Sunday, April 10, 2022
Let them have no sympathy with those who prefer to live in the shadows of life
Many years ago I promised this Messenger that when great numbers of souls would come I would sponsor the place. And therefore she sent out the call to me, and I have been so preparing and so holding this land and this forcefield. (by H. Schmiechen, 1884)
-Kuthumi: 9-20-1981 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT; Pearl 24:74 The Taj Mahal and Red Fort of the Mogul period. Shah Jahan;s wife shown above.
RTR records from 2003 period, see
Now the fallen ones who control from the astral plane the outer manifestation of the false teachers and their teachings know that if they are to gain their ends, they must often compromise by allowing their representatives to manifest some semblance of obedience to God and to His laws, thereby making just enough positive karma of their own to protect them from their own negative karma…
Jesus asked, "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” We ask, have the Church and the Society of Jesus within the Church gained the whole world and lost their own soul and the soul of Christ? In each succeeding embodiment Peter fell on the line of the analytical mind, sacrificing the ultimate spiritual goal for the immediate material gain. -Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe: Pearls of Wisdom 19:17
Every precept and principle of the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood released by the Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet in the Pearls of Wisdom and the Keepers of the Flame Lessons as well as in conferences and seminars must necessarily be mastered by those who would reverse the tide of World Communism.
The ascended masters' teachings are the means wholly justified by a just God whereby every child of God on earth may, through the careful exercise of freewill, triumph over the carnal mind and the Martian condemnation of those who would overtake the children of the light on Terra….
The Devil has had his day, and his day is over. The lightbearers are on the march. They have joined the Faithful and True and the armies of heaven. They are one with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords--they who loved not their lives unto the death, who overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony. The final chapter has not been written and it will not be written until the thousand years (of the dispensation granted) are up.

-Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe: Pearls of Wisdom 19:19 (4-11-1976)
The White Goddess’ children do not know the difference between discarnates, astral beings and ascended masters nor have they learned to perceive the difference in vibration of these astral entities and the ascended ones. They have taken a smattering of the teachings of the Brotherhood and they have thought in their vanity that they have come to the knowledge of the truth. Let those who would know the false teachings be willing to be cleansed in the whitefire. Let them purge themselves of their false beliefs that they might recognize the false beliefs abroad in the land. Let them shun evil and the evildoer. Let them have no sympathy with those who prefer to live in the shadows of life, who fear the exposure of the Sun, who fear their own fears, who allow themselves to be victimized by their own doubts, who corner themselves with their own frustrations and then in a halfhearted attempt to extricate themselves put all the blame on Hierarchy and the authority we have vested in the Mother of the Flame. (by Schmiechen, 1884)
-Kuthumi: Pearls of Wisdom 19:3
Serpent…is the Archdeceiver, the original Liar and the father of lies who philosophy of deception based on fear and doubt is his modus operandi in his warfare against the true Christ and the true prophets….This fallen one was selected from the Luciferian councils as the one most able to turn the woman away from her first love in God who had come to her in the person of the Great Initiator, Lord Maitreya, the Cosmic Christ, as well as from her second love, that of her beloved twinflame….
Impugning the motive of Maitreya, Serpent set himself up as the False Hierarch and Impostor of the Cosmic Christ. And ever since he has with his seed maintained the foundations of the False Hierarchy’s philosophy of Antichrist in economic, politics, the social sciences and the culture of civilization, all on the basis that his way is better than God’s way, that he knows what God knows and knows it better, and what’s more, that he knows what is best for His offspring on earth.
While the tactic of this fallen one is to destroy the Word of God by detracting from it, carefully removing the sacred-fire mysteries of the Holy Grail from the codified scriptures of East and West, his temptation of Eve was based on his distortion of the Word. Thus he perverts the Trinity by false initiation—giving to the Woman the fruit of light that is forbidden except through the initiation of Christ, by false teaching--“Ye shall not surely die,” and by false comfort--“Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”
The fallen ones have continued to prate their lie, assuring their own seed that there is no Devil, no final judgment and no second death….But Jesus Christ who had vowed to destroy the works of the Devil knew of the enmity which the LORD GOD had placed between Serpent and the Woman and between Serpent’s seed and the Christic seed of the Mother. He knew that Serpent’s head (his intellectual philosophy, his scientific humanism, his deification of the carnal mind and of godless materialism and mechanization of the Watchers and their soulless creation) would be bruised and ultimately destroyed by the God-mastery of the Son of God in the Piscean dispensation. He also knew that until the final judgment when this chaff creation should be consumed by the unquenchable sacred fire of the Holy Spirit it would not relent to bruise the heel (the Self-mastery in Pisces) of the Christic seed of the Woman.

(by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985)
-Sanat Kumara: Pearls of Wisdom 22:45
Now the fallen ones who control from the astral plane the outer manifestation of the false teachers and their teachings know that if they are to gain their ends, they must often compromise by allowing their representatives to manifest some semblance of obedience to God and to His laws, thereby making just enough positive karma of their own to protect them from their own negative karma…
Jesus asked, "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” We ask, have the Church and the Society of Jesus within the Church gained the whole world and lost their own soul and the soul of Christ? In each succeeding embodiment Peter fell on the line of the analytical mind, sacrificing the ultimate spiritual goal for the immediate material gain. -Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe: Pearls of Wisdom 19:17
Peter's denial of his Lord manifested again in his denial of his Lord's Church when, in the person of King Henry VIII of England--because it was now both convenient and expedient to the survival of his ego and its sensual indulgences--he sanctioned divorce on the pretext that he might produce an heir to the throne. It was altogether practical in his mind to employ the means of founding the Church of England and declaring himself as its head to justify the end of saving his life--the saving of his seed that he in his seed might continue to rule England.
The issue however was not divorce: it was power. Henry VIII could not, would not tolerate another human being having the authority to tell him what he could or could not do. Having the temporal authority of the crown of England, he now desired the scepter of spiritual authority as well. That which he lost as Peter he sought to regain as Henry. Lacking the virtues of self-sacrifice, surrender to God and service to mankind, he sought to take heaven by force. But this he could not do. And neither he nor his successors have ever worn the mantle of the true Vicar of Christ.
The Lords of Karma gave to the soul of Peter the opportunity to balance the karma of denying his Lord, the karma of failing to witness unto his Lord and failing to stand by him in the hour of his crucifixion. Had he borne witness to the flame of the true Church, had he been willing to lose his life of self-indulgence for the sake of Christ, he would have preserved his life in Christ and he would have preserved the unity, the integrity and the honor of the Faith. But no, he would not; he would not. And therefore the luciferian divide-and-conquer tactics fanned through the interplay of power politics between church and state entered and split the house of the Lord and the soul of Peter.
And to Thomas More, my compatriot on the path, he left the life of the martyr. For his own ego's sake he was willing to sacrifice the life of the one he loved most; and the one he loved most was altogether willing in his love for God to lose his life for the sake of Christ. May the words of this true saint of the Church be inscribed in the heart of every Keeper of the Flame: "Give me, good Lord, a longing to be with Thee; not for the avoiding of the calamities of this wicked world, nor so much for the avoiding of the pains of purgatory, nor the pains of Hell neither, nor so much for the attaining of the joys of Heaven in respect of mine own commodity, as even for a very love of Thee."
I shall continue with the history of the infamy of the fallen ones. The worst is yet to come.
 (by H. Schmiechen, 1882)
-Kuthumi with the Brothers of the Golden Robe: Pearls of Wisdom 3-28-1976
"Let Us Do Evil That Good May Come"
To All Who Have the Courage to See the Truth and Then to Be the Truth:
Who would believe that in a previous embodiment the one who founded the Society of Jesus actually walked among the Sanhedrin, who consorted to "take Jesus by subtilty and kill him"? The purposes of the fallen ones who directed the work of Loyola and his band are clear. They were to kill the Christ in the Church by killing the Christ in every child of God. This by the subtle serpentine mind posing as the intellect in its intellectual pursuits. Not a blatant turning-away of the young but the gradual absorption of their minds in the many byways of human knowledge so that little by little they would begin to excel mentally but without the mind of Christ.
Then comes the pride of mental accomplishment, then self-sufficiency in that accomplishment, then the ambition to conquer the world with that accomplishment and its self-sufficiency. Then, devoid of the flame of the Christ mind, religion becomes a rote performance, a means to achieve the end of world conquest--and world conquest not to the glory of the greater Self but of the lesser self standing with Satan, usurping the power and the glory of God.
They staged a pre-dawn trial, the Satanist council who called themselves the chief priests and elders of the people. Precisely at 4:00 a.m. they conducted the rehearsal of their ritual murder. They were not of the Levites or of the true Israelites but members of the black brotherhood who had infiltrated the priesthood of the Lord, making the Lord's temple the "synagogue of Satan."
This Christ revealed to John on the Isle of Patmos, saying, "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
This was and is their hour and the power of darkness, and they continue to this day to perform their rites in the night while mankind sleep. But the sons and daughters of God who keep the vigil for the race awaken in the night alerted by the Christ within. They rise to make intercession before the Lord of Hosts on behalf of the children of the One. And while the witches and the warlocks and the wizards and the whores engage in the worship of the ghouls of the moon and the Mendes goat, the servants of the Most High invoke in the name of Jesus the Christ the legions of Archangel Michael, the cosmic consciousness of the Elohim, and the great teams of conquerors from out the Great Central Sun to nullify the nefarious practices of the nihilists. They deem it a privilege to witness to their Lord in the hour of his trial before Satan's council of nine.
"Precisely because any religious notion, any notion of a Lord God, even any trifling with a Lord God is an unspeakable abomination, which is taken up by the democratic bourgeoisie with particular tolerance (often even with goodwill)--it is for that very reason the most dangerous abomination, the most loathsome pestilence." Who would believe that these blasphemous words were spoken by the one, the same, who had counseled his followers to be prepared to go to any of the nations of the world to serve for God's greater glory and for the good of souls?
Let us consider the anatomy of a soul. Let us consider the psychology of the Fall of Man. The akashic records show that upon his death, Ignatius Loyola was greeted by key members of the false hierarchy posing as sons of light who congratulated him on his accomplishments in the founding of the Society of Jesus. His ego duly exalted, he was then brought before one who was introduced to him as "the Divine Majesty"--a title often usurped by Lucifer to dupe unenlightened souls passing through the astral plane into believing that by personal merit (rather than by God's Grace) they are now in the presence of the Most High God or of his Son Jesus Christ.
The one, the same Lucifer who counseled Loyola in thorough preparedness for the position of power under Satan now spoke to him as an equal, appealing to his insatiable desire to be as the gods, knowing good and evil, and to control the souls of mankind not for the greater glory of God but to the greater glory of the carnal mind personified in the prince of this world. Not only had Loyola become the partaker of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but he had also become the dispenser of it.
It was time for the soul of Ignatius to be tempted of Satan in the wilderness of his own consciousness. The Devil who had given to the Lord Christ three temptations following his fast of forty days and forty nights came to Ignatius, tempting him in his lust for power in the conquest of souls. He took him to the high mountain of his own exalted ego and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and said unto him, "All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."
When Ignatius heard the conditions of the pact with the Devil he wrestled in his soul; for now he knew before whose throne he stood. He said to himself, "But the Adversary [Lucifer], with his lieutenant [Satan] at his side, has such an appearance of light and power!" The one who before his fall from the position of archangel had been called Lightbearer revealed his intimacy with the Lord God and his sympathy for all creatures great and small. Ignatius was impressed. Such a formidable and forceful being could not, he thought, be the incarnation of absolute evil as his theology had taught him to conceive of the Devil. No, he resolved, Lucifer and Satan must be the instruments of the Lord's judgment appointed by Him to test the souls of sinful, sentient beings.
Suddenly he was filled with pity for the ones so decried by the Church and the company of saints as the archenemies of Christendom. "After all," he said to himself: "am I not wise in the knowledge of the Church and its affairs? Am I not well equipped to discern the true and the false? I have been trained by the most learned of the world; I will judge for myself. I will associate my soul and my mission with the advocates of darkness for a time and a space in order that light might come forth to illumine the mankind of earth. I will tolerate for awhile the work of the so-called Evil One; for ultimately his method and his means will be justified by the end result to the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. I am too knowledgeable to be caught by the compromises of the Adversary. I will use him as the means to an end, even while he thinks that he is using me as the means to his ends.”
Finally, calculating in a spirit of pride and ambition and contemplated acclaim, he mused to himself, "if I can control the world, I can control it for God." At that moment he fell to his knees to be initiated by Satan and to receive the power of the prince of this world.
You see, Satan well knew the timetable of the Lord. He knew that with the coming of the two witnesses in the twentieth century he would be bound by the Lord for a thousand years. He therefore would need someone who would be capable of carrying on his work in his absence--organizing his world-govemment and his world-church, spreading his diabolical doctrine and preparing for his return. Satan had to transfer his momentum of evil before he was bound; and he had to transfer it to one who was well trained--one who would not fail to carry out his purposes, one who would give him his soul in exchange for the power of Satan, the very same power that was rejected by Jesus Christ.
Like so many who have gone before him and who have followed after him, Ignatius Loyola did not realize that by his pact with the Devil, no matter what the rationale or the justification, he had become the Sorcerer's apprentice and his will had become wholly the will of the Devil. He would go forth to work the works of the fallen ones in spite of himself. Thus duped by the Devil and his angels he put on the garment, the consciousness, of the Devil. His soul entered into outer darkness. His militant fanaticism for Christ, impurely motivated from its inception, now became Antichrist. He was the personification of Antichrist going forth to pervert not only the Son, but also the Father and the Holy Spirit.
The die was cast; the plot progressed according to plan. He reincarnated in 1870 at Simbirsk on the Volga River as Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, who was to become known throughout the world by his pen name, N. Lenin. With the backing of the entire false hierarchy he became the great manipulator of forces behind the Soviet Revolution of 1917 and the key interpreter of Marxism as the means to accomplishing the socialist revolution in Russia. From the last of the nineteenth century until his death in 1924 he worked day and night writing and circulating tracts, drawing to himself those of like mind, formulating interpretations of Communism for the ultimate proletariat revolution in Russia and every nation upon earth. He was indeed the Devil's supreme tool.
Although he was surrounded by opponents and although he suffered many setbacks he masterminded the greatest application of the luciferian philosophy of the end justifying the means. To him, whatever contributed to the advancement of World Communism was, by definition, moral. His goal was dictatorship; and the means to the goal were terror, violence and murder. He had crossed over the bridge. He no longer saw himself the cooperator with Satan for a limited time and space to achieve his own ends. By his freewill he had become Satan incarnate. Of him the Apostle Paul prophesied to the Thessalonians, saying: "Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come, except there come the falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God . . . For the mystery of iniquity doth already work; only he who now hindereth [the manifestation of the Christ consciousness] will continue to hinder [it] until he be taken out of the way.
"And then shall that wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth [the power of the spoken Word), and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming [the light of His Presence], even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion [the karma of their own willful denial of reality--i.e., World Communism], that they should believe the lie [that the end justifies the means], that they all might be judged who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness [the unlawful use of the sacred fire]."
Now the unabashed, foremost conspirator of the Devil on earth, he wrote his formula: "The communists must be prepared to make every sacrifice and if necessary even resort to all sorts of cunning, schemes and stratagems to employ illegal methods, to evade and conceal the truth . . . The practical part of communist policy is to incite one [enemy] against another . . . We communists must use one country against another . . . My words were calculated to evoke hatred, aversion and contempt . . . not to convince but to break up the ranks of the opponent, not to correct an opponent's mistake but to destroy him, to wipe his organization off the face of the earth. This formulation is indeed of such a nature as to evoke the worst thoughts, the worst suspicions about the opponent."
The satanic revolution has gained momentum century by century through the infiltration of church and state, alternating the emphasis of Antichrist principles first on one side and then on the other.
The overthrow of the Russian monarchy, which was still the chosen instrument of the true Hierarchy to work change in Russian society by the alchemy of the Christ consciousness, left a dictatorship by the elite, an oligarchy of the New Class whose only means to preserve power was through the police state with the secret police having almost unlimited powers to control the masses. The crimes committed against the children of God were enumerated in part by Nikita Khrushchev to the 20th Party Congress on February 25, 1956. The wholesale slaughter of the innocents, the tortures, the atrocities, the horror of it all were made known; yet Soviet society has not changed nor have the goals of World Communism been compromised. If anything, they have been accelerated.
Unless this beast of the false hierarchy be bound by the intercession of the Lord's host as they respond to the prayers of the saints offered day and night to the cause of Christ and of freedom in the Aquarian age, Terra will not be preserved for a golden age, for enlightenment, for peace with honor, for truth without the compromise of error.
The confrontation of Absolute Good and absolute evil is nowhere more apparent than in the lives of the devotees of Christ and Buddha and in the service of the true initiates of the Great White Brotherhood. Let those then who would defend the truth become experts on the KGB, the international spy network and secret police of the Soviet Union. The KGB is the spreading cancer spawned by the seeds of Lenin. In every plane of matter its tentacles must be cut, cauterized, consumed and driven back into the fiery core of Alpha and Omega. This will be done by the hosts of the Lord when devotees of Christ make the call to the light of the Holy of Holies and to the Solar Logoi in the name of the beloved I AM Presence and Christ Self of all mankind.
Let all who are in earnest in the service of the light of Saint Germain and Jesus Christ immediately secure and read the book by John Barron, KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents. Then let the thunder roll from the decree sessions of Keepers of the Flame until the reversing of the tide of the devils with their darkness that hangs over the land evokes the manifestation of the sacred fire that will consume the cause and core of the seed and the egg of the Serpent spawned by the original deception of the self-deceived, "Let us do evil that good may come."

-Kuthumi with the Brothers of the Golden Robe
(For K-17 in the Cosmic Secret Service) : Pearls of Wisdom 4-4-1976
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