fire! My angels will not leave you as long as you call to them daily. The seraphim of God will not leave you, but you must be found in the holy mountain of God in defense of the cosmic Spirit of Freedom, for there must be those of light of Aquarius who do not go down under this bloodshed that is prophesied.
Therefore I say nto the people of light upon Earth, you are destined to survive cataclysm and war on this planet, but you must awake to the divine calling of Saint Germain and make haste! Therefore I seal you in the cosmic cross of whitefire. I seal you in the Immaculate Heart of Mary! I AM THAT I AM Gabriel, angel of the Lord, servant of the light within His own. -Archangel Gabriel on February 26, 1988 via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Lisbon, Pearl 31:32
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