Friday, March 25, 2022
Children of the light of Taiwan
Children of the Light of Taiwan,
You cannot hold the line of world freedom in Asia—in your economy, in your government, in your industry, or in your armed forces—without direct contact with God through the blessed mediator, your own individual Christ Self.
Your souls are sent as the survivors of an ancient battle between Light and Darkness where a handful of the children of Chin defeated a dragon of idolatry and ideology whose nucleus was death and the cult of death.
Understand that the dragons and beasts of the apocalyptic vision of John represent the momentums of individuals who have elected by freewill to ensoul mass movements of an energy veil, or e-veil, known today as World Communism but existing and preexisting as a force of anti-love (the cancerous consciousness of the seed of the wicked) before the flood of Noah, the fire of Mu and even the destruction of the planets Maldek and Hedron. <1>
Great were the forces of the mechanical ones. Their spaceships were extensions of mother-ships, and their black magicians under Satan extended their material power through clones of themselves—chemical humanoids programmed with malintent to destruction of the souls of the standardbearers of the Lord’s Christ.
Star Wars is no mere science fiction but the surfacing of subconscious memories of ages past when evolutions of Light and Darkness, as the wheat and tares of Christ’s parable, were strewn across the solar systems of this galaxy; and the battles of Lucifer’s fallen ones, waged against the teams of conquerors of Archangel Michael’s bands, were indeed a war of the worlds in the valley of the gods.
Earth bears record of their feats of power hurled against other feats of power as even black magicians were divided against one another, expending the children of God in their planetary contests of “Who is greater and more glorious among the seed of the devil?”
The competition unto the death as fallen ones locked horns in their power struggle for dominion of worlds could be broken only by the Archdeceiver himself, that Lucifer who reunited legions of darkness on the common theme of the common enemy: the Lord Christ and his legions. Seeing his blinding light and the imminent victory of the children of the Sun, their competition now became “Who could destroy to the death more souls with greater subtlety and deftness?”
The cunning cruelty of Chinese Communists from Mao to Hua Kuo-feng and Teng Hsiao-p’ing derives from their fallen masters. These astral overlords control the chessboards and their pawns in governments bond and free, their goal being always to extend the line of their territory to include more and more of the ground of the children of light, challenging their right to evolve in freedom upon that ground.
Children of light of Taiwan, you have held that line with the legions of Jophiel and Christine for many an aeon and many an arena of the time/space continuums! And your own Chiang Kai-shek, Madame Chiang and Chiang Ching-kuo have figured again and again as heroes and heroine of your legions of light.
The people of Chin, both from the mainland and on the island of light, are of an ancient evolution. They are bearers of wisdom’s scrolls dictated by Lord Lanto and Lord Confucius as emissaries of Cosmic Christs unto your root races serving on the second ray—the ray of the incarnation of the Word.
You once knew the message of Messiah as the message of your own inner man of the heart exemplified in your sages. Now the Lord Christ as Savior and as Word incarnate must become the ultimate reality of each individual selfhood that you might see his victory through yourselves for freedom, God-freedom, in Asia and the world. For when he and his legions were attacked by Lucifer and his bands—and this did indeed occur as it is recorded in the Book of Life and in the annals of the history of these several systems of worlds—the children of Chin rallied and stood fast at their Thermopylae.
But the final act of numerous scenes of Armageddon is yet to be outplayed, and the players East and West are even now rehearsing their parts and their roles. They choose again and again according to freewill, according to light or dark motif of the heart.
But the great sadness of all sadness is that those who align with strategies of fallen ones do so thinking they do God service, convinced as they say “beyond all doubt” that they have pursued the right course of action for world peace, world trade and the balance of power.
They are brainwashed so to think, they are indoctrinated so to be. Some are the programmed computers of strategists of world conquest, soothing the fears of the people with their self-esteem as archarchitects of a world utopia.
The children of light in all of China are one indissoluble union. Their oneness is their origin in God yet to be realized in their orientation of God-freedom, their culture of the Mother and their victory in the light. While the masterminds of world dominion think they arrange and rearrange power and anti-power by diplomatic manuvering, the two-edged sword of righteousness forged of ‘molecules’ of souls East and West keeps the way of the Tree of Life for the children of God bond or free.
As the subsurface rocks of the sea part the most deliberate waves, so the rock of Christ in the consciousness of embodied servant-sons and daughters of freedom, jutting out from the bedrock of reality, parts the astral currents and astral hordes.
The sons of dominion march by another route. It is the direct route of the descent of light of the crystal cord from the I AM Presence to the altar of the heart. It is the direct route that connects Mind of God to mind of man, bypassing the byways of human reason and problem solving.
We come bearers of the amethyst jewel—the seventh-ray solution for the seventh age, the seventh-ray freedom for the seventh dispensation. Let noble knights and ladies volunteer their individual amethyst crystals of the heart for Saint Germain’s three dots—Taipei, Vancouverand Mexico City. Let diplomatic relations be established between Camelot and lightbearers of the nations. Let outposts of Morya’s realm confide the mysteries of the Holy Grail, as two by two twin flames in love witness unto the nations.
Let the counterfeit Illuminati, imitators of the Round Table and of the mystery schools, carve up Earth with their secret diplomacy and their trading in souls of light! Saint Germain and Morya have never lost a fight! They hold the timing of victory and they know their chelas whose time has come.
I AM Gabriel, emissary of the councils of goodwill of the Great White Brotherhood. I come from Darjeeling where I have attended closed sessions on Project Amethyst Jewel.
Let representatives of the courts of heaven be ministers with portfolio, presenting their credentials by their light and by their record of attainment. Let them be received extraordinary and plenipotentiary, their expertise in God-government and God-victory gained through enlightenment of the “little book” <10> and the Everlasting Gospel, <11> and the tutoring and testing of their souls by the Guru Mother who surveys the seas that cover the Motherland and penetrates the hermetically sealed alabaster cities of the deep.
From the flame room of the central altar of Mu and the twelve surrounding temples come the emissaries of God-goverment to Earth. They stand with the righteous, tolerant, patient and meek who, emboldened by the Word, endowed by its mysteries, will bear the Holy Grail to the nations and serve his body and his blood to those who have lost the memory of higher consciousness—those children of light of Asia who stand steadfast in the battle and who will now win by enlightenment of the Cosmic Christ.
Enter Lord Maitreya into the halls of China.
As Mao himself had foretold in 1927 in one of his earliest works, “to put it bluntly, it is necessary to create terror for a while in every rural area.” … under Chairman Mao: the Agrarian Reform (1949-52) resulting in the execution of several million landlords; invasion and takeover of Tibet (1950), promising Tibetan autonomy but eventually establishing a Chinese military dictatorship that killed hundreds of thousands of Tibetans, confiscated or destroyed monasteries and religious scriptures, stripped the people of their private property, and reorganized the country into peasant associations; campaign against counterrevolutionaries (1951-52, 1955), leaving one and a half million dead in the first 12 months; purges in business, finance, and industrial circles leading to many executions and suicides (1951-53); a vehement liquidation campaign to silence rightist critics following Mao’s “Hundred Flowers” speech inviting intellectuals and others to voice their criticism (1957-58); the Great Leap Forward (1958-60), a disastrous attempt to rapidly increase economic development through formation of large rural communes, in some cases separating families and forcing peasants to adopt a militarized lifestyle; the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-69), used by Mao to strike back at pragmatic leaders who had risen to power after his economic failures and to secure a group of successors devoted to his revolutionary ideals—included uncontrolled and violent attacks by radical youth organizations, called the Red Guards, against those who were “taking the capitalist road,” purges of intellectuals who were forced to work in labor camps or were executed, and relocation to the countryside of an estimated 25 million youth, many of whom were assigned to work the land for life; the tearing down of traditional Chinese culture, customs and religious practices with systematic destruction of libraries, shrines and art works. Hua Kuo-feng (Hua Guofeng): born 1920, succeeded Mao after his death in 1976 as Communist Party chairman. According to the research of leading Hong Kong journalist Ting Wang, Hua was notorious for his brutality and ruthlessness during his early political career. As the man in charge of land reform in Chiaotung and Yangchu counties, he reportedly arrested, beat, tortured and killed people at random, suppressing landlords and peasants who did not support the Communists—often under the guise of a program to root out “local bandits and bullies.” During the anti-rightist campaigns starting in 1957 Hua reportedly supervised the purging of dissidents in the province of Hunan. He fanatically supported Mao’s programs and went out of his way to show that Mao’s theories could be implemented successfully, no doubt facilitating Hua’s rapid rise to power. After 1971 Hua worked in Peking directly under Premier Chou En-lai in agriculture and forestry and perhaps as a troubleshooter. He was elected to the Politburo in 1973 and was appointed minister of public security and sixth-ranking vice-premier in 1975. Fo llowing Chou’s death in January 1976 Hua was named premier. In April he was also named first vice-chairman of the Party and thus second in command under Mao, who is said to have remarked of Hua: “With you in charge I am at ease.” During the power struggle that followed Mao’s death Hua moved quickly to arrest the top radical leaders known as the “Gang of Four” who were blamed for the excesses of the Cultural Revolution. Hua then became the first man to fill all three positions of premier, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and Chairman of the Military Commission. After Teng Hsiao-p’ing’s comeback (see below), Hua’s power was reduced, though he continued to hold top positions. In 1980 Hua lost his position as premier, was succeeded by Teng Hsiao-p’ing as head of the Military Commission the following year, and in 1982 was ousted from the Politburo. Teng Hsiao-p’ing (Deng Xiaoping): born 1904, Communist leader noted for his pragmatic departure from Mao’s radical ideology and for his effort to modernize China through economic reform and contact with the West. Teng rose through the Communist Party ranks to become China’s vice-premier from 1952-66. In 1956 when he was elected to the powerful Standing Committee of the Politburo and was given the responsibility for party administration as Communist Party general secretary, Teng ranked among the four or five most powerful men in China. It is said that Teng, working alongside Chou En-lai, was the chief organizer of ruthless purges that followed the “Hundred Flowers” speech. Twice during his political career Teng was stripped of his posts—once from 1966-73 during the Cultural Revolution and again in 1976 for a little over a year—and was twice reinstated. In 1977 following the death of Mao, he regained his former positions and began to reestablish his strong power base. Though Teng officially holds no government office today, he is nevertheless the leading power in China. In October 1983 Time magazine reported that a new campaign to reevaluate and confirm Chinese Communist Party membership was underway and that “in everything but will be a purge, an attempt by China’s Deng Xiaoping, 79, to secure his own authority and that of his chosen successors...No personality cult has developed, but it is clear that Deng is being placed on a pedestal almost as high as the one once reserved for Mao Tse-tung.” See Richard L. Walker, The Human Cost of Communism in China (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971); Ting Wang, Chairman Hua: Leader of the Chinese Communists (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1980); U.S., Congress, House, Representative Robert J. Lagomarsino citing “The Defacto Warden,” an article by John P. Roche, Congressional Record, 96th Cong., 1st sess., 1979, pt. 3: 3803; and “New Purges,” Time, 31 October 1983, p. 50.
4. Chiang Kai-shek: 1887-1975, soldier and statesman who ruled China from 1928-49 and headed the Chinese Nationalist government on Taiwan. Chiang Kai-shek was trained for a military career and took part in revolutionary activities against the Manchus and President Yuan Shih-k’ai. In 1918 he joined Sun Yat-sen (leader of the Kuomintang, or revolutionary Nationalist Party) in his attempt to unify China and overthrow the warlords. He served as chief of staff of a Cantonese army and was later named as commandant of the Whampoa Military Academy. After Sun’s death in 1925 Chiang Kai-shek, who had previously followed Sun’s policy of cooperating with the Communists, became the central figure of the growing anti-Communist movement. In 1927 he broke with the Communists in a bloody coup that marked the beginning of long civil war between the Kuomintang and Communist Party. As commander in chief of the Nationalist army he waged a campaign against the warlords from 1926-28 and in 1928 became head of the central government in Nanking and generalissimo of Chinese Nationalist forces. Chiang Kai-shek’s reign was fraught with intermittent fighting with Communists and full-scale war with the Japanese. After a Kuomintang-Communist alliance to fight Japanese aggression, hostilities between the two groups continued. A major Communist campaign against Chiang Kai-shek finally drove him off the mainland to Taiwan in 1949. There he established and headed the Nationalist government in exile, promising to retake the mainland. Madame Chiang (Soong Mayling): born 1897, belonged to the prominent, westernized Soong family. She was the sister of Soong Ch’ing-ling (wife of Sun Yat-sen) and T. V. Soong, famous industrialist and statesman. Mayling spent nine years in America as a young girl and was educated in the U.S., an honor graduate of Wellesley College. She married Chiang Kai-shek in 1927 after he first agreed to become a Christian like herself. Madame Chiang did social service work in her homeland, was commander of the airforce during the Second Sino-Japanese War and became a member of the central executive committee of the Kuomintang in 1945. She was the first Chinese woman to be decorated by the Nationalist government of China, receiving the highest military and civil decorations. She did much to promote her husband’s cause in the West and wrote articles on China published in U.S. journals. In 1943 she became the second woman and first of Chin to address Congress. So great was her popularity with the American public that from 1943-67 she was listed among the 10 most admired women of the world. Madame Chiang joined her husband in Taiwan in 1950 and organized Chinese Women’s Anti-Aggression League. Madame Chiang resided finally in NYC; she lived to be about 100. Chiang Ching-kuo: born 1910, oldest son of Chiang Kai-shek by his first wife and current leader of Nationalist government on Taiwan. He held various administrative and military offices in the Kuomintang government while his father was in power on the mainland and he accompanied Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan after Communist take-over. On Taiwan Chiang Ching-kuo became his father’s personal aide and took command of military intelligence and security agencies. In 1965 he was named minister of national defense in command of the army, served as vice-premier 1969-72 and was appointed prime minister by his father on June 1, 1972. After Chiang Kai-shek fell ill in October 1973 Chiang Ching-kuo acted as effective ruler. He became Chairman of Kuomintang in 1976 and in March 1978 was electe unopposed to office of President.
A root race is a group of souls, or a lifewave, who embody together and have a unique archetypal pattern, divine plan and mission to fulfill. They are sponsored by Manus (Lawgivers) who ensoul the Christic design for the root race. According to esoteric tradition there are seven primary groups of souls, i.e., first to seventh root races. See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Climb the Highest Mountain, pp. 68, 411; and H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 1977), 1:42; 2:171-72, 248-51, 300-303, 433-36, 614-15, 768-70. The Illuminati (“Enlightened Ones”): a secret order founded in Bavaria May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, perhaps as agent of Rothschild, a professor of canon law at Ingolstadt University, Germany, and a former Jesuit. This order was divided into an intricate system of graded classes and degrees of initiation. Members observed strict oaths of secrecy and obedience to superiors, with secret confessions and mutual surveillance. At its height Illuminati operated throughout a wide area of Europe. Weishaupt’s real aim—hidden from novices at outer rings of his group—was to model the group to resemble Freemasonry in appearance but to aim to establish a world government through which Illuminati would rule the world. The group was outlawed in Bavaria via fortuitously found evidence by edict of Bavarian government in 1785, though the Order and its ideals and methods live on, as in Order of Skull and Bones. Note especially Protocols of Elders of Sion and on video the brilliant and comprehensively clear revelation of G. Edward Griffin: The Capitalist Conspiracy—
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