Tuesday, March 15, 2022
we see the receding of powers of darkness
Gracious ones, the fact that mankind have imputed power to evil has scheduled many a mishap which could have easily been avoided had they recognized the instantaneous power of God as being always at hand, ready to deliver men from every form of evil. There is no need to establish a reservoir of negative energy in order to balance positive energy, precious ones, for the world abounds in sources of misqualification that have been humanly created. The requirement of the hour is always the positive attitude of victory over all that is less than the perfection of Almighty God.
Affirmations when properly used=have their effect even when individuals are not aware of the internal bulwark of protection which they are building. Your own mediator between God and man is your Holy Christ Self, who ever stands by your side to reinforce the action of your Divine God Presence as its mighty light rays flow down the silver cord of cosmic energy, beating your heart and supplying your body with the sustaining power of Life itself. Not only in body but also in mind and soul is the impetus of the light seeking to shake you loose from all that is not of the light. When mankind place their attention upon evil forces, whether they are aware of it or not, they always suffer as the result of this acknowledgment, for where one’s attention is, there one’s energy goes and if it be upon conditions of misqualification, then these are brought into the individual’s world in proportion to the intensity and duration of the attention span. I cannot stress enough the need to understand the purposes of life through right action. The Holy Spirit has provided mankind with the energy of action which when supercharged with divine qualities is the means of establishing for all time a garment of light substance which will serve to deflect all arrows of mortal hostility sent against the armor of the righteous.
However, beloved ones, do not think that complacency can become your lot and that you will automatically walk through the pearly gates simply because you desire to escape from machinations of the world. There must be a consistent application of self-effort, as well as application made on behalf of your brothers in order to make you worthy of receiving the benefits of the karmic reservoir of spiritual protection which has been long established at inner levels for all those who serve the light.
It is needful for mankind to examine themselves from time to time, most particularly their propelling motives. It does not take long for you to say to yourself “Why is it that I desire this particular thing?” If it does not conform to the pattern of the divine One, your mighty God-Self, it is far better for you to discard that desire before it has taken root and attained, through the accretion of energy, a stature that is very difficult to ignore. Pain and heartbreak can often be ended before they begin simply by use of that Christly discrimination which God has given to you in the interest of self-purification and God-attainment. It is never easy from the human level to cast aside the many alluring trinkets and baubles which the flesh has fallen heir to, but through internal commitment to God and a readiness to do His will mankind will often find that substitutions of heaven, in the form of blessings descending most unexpectedly, are far superior to the little traps which they often so unwittingly set for themselves.
In the name of your freedom, precious ones, we urge all in this day and age who would establish the pattern of Christ-discipleship for themselves to understand that the law is most exact in its demands. Individuals are often prone to excuse themselves for their lack of discrimination but expect to find in others a wealth of this Christly quality. The fair attitude of mind that recognizes that evil is no real part of any man will assist you, one and all, in honestly appraising what is acting in your worlds at any given moment. Thus through establishment of internal fortitude by honesty of heart and purpose mankind will acquire the discrimination to assist themselves in any matter as well as wisdom to assist their brothers and sisters in finding escape from treacheries of sense consciousness.
It is most difficult for those whose minds are fastened upon human ideals and the historical sense, being frequently almost completely wedded to name and person, to relinquish the many facets of mortal intelligence in favor of that which may seem to them to be quite frequently a mere mist of obscure thought. Men who seek the bounties of heaven and to unravel the mysteries of life must be patient with themselves that they do not destroy gentle spiritual aspirations which give rise at first to a multitude of questions to which there seems to be no answer satisfying to soul or person. As in taking a journey to a far country men cannot expect to receive the full reward of the journey during the more arduous efforts of travel. They must understand that only in the city of the blessed does the full reality of reward at last come home with its harvest for all effort.
The Great White Brotherhood cannot stress enough the need then for those who embark upon the spiritual path to be not discouraged in well-doing and in interior correction, for the weight of glory of the cause of freedom is beyond the span of mere mortal life. Yet its rewards are not erstwhile, but frequently come as I stated before in moments of such beauty as to shatter the shell of mortality for man and give him glimpses beyond himself of that which God has prepared for all those who love Him.
We who espouse the cause of liberty for all men would offer ourselves even beneath the feet of mankind as carpets upon which they might walk if it would satisfactorily convey them to the place where their own freedom would manifest. The great Law has not required this, and yet we have offered our energy through the ages as a solid foundation in the cause of holy freedom, not only to the family of nations but also to individuals of distinction and to the humble as well. Our Brotherhood seeks only the blessedness of progress for all who would penetrate the veil of mystery that surrounds life and its purposes.
We will never forsake those friends of freedom who have stood with us through thick and thin, as you might say. And if at times we seem lacking in sophistry of the world, just know that in the cause of spiritual diplomacy we have written at times in the vernacular of the plain and common man and then again in the most stylized, diplomatic form. It is not the form of the release that is most important, precious ones, but it is the form of mankind’s acceptance, for those who receive the vibratory action of the ascended masters of light, those who feel the great tides of our love and assistance we steadfastly pour out, will find as they gather more and more of the invisible substance of higher octaves that mighty doorways of light open to them and reveal to waiting heart the most precious little mysteries which are stepping stones to the greatest mysteries of life.
As your friend of freedom and in the holy cause I admonish you then\to stand fast and see the salvation of God which shall surely come to pass as the many place their shoulders to the wheel and the great Law fulfills the release of the mightiest efforts for the cause of freedom that the world and rolling centuries have ever beheld. In freedom’s name I AM Saint Germain, Pearl 9:20
That God is just is perhaps the most wonderful fact in the universe, at least to mankind living on Earth today. On the blessed planet Earth individuals seem to feel that life at times is hard, cold and unresponsive. I am so joyful to tell you that but a glimpse into our consciousness would show you how contrary to truth this is, for we see only the glorious heart of God pulsing with all the love of eternity, radiating out rainbowlike ribbons and streamers of light and love everywhere every hour.
If you then would enter more often into the ascended-master state of being, you would soon find an answer to your every quest. You would soon know the faith that lives to dispel every doubt somewhat as the rising Sun disperses the dew upon the ground. To rise in consciousness with the Ascended Jesus Christ and others of our lovely band is to know and to be all-light. Then the pangs you presently feel at times when you see mankind’s struggling under a weight of temporary despair and confusion are all vanquished in a blaze of God’s beauty.
Now inasmuch as mercy is so very much a part of justice—that is to say, of true justice which is God’s Law—I am confident that those of you today who will give my words your full attention will never again know a sense of frustration in connection with the dispensing of justice or balance by divine Law to mankind through their own self-created karma—known also as the Law of the Circle, which always returns to the sender whatever is sent out.
You see then, all who send out only love can receive only love in return. Those who send out an opposing quality must by Law receive back what they have sent, which returns to them for redemption and requalification as the mercy of life. This affords mankind an opportunity to make things right when mistakes are made. That is why I am called the Goddess of Opportunity as well as the Goddess of Justice. You see, I am a real being, and I tell you with blessed assurance that the Law always presents an opportunity with every experience in order to provide a way of escape for everyone from all binding conditions or situations, persons, places or things into the realm of their own blessed God-freedom….
I AM God’s merciful justice affording you daily opportunity to be raised into light. Your own, Portia, Pearls of Wisdom 3:43
The energy of God that is upon you is for a light unto the people of all the world.
I come with the light which I held up as a candle, as a child holds up a candle to lighten the room and to look for father in the way in the evening, in the snowy evening. So the little child holds a candle in the window, and the glow of that fire is the warmth of the hearth of home.
There are many upon Earth who want to be called home, who long for home. There are many who seek the one light. I have come today to inspire you with devotion to God—a simple devotion and a humble devotion that grows into a fiery flame, a consuming fire that enables even the meek to be strengthened as the Lamb of God. I speak then of understanding that comes with devotion. For even those untutored in the schools of this world can understand (when close to Mary the Mother and to Gabriel, the angel of the Lord) the inner meaning of the science of the Word and the power of the Christ to exorcise not only the demons of the individual consciousness but the demons that have become the dragons to infest the nations and to strangle the very lifeblood from the people that their souls might be prevented from ascending to the Presence of God.
Is this not why it was said “Come apart and be a separate people”? In order to reexperience the lifeline of energy that comes from God you must be separated from the many chains that tie your energies to a beast and consciousness of bestiality that undergirds the nations in this hour in place of the Lord Christ.
I bid you welcome then to the community of lightbearers, but I would speak to you individually. For I was alone in prayer unto God and had not a companion on the path of sainthood. God spoke to me when I was alone. I would speak to you then as though you were alone. For in a certain sense when you contemplate God and you go within you feel yourself apart and alone and separate even from loved ones. I would speak to you then of the inner devotion of your heart which can tip the balance for the victory of Earth.
I saw the flame of prayer which Mother Mary gave to me, a recitation of prayers which I gave daily and by the hour. I saw that prayer be the open door for angels descending to nurture the sick and dying and for the assistance to Mother Russia. For though it was as bad as it was, it might have been much worse for the people, for the very land, for elemental life had it not been for those prayers which were answered in so many ways that are written in the history of Earth.
I speak to you alone in the recesses of your heart. As you make your decision what to do with the gift of life that lies in your hand you say to yourself “Will I go here? Will I go there? Will I take this job? Will I go to school? Will I be married? Will I have a family?”
I must say to you that all that you are to do and to become will come to you by the will of God if you place your energies in devotion to Him. Those who wait upon the Lord day by day, fulfilling the calling of holding the flame for Earth find themselves growing in a state of grace whereby God draws to them every part of the perfect plan, every good gift, every need met. And therefore the hours that are spent in toil, in worry, in concern and anxiety are a robbery of the gentle flow of purity and essence of the Mother and of your contemplation with Him. You see then if you will just try withme for a week to pray when there is turmoil about or questioning or disturbance or misunderstanding or aggressive fears or bad dreams or problems in the home, if you will drop them and walk away and pray and give your rosary and make your calls and then come back. With a heartfelt desire of love for you I desire that you should know the toilless way of overcoming victory, the way of harmony and of a mighty power that you have not yet tasted because you have still looked to yourself to be solver of problems of your life, your experience and your church.
I come then with a request, a most earnest request (to you, my son, to you, my daughter) that you will for a week in love commune with the angels, do your work steadfastly without missing a measure or a beat, keep in time with the wheels of the great work that is at hand yet always committing unto the Spirit your thoughts, your hopes, your feelings, your love. Then see what new power and new peace will come upon you.
For you see [when I was embodied in Russia] there was great turmoil and war all about and screams of the dying and upheaval and mass entities that hung about. And you can see that if I had left my prayer post, as I might well have done, I would have lost communion that was the open door of the stream of life to souls, even on the astral plane, who were fighting for their freedom from fallen ones who came, destroying the physical temple that they might destroy the soul.
You then know what it is to be torn from prayer because of duties at hand. And you know that whenever you pray with intensity and you go into deepest meditation that is when the light that you draw forth will stir the disquietude of those around you. This is a testimony to the immense power that is drawn by your contemplation and your decrees. This then I ask—that you hold that power, that you hold that prayer, that you refrain from unnecessary conversation, and that you find your peace in the surcease of all struggle.
I am Igor, and my life is a testimony to the victory, the solitary victory for individual and for nation. I spend much of my life yet in Russia. And by the dispensation which was given through the dictation which I released a number of years ago, which was published as a Pearl of Wisdom, I have been able to appear to numbers of souls in Russia to speak to them of our Brotherhood and to speak to them of freedom, to teach them also, as Mary taught me, how to pray and how to keep the flame. And others of the ascended hosts (having not the instrument, as you have in the West of chelas to give forth the books and the Law) have also appeared.
And therefore there is a very small nucleus of lightbearers in the Soviet Union this day who know of the ascended masters and know of your activity and who are being trained directly by our Brotherhood to hold that light for the coming revolution in consciousness, which will mean a great change on Earth and perhaps great upheaval unless those in the West who have the light will go forth staunch, stalwart and true, challenging (in the nations of Europe and Africa, North and South America) all that is anti-Christ and all that has been spawned by the lie of World Communism.
We see the hosts of the Lord in embodiment, the shining ones, their faces. We see youth rallying and uniting as they demonstrate for the light. We see the light going forth from their faces in Sweden and in other countries of Europe. We see that light as an oncoming army, and we see the receding of powers of darkness in the face of oncoming lightbearers. We have also seen demonstrations of youth by the thousands and the hundreds of thousands when their energies were trapped by fallen ones. And we have seen how they have swayed public opinion and moved enormous quantities of energies against the light. We seeamong the numbers of those who have demonstrated against the light a deep longing to find the truth and to defend those who have been trodden upon by misuses of fallen ones and the Luciferian creation, by misuses of both capitalism and Communism in the East and West.
We see then that many among you will take this teaching in book, in sermon, in song, in heart, in mind and in God- determination and that you will spark the coming revolution of consciousness. We see the army of Christian soldiers marching and we see throngs joining them. And we know that in the face of this light, backed by the light of the armies of the Lord, the powers that be will fall from their heights, and the stars and Sun and the moon and all that have occupied these positions as luminaries in the firmament of the material cosmos. We see them falling in the face of the few who will become the many.
This is the prophesy of the ascended masters as a writing upon the wall. But the fulfillment of the prophesy depends upon freewill of those who are now embodied, for it demands the work of hearts and heads and hands carrying this teaching but, above all, electing from all choices and alternatives to be simply devotees of God.
I was a most ordinary peasant. One could not conceive of a soul perhaps less gifted and less trained in the ways of this world. I count myself then as a very close friend to each one of you, one who has lived in the modern age, one who understands. And I can saywith deepest conviction that although you have had the greater training in the outer than I had in the hour when I kept the flame for Russia, yet we are much alike, very much alike.
And therefore with the same striving, the same devotion, the same input of energy on your part you too can receive the presence of the angels, the teachers of mankind. You too can be one with the army of the Lord and know that strength that every martyr, every saint, everyone who has ever loved God with intensity of his whole being has known. If I then alone with God in my room and upon my cot could invoke the intercession of the Most High, one for a nation, can you not also as you number in the hundreds and thousands this day be that devotion which is the love that will change this Earth? After all, all that can be accomplished in so many avenues, it all comes down to pure devotion to God—this the open door, this the simplicity of truth.
I am a pilgrim with you and I remain very close to your walk with God. I cannot absent myself from Earth in any way, but I walk with the garments of the peasants of Russia, with their worn shoes, muddied from the labor of the fields. I identify with the spirit of a people who have creative fires of Spirit, who are waiting for their brothers and sisters in the West to overthrow first the tyrants that have invaded their own countries and then to come and to join them and to help them to defend their right to pursue God, to pursue reality and to have that government that is of the people and by the people and for the people whose head is Christ and whose flame is God. Be still for a moment now and listen to the voice of God within you. [21-second pause] Now feel the great light of God that is come upon you as I place my hand upon your head.
[11-second pause] Now, precious hearts, know that heaven is not far but so very close. Know then that all that you are required to give in this hour of giving is but a fragment, a morsel of all that God has given to you, and that in your giving billions of souls will go free. In your withholding, an evolution may be lost.
This is the hour of transition when the entire Earth is at the nexus, the nexus of movement from Pisces to Aquarius. And the few souls who have the courage to hold the energy of God, they stand at the nexus. And through that nexus all of the energies of the cycles must pass from one plane to another plane. You see then that the devotee and lightbearer in this age must have the expansion of consciousness and of chakras. For by these vortices of energy the children of Earth are nourished by Almighty God.
I am Igor. I see shadow coming out of the Soviet Union, extending over continents. And I call for devotees of the nations who will roll back that darkness by the candle of the little child held in the window to welcome home the father.
I AM in you the love of humanity. -Igor, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 27, 1977 in Pasadenaa, Pearls of Wisdom 57:6
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