Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Atlantis rising
If you go on up the mountain sacrificing the lesser relationship for the greater, you will be on the mountain when \ calls from the world reach your heart and those who were not ready when you were there, now ready, seek your aid. We who are ascended are helping those who tarried when we rushed forward on Atlantis and in ancient civilizations.…
Know then, beloved, as sentinels keep the way of the steps you may move upward, steady gait, steady eye–serene, beholding new vistas as you leave behind the valleys of indecision for that one great decision of life: inion. O the union that is sought! Why, the Divine Mother rising in the temple does become thyself and She does rise and leap to meet Her Lord, the infinite fire.
-Archeia Mary, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 17, 19t88 at Toronto, Ontario, Pearl
Some have not understood a mother’s protective instinct as the highest love known in nature and amongst all who have descended from God. America is a motherland, her lifewaves come again from Lemuria, Atlantis and previous golden ages. Here this seed of light is taught to mother life, to nourish it and therefore [to say,] “Hail, Ma-ray!”…
Blessed hearts, if it were not so, then Atlantis should not have sunk nor Lemuria nor civilizations risen and fallen. If the great Law and the sine wave thereof did not come with great regularity for a great harvest of light and for binding of the tares, then our preaching must be in vain, then our life and service must be unknown to those who in their vanity and conceit have configured a theology that does miss the vital links in the equation of life on earth and in heaven. -Archangel Chamuel and Charity, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 31, 1987 at Overland Park, Kansas., Pearls of Wisdom 30:30
Understand, beloved, that we have much to do to make this hemisphere a fitting place for souls of light who must take embodiment. We have not had the opportunity in many centuries, and in some cases in thousands of years, to assemble a group such as yourselves\who remember from the ancient days of Atlantis and Lemuria what you did and what you built and what you can build again and bring forth again. -Great Divine Director, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 30, 1995 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, MT, Pearl 47:4
The question arises: why have we called you to reestablish the golden chain mail? It is because that evil which came to pass in the last days of Atlantis is come to pass again in your day. Just as there were black magicians in high places of church and state and priests who used their powers to work evil thousands of years ago, so there are black magicians and priests in embodiment today who are using their powers to destroy civilization.
The very ones who were instrumental in causing the sinking of Atlantis have reincarnated in this century, and their focus is a staggering agenda of world destruction. Among them are Atlantean scientists who experimented with recombinant DNA, breaking up and splicing together DNA from human and animal sources, thereby spawning creatures that were half-man and half- animal. Their evildoings ultimately brought forth the Lord’s judgment.
-Elohim Apollo and Lumina, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 25, 1995 at RTR.
[mankind] regard the luminaries of heaven with fear, even anger or hatred, who [, they suppose,] would come perhaps to disrupt their lives. -Saint Germain, via Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 16, 1988 at Toronto, Ontario, Pearl 31:50
You yourselves have had instant recognition of certain of the Ascended Masters as you have listened to our discourses through the Messenger, and for this very reason we have given you our names. We have maintained strong ties with millions of souls who were embodied on Atlantis and Lemuria and in previous ages. -Morya: via Messenger ECP on October 8, 1994at RTR, MT, Pearl
You will find that today those who write the stories of motion pictures and books—such as Taylor Caldwell, who wrote as a child of the story of Atlantis—have been given the gift of tying into these akashic records. And they have sat down and written about subjects concerning which they knew nothing. And not only have they recorded for people all sorts of invaluable information that would give keys to the past and past glories of civilizations of great light and scientific achievement, such as in the Edgar Cayce readings—but they have also shown a teaching and a path and an understanding for each individual soul to find his true roots all the way back to the birth in the heart of the Great Central Sun and the descent to incarnation here.…
Beloved ones, the prayer “Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven” is the prayer of the saints who would bring that rarefied light of etheric octave into the physical, who would bring to this Earth plane a utopia perhaps— a new world, a New Atlantis, a way of life that can exceed this one, where people can be free from pain and terminal diseases caused not alone by their karma but caused by the chemicals, the impure foods, the substances they take in—a world free from war and the eruption of violence from the bowels of those whose free will has been used to commit them to a path of error. -El Morya, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1984at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 27:47
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