Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Russia shall one day be God-victorious
The spiritual hierarchy, blessed ones, has long been aware of the fact that just as political deceit is practiced upon unsuspecting men and women, so theological deceit will also be spread abroad in the battle for the minds of men. This is why we long ago charged into the world of students the admonishment “Call upon your own divine Presence and wait upon the Word of the Lord. Live closely and identify with the precepts of holy truth which bring to the doorstep of every man the understanding of the full measure of his responsibility to his brother, made in the image of God, to whom he ought to offer the best that is within himself, owing direct allegiance to his great God- being.”
Where there is a dichotomy between the counsels of that great divine being and those of another individual or group of individuals the attention should always flow first to the divine Presence and then to the ascended masters’ realm for resolving of the difficulty. Light always begets light to nourish and regenerate, whereas darkness may indeed masquerade as intellectual blindness which refuses to accept the truth of that which it cannot see concretely defined.
In my last release I admonished concerning the will of man, and I tell you truly that it is to interfere with mankind’s freewill that the enemies of cosmic truth do practice and weave their webs of deceit. The image of God is simply not good enough for some among men who seem to feel that their own individuality is the sovereign expression of right and justice. This in effect denies compatibility with one’s own cosmic creation that in the beginning framed man in the divine image.
It is not, precious ones, that in the fulfilling of the divine image there is no latitude for individual expression and freewill, whether latent or active; it is rather a question as to whether or not men shall owe their highest allegiance to their original divine image or to the fabrication which we call the not-Self. Whereas men often choose to revere their right to express their own personal idiosyncrasies, God Himself has respected man’s right to be a cocreator. Thus the laws of the universe have returned to mankind the awesome currents of his own variegated manifestation, patterned after the human image; and a great toll of unhappiness has been brought about upon Earth. If in reality men had stood by their own great God Presence as that Presence has stood by them from the foundation of all things, the world would be living in the golden age here and now; sin, sickness and death would long ago have passed away and all tears would have been wiped away.
The reason mankind require crutches upon which to walk and support for their own sagging ideas that cannot stand in the light of reality is because they have leaned upon the arm of flesh, and the Spirit which is within them has not been acknowledged so as to give them the support that the law would allow, blessing mankind with every divine possibility of which the mind of God could conceive. There is always a natural yearning that fills the souls of men which is not satisfied by all \masquerading false concepts and therefore the soul continues to hunger.
Our persuasions are not for the glory of some individual, blessed ones, or some organization. They are for the glory of the great spark of immortality which is within you and in order that individuality—which you term a free expression of your own will—may become closely identified with the great divine nature of Almighty God. Thus mankind will become the personification of cosmic reality and the finiteness of man will be superseded by the infinite ever-unfolding nature of divine grace.
Every doctrine which is rooted in sinister strategies and seeks to cater to mortal mind of man or to pamper his ego, leading him to believe that he is connected with some outer source which will keep him informed as to what is happening around the cosmic corner, is simply an activity designed to please the little self and to enlarge the boundaries of that self. Cosmic magnification which is the fruit of divine sowing does not seek to embellish the ego or to make the individual to feel that he is above his fellowmen—rather does it seek identification of the individual with cosmic resources which enlarge the borders of man’s perception by the light of divine truth.
In the name of heaven, blessed ones, you cannot increase your spiritual wealth by simply adding to yourself mankind’s superficial respect. The world is filled with idols, and the idolatry which men practice does not add one iota to the spiritual stature of man. Your great strength does not lie in personal popularity or in a high self-esteem but in acts of divine grace which will always uphold the building blocks of truth by which God erects his temple of reality in the world of form and individuality.
Little do mankind dream of the vast number of individuals who are deceived by this or that philosophy, and in many cases by a religion which was not so much their choice as it was that of family, friends and early environment. We do not seek to discourage in men divine worship or any benign quality, nor do we seek necessarily to estrange men from a faith which gives them comfort. Rather do we seek to activate within their minds and feeling worlds such interest as shall cause them to understand just what is acting in the world around them.
It is necessary that men shall learn to penetrate their environment and to understand right motives in others as well as in themselves in order that they might discern the Lord’s body as the consummate action of divine truth, always affinitized with the mighty Word which went forth to create and does sustain the whole creation. The structure of creation is indeed magnificent and the levels of heaven beyond compare, but as long as men are enamored by outer glamor they may not understand full aspects of great fourth-dimensional world of truth. For it is these spiritual aspects which would enable them to discern reality and to provide for a reeducation of their vision from erroneous and outworn concepts and a certain ineptness of mind which makes them victims of human gullibility. Thus do the blind lead the blind and all fall into the ditch of human error.
The ascended masters desire to raise mankind out of every form of human decrepitude or servitude, into the great concept of the cosmic stretch wherein the soul can unfold its latent and dormant capacities, and men can become Christs through the dictates of the Holy Spirit who speaks within themselves in response to their welcome to cosmic purity and is evoked by the activated yearnings of their souls to know the truth that they may be free.
We speak not to condemn but for the multitudes of the Earth who hunger and thirst after righteousness and truth. That they may be filled is our prayer. We understand thoroughly the need for many laborers in the Lord’s vineyard. We realize that no man can at a given moment in time express a greater degree of accuracy than that of which he is capable. Truly the reach must exceed the grasp, and yet great is the need that men remain in one sense unsatisfied by mere platitudeswhile lovingly adhering to that which they know within their own souls is acceptable unto God and man.
It is sometimes difficult for individuals to understand just how others can be so gullible about spiritual things as to pin their faith on that which is obviously fraudulent. I do not think that the world is full of frauds, as men might imagine, but rather do I know that it is full of individuals who are often manipulated by forces beyond their ken. Therefore I urge all who can resurrect the faith that is within their own hearts to understand that the ascended masters are seeking to expand pure truth for mankind in all that they do. Truly, not everyone who saith “Lord, Lord,” will enter into the kingdom of God but those who seek above all to do the will of God. This is the treasure of the ages.
There are many reasons, blessed ones, why the hierarchy have winked at human ignorance in spiritual matters, permitting while not approving erroneous concepts of devoted souls yet unascended. Thus all activities and even those we sponsor upon earth will find greater light replacing limited understanding. However, revelation of a progressive nature must strive to accentuate the important phases of truth and gradually refine the lesser understanding of men.
In the parable of the wheat and tares men perceive the wisdom of not doing excessive uprooting until the time of harvest. In a like manner we have overlooked the most minute correction of a few misconceptions in the names of the hierarchy which we intend one day to resolve. This we have not done previously for a number of sound reasons. When the time is ripe for a greater clarification be not surprised but grateful, for every point of truth is helpful when the consciousness is receptive. I remain affectionately in the bonds of cosmic revelation which shall indeed manifest in the heart of each child-man. THE GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR, Pearl 9:41
…therefore I shall now speak concerning the facts mentioned by beloved God Meru in his address of Sunday, April 5th, in Washington.
He spoke on witchcraft not only as it was practiced in past civilizations but also as it has continued to be practiced through the centuries and is extant to the present day in many parts of Africa, the Caribbean, England and even America, particular infestations occurring in and around parts of Louisiana. All such negative foci contribute much to disturbances not only upon the planet itself but also in the hearts of its people. Incalculable damage has been done to the Christ image through the practice of this discordant human art.
In his magnificent address beloved God Meru emphasized in a most practical manner that the name “witchcraft” and its practice had no power (except that which men give to it) but is derived from the words wit and craft, indicating that witchcraft is nothing more than the craftiness of human wit or intellect; never could it originate in nor derive power from divine mind. He defined it as man’s cleverness or wit in manipulating the forces of mind and human psyche and projecting to distant points of a vibratory action of fear and domination over others. He emphasized the terrible karmic penalties involved but particularly desired to alert the students of the greater light to these continuing negative practices and the resulting emanations in order that they might effect the proper safeguards at this present hour….
Nay, I AM hereby offering to those willing to receive it the wisdom that will enable men to stand guard in their own world and in the world of others against all forces not derived from the consent of the Holy Spirit and the purity of heaven.
It is not that men themselves desire to give power unto the world’s wits or to those who would presume to be manipulators of others. It is that the power of negation is often unwittingly assumed over others without their knowledge and without their recognition of the source of influence which attempts to defraud them of the great blessings which God intends man to have.
Let me compare this to the incident of a legacy which a relative in a distant city bequeaths to a loved one. He entrusts it unknowingly to an unscrupulous attorney who, through manipulating the law, does not give proper notice to the heir at the passing of the relative and secures for himself an appointment as trustee thereby gaining control of the fortune himself. This defrauds the heir either in part or in toto who is thus unaware of the total good which should have befallen him.
The manifold religions of the world promise to confer in the hereafter a great deal of benefits, whereas the wise spiritual preceptor knows that many benefits of the kingdom of heaven can be immediate if the individual is only alert to accept his God-given opportunities. Now I say not only can they be immediate but they must be immediate if the glories of the aascension are to be conferred without unnecessary delays and in a similar manner to the translation of Enoch….
The fact remains that those who at the present hour desecrate divine intent by practice of witchcraft, although they were intended to inherit God’s kingdom, are not only hindering themselves but they are also hindering the planet through emanations of negation which they release…. • Those who desire to have dominion over the consciousness of others may seek to achieve it through imposition of intense feelings of self-condemnation upon their victims who, in their resultant state of self-delusion, are easy prey to those evil designs which the malpractitioner then masquerades as god….
Condemnation then which is actually a frontal attack against Christ-good in man, is one of the most insidious types of witchcraft because it opens the door to the disorientation of personality and a great deal of unhappiness. In addition to the more obvious and direct attempts to depreciate the manifestation of God there are projected into subconscious recesses of human psyche animal forms and astral distortions which would be enough to unhinge the most balanced of minds if they were aware of them. The dissonant lines of force emanating from these projections cut across the beautiful soul-regenerating powers of the Christ which would ordinarily flow unimpeded down through the whole lifestream from the great Source of Life, the individualized Mighty I AM Presence. Eventually these distortions reach the surface of men’s conscious awareness there to manifest as even more complex lies of insecurity, remorse and shame. Thus men’s hopes are dashed by these treacherous thieves which have entered the night of his consciousness and he, cast down before his own eyes, is unable to rise and behold the love of God that flows forth from the fount of Life to free him.
Now the Tube of Light which the students have been given is very effective in shutting out and screening from man these discordant vibrations. The violet flame is helpful. But men must diligently practice these services and must call forth forcefields of spiritual protection around themselves daily—and even hourly when under attack. In the name of God, I say to all: you are in a battle! The Battle of Armageddon is not a mere clashing of spears and chariots in the arenas of the world. It is a spiritual battle for the minds and hearts of men….
It is not enough to have individuals clothed with innocence; they must also be sheltered from the infernal blasts of the spoilers….I say in Christ Purity, let all day by day seek to rise higher.
Lovingly I AM Morya Pearl
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Friends of Hope: As mankind stand at the portal of the new year they await brighter hours.
In the world today dwell many who, solely by reason of family and training, are atheists and nonbelievers. Predominating in Russia and China, these atheists and their godless society seem to thrive. I tell you, all that seems to be is not. For there is alive in many hearts in the Orient as well as in Russia herself a great desire for divine worship and finding of the pathway that leads to God, to divine compassion and to home.
• Hence in the forthcoming year we of Hierarchy shall capitalize upon this for God. We shall respond in a more than ordinary way to hearts that seek us the world around. We shall show them that the pathway to universal Christ-realization is the only path that leads to triumph of all nations in one beautiful kingdom of universal hope.
If they prevent us from disseminating this information directly, we ourselves will go underground. We ourselves will work with those who still call upon the name of the Lord in secret, stepping through the veil if necessary in masterful identities capable of manuvering any divinely approved effort to bring a ray of light and hope to the Communist nations.
We shall even go backward in time if necessary, summoning souls from other systems of worlds that have previously been identified with Russia and China. We shall ask special dispensations that they too may step through the veil and assume masked personalities that will not be seen for what they are but will have the power to appear and disappear at will and to evade all authority. These shall walk the Earth as Apollonius of Tyana did, coming and going in the courts and marts, producing miracles that may not always be readily apparent but shall have their certain effect upon civilization. These beings shall lead some of the inner neophytes as well as advanced disciples of our Brotherhood into levels of triumph that shall eventually revolutionize the Revolution and produce in its place in the hearts and minds of the people the type of receptivity that shall help them to overcome the dread threats that mankind currently face.
I do not say that none of these threats shall materialize, for mankind have freewill. But surely the preponderance of our energy shall come forward now on behalf of the mankind of Earth and enter into the spiritual fight, the battle of Armageddon. And that battle shall not be won by those who have gained temporary control over the communications media, press and publishing industries of the world or by those who would manuver governments and political parties, textbooks and schools and every function of society.
I say unto you in God’s name the forces of the Lord shall descend. As Enoch said long ago “Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgment upon alland to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” The refore these things shall be. And beloved Helios said earlier this year “Nothing shall be able to stay My hand.”
And so the next year shall indeed be one of struggle; yet out of the chalice of the year perfection shall ultimately come.
I AM your servant, Igor
Pearl 15:55
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= O children of my heart, be not surprised as changes come and changes go--even as the secrets of the heart are made known and those whose life patterns ought to be impeccable do not present themselves as a chalice of whitefire on the altar of the heart.
Where is purity of heart?
It is in the little child who dwells within you. And yes, where are the secrets of Fátima that ought to have been made known to you yet have been denied to you and to the world?
I Mary your Mother say this day that I shall impart to you in the innermost recesses of your heart the very secrets that you must know that you might begin to calculate how you can truly turn your world around or your area of the world.
Blessed ones, being obedient to me is not enough--even if you are the pope or an ascended master. For you must bend the knee to your Mighty I AM Presence. I have come to you and to the nations. I have held you to my heart. I have spoken to you of the mysteries of God, yet that which I have spoken has not been given to the world.
Therefore enter into your novena to me this day as you call for the power of living truth in the tradition of the Archangels by invoking the Elohim Cyclopea 144 times. Again and again call to me and Archangel Raphael to expose the third Fátima secret to the world and to bring judgment upon those who have withheld it.
Blessed ones, some of you know of my presence in the world, but others may not be aware of me. I say, let the whole world become aware of me. Furthermore, all must also be aware of the healing flame which I carry for the millions and which you can also carry…. Forgiveness is always the law and always the flame. \…And if the great light of God must come to wipe out the darkness, be prepared for that also. Yes, be prepared for the descent of the Great White Brotherhood upon you in numberless numbers. Be prepared for the rapture wherein your spirit may be exalted to a knowledge of higher worlds. Be prepared for entering in to the Holy of Holies not only of your Holy Christ Self but of the Holy Spirit who may come upon you and drape you--yes, drape you with that presence of His ineffable light….
And so we fled to Egypt and remained there that we might be out of Herod’s way until we could return to Nazareth. The times have not changed, beloved; the only difference being that in those days we knew what was the colossal lie perpetrated against the innocents. We knew the consequences of life and death and the horrendous karma that would be meted out upon those who slaughtered life in the womb….
Keepers of the Flame! Wake up! You cannot stand idly by while all around you the world is falling apart and simply walk down the street saying to yourself: “Well, this is not my responsibility. Let somebody else do it.”…
And the report to the Messenger from the Russian students is in. So, beloved, the Messenger has learned of burdens that are upon our Russian Keepers of the Flame and how little money and food they have, even to travel to our centers in order to decree and practice the Ascended Masters’ Teachings….And I desire that they should hear my praise to them in this moment. Therefore won’t you stand and applaud the tremendous efforts of our Russian Keepers of the Flame. [39-second standing ovation]….
No, Russia shall one day be God-victorious because children of light and sons and daughters of God will see the opening in the heavens, will see my face looking down upon them from the great sphere of the world. And they will know that it is their light that is their triumph. And it is their triumph that shall bring the Messenger to Russia. -Archeia Mary, via Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Propheton August 17, 1997 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 40:26
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