Thursday, April 7, 2022
be on the lookout for that third Antichrist in the world
I come to tell you that many Antichrists in Earth have been bound this day. And I want you to be on the lookout for that third Antichrist in the world. You will know that one when that one surfaces. And when that one surfaces, beloved, you will know that it is your decree effort in the ruby ray that has brought that about. To expose these arch fallen ones is a most important necessity.
Now I saturate the earth with an action of the ruby ray that will help all evolutions. I saturate lightbearers with a greater increase of that light. And I call to the Great Central Sun. -Buddha of the Ruby Ray, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 14, 1996, Pearl 45:50
I come to speak to you regarding what is happening today, what will happen tomorrow and how you will fulfill the remaining quadrants of the clock of this year. This is a time, as you have been told, to intensify your calls to the violet flame. Further, you have been called upon to make calls for the binding of the third Antichrist.
The conglomerate of this individual must be bound and with him all of his fledgling components.
Antichrist is both a person and a state of consciousness. Antichrist permeates where there is weakness, where there are no moral foundations, where society crumbles.
-El Morya, via Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet onApril 4, 1997 at RTR, MT, Pearl 40:40
And there are some among you here that have a number of years to go (some lesser, some greater), but time is moving on and time is not in your favor. Therefore seize the moment! Seize the tail of the century! Go after that world transmutation. Mitigate the potential of war, a third world war or a third Antichrist. -Micah, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 20, 1997 at Los Angeles, Pearl 45:16
Consider then that only the love of Christ can beget the courage to challenge Antichrist. When you hold your beloved child in your arms, the gift of God to you, your love is so great that you are also ready to address that which attacks the child—whether as disease or a villain or an accident or anything that would limit the development of that child. You have seen some parents, however, who have not contained this love and therefore have not had the pure regard for their children. They have not loved enough to be willing to face that which is directed against that child. And therefore the children go unprotected, they suffer loss and serious setbacks in life. -Paul the Venetian. voa Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet December 29, 1983 at Camelot, Pearl 27:3
Earth must proceed into the great golden age. And you stand as the watchmen on the wall of the night to bind then the forces of Antichrist throughout the galaxy, to bind those fallen ones who now no longer may take their stand against the Mother or the Messenger—for they are bound, they are put back, they are put to naught in this hour, beloved hearts of light.…
Where then is the unreality? It is a Darkness that was spun long, long ago. It is found here and there, deep in the recesses of the subconscious mind. And the ruby ray will ferret it out. It will find thee out! And therefore it does go after the lodging of absolute Evil in the form of the Liar and the lie, the Murderer and the murderous intent. And it does consume that unreality of the fallen ones. And it does tear from them their masks so that people will see and know the Adversary, will recognize the Antichrist.
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 10, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:46
That which is called Antichrist, then, opposes not only Christ but the origin of Christ, which is the Father-Mother principle of all life. And since it is the Woman who brings forth the Manchild in this age, it is to tear down the Divine Mother that Antichrist comes forth, ranting and raving across the world, to destroy the feminine principle before the feminine principle can give birth to the Manchild. And then you see how Antichrist works to destroy the true concept of the masculine ray of Father, of law, of honor and principle upheld in man. To tear down man before man can transfer the light of Spirit to the DivineWoman is also an aspect of the work of Antichrist.…And somehow Antichrist has infiltrated also the psychology and the philosophy of the world and has reduced that potential whereby man and woman become gods in fulfillment of the fiat of the Lord, “Behold, I have said, Ye are gods. And that philosophy and that psychology that has been intruded is to reduce all mankind to that common denominator of the animal, of a kind of species. Failing to acknowledge the spark of life, the spark of divinity, children then begin to mimic the animals that are paraded before them. And so you see, if the little ones are fed matrices of monkeys, they will behave like monkeys. And if they are fed the matrices of the Christ, then they will behave like Christs. -Nada, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 11, 1974 in Los Angeles, ……………………………
Elohim of the fifth ray (the green ray) of truth, healing, constancy, and desire to precipitate the abundance of God through the immaculate concept of the Holy Virgin. Holding the focus for the all-seeing Eye of God and the purity of precipitation, these twin flames assist mankind and elemental forms of life to precipitate the abundance of the Spirit of God into manifest form.
Cyclopea and Virginia focus the purity of single-eyed vision which was lost when mankind partook of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Through the focus of the all-seeing Eye of God in the third-eye chakra in the center of each one’s forehead they radiate the truth of the original divine plan through a single green flame emitting the seven color rays of Elohim. This is a focus of the purity that ennobles man through the spiraling caduceus, which when raised and anchored in the forehead is the symbol of his winged victory and his return to wholeness.
Seated among the twelve solar hierarchies, Cyclopea occupies the position of the ten o’clock line on behalf of the evolutions of this solar system representing the hierarchy of Scorpio and teaching the correct use of =creative energies. As a member of the Karmic Board, Cyclopea represents the fourth ray of purity. Cyclopea is also known as the Elohim of Music, and it is through the music of the spheres that Cyclopea governs the activities of speech, hearing and sight, focusing the rays of concentration and consecration to evolutions in his care. -ECP: Elohim and Their Retreats
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