Friday, March 25, 2022
1 Let mankind be content to build slowly but to build upon truth. 2 I come bearing the light of the General and the light of the President.
I come bearing the light of the General and the light of the President. I come bearing the Seal of the President, and I anchor the momentum of the first President of the United States in each one of you. For I am determined that that thrust of Law and of the will of God that was entrusted to my care should also be in your care and that you should sense the fire and discipline of those whose destiny it is to forge the light of nations. -Godfre, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1976 in Washington, D.C., Pearl
Hail, Keepers of the Flame! I AM with you in the flesh! [47-second standing ovation] And by that I mean each and every one of you, for I AM truly in your hearts this day! [16-second applause] And in you I count my blessings. Won’t you be seated.
And indeed I count my blessings, for in the long history of nations and planetary spheres it is not often that such an one as I should discover such as ye to provide a chalice for my appearing in this octave.
Blessed hearts, your devotion does make up for ten thousand cowards and a hundred thousand liars and a million murderers that one can still discover on this planet. But yet I choose to see violet flame springing up everywhere you are.
O beloved, if you could see how when you walk it is impossible for you to shake the flame that attaches itself to your blessed feet. And so the elementals are fascinated by this process [10-second applause] and so they run after you trying to figure out why that violet flame keeps walking with your shoes. Blessed ones, some of you have a single or five or several permanent flames that do literally walk with you, signifying that you have built a momentum for that sustaining power.
You may see as though you would fill in violet flame in the center of your tube of light that certain momentum of giving violet flame decrees does result in an action whereby holy angels of Amethyst and Zadkiel respect that devotion and that commitment to freedom. And therefore you experience that the flame does not ascend to the level of perfection each twenty-four hours but is sustained; and this is the true meaning of attainment, that you keep those flames! [9-second applause] Now you have discovered a new meaning of the calling to be a Keeper of the Flame! [6-second applause]
I will tell you this, beloved, because each one’s portion is precisely according to his own work, his own devotion, his own love of harmony of the seventh ray, it does signifythen more than a decree momentum, though that is a fundamental requirement. It does signify, beloved, a quality of the heart, a magnet of heart that is mercy’s flame. And thereby you are establishing here below in the heart center heart chakra and secret chamber of the heart) even a momentum of the Great Central Sun Magnet of the seventh ray of mercy–the quality of your heart’s own mercy. And thus those single flames rising from beneath your feet are, as it were, satellites to that Sun, beloved, which therefore a cosmos may see, for manifestation of light tells the truth and never lies.
You then can know that the more you give to that mercy flame the more you call forth violet flame in love, the more you will fill in as though filling in a tapestry or a numbered painting. You will fill in violet flame within the tube of light that is an expression of your God-mastery on the seventh ray in contrast to that [manifestation of violet flame] being the sending of your I AM Presence and holy angels in answer to your call.…
The violet flame has assisted in relationships within families. It has served to liberate some to balance old karmas and old hurts and to set individuals on their cour ses according to their vibration. It must be remembered that the violet flame does contain the flame of God-justice, and God-justice of course [does contain the flame of] the judgment; and thus violet flame always comes as a two-edged sword to separate the real from the unreal. Thus when in the presence of violet flame there is a chemicalization not only within one’s own members but in and amongst those who closely serve together in their families, in their mandalas….The violet flame is a considerate flame. It is a loving flame. It is a grateful flame. It is a flame that has its own momentum of self-luminous, intelligent substance, containing and embracing the very knowledge of alchemy itself. It may be difficult to understand how a flame can have consciousness but remember, a flame is the manifestation of God. A flame is the manifestation of all who have ever served it, even as a mantra embodies the momentum of all who have ever given it.
Thus all who have ever served the seventh ray and embodied that flame have contributed to it those qualities and momentums of God-consciousness that serve all who will ever bathe and bask in it forevermore. So you become in giving of [invocations to] this flame—for some of you [giving it] as you have never given it before—truly a part of that universal body which we call the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
Blessed ones, I can only say that if you could see what inner progress you have made, you would not cease in giving of that violet flame [decree] tape as often as possible–not necessarily all at once, but if you make the effort you can endow those segments of time [that come to you] in the day with [your decree momentum on] that flame. And therefore as you should come to understand, whatever time of day you invoke a flame or perform a service it does tie into your astrological clock and karma made at that very same hour throughout history. Thus at different hours of the day when you are communing in love with God or rendering your services you are endowing Earth on those lines of the clock with a tremendous momentum of light as well as clearing out [karmic substance of misqualified energy in] your own electronic belt.…
When you give that violet flame at noon precisely you discover that you are in the point of alignment with your I AM Presence and in that alignment, beloved, you are able [through the Father] to radiate that flame throughout your being.
It is noteworthy therefore that as violet flame has liberated in you certain God- qualities [so] it will also flush out and bring to the surface, as alchemists know and refiners, the dross of human creation. If therefore there is not called forth an intensity of sacred fire [through] calls to [the Divine Mother] Astrea for clearing of that substance, violet flame may have the action of bringing to the surface that substance. [And] because you do not finish the service that is needed and do not understand what service is needed you may have lingering in and around your being those momentums of human consciousness that seem to rise up and to frolic and to cause you to be somewhat out of alignment [with your Holy Christ Self] by the new freedom that you feel, no longer being heavily bound by your karma, [nevertheless needing Archangel Michael’s sword of blue flame to cut you free to be fully in your God-control and God-Self mastery].
This does happen to elementals when they receive too much violet flame, and it does happen to the seed of the wicked that [when Keepers of the Flame blaze violet flame throughout the planetary body] they sense their powers and kick up their heels, and [their reaction to] the lifting of [karmic] burden of the planetary karma [is that] they go forth sowing greater Evil.
There is so much of a liberating spiral that is created around you, so much of a loosening of old substance that to follow those [violet flame] decrees with fiats to Archangel Michael, the use of a physical, tangible sword of blue flame consecrated to and by Archangel Michael and calls to Astrea and Hercules and blue-ray masters [is a most efficient use of the cosmic force of light]. Beloved ones, in this you will discover how there is an inner alignment [of your soul and your four lower bodies with your Holy Christ Self] that occurs simultaneously with transmutative fires of violet flame.
You might say that all is in flux, all is in a state of change through violet flame. But where that consciousness and energy will come to rest and solidify does depend preeminently upon how much blue flame is invoked, how much action of sacred fire of first ray is embraced by you, how much you do commit yourself to the will of God, do surrender to it and do recognize the path of the fourteen stations of the cross and the fifteenth as a means to that end–as a means to embodying the blue-flame will of God, as a means in itself to building the diamond heart within your heart that is made even more possible by violet [transmuting] flame that does flood through that very same heart chakra.
Thus, beloved, as you look at certain events you can see that during the giving of the first violet flame cassette there were changes in Nicaragua. Those changes as violet flame action created on the part of the people, the Contras and Sandinistas the desire to move together, to talk together and to reason together. This is something that would have been desirable had it not been for the fact that World Communism working through the mentality and deranged minds of the Sandinista leaders had another agenda. …
When you take the Latin temperament and the Latin diet you can see that the blue-flame will of God is absolutely essential and discipline and commitment to that will [as well]. When you look at the fallen ones in the United States government who should have and could have supported those Contras and provided necessary funds, when you look at Congress and see all this as being a perversion of the blue-flame cross of power [formed on the 12/6 and 3/9 axes of the cosmic clock] you come to understand that violet flame can and is accomplishing a great deal of good among the people but it does quickly reach [optimum levels of] what it can do for want of necessary bracing of [freedom by] the will of God, [as we see, in government and military].…
Therefore let it be said
wise Keepers of the Flamewho understand so much of the Teachings and path and [what are] the necessary decrees–will provide the foundation whereby those who do receive our violet flame tapes may have an immediate transmutation of [misqualified] substance [of negative karma] in their worlds which has kept them from the path and study of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters so long. Above all they need violet flame transmutation and indeed calls for the tube of light and to Archangel Michael [for his unfailing protection]….
As they become enamored of violet flame through the beauty of your voices and harmonies and through rhythm and sound of the Word they shall make swift progress. They shall be cut free from false gurus and false teachings or those paths which are half-truths and represent old dispensations which cannot and will not carry them into the New Age dispensations of Aquarius nor prepare them for planetary changes which may come.
…Beloved ones, they cannot continue forever, and each day that you make the call they are diminished, and each day that you give violet flame, clearing your chakras and your aura and balancing karma your authority increases: for the more you are swept clean by violet flame the more your Holy Christ Self can embody in your temple, and so it is true of myself.
I have told you that wherever you raise up a violet flame pillar I shall be there, and I have set the minimum time of fervor of your violet flame decrees to be fifteen minutes. If you can concentrate upon me and violet flame calls for fifteen minutes, beloved, you will know that I shall be there. Obviously, beloved ones, this must be in divine harmony, in love for violet flame, in love for all [whom] you know. And remember [to pray], “Father, forgive us. Father, forgive us our debts, even as we forgive our debtors.”
-Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearl 31:72
So you will decide whether violet flame shall be for you the point of the springboard of your victory! So you will decide whether this vessel of chakras shall now be the seven openings for violet fire to pass through as you allow yourself to be Krishna’s flute!
So you will decide what violet flame will be as the x factor in the turning around of your life, your economy, your outlook!
Everything that happens to you in this world can be altered by violet flame! Only you can decide. The violet flame sea is in place. Omri-Tas is in place. We, Elohim of Seventh Ray, saturate Earth daily with violet flame dew.
So, beloved hearts, you will decide whether the waters under the earth, whether Earth itself, whether all this pollution that is killing wildlife and killing the bodies of human beings shall be transmuted or whether it shall not. For somehow this human mind that carries the cast of the dweller-on-the-threshold and not-Self does not quite believe, even in the minds and hearts of chelas, that violet flame can do everything–everything that you need to have done.
I am going to take you on tours once again. I am going to take lightbearers who make it to universities of the Spirit in the etheric octave on tours to the Violet Planet. I want you to see with your very eyes, your spiritual eyes and your spiritual senses what violet flame can do for you day by day and what you can do for planet Earth. All rests in the hearts of those who become true believers in violet flame.
Now many of you believe you are true believers. But, beloved ones, true believers will truly do more when they see daily and nightly on the news and in the papers catastrophes that are happening everywhere.
Have you been swift then to douse explosions with violet flame–the most recent one having been in the Soviet Union where there has been toxic chemicals, toxic radioactive substance spewing forth? Have you been quick to leap upon this and that situation with your violet flame decrees?
Well, beloved ones, if you have not, I understand. For I see clearly that violet flame has not sunk deeply enough into your being and consciousness to absolutely convince you that your voice giving violet flame calls will make the difference, and that those calls shall be multiplied ten thousand times ten thousand, and that your mandates shall be carried out by all legions of violet flame and those whom you send under Sanat Kumara and the Seven Archangels according to the dispensation given.
Yes, beloved hearts, seeing is going to be believing. And we are going to see to it that at some level of your being, both conscious and unconscious, you shall acknowledge the miracles of the very violet flame that you invoke.
When an alchemist goes to his laboratory if he does not perform the experiment, if he does not engage in alchemy, nothing happens. Well, if you do nothing, you will see nothing! And so the experiment must include your invoking violet flame for a certain amount of time each day until you have a momentum building in your aura.
After all, beloved, you are used to paying a price for a Popsicle or a candy bar or a bottle of Coke. Why not pay the price through giving decrees to violet flame for more violet flame to come along and multiply everything that is good and beautiful in your life and clean out of your life all that is not good and beautiful?
Violet flame is the wonder drug of the century. It is the wonder flame! And it can make the difference as to which way planet Earth goes.
I don’t mind if you whistle the violet flame, sing the violet flame, jump and dance to violet flame, do circle dances to all of your music to violet flame, create new music to violet flame decrees. I don’t mind whatever you do. Make games out of it! Do marathons with it! But whatever you do, beloved ones, you have to get busy with exciting and innovative methods to bring that violet flame into every area of your life and to bring it there at the point where it counts, with science of spoken Word–your word, your tongue, your vocal cords and your chakras.
We the Elohim Arcturus and Victoria say to you that we could deliver this message again and again and again, but things are simply not moving in Earth the way they should be! And I think that people know that all problems of the world cannot be resolved by one nation, one president, one Congress or one approach. The problems of the world are bigger than both of us and all of us. They are not bigger than the Elohim of God, but they are bigger than us when we have no one to contact in Earth who will make the call to violet flame whereby we can intercede.
The violet flame then is the very solution of the hour to get things moving in Europe, to get things moving in Bosnia, Yugoslavia, in Somalia, in all of these places you see as you sit before your TV sets and stare in wonder at atrocities being committed. Yet have you saturated the area with violet flame? Have you saturated the area with the Lord’s Judgment Call? Have you directed the violet flame to Serbs who, along with others, are perpetrating these horrible deeds?…
Some of you have asked the Messenger “When is Saint Germain coming back to Washington, D.C.?” Well, I will tell you, beloved. There is a very good chance of Saint Germain returning to Washington, D.C., if the worldwide membership of Keepers of the Flame decides to mount a terrific mountain of violet flame for and on behalf of the victory of liberty in this nation and every nation under God. There is a very good chance that Saint Germain will return if Keepers of the Flame take advantage of the opportunity to come together so that a Maltese-cross formation may become permanent over their homes, their gathering places and their cities. Yes, there is a very good chance. But you see, beloved, Saint Germain considers that for all he has given the people of light on Earth for so many centuries, he cannot step forth and take from the dispensation he has recently received and apply it to a population in general, even the citizens of the capital of this nation, without Keepers of the Flame and others who recognize violet flame as the key taking the responsibility. -Elohim Arcturus and Voctoria: Pearl 36:30
Hail, sons and daughters of flame! I stand within your midst with a flaming sword of faith. I stand with a sword of truth and righteousness. And I AM THAT I AM.
We bow before the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha. We come in the flame of Mary. We express our concern that the flame of the office of President of the United States of America is not being kept in integrity, in honor and in the tradition of the ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood. Some of you know that the office of President is actually an office in the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood and that the White House is enshrined as a retreat of our Brotherhood. We maintain sentinels of light. We guard, we watch, we train the All-Seeing Eye of God, we expose and we inspire. We inspire the leaders of this nation and we bring the highest deliberations of the Darjeeling Council before the President, the cabinet and those who surround this office. Beloved ones, it is almost prosaic the amount of deception and self-deception that is passed through these walls. And our ears very easily attune with every word, every blasphemy and = infamy that has been spoken. And I tell you it is the outrage of the ascended hosts of light at the deplorable behavior of presidents within the White House, combined with decrees of Keepers of the Flame, that brought about the exposure of Watergate so that the American people could hear and read in print the vulgarity of language and disdain of these men for the people themselves—their pride in power and amassing of power and endless manipulations of that power for the glory of the ego.
Beloved ones, this is the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place where it ought not. And I tell you, from the records of the Royal Teton, from the records that we have on file at Banff and from K-17 who is head of the Cosmic Secret Service, who maintains files and intelligence we must place before Keepers of the Flame that the betrayal that is being carried out today is even more grave than that which you have observed in Watergate. Beloved ones, this betrayal goes on even while the people are being enervated and energized for another term of office, and yet scarcely more than a year has passed in this term of the present president.
-Archangel Michael, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 22, 1978 in Pasadena, Pearl 53:19
This is the purpose of America–not the enslavement of peoples, not the tolerance of enslavement of any part of life but the sending forth of freedom’s flame in God’s name. Therefore in this cycle let us understand that there have come together–in the movement of government and toward greater freedom in government–souls of light who by the events of this year and misuses of power by the President of this nation and his cabinet, they have come forth with a far greater determination, a greater organization, a greater vision, and–thanks to the decrees of lightbearers–with a greater energy to implement the plan of God. -Gautama Buddha, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet atNew York City on April 23, 1978, Pearl 21:41
And those who enter into that sacred commitment to be citizens of the United States do receive an impetus of my threefold flame which is an action for balancing and bringing into alignment of their own threefold flame. I place there the fleur-de-lis of my being as an electronic blueprint, or matrix if you will. And therefore it is like a rudder, a steadying force that keeps the individual re-creating and raising up those three plumes in balance. And thus\ I work very closely with beloved Gautama, Lord of the World. -Goddess of Liberty: Pearl 29:65
Hail, Keepers of the Flame! Noble knights and ladies serving the sacred fire, I have come, your Knight Commander, for the anointing of the one whom I send. O beloved, as God has used me as His witness and prophet and mouthpiece in many ages, so I have anointed these Messengers. And I do anoint them again to the calling in your name—in the name of the Keepers of the Flame of Liberty— to this holy purpose. …Thus, keep the flame, for ye are also chosen. And I send you as representatives of violet flame and of Oromasis and Diana this day to keep the flame in the heart of America burning—in the soul of America, in her mind and in her body. For so is the Mother the extension of the Spirit of America and the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
Beloved hearts, there are many forces that move at inner levels against your government, your President and the present majority of public opinion for that light of freedom. Do not become overconfident but keep the flame for the victory.
May you know that it is because of the weight that this activity has borne, individual by individual, down to the smallest children, to the Messenger herself—the weight borne through these months during Christmas season, of which you were warned by Kuthumi that your President was able to deliver his State of the Union message. - Saint Germain via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 10, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:12
Armed Freedom I am called. When one has the flame of cosmic accountability for cosmic freedom one does not remain unarmed. I come bearing in my right hand the sheathed sword and in my left the shield of armor and the laurel wreath of victory. Upon my head the five-pointed stars I carry are for the victory of evolutions and lifewaves, testing in the fire of the secret rays that flame of freedom which must first be disciplined within ere it can be the disciplined manifestation of life without. The eagle of Sirius is my signet and my crown, feathers as flames of fire from the God -star, adornment of the feminine ray, protection of the crown chakra of the Mother who has realized the flame of Father. …
Armed Freedom should be erected even in the dark hours of the Civil War. So he saw that “the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” He saw in Mother the liberation of a mighty people. He saw in Mother the synthesis of all of the separatists, of all of those who cannot find the way to converge in the flame of Liberty. Great champion of all peoples, in the heart of this President of the United States of America there yet burns the flame, the flame for the resolution of the division of the Union….
Do you think that the principles taught by the Lord Buddha and the Lord Christ do not remain to the present hour as the foundation of all government and the flow of abundance in the economies of the nations? -Goddess of Freedom: 6-30-1976 at Washington, D.C., Pearl 44:20
Fallen ones have projected the degeneration and fall of America. Well, they themselves are not far behind, for in the history of all great powers of the world, the rise and fall is over a mere few centuries. Let them look, then to their own internal weaknesses. Let them see that it is the fate of mankind with which they ought to be concerned--not the fate of the Soviet Union or China or the Western powers but the fate of the individual and fate of the total human race.
I call then to Keepers of the Flame and I tell you, from my analysis of reality and events of the hour I can report to you not out of some idealistic hope, some impractical hope, but based on cosmic analysis of current trends: I can tell you that it is yet possible for individual Keeper of the Flame to reverse the course of civilization and its downward trends in every nation. Any and every nation that disregards the teachings of Christ and Buddha, that disregards morality and principles of morality in domestic and foreign policy--any and every such nation is doomed to failure. Where you see then a nation compromised by those who have not individual mores and standards of the Ascended Masters and therefore who cannot project these on a national and an international scale, that nation that is so beset by such leaders can look only to the people of light, to the people who have the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, for liberation.
For I tell you this: that those who have a part of the knowledge of the Law, who have been separated into right- and left-wing camps, these individuals are lacking in the know-how--the essential science of the spoken Word, the science of the chakras, the science of teachings of the Ascended Masters that comes from the heart of the Mother. And therefore though they see the decline and fall of civilizations and of ramparts of freedom, they are impotent. they are powerless to do anything to turn the tide.
There is only one people left who has a power to work any change on Terra--the people who claim the name of God, I AM THAT I AM, the true initiates of sacred fire and those who are a part, by heritage, by conviction, of the twelve tribes of Israel. Let them then challenge every policy, every doctrine and every dogma wherever it is found in church and state that is not in keeping with principles of Christ and Buddha. Let every Keeper of the Flame be staunch in the cosmic honor flame, in understanding that where there is compromise, the least compromise, in the individual life of the Keeper of the Flame there will be failure. There, whatever project, whatever plan you are engaged in is doomed to fail.
You know that many of the great churches and movements of the world have pursued that Machiavellian concept of end justifying the means. Keepers of the Flame dare not! People of America, of Russia, of China, of Africa and Europe--they dare not! Let every leader in every nation upon Earth hear the Word of the Goddess of Freedom! To compromise the Law is to seal your pact with death; for that which compromises truth and cosmic law is the inception of a degeneration spiral and a disintegration spiral, and it is doomed to failure from the start. Let mankind be content to build slowly but to build upon truth. Let the nations of Earth be content to build upon the platform of truth. Let them place first education of the masses of the people not according to this or that historical revision, for the revisionists who have rewritten the history of the world are feeding that fodder to the children. But let the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood be taught to the children of the world. Let these teachings go forth and let them be the teachings of the mastery of self. Let universities of the Spirit and those institutions for education of the Holy Child be raised up in the name of the Christ and the Buddha, the Father and the Mother. Let emphasis be placed on development of the soul, on development of threefold flame, on transmutation of world and individual karma that so clouds the issues in these times. Let education be for the overcoming of carnal desire.
You think that I speak utopian words and that this will never come to pass on Earth. Why do you doubt? Why do you fear when I have told you that I have read the record and I have seen that individual Keepers of the Flame can make all the difference, that you can turn the tide? And I will tell you why this is so true: because the world is full of good people, people who have God in the very core of being, people who will respond when you teach them, when you give them understanding of the Law, when you present to them all facts, and they can exercise freewill in the name of freedom.
I tell you, it must come to pass that those who have the light acknowledge the supremacy of the light, that those who have the light understand that the victory is in their heart and in their hands. Let every Keeper of the Flame then be Armed Freedom! Let your defense be truth and honor. Let your defense be sacred fire. Let your defense be your integrity which is your integration with the God-flame. And let the nations of the free world fear not to defend their land against those who would come with tyranny and despotism to take that land.
Let fire be the answer to fire of the fallen ones! Let it be a high degree of concentration of understanding of the law of the Mother, and let it be correspondingly accounted for in the planes of the physical by those armed forces who are in the physical plane the outpicturing of the hosts of the Lord.
I AM Armed Freedom! My sword is the sword of peace. It is the sacred Word. Now I stand before you and I take my sword from its sheath and I send forth the lightning and thunder of the Divine Mother! And I touch every focus on Terra where Saint Germain has placed the focus of light of freedom, and by the action of feminine ray I release freedom! I release freedom as the Mother-flame into the hearts of the people of Earth, in every nation and city and town and hamlet. So all shall feel, by the fires of the Mother, freedom as never before.
Do not be surprised then what this freedom will produce across the face of the Earth. For once that flame is kindled it cannot be turned back, and free people everywhere will rise to liberate those who are in bondage to fallen ones. …
Hail, freedom! Hail, freedom! Hail, freedom! -Goddess of Freedom, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 30, 1976 at Washington, D.C., Pearls of Wisdom 44:21
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