Thursday, April 7, 2022
The beauty of the complex
The beauty of the complex is in its simplicity, and the beauty of simplicity is in its integral relationship to the vast whole. There is no reality to the confusion of the mass mind in its repetitious drama. God alone as cosmic mind penetrating all things draws the conglomerate whole into form-reality through divine awareness in consonance with the many diverse threads that together compose the life network.
-Maha Chohan: Pearls of Wisdom 8:33
……………… Children of the divine heart, mellow your hearts, mellow your consciousness. Separate yourselves from the sensual. Let sensitivity of Spirit now manifest. We are of the cult of light. We seek to direct the heart that the children of men may mature momentarily and forever. Now is the time, the moment of summoning when heart hears and the ears thereof contact far-flung worlds.
I AM the Ancient of Days. I AM the presence of sacred fire. You too may be all that I AM. The simplicity of knowing, the simplicity of revelation, the simplicity of fearlessness I invoke. Make then a magnificent offering of self. Determine to cast fear out of the aura.
In the name of heaven, gracious ones, what do you fear? Height, depth, space, time, men, demons, angels, fire, water, earth, air, poverty, illness, destruction, construction? What do you fear? It has no meaning in the eyes of the Eternal.
Now I think that this conference would be incomplete without the attempt and act of raising consciousness of those who possess the power to respond to the aura of infinity. Remember that infinity lies within your domain, and I speak to each one. And those who chasten themselves, fearing they are unworthy, let them understand that this concept [of unworthiness] is itself a biting indictment that has no validity in the eyes of God. It is the prattle of children.
Ye were made by God. He has given you free will. In ignorance men have maligned their spiritual trust. Now let them as happy children come to the state of realization where the nature of the divine within begins to glow. And as its fires mount and the intensity and pressure of the light for manifestation seeks to burst asunder the bonds of men they are able once again to see that the triumph of love is with them now. But it is not just now, it has always been there, and we speak of it because it is necessary.
I Invoke love from the heart of Venus
From the heart of the Goddess of Love, my lady, friend and divine devotee of true love, your own beloved Venus, I invoke from the heart of the Eternal the magnificent release of angels of divine love from the heart of Venus into planet Earth. [Audience stands.]
It is done. And the quickening power, the vibrancy, the action of that love which we know so well comes to our sister planet to kindle in the hearts of men a renewed compact like that of olden days when the children of the flame here upon this planet and the children of the flame upon our planetary home were able to hold a compact of love as though hands reached across space and clasped one another in a spiritual embrace.
We would renew it. We would renew that covenant. We would create the love that casts out fear because [that love] is wedded to perfection.
-Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, via Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 6, 1968 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 42:35
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