Friday, April 8, 2022
that bitter and hasty nation
For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation [reincarnated in the Soviet Union], which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not theirs [through the KGB].
They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.
Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat. [So their mode of communication and transportation, then, through the systems employed appears swifter than anything known before.]…
But I tell you what will give them the victory. It is the fear and doubt [on the two o’clock line] of the misuse of the light of the Lord Jesus Christ under the Piscean dispensation. It is fear of the people of the KGB that will cause them to lose the battle.
It is not the actual strength of the KGB—which is naught before the Mighty I AM Presence! It is the indecision of the leaders of the people today, perverting the line of the Mother under the hierarchy of Cancer! That indecision will give to them the victory, not their own strength—which is naught under the Mighty I AM Presence.…
Beloved ones, you can realize that all that he has done, which is considered “genius” in the Soviet world, is the work of the giant computer that is behind him. You can see that the sons of God on earth, in general, have not mounted to the level of the mind of God to encompass that much world organization. Well, beloved hearts, that mind which was in Christ Jesus, which is yet in our messengers, is totally available to you to organize a mass movement of light-bearers far superior to the Castro machine, far superior to the KGB and the entire Soviet complex at the international level!…
This is our assurance that you can keep on pressing on—even in the very midst of such international intrigue, even in the midst of betrayal, even in the midst of those circumstances where those who have no knowledge that they are tied at inner levels to the KGB will take the role of agents of disinformation, will publish abroad in the newspapers stories about the messenger, the leaders, the chelas, and the organization itself that have no resemblance to fact whatsoever. The game they play has no honor. It is dirty, as the astral plane is dirty. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Jan. 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:34
When you know that the fallen ones work against you you can no longer be duped. Just as when you know the teachings of Maitreya on subliminal seduction and the teachings of Kuthumi on the KGB, the more you know, the more you are on guard. The more awareness you have, the less that can penetrate your being unawares at subconscious levels. -Great Divine Director, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 18, 1976 in Los Angeles, Pearl 63:37
Blaze your blue-lightning rays and violet flame into the minds and bodies of all Communists, Communist leaders, revolutionaries, infiltrators, agitators, anarchists, assassins, Communist military personnel, the KGB, secret police, spies, strategists and policymakers, all technicians, operators, and supporters, all malcontents, insane and confused people, and transmute, transmute, transmute all evil there! (3x)
-note to Pearl 20:46 ……………………… Beloved ones, be on your knees for the preservation of the ‘I AM the guard’ consciousness and for the work of K-17 and Lanello. For the intelligence in this country is neglecting now to isolate those individuals who are known to be agents of the KGB who come representing Soviet-Communist nations of Eastern Europe and of Russia and who are in actuality using their embassies to create focuses of anti-light and anti-freedom by all manner of devices and manipulations of energy and spy activities that are being carried on today in this very city and in the city of Washington and are being unchecked because of the avalanche of opposition to the departments of this government who ought to be in the position to act and to act swiftly. Gautama Buddha, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at New York City on April 23, 1978 Pearl 21:44
Bind! therefore those anti-forces of freedom. Let them be bound in every nation—especially in the Soviet Union, especially in the secret places of the KGB and all those who watch for an entry to overturn some noble cause, some noble sign of the appearing of the Son of God.
-Archangel Zadkiel via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 12, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:66
Therefore, see that every attempt to steal those secrets of technology and invention is a violation of that light. And some must stand guard so that we may have invention without it being passed to the camp of the enemy. This is an intolerable situation that has stayed the forward march of progress in America—this allowance of agents of foreign and enemy governments to lodge within her borders, to encamp themselves in the United Nations and in Washington, to send their spies and their KGB, and therefore to seize from the very laboratories of scientists those inventions before they are even formulated or manifest. -Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 1, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:38
I go now for a most intense action in Moscow. Let those who will, keep the midnight vigil with the intense calls for the binding and the judgment of World Communism, its agents in the KGB and every other branch, and the cowards and hypocrites who support it from the capitals of every nation. We will see what we will see. And our light will be noticed in Afghanistan.
I go to thwart their plans, for the staying action of the Lord’s hosts to protect Europe—even in the hour of her infamous rejection of the armed forces of light! -Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 6, 1982 at Camelot, Pearls of Wisdom 25:15
I can tell you that Henry Jackson—his passing was no accident either. And yet the people are not alarmed, and the Soviets and the KGB know exactly how to execute their assassinations without the people suspecting that anything beyond natural causes or accident was involved. Thus “the American people are best kept asleep”—so has thought the world movement of terrorism. “Far more can be accomplished.” And these have been accomplished also during the period of the holding of the hostages in Iran when suddenly, here and there, great storages of oil and gasoline were suddenly aflame. -Kuan Yin, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet October 9, 1983 at Camelotm Pearl 20:54
And this is the key, beloved—whether it is the death wish of the various sects of religion on earth wishing and willing the death of the Messenger, whether it is Russian psychics or KGB agents who have masterminded the ability to probe the human mind and penetrate it, whether it is from Mars or Pluto or the moon or Hell itself, those embodied or disembodied, Death yet exists in the astral plane and it will come knocking at your door one of these days as surely as Death knocked clearly and loudly at the bedroom door of your Messenger in Los Angeles. -Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1987 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana, Pearl 30:2
I challenge you by the authority of the Sun, by the authority of my God Presence! I challenge World Communism and the KGB and those agents who would take the very technology of the Mother–drawn from the ancient Motherland, focused in the industries of California of the space age–and would use them to destroy this very people.
-Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 3, 1984, Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Pearl 32:13
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Beloved ones of the eternal flame, I come for the protection of your lifestreams as you engage in the battle of the astral plane with psychics at every level and in every nation [and with] psychotronics generated out of the centers of the KGB across the earth and in America. I come to you so that you will understand that there is a strategy and an anatomy for the dissecting of the planetary beast of World Communism and of the Nephilim gods and the fallen ones and their spacecraft.
-Elohim Hercules with Amazonia, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 6, 1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles , Pearl
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