Monday, March 28, 2022
the slaves of fallen ones have also developed a spiritual pride
Precious ones, you cannot give power to evil and reap good thereby. Dominion is established by acceptance of your divine right to express the perfection of paradise in your world. Complacency has brought about a weakening of mankind’s will to do good and the blind mechanical acceptance of whatever life seems to throw at them. The self-imposed yokes and tyrannies which have been accepted by you since early childhood from the mass mind, almost as a hypnotic effect, must be broken by establishment of patterns of divine grace.…
There is no higher art than the discovery of the Creator’s infinite loveliness implanted within the soul of every man and expressing his goodwill, kindness and understanding. The ties of earthly friendship with their sympathetic attachments have often degraded mankind by pulling individuals downward into the jaws of men’s mechanical vices as well as their supposed virtues. All this is the self-will and self-righteousness of mankind. -Master R, Pearls of Wisdom 8:8
Countless followers of Christ audibly support his great admonition, but when it comes to daily practice they continue to express criticism, condemnation, and judgment in a most brittle, mechanical manner. They do not take into account the recorded debit to their lifestream for such acts and the resulting energy which can become an oppressive weight when it returns to them for balance.…
You may wonder just how all this fits the mechanical dissertation which I am engaged in. In a very real sense this discourse fits quite nicely. For mankind have developed a deep set of stereotyped and acceptable values which they carefully preserve as in a closet, drawing them forth periodically and inserting these hardbacked cards into a stereopticon for recurrent viewing. Thus criticism has become a parlor game in which men amuse themselves at the expense of others, not realizing that by so doing they widen the moat that separates them from the great divine realities of life. Why review evil when you can amplify the power of good!
• Stereotyping has become very mechanical. Civilization finds it only too easy to assassinate the character and service of our best servants. We have noted in cosmic history that wherever we have established focuses for the freedom of man, the powers of intolerance have attempted malicious devaluation before men. This includes the circulation of partial truths, lies and fabrications. And the struggling few, not always securely rooted in an understanding of the dangers in the battle of life, are sometimes unhorsed.
Now I could tell you of a number of individuals who have received great healings and blessings to almost defy description through the radiant Word delivered by our messengers. Some of these individuals have been released from what we may term astral states so fearsome as to be more awesome than the descriptions in Dante’s Inferno. Yet when some of our most dedicated channels were under vicious attack from the forces of darkness, some of our modern disciples…
Let go, precious ones, for all time of this seemingly innocent but deadly game. Those who will may practice it, but they will reap the full results of their acts. Men use a mechanical, stereotyped image for others but not for themselves. I am sure that the wiles and snares of Satan, so-called, will be apparent to those who can attune with our level of thought. We would institute for mankind a new era of freedom from this practice that will encourage the use of the immaculate concept, thus drawing into a state of spiritual elevation many priceless souls who hunger and thirst after righteousness. -Rakoczy: Pearl 8:12 …………………….
To Builders of the World to Come I Say, There Is But One
Way to Make Way for the Coming Race—by Sacred-Fire
Transmutation of the Conspiracy of Mechanical Man:
Call unto the Lord, I AM THAT I AM, to Gather the Wheat of Divine Man-ifestation into His Garner and to
Burn the Chaff of Humanoid Non-Man-ifestation with
Fire Unquenchable. Be Firm with Evil Wherever You Find it; Stamp it Out and Replace it with the Real, the Eternal and the Substance of Things to Come:…
Therefore great care must be exercised by mankind today in ferreting out upon the planet those individuals who belong in the classification of “the wicked” lest the innocent lambs suffer for their deeds. It is our hope that the heinous crimes perpetrated against all humanity by those so classified can, in the name of cosmic justice, be corrected without undue suffering of mankind en masse. Through the power of infinite freedom and relieving consciousness of the gross mechanical sense we believe that the purposes of God can be fulfilled by divine edict—without the interference of human fanaticism and untempered zeal. It is our hope to squeeze out blind injustice and negation by saturating the planet with those necessary reforms which, by divine love, will remove the bane of that oppression which wicked rulers have for generations instituted upon Earth. …
I am not so interested in identifying and describing these individuals as I am in calling to your attention that they do exist. John the Baptist as he preached the coming of the Christ foretold the end of this race of mechanical men when he said “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” Again referring to the barrenness of this counterfeit creation he said “Every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.” He prophesied the coming of one who would baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire .…
The mechanical man is the wolf in sheep’s clothing who may defy detection for awhile, but we know how to expose all those who deliberately or in ignorance perpetrate any form of sinister strategy against mankind. Those individuals for example who have dared recently to attack Master Morya El, the illustrious Prince of Good Will whose every thought and energy is wholly dedicated to the dissemination of light and truth, will one day find themselves face-to-face with the record of this great master and, as they gaze upon it, their own being will seem to shrink until they feel as a miniature atom beside a blazing sun. Then they will be asked to step outside of their puny manifestation, which is a mere speck of dust, and reach toward the stars to become like Master Morya—dedicated servants of God…“Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.” …
The battlelines are being drawn for the invisible victory. The peril of the world is not all gone but continues to hover like the sword of Damocles over civilization. The need for protection and advancement continues to be very great, but we have not forsaken our chelas nor will we leave you comfortless. The end of division and separation, the end of destructivity of inhumanity among men is at hand, even at the door. As the sullied garments are laid aside and clean white linen of Christhood is lovingly enfolded around the children of the light, the Sun of Eternal Righteousness shall show forth a coming race without spot and without blemish. God wills it so! I AM forever your friend of great light, Master R, Pearl 8:16
Now it is in the mere mechanical sense of generation that men have come to accept the artifacts of civilization as an acceptable reality, and it is by that same mortal sense that they have often questioned and even doubted the existence of that which is invisible to their human senses or, shall we say, to their human nonsenses. It is our hope that the concept that only Earth is important will soon fade from the planet. For among the myriad, shining worlds afar are histories innumerable of beings both gentle and kind and of those who have run the gamut of human expression elsewhere, in faded and even contemporary evolutions of the timespan. In time to come these histories will offer men great object lessons, for they will see their own mistakes and accomplishments mirrored therein….
It is a known fact that that which mankind see and perceive clearly with the senses is often discounted with the passing of a few hours. Likewise men’s sense of the wondrous and the miraculous fades quickly. Thus
“illusion” is the word used by them in many cases to describe reality and truth, whereas “fact” is the word used to describe the data compiled from mechanical experience, which at best has only a temporary reality in the infinite cycles of existence.…Inasmuch as the world itself and the world mood have become a battleground for conflicting ideologies, discrimination and a right sense (a sense of righteousness) must be perceived by progressive mankind as being most desirable. It has been well recorded, “Ask, and ye shall receive.” Therefore we believe in order to establish the power of God that shall free man from evil conditions that he must first establish the desire for truth and then call to God for the power to know and to discern “what is truth.” Finding bit by bit the pieces of regeneration, he must interlock them within the very areas of his thought and feeling world until the Christ image reinforces the sagging vigor of the human psyche. When the latent Christ image is developed in all of its magnificent power mankind can then safely touch to the torch the vestige of human creation, a shabby garment he no longer requires. These conditions will not suddenly become more correctable because someone wishes it to be so. There are certain steps that must be taken. For truth and understanding are not mechanical. They are creative. And it is by the power of God that all life has been established. It is by the power men give to error that life has been corrupted. And it is by the power of truth and the nobility of effort that men shall invoke the purifying power from on high that shall heal the world in all of its current unrest and disturbances. -Rakoczy: Pearl 8:18
The denial of lesser qualities within the world should be made in two ways: by direct denial of the power of error to influence thought or action and by obedience to the requirements of the law which establishes right action. When men begin to secure the bastions of immortality in themselves, when men begin to comprehend in part the wondrous advent of truth with its many facets and exquisite splendor shining in the mind of God they will then perceive the release of His immortal consciousness into their individual worlds and thus will God’s righteousness be sustained upon earth. …
Now one of the most awesome threats to mankind today is the unfortunate use which is made of hypnotism. And I say awesome because this particular evil is cloaked with authority from a professional group highly esteemed by mankind. We do not deny that a very high percentage of embodied mankind are subject to hypnotic control to some degree through many subtle influences, but we affirm that this ought not to be; for that which binds the mind of man to the spell of mayic glitter is also a mechanical holding of the attention of outer man upon matter and form in order to enslave the spirit of man which originally came forth as a flame from the heart of God.
• Hypnosis in any form is a sooty business, for thereby the clean burning flame of the soul is mingled with abominable substance so as to coat the lens of the mind with the appearance of imperfection in the guise of perfection. It is the work of the wicked who say “Let us do evil, that good may come.” And, in the words of Saint Paul, their damnation is just. This mechanical clouding of man’s knowing also occurs in the release of subliminal advertising through television and motion picture screens. Well, let them have their day of “spots” and influence—truly they have their reward! The karmic record grows heavy with drops of retribution, and I think it shall return unto those who would mechanically enslave the minds of men.
…Beloved Paul also warned the early Christians concerning “false apostles, deceitful workers” who transformed themselves into the apostles of Christ. He counseled that they should not be surprised, “for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”
-Rakoczy: Pearl 8:21
Those who as little children placed their hands trustingly in the hands of God know that His truth is their shield and buckler, the strong arm of righteousness. Surely the limited vision of man’s present theology should not be one with which men are content. Consider the many areas of destiny upon which religion is silent….
• “I AM my brother’s keeper” is the fulfillment of the law, but not in blind attachment or sympathy; for the latter phase of human error is a mechanical tie, a pull upon the passions of men who see in failures of others the possibilities of their own personal loss and, by the bond of sympathy, they are pulled in a downward spiral into the maelstrom of imperfection.…O gracious ones, the hour has come when a sense of cosmic vigor must enter into the affairs of mankind to arouse them from their vain mechanical attitudes and to teach them the efficacy of divine grace as God in action here below. If it were possible, heaven itself would have almost exhausted its toleration of men’s errors on this planet. Time after time civilizations have arisen and fallen. Wonderful cultures have existed of which but a vestige remains. Men have builded anew again and again upon the rubble of olden worlds and only the few have been able to see and retain the vision. -Rakoczy, Pearl
The popularity of drugs and marijuana was as present then as it is today. By chemical means and compounded misuses of the science of rhythm, the chakras of the children of God were covered over and the call (to light) was muffled to their lessening sensitivity, while the cries of their souls were silenced by mechanical programming of the mental body and subconscious mind.
• We would warn ardent lovers of God that similar circumstances must inevitably draw similar conclusions. Not for the wicked or wickedness of the people is cataclysm come in any age, but for absence of the righteousness of the righteous. -Maitreya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1978 in Pasadena and Camelot, Los Angeles
The securing of spiritual forcefields in matter is the work of the chelas of the ascended masters….The initiates of the mystery schools are the preachers of righteousness and they continue to preach the Word and its science until the hour of the judgment and their embarking on the ark….
These fugitives from past ages of this and other planetary homes are vagabonds still, entertained and entertaining by the euphoria of their astral nonexistence. Waging wars and fighting causes of human good and evil, they do not espouse the values of the sons of light but seek daily to undo the paths of righteousness we have wrought. An eventual self-destruction is the price that they have agreed to pay to be destroyers of light and lightbearers. -Nada, via Messenger ECPm Pearl 23:6
Dear hearts, I must tell you that some of you have been slaves of the Nephilim gods for too long, too long, and therefore [you are] accustomed to their mechanical modus. The mechanical mind of fallen ones is a proud mind, and therefore the slaves of fallen ones have also developed a spiritual pride whereby they are convinced that the way to think, to act, to organize and to work is the way of the fallen ones.…
To therefore divest oneself of this momentum [of playing the slave while eschewing the Son], and now to link oneself to the Son of God by this kiss of the heart, rose unto rose, is a step that becomes a conscious decision. It is as though one who was on a life-support system attached to a mechanical heartshould now summon the courage to be unplugged and to trust that in so doing he could now become plugged in to the heart of God. -Rose of Light, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 2, 1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 48:44 ………………………….
-Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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