Saturday, March 26, 2022
unless all nations cease their struggling for control of one another and of peoples and masses and wealth and ecology and resources
I come in the flaming presence of the hosts of the Lord! I come surrounded by forces of freedom! I AM the flame of freedom! I AM the Goddess of Freedom! I AM the consciousness of fullness of the feminine potential of freedom of the Godhead. I travel through the cosmos surrounded by legions of freedom….
I come to release the light of Saint Germain by the thrust of power of the feminine ray. For I too am shakti of the God of Freedom. I release energy of Mother for every ascended and cosmic being who has espoused the flame of freedom and who has mastered the masculine ray of freedom and is releasing that ray of Spirit into Mater in this hour of the grand culmination of life in so many systems of worlds.
Brothers and sisters of freedom, be equals of the Gods--not out of pride but out of humility. Because you are conceived in God you have a claim to the flame which I AM; therefore in potential you have equality with all sons and daughters of God of a cosmos. In actuality there is no equality in Hierarchy. Neither can there be equality in the evolutions of any lifewave, for all are fitted by the Master Planner of Life into this blueprint of gems and diadems that compose the armor of the Goddess of Freedom.
And the laurel wreath--it is the crown of the victors, the victors who have conquered their selfishness, their sensuality, their darkness and their self-deception. It is the flow of fire of the crown of twelve stars of the Divine Mother. I come carrying that laurel wreath, and I am ready to place it upon the heads of sons and daughters of God in this age who have made their calling and their election sure in the victory of sacred fire of the twelve solar hierarchies.
I AM Mother, I AM Mother in all of life. I came to be enshrined in America upon the insistence of the great patriarch, exponent of the Father and the Law and the principle, your own Abraham Lincoln….
What gratitude from Hierarchy above and below to those single individuals who have stood and stood through all and have yet been found standing, defending freedom, defending a concept of principle, of Christhood, of nationhood, of the mandala of the thirteen. These individuals are not numberless, but they are single souls who come forth at the calling of the Great White Brotherhood in every age, in every dark night of the soul of nations and kingdoms and continents--single souls who turn the tide in the entire evolution and generation of darkness that hangs over the land.
Now we enter into the company of many souls to whom the calling is given. We come in the midst of many who have in heart the flame of love, the flame of devotion and, above all, an understanding of cosmic law. For mankind have formulated laws. Yes, they have evolved systems and ideologies, but these will fail when they are not in conformity to cosmic law, to the will of God and to inner blueprint of soul of individuals and nations. Build as they will, build as they will, the empire-builders will stand to see all of their creations come to naught when that fire that tries every man’s work is released; and that work which is not the work of God must be burned, must be leveled, and mankind are called to begin again….
I survey the future. I survey the opportunities of mankind and I say to you, do you think that ascended masters’ concepts are limited to those ideologies and political and economic theories that are evolved by your current intellectuals and elite of science and government? Do you think that the Great White Brotherhood must be confined to such idiocy? Do you think that we do not know the Law, that we do not see the handwriting upon the wall?…\ Do you think that because mankind have the backing of millions of souls and of supply for their theories that this makes them more powerful than the hosts of the Lord and the edicts of the Lords of Karma?
The question is, will those individuals who are taking mankind on the course, the juggernaut course of their own karmic self-destruction be challenged, or, will they be allowed to take yet other millions of souls down the path to that self-destruction? Well I tell you, with all of their planning for world takeover, world government, world religion and expansion beyond the stars, with all of their planning and their plots they have not taken into account a number of factors which I would call to your attention, not the least of which is the force, the very real force of lightbearers in this age, of sons and daughters of God who will not be limited by their doctrines and their dogmas, who will not be separated into separate camps, who will remember the words of the Angel of Unity, “Remember, ye are brethren!”
Sons and daughters of God who will not forget the flame of love which is the crux of overcoming in this age, have you noticed that they have forgotten love--love of the people, love of one another, love of Christ, love of the culture of the Mother, love of holy children? Love is glaringly absent from the dry formulas of the theoreticians of the day, and therefore they will be as tinkling cymbal and sounding brass; they will be as naught. For without the flame of love they will be self-consumed by the cancer of hatred which they have spawned over the nations of Earth.
One then: the force of lightbearers has not been reckoned with; it is not even spoken of in this land. The Great White Brotherhood, Teachings of the Ascended Masters, the Messengers and chelas of the Law are not identified as a force--political, religious, economic or cultural. So let it be. The Darjeeling Council will announce one of these days its plan for the spreading abroad of mankind’s awareness of this force.
Second: they have not reckoned with the fact that Earth is a finite sphere. In their unquenchable greed for conquest, economic conquest and building of the empire of Nimrod and Tower of Babel, they have not reckoned with the fact that there are finite resources, finite land, finite air and waters and all energies accessible to every nation on Earth. Projections have been made by the Club of Rome, by other scientists and bodies of those who have studied [this situation], even using their computers to project the fate of Earth. They have all concluded that after the year 2000, in the coming decadesthe resources will be exhausted. Whether or not their conclusions are accurate depends on vital decisions that must be made by those who have the flame of Hierarchy and of the Law and an understanding of cosmic purpose. The arms race is a futile race, for by the time anyone is ready to use nuclear power that power will indeed be obsolete.
O mankind, the collision course of blind leaders of the blind in East and West is such an obvious folly that if we were not cosmic beings with the all-seeing Eye, we would wonder why the intelligent people, the educated citizens of the world would not rise up to overthrow these insane leaders who have not reckoned with the teaching of Buddha.
And this my third point: They have not reckoned with the purpose of existence and life--not economic escalation, not continuation of production of goods and more goods, not continuation of a conquest of lands and peoples but development of the Christ consciousness, development of Buddhic light. And therefore they are wrong, one and all, because they yet retain desire that is not the desire of God to be God which is the only legitimate desire. They retain that attachment of which Lord Buddha spoke: attachment to the fruit of action. They are attached by greed, by gluttony, by the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit of carnal desire for more and more, failing to nourish the souls of the people, failing to train mankind in development of the heart. Even your own historian Toynbee predicted the rise and fall of civilizations on the basis of the fact that when material expansion reaches a certain point, unless the people go within for spiritual development that civilization is doomed. And this, this, my friends, is the cause of failure of every civilization that has gone down since the early days of Atlantis, this fact that the greed for material conquest and materialism overtakes and strangles the hunger of souls for reality, for freedom and for the flame of freedom.
Do you not understand then that few among the American people, the youth of the Aquarian age who are turning to things of the Spirit, to development of self-mastery and discipline of the path of initiation--these are the ones who have tuned in to the delicate winds of the age of Aquarius? These are on track. These are the future leaders of the land if they themselves can be rescued from false ideologies of fallen ones, if they can be separated out from false teachers who also are motivated. Their motive is manipulation; and manipulation in any form is never freedom but bondage.
Therefore ask yourself, are you the object of someone’s manipulation? Or are you at the mercy of your own carnal mind and are you powerless to stand in defense of Saint Germain because you are in bondage in one form or another to the carnal mind and its greed and its endless desires to acquire, to achieve in the cult of success?
Do you think that the cult of success is only in the West? You have only to look at the grab for land and territory by those who follow Marxist doctrine. See then how the Communist world is also besieged by the cult of success--which they decry--and they go hither and there to claim lands and peoples for the camp of World Communism.
Evils in society are widespread, they are not confined to East or West. They are simply on the opposite sides of vibration: in the West the perversion of the Christ consciousness; in the East the perversion of the Holy Spirit. And therefore polemics, endless political polemics and never the release of soul freedom.
And so I say to you this: that unless all nations of the world will make an about-face and cease their struggling for control of one another and of peoples and masses and wealth and ecology and resources, unless one and all they turn within to realize that this is the moment for the development of the Within….This is the moment to let materialism be. Let economic progress be. Let there be a leveling-off. Let there be a return to the life that is humble, that is simple, that is without so many needs to continually gratify the senses.
I appeal then to ieepers of the flame. For unless this occur you see, the world East and West is headed for that collision course when resources will run out, when landed areas for which the political powers are vying will be no more, when the finite world will suddenly come to a screeching halt. But mankind’s desires will not come to a halt, and a sudden stopping of the collision course at that moment will not be possible. Unless then there be reversing of the tide of goals and aims there can only be the futility and failure of civilizations….
First then let the American people rise and liberate themselves from media and its mass hypnosis, from bondage that they have to material senses. Let them be free of psychic nonsense and witchcraft and black magic. This is freedom: freedom to defend cosmic purpose and God-government and a God-economy throughout the Earth!
Before the American people can understand what it means to be the cosmic honor guard of an entire lifewave they must know soul freedom. Thus keepers of the flame are on the march for soul freedom. They are the great liberators of the chakras of America. And they will teach the people and children and seekers and the young and old alike—they will teach them the Law of their inheritance in the true flame of freedom. Think of the Individual; think ;ne with God. Think not of the masses but think of the individual, for when you think of the masses you do err—only the individual is real. The individual may not be lost in mass consciousness; it is not the will of God or of His Christ. When you think upon individual potential then and only then will you have cosmic freedom and deliverance of the planet.
Think then one with God! Contemplate with me now yourself as individualization of the flame of freedom. Think of yourself multiplied by the action of this body of the Lord. Then think of Abraham Lincoln as he stood alone in the White House, as he stood alone and withstood all rebellion of fallen ones who sought to separate out of the Union and to defy all the fiery core of the Father-Mother God in the original thirteen--the mandala of initiation of Christ and his apostles. Think how he had encountered already the international bankers, Illuminati and those who sought to use the Civil War to take over America for their schemes of power and control. Think how he defied all of those who had their selfish interests. Think of how he stood for the flame of Mother. Think of how that President was willing to lay down his life for the love of the Mother and her children, and then ask yourself: “Can I not do the same? Can I do less? And if I will do the same, will not the same hosts of the Lord buoy up my soul in the light of victory?”
This is the land of the Woman Clothed with the Sun. This is the land of the coming of the Manchild which is the birth of Christ-consciousness in the individual. This is the land where Serpent as the great dragon comes forth to make war with the Woman and with the remnant of Her seed. Think then of individuals who loved not their lives unto the death, who were willing by love and love alone to live a life of sacrifice in defense of the Mother and Her children. You are those children for whom these patriots gave their lives and fortunes and their sacred honor. You are the children of the Mother. Now it is your time, now it is your space to walk the path of initiation.
In the honor and in the integrity of Abraham Lincoln I AM come! And do you know that that gifted sculptor who carved Armed Freedom, Thomas Crawford, did not live to see the raising of the statue on the nation’s Capitol but was taken from the screen of life because he was willing to give his life to focus the matrix of the cosmic Mother of Freedom? That cost him his life, and he knew it in his soul yet he was willing to give his life that the Goddess of Freedom might reign from the Capitol of the United States of America.
Keepers of the flame: saints and pilgrims and soldiers have walked the way of defense of freedom for lesser causes. Now in the ultimate cause of cosmic freedom and of holding of Terra in the flame of freedom for ages to come can you, I ask you, can you do any less than these who have gone before you? I ask it in the name of Almighty God and I say, give answer to your God this day! And see how by your answer God will reinforce your light and your life, God will send reinforcements of Armed Freedom! I AM in the victory of your life when and only when you consecrate that life unflinchingly without compromise to world and individual freedom. I AM the Goddess of Freedom! And my focus shall remain in this nation until the children of Israel shall have fulfilled the cosmic destiny of their inner calling. 6-30-1976 at Washington, D.C. via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 44:20-1
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