Tuesday, March 29, 2022
thosw qhohols qith commonsense
While it is true that responsibility rests with the world’s leaders in every field to set an example of integrity, nothing should prevent the world’s followers from manifesting that integrity which their leaders ought to manifest or from exalting virtue as an example before them. There is much in the world’s thought about itself that is accurate, but its inaccuracies have come to be accepted by individuals without question. Such tacit acceptance makes for both a weak civilization and a weak individuality. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 5:34
One of your poets has said, “They cannot die, for they have not yet lived.” And I think that it is in this sense that men ought to begin to live: by discarding mechanical patterns of behavior which result in their disenfranchisement of spiritual power and freedom.
Beloved ones, the mind of God is alive, electric, vital. This is the Father’s business referred to by beloved Jesus in many of his statements. “Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” To be about the Father’s business is to be free from the sense of a mere mechanical action or thought about following a prescribed rote of the law.
To act in harmony with the Father is to emulate divine grace. It is to possess the faculty of engaging one’s being in the so-called battle of life (the struggle for the survival of the light of the soul submerged in the density of matter) by following the path of righteousness for His name’s sake, I AM, and walking through the valley of the shadow while steadfastly holding on to the staff of your own attention upon the Divine One and maintaining an awareness of common needs of both God and man.
The needs of man are for divine grace and the needs of God are for a channel through which to express that grace. This is never a mechanical action but is ever an action of divine love whereby the very Soul of God embraces the soul of man. And in this enclosure, this spiritual cloister, this consecrated spiritual marriage a divine Manchild born of this holy union will set the temple of God in perfect order. It shall be done! -Master R: Pearls of Wisdom 8:6
Now those who hold with common sense and open-mindedness know, with Him, that an understanding of all mysteries and spiritual knowledge is not essential in obtaining entrée into the divine kingdom. This is the object of the snares that are cleverly and continually used by powers of darkness: to convince mankind that they must have an answer to every question concerning life and death. By so doing they involve the energy of the seeker either in trivial argument or in awesome confusion. Thus the holy currents of energy which he so needs to live the life of a follower of God “as dear children” are diverted and dissipated until he cannot manifest the rightness of action or the action of righteousness which would open the way for the Presence of God to be established as the kingdom of God in the domain of individual reality.
We recommend a sound faith rather than desire for false security acquired by defining and accepting concepts of heaven and God in such a manner as to create a “calm” knowing sense of the Unknowable and to have the “peace” of a personal code of “self” righteousness, however incorrect it may be. I am an advocate of childlike faith and beautiful serenity but not at any price, not at the cost whereby man’s haste to arrive at conclusions misconstrues tolerance of universal law into a mold of his own selection.
The exigencies of social religious pressure in which an attempt is made to corral mankind as into branded herds and painfully confusing separations engendered thereby are a blot upon the hopes of the world for peace and unity. Doctrine and tenet of faith and belief have often been a mechanical crib, confining the soul to acceptability and creed without benefit of ultimate truth. Final truth comes about through personal experience with God and is based upon the law of transcendence—upon the transcendental nature of being whereby God, Truth, is not found to be static but in a constant state of Self-revelation and Self-realization….
Dependence upon mechanical faith may bring personal popularity but it is a poor substitute for intrepid involvement whereby cosmic stature is achieved. There upon the mount of attainment it will be seen that weavings of golden illumination with threads of purity have combined to make faith and the substance thereof a faith in truth and God-reality which can never deny itself nor be denied by another. In this manner the rewards of the kingdom are conferred as vestments of reality upon the seeker who strives continually to rid himself of error and to find oneness with God.
With what obscurity faith in the idols of the marts and idylls of the kings temporal has thwarted expansion of the true kingdom of God upon earth. Now beyond intellect, beyond personality, beyond error unjustly called truth let the real lead men from the unreal to tender enfoldment of the kingdom of God’s heavenly love and dream of brotherhood as the practice of His love. Let the real lead men to externalization of the plan by the faithful who refuse to attribute evil to God or man, seeing the impersonal death of wickedness as the personal victory of those who interpret righteousness in their own actions. These will control energy by right thought and feeling and evolve through God, magnetized in the chalice of individual consciousness.
So dedicate thyself, so be thou, and the doorway of the kingdom shall open wide as mechanical illusion is cast aside
and compulsion to believe is rooted in the bedrock of that reality,
immortality and triumph that God forever is. -Master R: Pearls of Wisdom 8:13
The mechanical sense has been employed by mankind, in part, ever since the fall of man from his high estate. Man’s need to substitute his lesser human powers for his lost divine ones has caused him to seek to master methods of both mind and mechanics in directing and controlling matter and even thought. In establishing limitations upon the power of thought some men have considered the human mind to have certain frailties which it does not in reality have. Considering the human mind to be a recording device similar to a tape recorder or a phonograph record, it would naturally seem to have spatial limitations governed by size of the disc or length of the reel. Seeing that in reality the mind of man is the mind of God it is unlimited; and therefore this is a myth that has hampered mankind’s power of thought.…
Beloved Jesus’ statements in which he pointed to the fowls of the air and lilies of the field—“Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?...But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” —indicate that it is not vital that man should have his attention constantly turned without, to the physical. The words “take no thought” are very strong; indeed they make very clear where man’s first concern must be and they show that those who give their all to God are rewarded with His abundant grace. -Master Rakoczy: Pearl 8:25
Wise is the man or woman who can separate Truth from error and decipher those mechanical manipulations of mass mind whose stereotypes are so often nothing but machinations of the savants of darkness who seek to divide men from one another.…
What a pity that in a time when so much sincere teaching is needed to correct the doubts, fears and misapprehensions of men those who prefer the alphabet of divine righteousness and living truth to doctrinal error should come under the rod of the spoiler. -Morya: Pearl 15:20
The Brotherhood, in addition to censuring entertainment industries of the world, perceives the cosmic justice that must one day fall as a bolt of lightning from the skies upon the moneychangers and their manipulative tactics in the world of finance. In the fields of government cowardly legislators have continually allowed disgraceful erosion of the freedom of man to go on before their very eyes. In many nationsgovernment has become a mechanical monster, greedily grinding its gears of inefficiency while world progress literally staggers in its course. -Saint Germain: Pearl 14:18
And so when you see the violet flame blazing across the earth, you will see, peeping through, the golden light of victory and the fires of victory. The legions of Victory ride their chargers with violet flame angels; together, two by two, they come, clad in the robes of righteousness and of the saints.…
I AM Victory! The golden-white light burning as a flame at the point of the third eye upon my forehead is the sign that we lead with victory. We lead with the flame of victory. I place that flame upon your foreheads now and I place upon you the helmet of peace for the protection of your mind from psychic attacks of fallen ones. Even at this very hour they are using mechanical equipment to project rays of disintegration upon the very mind, sensitivity, devotion and dedication of the elect of God. Therefore the helmet of peace shall be unto the righteous and unto the saints the protection of the sign of Aries that the Mind of Christ might be fulfilled in you, that you might answer the fiat “Let that mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”
I say then, be sealed heart, head and hand. “Put on the whole armor of God” of righteousness and truth and go forth to victory. -Mighty Victory, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 12, 1973 at Santa Barbara, Pearl 43:9
This desire is not something that can be transplanted by mechanical or surgical means. It is the original seed of God with which He has endowed the soul; and because that seed is in the soul, the Lord God Himself knows that the soul can and shall return according to the exercise of freewill. -Lord Maitreya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1978 at Pasadena and Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 43:33
Let the children of light then apply the Law. Let them give loving obedience [to the Law] and let there not be this dallying in unrighteousness, this tolerance of human error that ought not to be. And let thy divinity be of the Compassionate One and not the false perfection of the mechanical one.…
This is the quality of perfection that has naught to do with the mechanical ones and their accusations of failures that are not failures in the eyes of God. Those who try and try again to do His will, those who may fail in the outer sense in the marts of the world—that outer failure is not that of which we speak. [We speak of] the inner failure of the heart to apply itself and to wax hot in fervor and intensity for the path and, yes, for the flame of success in the world—a success that is a divine success because you have conquered by God and by applying His laws, not because you have made money or built an empire or scraped the skies with your towers! Nay, [we speak of] that success which shows the sharpening of mind and heart, the application of virtue. And the fruit of that success is a better life for the many and service to God’s people, preferring one another in love. …
Blessed hearts, it is well to measure the levels of tolerance and intolerance of the Mighty I AM Presence. And this is what you receive in direct chelaship under me and my beloved—these lessons. And somehow some of you have got them turned inside out and therefore you seek that mechanical perfectionment and that idolatrous religion which are far, far, far from our countenance and our hearts.
-Lanello, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 29, 1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 24:60
Compromise Does Not Work: The Soulution Is Single-Eyed and Single-Purposed!
Therefore realize that to sons of God is given the technique. And it cannot be stolen, it cannot be imitated, it cannot be mechanized, because it proceeds out of the fount of the threefold flame within your heart! And without that flame and without the path of righteousness and without the living tie to the living Guru, Sanat Kumara, there is no effectiveness in the use of the science of the spoken Word.…
I tell you, every day Russian psychics and scientists of the supernormal are seeking to find mechanical means to interfere with the increasing cycles of spirituality of the lightbearers. The momentum of yesterday of the chela on the path may not be adequate to today’s challenge. They seek to penetrate far beyond the physical. Therefore this impels your going higher and higher into the etheric octave until you literally walk the earth as a physical being yet vibrating etherically. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 3, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:13
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