Sunday, April 10, 2022
All hail to the newly ascended freedom fighter
And I promise you who have given me your hearts of light that when you feel the physical beating of your heart in your breast that I, Saint Germain, have added my heartbeat to your own….
I pause in the great inbreath of Alpha as He receives unto his heart in this moment one who has ascended this day from planet Earth. And this person is a freedom fighter who has stood on the line against the tyrants and the tyrants’ armies and laid down his life in supreme sacrifice to his country in this cause of freedom.
This emissary from Earth, this newly ascended one, will give to our Father a complete report. And we trust, by his own momentum of ascension, there shall descend the momentum of the Holy Spirit that is, as we say, the by-product of the ascension of a son of God. And this descent of the momentum of freedom will also inspire new hope and bravery and a sense of cosmic purpose and the law of reward.
All hail to the newly ascended freedom fighter from Earth! All hail to the victorious one!,,,
The greatest dangers upon Earth I should say that in the macrocosmic sense it is undoubtedly World Communism—fed, ignited, increased by world monopoly capitalism and the banking houses. And secondly, I would say that the false hierarch of oneself, the dweller-on-the-threshold, is the greatest single threat to world freedom when we are dealing with that synthetic self of our best servants. For these two forces tie into one, cause grief to chelas and are an open door for anchoring of the same darkness that is the tyrant in Moscow or Peking. -Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1983 at RTR, MT. Pearl 48:43
Truth is the righting of all wrong. Truth is the manifestation of the beatitude of our Lord. Truth is the magnificence of a fire of God that shoots into the earth wherever there is a soul, a chela, a devotee who can receive that wondrous cup that contains the essence of eternal life….
(No knight at Camelot) save Galahad, Percival, Bors and Launcelot saw it. Among the four, only Galahad entered into full communion with the Holy Cup. Those who failed in their quest were oblivious to the reality that the Grail lies dormant within each one until he quickens it by activating the threefold flame on the altar of his heart.
-Lanello and K-17: Pearl 40:15
Noah at Yerevan
tomorrow’s karma and the next day’s karma and the next year’s karma and clear the way until the entire circumference of your universe is cleared of that karma and you are free to act purely as the bodhisattva.
And in the givingness of your heart and in the expansion of your heart and in the guarding of your heart for the little ones who need you, for lightbearers who will call to you, beloved ones, do not give away one erg of Maitreya’s energy, of your Holy Christ Self’s energy to those individuals who are a bottomless pit, who will swallow it up, who will drink and drink and drink from your fount until they are full and you are dry.
Now what kind of a circumstance is this, I say? It is not good. So, you are given light to increase your strength. You are given light against the day when you do meet the Adversary personally, the embodied Antichrist. Therefore let there be concentrate of light so that you are ready–ready to heal, ready to rebuke, ready to love, ready to be who you are when God says to you, “This day, my son, this day, my daughter, step forth on that dais on that stage and proclaim to the world the word of your own Christhood!”
O America, I, Maitreya, call to you today! I call to the souls of the good people, the God-people. Rise to the level of the sacred heart of your Jesus Christ! Rise to the immaculate heart of your most beloved Mother Mary! Rise to the immaculate heart! Rise to the immaculate heart! Rise to her heart and love her, for she does contain in that heart the divine resolution for this nation and every nation under God.
And when I say I will restore America to her Christhood I am speaking of America as the I AM race and [I am speaking of] the I AM race embodied in every nation, in every race, in every area of the planet. I come to restore that Christhood in you who have let it go down. And some of you have let it go down to the very ground and you have lost that light.
I AM Maitreya. I come in the name Vishnu. I come in the name Krishna. I come in the name Maitreya, Maitreya, Maitreya. For I AM THAT I AM Maitreya! And I AM in the heart of all buddhas. And therefore all buddhas rejoice as they take their positions around the Earth, and there is such an antahkarana of buddhas and bodhisattvas this day circling the Earth, beloved ones! You would see therefore if you could see, the spacecraft vanish, disappear in absolute fright. They have flown! Blessed ones, understand this: they do not come nigh the buddhas. You are the Buddha. The seed of Buddha is in you. Water it, raise it up, become it! Do not delay. Your greatest problem as students of the Ascended Masters is your procrastination of your Godhood which is here and now a cosmic reality!
Now let me say: watch yourself this day and tomorrow. See what your actions are and what they are not. Pattern them after the actions of the great avatar, after what you know very well Jesus would do, Krishna would do, Lord Gautama would do. Watch yourself and see how close by the vibration of love of your heart you can come to your idea of what is that true Christ-manifestation of yourself.
First and foremost be kind. Simply be kind. Be kind in word. Be kind in the generous giving of yourself. Be kind in your thought toward others and not critical. Be kind in your feelings. Be kind in your demeanor. And think of kind things and helpful things to do. You are in a positive spin when you make kindness, as the quality of the buddhas, your first and foremost thrust whereby you encounter, meet and talk with people. Let kindness then become compassion. Let compassion fulfill the law of the bodhisattvas. And let compassion be unto lightbearers and let sympathy not descend in agreement with the dweller-on-the-threshold or carnal mind of anyone. If the scheme is wrong, it is wrong. Say so and be done with it and do not toy with a compromise of the Law. If something is right, and it is right, then stand for it. And be certain that you know which is which.
Beloved ones, the first point of restoration of the Christhood of America, [the place where] the I AM race of the world [gather], I say, is the restoration of right music and right sound. Music and sound can carry heart and soul to the octaves of their source. Great music has come forth out of higher octaves in all centuries. And very good music has come out of these planes that is the ascended master music that you use. Beloved ones, it is not a question of denying rock music and rap. It is a question of displacing it—displacing it, I say! [17-second applause] [Listening to] rock music, rap and every other kind of dissonance out of hell, I tell you, is an addiction, a very deep addiction. And it becomes the addiction of the Kundalini that is driven downward instead of upward.
How do you liberate a soul from that addiction?
Well, beloved ones, I will tell you the same story [I have told you before] and I will tell it again and again: There is a false hierarchy that has purveyed this dissonance out of death and hell in the Earth and purveyed it unto the children in their midst. And that false hierarchy can be bound and taken by the call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold, by the call to the Dhyani Buddhas and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray and by ruby ray calls. Yes, beloved ones, the fallacy is to think that the situation is insurmountable.
Return to the one God!
How many gods are in this room? [“One!”]
One God, absolutely omnipotent. And therefore you see that one God, as in the person of Elijah, can swallow up all false gods, all their attempts to deny the living God and the true God. One God is all. One God is powerful.
And the many voices that come out of the fount of your Holy Christ Self can now overflow [that fount] and go directly into the core of the seed of the wicked and their entire false hierarchy out of death and hell. And believe you me, the personages of death and hell, down to the very thirty-third level, are listening to me now and they are listening to this Messenger, and they are trembling in your presence because they know that you have the key to undoing of their grip-hold on the youth of the world! [32-second standing ovation]
They are already taking counsel against you to create an antidote to the very power of God within you. Listen as I tell you what it is.
It is, beloved, simple forgetfulness–forgetfulness that God is in you, forgetfulness of the power of the Word, forgetfulness that you are one with the Messenger who embraces you with all her heart and soul and mind, and therefore you cannot be divided from God, forgetfulness that decrees work, forgetfulness that you are a part of a worldwide body that is called the Great White Brotherhood, that you are one, as you are a Keeper of the Flame and you keep that flame, with all ascended masters, archangels, cosmic beings, buddhas, bodhisattvas, Elohim, elementals and the very tiniest angel, your own body elemental, and that you are one with each other through the heart chakra. You are one, beloved! [10-second applause]
This then—this then is the plot: to allow you to believe the lie of separateness, aloneness, apartness. “The problem is so great, what can I do about it? I might as well not decree. The problem is too big for me.”
Well, indeed, it is too big for the lesser self. But with God—with God all [Congregation joins Lord Maitreya:] things are possible! With God all things are possible! With God all things are possible!
Remember Igor, the unknown saint who kept the vigil with the blessed Mother of Jesus during the Bolshevik revolution. Blessed ones, that single isolated saint keeping the flame and keeping the tie to the Blessed Mother did prevent untold millions [from perishing] who would have been engaged in bloodshed and would have [indeed] perished.
Think what you can do when the aura of God merges with your own because you are right with God, you are right with your soul and the masters, you are right with the Messenger, you are right with love and, through the mantra, through the decree you are congruent with your Mighty I AM Presence.
No matter what it takes, no matter what you have to turn your back on, no matter what habit you have to give up, I say make it your business, every Keeper of the Flame, this year to see to it that you cut all ties to anything that is a tie to death and hell, including all of that sugar! [12-second applause]
Forgetfulness, separateness, aloneness, “the decrees don’t work”—these thoughts are hammered on the brain and soul. Worthlessness. “I should be normal. I should be doing other things that other people do. I should have a balanced life.” Well, I tell you, beloved, souls are dying every day, bodies are dying every day. And the Mother of the World is praying daily for those souls on the astral plane. You are praying, the Messenger is praying. But, beloved hearts, many die because they entered the road of downward spiral of this music of death and hell and therefore were pulled down into every kind of drug, every kind of addiction, including sexual addiction.
Beloved ones, consider the youth of the world: by the time they are twenty or twenty-two they are spent and look the age of forty. What is this world coming to?
I say it is coming to Death and Hell. And I say, God in you is the power to reverse this spiral. And when you get a hold on that dweller-on-the-threshold of this false music, you will begin turning around everything else.
Beloved ones, there is no exception here. You have come to Maitreya’s Mystery School. You have come to the Heart of the Inner Retreat. I have given you an instruction. I pray you, do not make the karma of failing to call daily for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold and the entire false hierarchy of death and hell, of rock music, rap music and all the rest, including the drug culture.
[10-second applause]
Now, beloved, consider the meaning of the scripture from the Lord Christ: “With man nothing is possible. With God all things are possible.” You see, if you are not in the God-manifestation and in the God-vibration you are not “with God.” Things go wrong, they don’t work. Schedules get off. You are here when you should be there and you encounter all kinds of opposition to what you are trying to do. The telephone is ringing off the hook. This one wants this, this one wants that. Yes, beloved, it is because you haven’t taken time in the morning to be that God-manifestation. I speak to the recalcitrant ones who have denied their early morning calls for many years.
Blessed ones, with man nothing is possible. Let the son of God reject the human and become the God-man from the point of awakening to the point of falling asleep. Then all things will be possible to him.
Write out your map. List what you determine will happen in your life. Pour your energy into those specific pots. Nourish the flame, repeat the call, see the blueprint, expect miracles and [by hard work] pull down the substance to make it happen!
You know the teachings on precipitation of supply, of projects and of all that you need to make your ascension. Apply the teaching! We cannot apply it for you, but we can answer, through you, every call you make.
Thus, beloved ones, no more forgetfulness of self, of who you are and who the ones on the left-handed path are. Make no mistake. Try the spirits of people in embodiment. Try the spirits that whisper in your ear to confuse you.
Yes, beloved ones, you are capable of turning around the world. The only question is: will you do it? [“Yes!”] [21-second pause; congregation joins Lord Maitreya in the sounding of the Om:]
Yes, judgment has descended. The fourth woe is integrating with the people and the people are angry. Yes, clean out what is before the eyes of all people through the motion-picture and television industry! Clean it out with Hercules and Amazonia! Lend your arm of the power of God to put down these fallen ones who re-create fallen Atlantis, Sodom and Gomorrah and even worse, and put it before the eyes of children and people. This is the pulling down of the Goddess Kundalini, it does cause depravity, insanity, perversion and the death of the soul.
By the same reasoning [of the Solar Logoi], by the same power one with God be this body of light! O beloved, prepare yourselves to be brides of Christ, to be communicants of Church Universal and Triumphant. It is a level of commitment that is not too hard for any of you, and yet that solid commitment enables you to have greater strength and the strength of a greater chalice—the chalice of bodhisattvas and buddhas, which you become a part of as you uphold the descending light of the church of heaven made manifest in the church on earth.
Who and what is the church? You are the living church, each one of you the temple of God. That is the only true church on earth. When many souls of light have [the consciousness of] the temple of the living God and determine to come together and make themselves white cubes in that temple then the edifice begins to rise in the etheric octave, which it is doing. But for some of you the white stone is missing; for you think you will lose something rather than gain if you so declare that level. That level of declaration, beloved ones, is not to a human church but it is saying: “I am a part of the mystical body of God of the living Christ and living Buddha of planet Earth. I desire to anchor that presence and that body and that light tangibly and physically. [This is] a commitment I desire to make in this octave [as I declare myself to be a communicant of Church Universal and Triumphant].” See then how true spiritual siddhis come to you when you come into alignment more and more each day with your God.
Beloved ones, it is surely the hour and past the hour to concentrate certain services for binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold and false hierarchy of death and hell through abortion, abortionists and the abortion laws. Abortion is first-degree murder of God within the womb of the Mother. I ask you to rescue mothers and fathers and children from the big lie that abortion equals rights–constitutional rights. This, beloved, is the turning inside out of the entire intent of God from the beginning.
As you have been told, beloved, so it is true that abortion is the critical factor in this nation and all nations, for it does create such a karma that wherever it is practiced it makes that nation vulnerable. May you quickly deliver Earth of this false notion and diabolical lie that what is wrong is right–that it is right to kill the child in the womb. [It is not right:] it is murder, beloved. And so karma for such action [is the karma of murder].
Let enlightenment go forth! Let illumination go forth! Let the victory- flame go forth! Let us not see on the astral plane fields and fields and fields of white markers marking the place where souls have been denied life. Let us see these records cleared! Let us see all souls who have ever been aborted in this century have [their day and] their opportunity to come into life, to know God, to fulfill their reason for being and deal with their karma.
I AM Maitreya. I seal you in my heart. I AM the warrior this day and I go forth with legions of bodhisattvas, with Karttikeya. I go forth for the rescue of all life and I say, beloved, help me! Help me and let us have this victory! We have to have it! [29-second standing ovation]
-via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1992 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 35:42
…………………………..I AM Maitreya. And I come to restore the Christhood of America! [33-second standing ovation. Congregation gives the salutation:]
Hail, Maitreya! Hail, Maitreya! Hail, Maitreya!
Hail, Maitreya! Hail, Maitreya! Hail, Maitreya!
I AM Maitreya in the heart of the Goddess of Liberty, in the hearts of all cosmic beings, devotees, lightbearers in all octaves. I AM that Maitreya. I AM that Cosmic Christ. And I come first and foremost to restore you, the lightbearers of America and the world, to that God-estate of your individual Sonship. O hear me, beloved ones, and come with me to that place of your Christhood! [14-second standing ovation] Please be seated, beloved ones.
Now visualize the secret chamber of your heart, a beautiful altar set by your Holy Christ Self—high priest. It is a magnificent altar and it is erected according to the style and design and preference that comes forth out of your own causal body of light. Should you see this altar with your outer eye or your inner eye, beloved ones, you would say, “This is just what I wanted!” And so, beloved, you did “want” it until you saw it. Now you no longer lack it, for [you see that] it is indeed your very own altar, tended by your very own high priest.
Beloved ones, I say to you, rise to the standard of the Christ in you! (Remain seated but let your soul rise.) Rise to the level of the true person that you are, to true dignity and honor that life has given to you—O such a mighty bestowal!
Walk then in the dignity of your Christ Self and use the mantra of Padma Sambhava. Use that mantra, beloved ones, and let it ring in your soul and your heart! This mantra is sufficient that you might be obedient to Lord Gautama each day. Give it thirty-three times and celebrate your soul’s ascent each day to the secret chamber of your heart, to the altar of being.
Life is empty when you do not do this. And yet when you do not do it, beloved, you do not even know just how empty your life is or how full it can be when and if you enter in to [the practice of] keeping your appointment with Maitreya, with Gautama Buddha, with bodhisattvas. Give it thirty-three times, beloved ones: Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum!
In the victory of God- flame become who you are and no longer walk the earth allowing yourself to be subdued by any human consciousness, any carnal mind, any individual who would have you, whether your soul or your body or your wealth or your wife or your children, et cetera. Beloved ones, judge then by judgment of your Christhood: Why do individuals approach you? And if they approach for the reason that is the right reason, then give to them of the life and living waters of your Christhood. Daily–I say, daily–merge with and celebrate your Holy Christ Self and your threefold flame. The songs to the Holy Christ Self are truly inner hymns of the heart. They are beautiful. Sing them! Give the mantras of threefold flame, especially “Keep My Flame Blazing!” O if you only knew how often you are in danger of snuffing out that threefold flame, you would sing that mantra daily!
Beloved ones, if life is not permanent here, then non-permanence and its non-permanent state ought to give you pause and serious concern. And if you are in a wrong place in consciousness, you should understand why you have anxiety [or, if you don’t, why you should]! Why, I would be anxious myself if I had not forged and won that link that is the tie to my Guru, if I had not made my peace with God, if I had not confessed my sins and written my letter of confession asking to receive a penance.
Beloved ones, it is necessary that you see yourselves aligned as anchors of God in the Earth, the mighty anchor showing the cross of Christ, anchoring [the power of God. Because] that anchor, beloved ones, is the power of God in you whereby you walk right on the right path and you walk straight and you raise the Christ up in you.
And all who desire that Christ, all who have the capacity to see that Christ will love you and will come unto you because you raise it up. And then again, beloved, because you raise it up all who have enmity with Christ, all who hate that Christ will revile you: they will persecute you, they will do it again and again.
And I, Maitreya, say to you, So what! [10-second applause] Be tough! Be tough students of Maitreya and understand that this will continue until that Christhood becomes as fearsome as vajra! vajra! vajra! vajra!
So, beloved, when you become that Christ Presence the majority of [your persecutors] will flee! And they will flee rather than persecute, for they have been forewarned by that mighty aura [of your Christ Presence] that extends and extends.
Beloved hearts, this type of pain is not to be avoided. This type of pain must be dealt with directly by fire of the heart, by love of God, by violet flame and violet flame buddhas and bodhisattvas. After all, beloved, there is not anyone in this congregation this day who does not have personal karma. Therefore, recognize that many come that you might accelerate the balancing of your karma. Do it now! I have a plan for every one of you. You have a destiny that I will help you fulfill. Let’s get on with it! Let’s see that acceleration!
If you cannot find any karma descending upon your head today, then give violet flame and let violet flame go out and meet
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