Sunday, March 27, 2022
It is important that you realize that wherever there is an unleashing of war or a release of the anti-forces of death with the explosive quality of anger millions, therefore who are connected to the originating source of one or more fallen angels or betrayers do actually receive simultaneously upon their identical electronic blueprint this force of energy which therefore becomes a nucleus in all geographical areas for the stirring up of the multitudes of mechanization man and of children of the light who are yet in a state of holy innocence and without full God-mastery of divine sonship.
-Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet July 1, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:38
It is not the will of my Father that any of these little ones should perish. It is not the will of the people that they should be the instruments of death. It is not the will of lightbearers that mechanization man should overtake the Earth, inasmuch as they have done so again and again. -Gautama Buddha was delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wesak, April 26, 1983, at Camelot, Pearl 26:41
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The trial by fire that is coming to the world is the result of mankind’s own acts of willfulness. But this willfulness, precious ones, never was the true nature of man. It was, shall we say, a borrowed concept—borrowed from the denizens of darkness. For when long ago the blessed= sweet Earth became host to laggard civilizations from other planets there was the taking on of a tremendous karmic veil.
-Lord Maitreya was delivered through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet July 3, 1970, Pearl 27:21
With the Soviet downing of the Korean plane you are able to witness just how far the world and United States could or would go in the face of Soviet aggression. And what made the difference was their state of nonawareness of the challenges of Life and Death and their inability to deal with fear, and ultimate fear of the bully on the bloci.… Beloved ones, when you consider the control of the media today and the control of education at many levels by sinister forces that do not desire to see God-freedom of children or the people but rather their enslavement in the mold of mechanization man you must understand that those who know the right and champion it fearlessly, those who have light and hold it on high, those who have the wisdom and take the trouble to articulate it to the many are fewer in number than those who pursue the left-handed path with their haughty zeal. And fewer still are those of light who are able to effectively challenge the opposition to their communication of the truth that they do knowwhile holding the balance of their personal karma, family and professional obligations and maintaining attunement with their God Presence. -El Morya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter, April 22, 1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 27:31a
Understand that the false prophets and false teachers have been made known. But there are also false chelas who themselves do not work for light but remain in that state of envy and seek only by the mind of mechanization man to determine how they may get that light and assume it, not by legitimate means but perhaps by favor or some proximity [to those who have it].
- Helios, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1984 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, MT, Pearl
The requirement is that there be those who stand for the path of the ascension. For the path of the ascension devours the cause and core of all drugs and their misuse, of all rock music and every misuse of the base chakra in every form of manipulation of mechanization man—whether in technology or science or religion! -Archangel Michael, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 3, 1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:10
And there is therefore in the absence of that God-flame a copying by humanity of a certain image of mechanization man. And the computer image of the perfect human machine has become a standard for many to emulate. And therefore they are perfecting the human self and the human mind, not realizing that they must have the endowment of the Holy Ghost and the threefold flame that did descend as on Pentecost in the house of Cornelius.
O beloved hearts, see how children are being given the standard of mechanization man and the godless who say “We do not need the Lord’s Messenger. We do not need the apostle. We do not need the Word of Christ. For we are sufficient unto ourselves. And we are rich and supplied and increased with goods.” Beloved hearts, go not after them, for their lure and their pride in the avenue of the senses is a defilement and a defying of this very step that must be taken if one is to endure unto eternal life. -Jesus Christ, via Messenger ECP on December 25, 1985, at Camelot, Pearl 29:14
Some having the threefold flame yet fall back into patterns of rote and mechanization which they had long ago. This does not mean they do not have the threefold flame; it means that the four lower bodies and human consciousness must be held in God-control by the soul, one with Christ.
Thus fear not. For the human animal in everyone has its mechanization concepts and its rote performances. These will be rebuked fiercely where seen so that you may quickly choose to become co-creator and co-worker with the living Christ….
You can therefore see and define the path of the betrayers of the Word, those who have left off their service at the altar. Some who have seen coming down the road the day of the encounter with Maitreya and the dweller on the threshold have set themselves and set their teeth to a path of mechanization and rote performance and [false] sacrifice. And they have gone about this with a great intensity. And they have missed th e path of obedient love. They have missed the path of submersion—this baptism by submersion in the waters of the Christ Mind. This is the meaning of the word baptism by submersion.
- Lord Maitreya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1986 at Camelot, Pearl 29:22
Beloved ones of the light, I salute you by the power of the flaming light of Hope. And I seal you in the heart of hearts of the immaculate concept of your own conception in the heart of God. By the light of Alpha, by the light of Omega it is done. -Archangel Gabriel, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 15, 1986 at Camelot, Pearl 29:31
The more you desire Mother, the more you pursue Her, the more you will find a stripping and fiery action where there is contact between the lightning of the Mother and substance of self-delusion. Blessed ones, this is a game that you too can play. It is a serious game, but you can enjoy it. It is the joy of seeing and knowing that the fierceness of the Mother is come to dissolve by sacred fire those knots of substance, nuts and bolts that have no place any longer, for you are not mechanization man; you are fiery spirits soaring. -Alpha and Omega, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 5, 1987 at RTR, MT, Pearl 30:38
But to be merely a creation of habit, not too much more conscious than a mechanization man–as Homo sapiens, above the species but not much above it, not having the consciousness of the threefold flame–is to truly be a creature of astrological habit and pattern. Of course, this is not the fulfillment of God-mastery as we know it in the ascended octave [and as you can know it here below].
…I would speak to you thenof the gift of the Solar Logoi which they made to all who have a threefold flame as the dispensation granted at the Shasta conference. This took place in 1975 as an increment of light, a rod of illumination, and it does take place once in ten thousand years and was activated in all who have the threefold flame and have allegiance to the light. It was not given to the fallen ones or their mechanization man.
-Divine Director, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 5, 1988 at RTR, MT, Pearl 31:73
Tell me then! For I would rather hear of the new man and woman of Aquarius than of the old, old tales of serpents with their sting in their tails. It is high time you should bind them in the name of Christ! They have no power! They are simply multiplied on the screen of the astral plane, projected there in the multiplication of a thoughtform, of a genetic code, of a twist of a twisted Atlantean mind that has thought up the creation of mechanization man.
-Elohim Hercules with Amazonia, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 6, 1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 32:9
I fear lest you adopt the ways of rote performance of ritual of mechanization man! I fear lest you take for granted the staff that is placed in the hand of the Messenger! It is a spiritual staff of which the one she does hold is outer sign and symbol. Therefore, let the rod of the Law be a comfort to my people! Let angels comfort you. And may you know, beloved, that it is an hour of O so close communion!
- Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thanksgiving, November 24, 1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 31:83
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These souls of light who [upon their transition] proceed to the etheric octaves [on account of] the devotions they have [practiced] in their own movements, beloved ones, immediately see the planetary equation. And they see this body of lightbearers holding this fortress of light against all odds and against the density of the mass consciousness. And they are shown films of Atlantis when the fallen ones controlled the masses and their mechanization man and did move them against the great temples of light [as they are attempting to do today]. And [these souls of light] recognize that these scenes are being replayed [on earth today] and they see how they themselves have been traduced by fallen ones and led astray from the true teachings of the world’s great [spiritual] leaders and founders of [the major] religions.
-Goddess of Light, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 8, 1989 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 32:54
Therefore understand, beloved, that your primary and original reason for being is to be co-creators of life [with that Life who is God]. And for this purpose the Divine Mother has endowed you with sacred fire, and it is indeed sacred. And out of that sacred fire the material components, even the seed and the egg, are endowed with a God-consciousness, else, beloved, this would be the mere reproduction of a species or of mechanization man [on a parallel with] the animals, who do not ensoul God in their creation….
We see then fallen angels who have createf a godless mechanization man; and they desire to control the propagation of this mechanization man. In fact they consider that mechanization man has gotten out of hand on this planetary body and [that] they have been educated by lightbearers. They have [gotten] mixed in with the children of light and they themselves have taken up a devotion to the one true God . And they themselves [this robotic creation] in some cases have earned a threefold flame which their creators no longer have access to. Thus [their soulless parents] become enraged [as they lose control of their offspring whose devotion to the God flame now supersedes their human or Nephilim loyalties]….
You will always find that the philosophies and arguments of fallen ones are given to convince those whom they think are ignorant masses [to do their bidding], even the godless mechanization man. And so many times their serpent lies are taken up by children of God who should know better. And they are taken up, beloved, because of inordinate desire, because of [willful] ignorance, because of greed and avarice, because of ego and pride and lust. Thus all of the poisons of the Dhyani Buddhas, when they are present in the children of light and are not rooted out, blind them to the serpentine, treacherous lies of these fallen ones that are designed not only to limit their own mechanization man, whom they fear will rise up in anger and overthrow themn but [also] to limit the productivity [of children of light] and the covering of Earth with lightbearers. -Goddess of Liberty, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 5, 1989at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, MT, Pearl 32:41
This is the mechanization-man response to the path of chelaship. It is an incorrect response, beloved, and it ends [where it began], in spiritual pride and ultimately in the “breaking” of that one, for the fire [of the heart] is not developed. [This response] is [born of mortal man’s self-idolatry and his] desire to be a computer and a computerized one, a [“perfect”] robot creation! [It is born of thinking man’s desire not to think.]…
Let those chelas who are imitating the fantasy of fallen ones and the ways of mechanization man cease to do so! Let those who admire the world and its levels of a material perfection remember that [the worldly] have not entered in, lo, in aeons! Yet they may perform well. They may be th ought well of. They may appear to have genius. But where genius leaves off, beloved, there is the Mind of Christ and many do not have it….
For in the day of the Lord there is a tremendous light and cosmic burst of energy, and it is for annihilation of [mechanization-man] misusers of light. And it is for the clearing of the entire material cosmos for descent of buddhas and bodhisattvas of Maitreya, of Gautama, of Sanat Kumara and of myself.…
Let the mechanization-man concept of religion tell you that Christ simply is and I will say that even the I AM THAT I AM is not simply that which is. For the I AM THAT I AM is ever moving and even as I speak the Word, the I AM THAT I AM has transformed itself a million times and released all manner of light rays [and spirals of the Mind of God]. There is nothing but progressive revelation and [progressive] realization of God where you are.
-Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 25, 1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 33:49
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The Messenger has explained that “family mesmerism” is another manifestation of Martian energies. It is human attachment based on blood ties rather than spiritual ties. War and other violent conflicts also come through the vibration and aura of Mars. The ultimate Martian misqualification is the creation of mechanization man, the godless creation. Astrologers see Mars as the planet of action based on desire. The Messenger has explained: “Mars triggers energy that brings action, but whatever your desires are, that is where your energy will go.” - note to Pearl 35:55
The accent on the first beat is the opportunity for the threefold flame to be expressed by the soul’s attunement with the cosmic interval. Therefore you count one, two, three; one, two, three, and you do not count one, two, three; one, two, three . That particular count is the mechanization of the glorious freedom of three-quarter time. …
As fire becomes water and water becomes fire, so you see, it is through the figure-eight that the alchemy of air produces the element of earth, and the movement from air to earth and earth to air is also the translation of energies from concept held in mind to the physical matrix made manifest.
Although it is a military cadence the waltz does not have the mechanization of the robot creation because it contains light and joy and precision of Mind of Christ manifesting in nature, not as a mechanical cosmos but as the glorious love manifestation of Spirit entwining matter and matter entwining Spirit through the caduceus rising upon the spinal altar. -Lady Venus, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 15, 1977 at Pasadena, Pearl 43:53
Can you not feel the rhythm of this creation and the rhythm of this life and the soul responding to my words because the soul has such a great need to go within in order to come without? Millions and millions among mankind live without, on the periphery, on the surface, without experiencing the tutoring of their souls, the balancing of the elements. They become as dried reeds. They become without flow or flowering of the chakras. They become mechanical, functioning then according to mechanization man.
Out of the Flame of Mother was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1976 at Washington, D.C., Pearl
And the gods who taught them this devious route to obtain divinity were the fallen angels who “kept not their first estate” but fell with Lucifer. These are they who took unto themselves “the daughters of men” and bore a godless, soulless creation called the Nephilim--through whom they would perpetuate their manipulation and mechanization of the masses. - Sanat Kumara to the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, dated December 9, 1979.
Pearl 42:2
This is why Jesus said, “Except ye become as a little child, ye shall in no wise enter in. For the child of which he spake was the Manchild. To be like that Manchild is to have a threefold flame. One cannot enter into God’s consciousness, God’s reason, God’s logic, His discipline or His love without the transfer [from mechanization man to the Manchild].…
Therefore dip in. As Jesus said “Work while ye have the light.” Work at freeing yourselves from mechanization momentums so daily programmed into the souls of the people by their contact with media. -Rose of Light, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 2, 1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 48:44
And so you see, mankind have allowed economic theory, political theory and the concept that they have rights to take the place of those rights in fact, in actuality. And therefore the manipulators wave the banners of freedom. They beat the drums. They hold high the sabers which proclaim the individuality and freedom of mankind. But in actuality mankind do not have those freedoms that are preached. No, they do not have them. They are in bondage to every form of manipulation of the fallen ones, bondage to their own self-imposed limitations, bondage to the state, bondage to local forms of government that deprive them of their individuality….
I come then with a warning for this year, for the remainder of this century. The high intensity energies of the Holy Spirit are such that when they come in purity they can mean the transformation of life. But beware that force of anti-Spirit. For it will seek to seize that energy before it can reach the little ones—to pervert that energy, to turn it upside down, inside out, to create a miasma of mechanization, of the evil forces bent on strangling the little children, the holy innocents. - Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 30, 1974 in Anaheim, Pearl 52:21
I am well aware that I am addressing this day those who have come out of the grips of these very ones who have bound you for aeons. With you, then, we may proceed along the lines of independent thought. I am also well aware that I speak to those who have developed a heart flame, who have sensitivity to higher vibration, who know the difference between the vibration of a flying saucer and the living Gautama Buddha, those who understand the path of metallic mechanization man throughout the universes and those who understand a path of discipleship that does lead unto that internalization of the God Flame. Few there be such as yourselves.…
Thus, beloved, there are some who will only decide–[indeed they cannot do otherwise,] based on the immediacy of their own mechanization man–[at] the level to which they have achieved somewhat of a computerized order out of the chaos of [the human] creation itself. And thus they are very realistic. Homo sapiens has so become self-sufficient, aware of limitation, entirely tolerant of its condition, desire and needs and wants. Thus, the adaptability and adjustability to oneself is vry complete. -Kuan Yin, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 1, 1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, MT, Pearl 31:61
Mark Prophet described this process before Zechariah Sitchin ever wrote his books. The story of the creation of “mechanization man” is in our paperback book, The Soulless One, and was also published in the 1965 bound volume of Pearls of Wisdom, The Mechanization Concept. Those who have eyes to see can see that genetic engineering has gone on for hundreds of thousands of years on this earth and other planets. “Prophecy for the 1990s III” is based on a lecture given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet May 21, 1989 at New York City, Pearl 33:12
The simple perception of this science and this mystery of the Cosmic Christ--its contemplation even for a moment—will be the healing and alignment of worlds beyond worlds. Therefore cosmic consciousness of the law of God, endowed by wisdom and by love, is the liberation of your soul. Not the repetition of these words as intellectual concept but the entering in to the Word itself as the energy of a cosmos. Feel the quivering of the Creation in the Creator and know not a duality but a oneness….
The Word of the Lords of Karma unto you is that if this nation under God is to be saved, it will be saved only by those who have the contact under God with Saint Germain, with the Cosmic Christ, with every Ascended Master who is both one and a part of every other Ascended Master. We are one and we will not be divided by any mechanization of religion or manipulation of the souls of the people into compartments of consciousness. -Lord Maitreya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 31, 1978 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl
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