Saturday, March 26, 2022
in the inner stillness
Therefore direct attainment is unfoldment. But that attainment which seems direct is not direct at all but only a sudden rending of the garment whereby there must be undone that damage which is done.
…I saw then also in the last days of that period that there came false teachers who saw that the way to tear from the children of God the light of holy purpose, the inner vow and inner dedication, was to offer unto them, as baubles and trinkets, the sudden release of energy from any one of the chakras, especially with concentration of the eye upon the lower chakras. And thus, with a sudden bursting of energies there were those immediate experiences which satisfy the curious, the profane and those seeking after psychic thralldom. But once the energies had been squandered and the feeling of the flow of sacred fire as it was released had passed away, then those souls who had followed the false teachers had nothing left to work with when they came to the temple and the true teachers of light.
… And we see how they have also returned with their false teachings, which, even after the Flood, spread to India and to the East, contaminating the very essence of light that had come down from Lemuria as the tradition of the ancient ones and the Ancient of Days. Thus, in the East and the West there is an overlay and a residue of those fallen ones who came to subvert the souls of light….
and our prayers given daily were for the invocation of light of Mother around their souls that they might respond to the inner calling of the Inca—the inner calling that would bring them to that fulfillment of a plan made perfect in love. I am here to call those who would take our place in the Temple Beautiful, who would keep the flame of the Mother for the sons and daughters. I will tell you that it is a requirement of the Law that some among the faithful keep the flame for those who have not yet found the inner vow and calling. …Dependency upon God and one another is the means of forging the servants of God as brotherhood, as community.
From thy fragrant center light
Through thy petals blazing bright
Comes God’s love intensely pure;
Rose of Light, Love will endure.
Fiery, silent, majestic rose!
Through my being enfolded here,
All of life I now revere.
Expand thy Flame’s suffusing glow
Through my substance here below.
My heart cries out for freedom’s bloom:
O God, expand my narrow room!
The love of God enfolds a rose,
Touches lightly a heart that glows.
Like unto Aurora’s bloom,
Thy rose-light chases all man’s gloom.
Rose of Light, expand through me,
Caress my being, make it free
To grow and glow upon the loom.
I now command my soul, attune!
Rose of Light, O come today,
In God’s name I truly pray:
From fear and darkness and all hate
Set my mind in radiance straight.
Rose of Light, I AM all thine,
By God’s love my life refine.
Through us all let love appear
In God’s image ever dear!
-Rose of Light, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 20, 1977 in Pasadena, Pearl 48:12
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Think of ascension’s flame as the Maxin light! Visualize it surrounding you. Call then that all should be dissolved save that which is to be made permanent!…
And may you too come to appreciate the healing power of the seraphim of God. Do not fail to call for their entire presence to overshadow you and, as a rod of light, to demagnetize from you the forces of death and hell and to return in their place the forces of light and of heaven. In the joy of the Spirit I am servant of the light in you and of the Mother-flame, - Amen Bey, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 4, 1991 at Seattle, Pearl 34:29
For the altar of God, beloved, is the place where the all-power of God is focused. As you know, the large crystal on the altar is the chalice for the flame of the ark of the covenant. And in that crystal chalice and above on the etheric plane, there is the presence of the Maxin light that once burned on Atlantis but was extinguished during her decline….Wherever you are, you can establish your own forcefield, even if you have but a small crystal as the chalice for the flame. Wherever you go, you can raise up an altar to God, Yahweh, as did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the children of Israel in their wilderness wanderings. Yes, beloved hearts, this is the way….Teach your children, beloved, that the altar is the place where God and man meet through the flame of the ark of the covenant. I ask you to go to the altar frequently and to tend the flame on the altar of your heart, for this practice will result in mighty changes in the earth. -El Morya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:8
Ho! Everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters of living fire! I AM Uriel Archangel and I stand in the presence of the living God in Jesus Christ and in ye all…. And therefore let the preaching of the Word go forth, and let it not be the false preaching of the false pastors who teach salvation without the work of works.
Therefore I am piercing in you that substance in the unconscious and the subconscious mind, in the mental body and anywhere in the compartments of your entire being of that point of rebellion against God that does challenge God. I say to you, beloved, this must go this day! And you must not challenge His laws of freewill, His laws of the requirement of the balancing of karma and the laws of the requirement of the reincarnation of the soul….
• •\\\ I am here to see to it that ere you leave this dayyou will know that you must leave your baggage here and that the flame of the ark of the covenant that burns upon this altar in the etheric octave, in the mighty crystal that is displayed, that flame may burn as the Maxin light and receive that substance.
It is time to cast it into the flame, beloved….Peace is the peace of water. And the water of the mind, the water of desire, the water of the memory, the water in the earth body, beloved—the water must be at peace. And then you can draw the power from the water. And when the mighty wave does rise let it be tempered, let it be calculated. And let the wave of the water of the Divine Mother be used therefore for the overcoming of the entire forces of evil upon Earth. I speak of waves of light. I speak of the waters of the seven rays. I speak of the power of God, of alchemy and world transmutation. And I say to you, it lies in the inner stillness—the inner stillness of the heart where you have gone forth, where the pendulum has swung to left and to right and comes to a stillness in the center and you hear the breathing of God. -Archangel Uriel, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 7, 1991 at RTR, MT, Pearl 48:12
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