Saturday, April 9, 2022
This manipulation of the (Jesuit) Society within the Church "took" because the Church herself has never been free of the taint of the luciferian philosophy of the end justifying the means. This taint was in the consciousness of the Apostle Peter, who was appointed by the Lord as his first Vicar on earth. Peter was of a practical nature and he often acted impetuously from the standpoint of the necessity of the now rather than from the foundation of the Holy Spirit and from that which was honorable in the sight of God.
Although he pleaded with his Lord, saying, "I will lay down my life for thy sake," Jesus knew that his fervor was not founded on his attainment of the Christ but rather on his childlike belief in Christ, Was it not he who had attempted to deny his Lord the supreme sacrifice of the crucifixion and the washing of his feet by the waters of the Word?
Jesus knew that the seeds of spiritual pride and spiritual ambition had already been implanted in the heart of Peter and he had warned him, "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” -Kuthumi: Pearl 3-28-1976
(extreme austerities) always demanded by the seducer of souls left him (Ignatius Loyola in the 1500s) wide open to psychic machinations of the fallen ones.
Convinced of his conviction, he went forth conquering and to conquer "for Christ "--a lie he told himself over and again until his lie became his truth. Actually he went forth for the fulfillment of the insatiable desire of the ego to gain the powers of the prince of this world. The egos of Loyola and Lucifer meshed as one and the same, vibration for vibration. Alas the greatest darkness is found in the shadows of the greatest light. Know then where there is the highest manifestation of Absolute Good there will be the confrontation of absolute evil--and this within the arena of the mind, the heart and the soul of God's own children evolving in the planes of Mater….
The ascended masters' teachings are the means wholly justified by a just God whereby every child of God on earth may, through the careful exercise of freewill, triumph over the carnal mind and the Martian condemnation of those who would overtake the children of the light on Terra. The teachings are given that the goal of life not death, freedom--not bondage, love not hatred, and the ascension not the second death, might be won first in the lives of thousands, then millions, and then throughout the civilization in every walk of life, in every human endeavor sponsored by the Divine. -Kuthumi and Brothers of Golden Robe: 4-4-1976 Pearls of Wisdom
To him (V. Lenin) whatever contributed to the advancement of World Communism was, by definition, moral. His goal was dictatorship; and the means to the goal were terror, violence and murder. He had crossed over the bridge. He no longer saw himself the cooperator with Satan for a limited time and space to achieve his own ends. By his freewill he had become Satan incarnate….
After all," he said to himself: "am I not wise in the knowledge of the Church and its affairs? Am I not well equipped to discern the true and the false? I have been trained by the most learned of the world; I will judge for myself. I will associate my soul and my mission with the advocates of darkness for a time and a space in order that light might come forth to illumine the mankind of earth. I will tolerate for awhile the work of the so-called Evil One; for ultimately his method and his means will be justified by the end result to the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. I am too knowledgeable to be caught by the compromises of the Adversary. I will use him as the means to an end, even while he thinks that he is using me as the means to his ends.”…
Unless this beast of the false hierarchy be bound by the intercession of the Lord's host as they respond to the prayers of the saints offered day and night to the cause of Christ and of freedom in the Aquarian age, Terra will not be preserved for a golden age, for enlightenment, for peace with honor, for truth without the compromise of error.
The confrontation of Absolute Good and absolute evil is nowhere more apparent than in the lives of the devotees of Christ and Buddha and in the service of the true initiates of the Great White Brotherhood. The overthrow of the Russian monarchy, which was still the chosen instrument of the true Hierarchy to work change in Russian society by the alchemy of the Christ consciousness, left a dictatorship by the elite, an oligarchy of the New Class whose only means to preserve power was through the police state with the secret police having almost unlimited powers to control the masses. The crimes committed against the children of God were enumerated in part by Nikita Khrushchev to the 20th Party Congress on February 25, 1956. The wholesale slaughter of the innocents, the tortures, the atrocities, the horror of it all were made known; yet Soviet society has not changed nor have the goals of World Communism been compromised. If anything, they have been accelerated.…
Let those then who would defend the truth become experts on the KGB, the international spy network and secret police of the Soviet Union. The KGB is the spreading cancer spawned by the seeds of Lenin. In every plane of matter its tentacles must be cut, cauterized, consumed and driven back into the fiery core of Alpha and Omega. This will be done by the hosts of the Lord when devotees of Christ make the call to the light of the Holy of Holies and to the Solar Logoi in the name of the beloved I AM Presence and Christ Self of all mankind.
Let all who are in earnest in the service of the light of Saint Germain and Jesus Christ immediately secure and read the book by John Barron, KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents. Then let the thunder roll from the decree sessions of Keepers of the Flame until the reversing of the tide of the devils with their darkness that hangs over the land evokes the manifestation of the sacred fire that will consume the cause and core of the seed and the egg of the Serpent spawned by the original deception of the self-deceived, "Let us do evil that good may come."
-Kuthumi with the Brothers of the Golden Robe: Pearls of Wisdom 4-11-1976
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