Monday, March 28, 2022
when you do not make the effort the alternative is to become mechanization man
Keepers of the Flame can invoke enough light in America to reverse the tide, but first of all you must know you can! You must not be defeated by world conditions. They have no power in the eye of the Mother; in her immaculate vision they are consumed. But the Mother’s eye must be your own eye. Where else can it manifest but in you? The Mother must have many eyes to behold the immaculate concept and many hearts to send forth that fire that will defeat them on contact. - Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Colorado Springs on December 8, 1975, Pearl of Wisdom 20:46
Some with Lucifer created synthetic planets with synthetic evolutions computerized, robotized, functioning as the outermost satellite of a solar system (e.g., Pluto) or as the moons of so-called legitimate planets. These stations, astral/physical in vibration, have served from time to time in the history of galaxies to hold computers for programming of lifewaves of a solar system in a mass mechanization and manipulation of their own solar/soul energies. -Archangel Gabriel: Pearl 22:11
This generation of Americans and their prosperity is built upon the credit system. The increase of the money supply has created an unreal concept of the abundant life. While some have become millionaires through inflation, others have been robbed of the fruits of their sacred labor. Thus the synthetic self has built its synthetic economic system, and the illusion of a materialism without God and of mechanization without the presence of the Holy Spirit has produced a wholly unreal consciousness of the abundant life. -Saint Germain: Pearl 23:7
Let us tackle the most insidious serpents first, not last, and let us do so under the aegis of our Lord Sanat Kumara using his Ritual of Exorcism to bind the Watchers and their godless, soulless creation who have perverted the science of the fifth ray and of all-seeing Eye of God to erect their monolithic mechanization concept and to pit it against the divine image of the sons and daughters of God. -Pallas Athena: Pearl 23:10
Therefore in the hour of his coming as was prophesied by Malachi, in that day shall the children of Israel take dominion over the seed of the wicked. These fallen ones and their seed— mechanization man and that godless creation—shall be consumed by the sacred fire.
-Archangel Uriel: Pearl 23:37
This is a burden upon my heart and it is a burden upon the heart of the Messenger, truly. For those individuals who will set themselves about much work without the necessary sacrifice, using work as the replacement for sacrifice or surrender, may enter into a mechanical consciousness and into all of which the Great Divine Director has warned you—of this monstrous plot of evasion—the invasion of heart and mind of mechanization man.
And therefore you will work and the Father will work. And your work will not be the work of mechanization man, frantically trying to enter into the kingdom but never entering in. Thus it is better not to try when your trying becomes so trying that you end in crying and nevermore understand true God-consciousness that eliminates all self-pity and rises into the glory of the compassion of the Lord! -Lord Ling, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 28, 1980 at Camelot, Pearls of Wisdom 24:4
by fasting and prayer you might also be taken up by the archangels to behold that one, that Ancient of Days in his glory, in the rivers of fire, in the pools of living water, in the transcendent light in all of its movement. And then you will begin to understand how the creations of men and multiplication of mechanization man and inbreeding of the Watchers and Nephilim with this creation cannot endure.
- Enoch, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Cam elot on December 29, 1980, Pearl 24:5
Blessed ones, there cannot become a mechanization of justice or a mechanization of the law and thereby take from the people themselves the office and role of the individual Christ to be an integrator as well as an interpreter of the law. You must realize that in their frenzy and in their fear people want to enact laws that are absolutist in nature—allowing no room for individual freedom on the part of the people or those who must represent them in justice and in legislatures. …
And therefore let us reason together, let us consider the mission, and let us not go away with an unclear concept of that which is to be done. Therefore let students of Summit University and students from the world around, as well as those staff members, take the day to decree, to give prayer, to offer energies to me and Portia, to the Karmic Board, to the Council of the Royal Teton and Darjeeling, to Alpha and Omega for this divine plan and the specific outpicturing of it.
-Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 12, 1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:50
Do not despair, then, what thy karma has brought unto thee, but be more concerned as to the causes behind that karma. Look for them within the walls and linings of self. Be willing to be detached and to detach them from the within. Be willing to see the idols as tin soldiers marching from thyself—mechanization man, ideas of idolatry that have no part with the single idea of the image in which thou art made the perfect Christ. -Maha Chohan, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 7, 1981 in San Francisco, Pearls of Wisdom 24:66
The translation of the concept of goddess to that of compatriot, sister, mother, dearest heart is somewhat of a difficulty to those who yet consider life in these outlandish terms of separation of the world of the gods and that of ‘mere mortals’. You can hear, even in the expression, the old leftover consciousness of the Nephilim who subdued their mechanization man and caused them to bow and scrape and to consider the gods as a holy terror, as tyrants, as givers of favors, as controllers of life and destiny through their genetic engineering and all manner of advanced science. …
Blessed hearts, it is not through malintent of the machine itself that is programmed to lift the arm and lower it again, but rather is it the malintent of the creators of mechanization man who have sown in them seeds of evil. And when the machine crosses over to become biological mechanization man, as this synthesis occurred in past ages and remains to the hour, then that seed of evil conceived from the beginning is present. …
Realize that the protection of Almighty God through the Virgin Mary is a tangible presence. And that gift of that piece of cloth—materialized with paints that have not faded, with the miraculous figure of Juan Diego in the very eye of the Virgin—demonstrates the mission of the Divine Mother in you all, holding in her eye the immaculate concept of the child of God in devotion to her flame. It is the reassurance to all impoverished souls of this hemisphere that the Virgin Mary, the Divine Mother, is present and is continuing to nourish their souls and to sustain them in the hour of persecution of World Communism and of the power elite! …
Let us go back then to the little people of the world who, weary and waiting for the coming of the Mother, have accepted the slogans, the warmongering of Communists—who have been promised everything and anything and have therefore abandoned their first love, in some cases. For the most part, beloved ones, they remain undivided. And many who go after the beast of World Communism are of mechanization man—slaves, ‘workers’ in the first place, having been created only to that purpose by fallen ones. -Kuan Yin, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 11, 1981 at Camelot, Pearls of Wisdom 25:1
Cosmic forces of love gather for the binding of anti-Self that is born in the heart of the liar and fulfilled in the heart of murderous intent. Anti-Love, then, is the ultimate manifestation of insensitivity to Life that is seen in mechanization man or in those individuals who have abdicated their identity and therefore become a castaway. You have seen such individuals in the short film that you viewed this evening. -Elohim Heros and Amora, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1982, at Camelot, Pearl 25:11
Therefore know, O children of the Sun, sons and daughters of the God-star Sirius, know that the fallen ones who separated out of the company of the Lord’s hosts did go forth to nullify those centers of light. And therefore they are called “the Watchers,” for their original assignment was to keep the flame of the immaculate concept for all life.…
I tell you, the victory in the battle is to victors over time and space! And you are indeed accelerating over time and space when you invoke violet flame. And though it appears imperceptible, I tell you that your light bodies, your very living temples are entirely different in this moment from those of other lifewaves upon Earth who have hitched themselves to the entire conglomerate of computerized systems of the world’s mechanization man and Nephilim -onsciousness!…
Beloved hearts, it takes an immense effort to be a son of God, to be a co-creator with Him. And when you do not make the effort the alternative is to become mechanization man—to become mechanized and therefore to respond to commands of another who has set himself up as impostor of your Christ Self and impostor of your I AM Presence! -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 3, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:13
Now hear the Word of Peace—as a planetary vibration, as a chain of light that is Elohim in the sixth octave of God’s power.…
Dear hearts of light and living fire, this is the age when God, in the divine plan of the Great Divine Director, has purposed to dedicate the holy family, especially in the Americas. And you know the plan of South America. You have seen the ravaging and very malicious intent of fallen ones to supersede that plan, to displace it and to set up instead their communes of mechanization man. -Elohim Peace and Aloha, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 3, 1982 at Camelot, Pearls of Wisdom 25:14
-Kuan Yin, Enoch, Pallas Athena
-Cyclopea, Gabriel, Lord Ling, Uriel
Chart of I AM Presence, Maha Chohan (Great Lord)
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