Monday, March 14, 2022
the betrayal is not abroad. It is in this very nation
Blessed ones, there cannot become a mechanization of justice or a mechanization of the Law and thereby take from the people themselves the office and role of the individual Christ to be an integrator as well as an interpreter of the Law. You must realize that in their frenzy and in their fear, people want to enact laws that are absolutist in nature—allowing no room for individual freedom on the part of the people or those who must represent them in justice and in the slatures.
-Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 12, 1981 at Camelot Pearls of Wisdom 24:50
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El Morya has told me that it was the attitude of the absolutist who compromises not with himself in the sense of the absolute, that will win. A man will not win with a vacillating sense. -Messenger Mark Prophet was delivered on August 20, 1967 at Colorado Springs, Pearls of Wisdom 48:24
know that my own, each one of you, sense this great desiring that is in the heart of our Mother also. No thing is more important in the universe to our lifestreams than this breaking of the bread of Life, taking that bread and placing it in the open mouths of the birds that come to be fed.
Let the symbol of this Christmas be the World Mother, and the crown of a million stars be a giant nest where all of the birds of the universes may come and find their rest in that crown chakra of the Buddha and of the Mother. -Lanello: via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 24, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:68
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is self-evident that, with the passing of the years and the setting in of personal recalcitrance, many cease to be receptive to knowledge or to a reconsideration of that which they have come to accept as truth.
With this thought in mind, it is my desire to establish a greater understanding of the laws of God. This we will do by projecting into the consciousness of the race a mighty tide of light from the great golden flame of illumination, pulsing high in the Andes in our retreat at Lake Titicaca. In projecting this ray into the mental belt of the world, we are counting on those receptive “poles”—the true disciples of cosmic law and “followers of God as dear children” —to do what they are able for the expansion of true illumination by receiving and anchoring in the world of form those positive and constructive ideas which I hereby release.
The attitude of each individual who has fostered a misinterpretation of scriptures or a fraudulent understanding about the vicarious atonement has done much to alienate mankind from genuine truth and to prevent them from being receptive to the laws of life which would deliver them from every form of bondage. We would free mankind from the bondage of ignorance and the oppressors who would keep them bound.
The idea of God as the avenger is an anthropomorphic configuration; certainly it is no part of the consciousness of God. The power of Aton revealed by Amenhotep IV (Ikhnaton) was that of the Sun God Ra and his extension in the world of form as ray. Each monad was considered to be a ray of light emanating from the Central Sun source. Ra was the dispenser of all good, and the fruit of this goodness manifested as love, peace, joy, harmony, culture, beauty, strength and immortality. Certainly these qualities deserved to be immortalized. By a like token, qualities of negation that evolved out of the ego—from whence came wars, struggle, and inharmony between peoples—did not deserve to endure. They must perish with the dust that bore them. Ra would go on forever. He was the source of the coming light that each morning brought forth a new dawn of hope, portending a new day. These simple concepts of a monotheistic God have been aborted in the name of religion; blood sacrifice was no part of this early monotheism but entirely a pagan activity….
Blood is the symbol of life and, when purified, it flows through the body as the cleansing, life-giving essence of sacred fire. The life of Christ was carried on in the tradition of the Father whom Jesus showed forth. He, as an elder brother of the race, sought from the beginning to adhere to the primal truths of being that were taught by the Brotherhood and the priesthood of Melchizedek in the days of Abraham. Hence he said, “Before Abraham was, I am.”
Let all understand, then, that God is not a God of vengeance, that he does not require propitiation in the form of blood sacrifice (whether it be an animal or his only begotten Son) but rather repentance, which means a turning away from iniquity. …
All should understand that the real purpose of spiritual education of the age is to refute the satanic lie “Thou shalt not surely die” by teaching men to overcome “the last enemy” which is death/. Death can be overcome by manifesting life, and life is simply God. God can be manifested by each one as the light that is within him qualifies the life flowing through him with the nature of God….
Lovingly, for the illumination of man upon earth, I AM
Lady Meru: Pearl 11:41
This is our resolution, and to see it come to pass we must have continuous calls for the rolling back of the nefarious forces of the secret agents of the KGB and of Communist network worldwide. We are determined therefore that there shall not be an alliance of international organized crime with the world totalitarian movement. -Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet October 6, 1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:50
The very same crucifixion occurs today, as disinformation concerning the United States of America and her servants is put abroad by the KGB who come again to tear down that Christ before it is born, before it is able to rise up, before the people of this nation manifest that Christ-identity and stand indeed to judge them. For the Christ in all of us is come to judge the Antichrist, first and foremost in our own temple as the carnal mind—the specious reasoning mind—and then finally as the fallen ones in society. -Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 1, 1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:28a
And this is the key, beloved—whether it is the death wish of the various sects of religion on earth wishing and willing the death of the Messenger, whether it is Russian psychics or KGB agents who have masterminded the ability to probe the human mind and penetrate it, whether it is from Mars or Pluto or the moon or Hell itself, those embodied or disembodied, Death yet exists in the astral plane and it will come knocking at your door one of these days as surely as Death knocked clearly and loudly at the bedroom door of your Messenger in Los Angeles. And this occurred at the hour of 4:00 a.m. And at that hour the loud rap came twice—a physical sound bringing her to the awakened state and then the instantaneous knowledge that though the sound were physical, the presence was astral.- Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1987 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana, Pearl 30:2
I challenge you by the authority of the Sun, by the authority of my God Presence! I challenge World Communism and the KGB and those agents who would take the very technology of the Mother–drawn from the ancient Motherland, focused in the industries of California of the space age–and would use them to destroy this very people.
I stand in the Earth and I challenge therefore the manufacture of those weapons intended by the Soviets to destroy lightbearers or to take America hostage by blackmail, to break the yoke and back of the citizens of a free people, nation by nation. I challenge you by the authority of Omri-Tas and 144,000 legions of sacred fire from the heart of the Violet Planet. I challenge you by the authority of the Lord God Almighty. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia: Pearl 32:13
On 10-6-1978 at Camelot Elohim Cyclopea specified the dangers of psychotronic, nuclear and germ warfare, warning of agents of the KGB in this nation–“those who will murder and kill because they have lost all reason of the mind of God.” The Elohim pointed out that even as Noah cried out in warning of the impending cataclysm in the last days of Atlantis and the people mocked him, “so everyone that is born of the Spirit and infused with the Holy Ghost, who has the descent of this light in this age is also called a fanatic.” Cyclopea again emphasized that “the betrayal is not abroad. It is in this very nation, it is in the government, it is in the business community. And I charge those capitalists who have provided the enemy with the technology for the destruction of America: You will give an accounting before the Lords of Karma. You will give your accounting before the Four and Twenty Elders. And you will know the meaning of sacred fire....I invoke the judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ. And by the power of Elohim that judgment descends again and again and again, and it begins here in America.
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