Monday, April 11, 2022
new wine of the Holy Spirit could not be poured into the old bottles
Therefore watch and pray and realize that we have established the Church Universal and Triumphant because the new wine of the Holy Spirit could not be poured into the old bottles of the Roman Church or the Roman Empire.
Therefore, beloved hearts, it will become necessary for souls of light to come apart and be willing to enter into the fullness of the light and canopy of the Great White Brotherhood, free from the bondage of any institution—secular or religious—that would not allow the full teaching of the Great White Brotherhood to be proclaimed and to be preached. Therefore, seek cooperation with the Great White Brotherhood and not with mortals or their mortality and their enshrinement of the word in a decaying order—the old order that passeth away with the coming of the Aquarian age….
Blessed hearts, we send our blessing and we send our legions of light, for certain bands of the seven archangels are committed to keep this sevenfold flame in the very heart of Europe. And by and by we will release to you the knowledge of the exact location of the epicenter of that flame. In its entirety it radiates throughout the continent itself. Thus, angels of Jesus and of Mary prepare for the coming of those chosen and those who choose to go to Rome with their Savior to be crucified again.
Angels of the cosmic cross of whitefire raise up now that cosmic cross and their focal point in Rome. Let it be established for the judgment! Let it be established for the raising up of the Community of the Holy Spirit that the true Church Universal and Triumphant is intended to be!
Saints of the Most High God, bow before the light of Sanat Kumara and be free!
I AM releasing golden light—wisdom, illumination, and hope! Scintillating fragments, light rays, infinity penetrating out from my golden heart—wisdom, illumination, hope for the transmutation of discouragement.
All is not lost! O children of the Sun of Europe. All is not lost. The turning of the tide of Gautama Buddha has come to America. It can also come to you because pure hearts, decent and desirous of giving totally to the victory of love, are bursting as flowers in springtime in eastern Europe, in western Europe—in every city. There is hope in the hearts of youth. Though it may be dampened from time to time, though the shadows of cynicism may be cast upon it—there is hope! And where there is a flicker of hope, there the Archeia Hope enters in to make it a conflagration mighty indeed….
Therefore let those who go in the name of the Great White Brotherhood be prepared for a confrontation with the seed of the wicked and of adepts in embodiment employing the black arts to see to it that the entire continent remains divided and enslaved and ripe for war. Sometimes when those who are of the light turn their back on the service of the living God and the service of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only way to bring them back to their first love and to their devotion is to allow them to see the full extent of what the sorcerer’s apprentice might be, of what truly is Antichrist….the destruction of other lives in war, the bombing and destruction of cities—this is the logical conclusion of Antichrist that begins in the heart of a single individual who places his own pride, his own human will as superior to the Christ Self and indwelling God. Thus collective errors and collective departure of the people from the service of the living God results in the totalitarian nightmare -Archangel Jophiel and Christine, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 24:12; cassette B8105. Messenger from the lHimalayas by Nicholas Roerich
Thus, we must go back to the path of true meditation and not that auto-self-hypnosis that is taught by the Maharishi and many others who come in the name of the Eastern gurus who have not the true link to the Source and are in fact false gurus and false teachers. And, I must say, they are also black magicians; for they have succeeded in securing the lifestream and harnessing it to a rote performance of an ancient ritual that comes from the Holy Kumaras and is sacred and ought not to be given for the sake of outer gain or manipulation. -Surya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter, April 7, 1985 at Camelot, Pearls of Wisdom 28:24
Is the world so vast that you cannot see the oncoming approach and the malintent declared long ago by Lenin and the rest to see the whole world under World Communism? -Arlcheia Mary, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1984 at RTR, MT, Pearl 27:48
We deem the greatest lie manifesting on earth today, the most tenacious and having the greatest tentacles into the very souls of the people, to be that of dialectical materialism—the seeds of Marx and Lenin and the entire false hierarchy behind the World Communist movement. As gross and as subtle in its grossness is the companion lie of the international conspiracy of the fallen ones who, through banking houses and certain key capitalists and their monopolies, have determined to feed the beast of World Communism until it devour the very souls of the children of light. -Pallas Athena: Pearl 23:10
So they have taken that office unto themselves. They have followed the false gurus of Marx and Lenin; they have followed a way of a rationale for an explanation of human events which they call scientific, which is no more scientific than their own hatred and their own chaos. -Kuan Yin, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet October 9, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 26:54
The lie is repeated in the perversion of the science of mantra. Understand this. The perpetual repetition of the lie of Lenin and Marx and Trotsky and all who have followed, such as Mao and the Soviets—all of this repetition and writing is the misuse of the Word.
-Archangel Michael, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 3, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:10
They follow Karl Marx. They follow Lenin. Let them follow the man Jesus. Let them follow the youth. Let them follow a real person of flesh and blood.
-Elohim Arcturus: Pearl 28:3
I state to you for now and for all time that I am for community and the Community of the co-workers of light, but I am no part of the Bolshevik version of this concept nor have I ever embraced the ideals of Lenin. I embrace the ideals of Christ and Buddha, and these ideals, beloved, lead to life not death. -Nicholas Roerich: via Messenger ECP at NYC on 10-28-1990, Pearls of Wisdom 33:44
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