Saturday, April 1, 2023
tyranny and freedom
1) by D. W. Light, 2013
EthicsOne in every five drugs FDA approved ends up causing serious harm.
2) In 2015 the 20 largest drug companies made a collective $124 billion in profits. All the industry needs to protect those sums is the continued cooperation of Congress.
3) 7-19-18 Big Pharma poured $2.7 billion into its lobbying interests from 1998 to 2013, 42% more than the second most “Gov. Corp.” bribe which happens to be its sister industry insurance.
And it’s this unholy trinity of the medical establishment, embedded insurance industry that wrote Obamacare into law, and Big Pharma that makes the United States the most costly, broken, corrupt, destructive healthcare system in the entire world. The structured system is designed and layered with built-in incentives at every tier to make and keep people sick, chronically dependent on their drugs for survival that merely mask and smother symptoms rather than cure or eradicate the root cause of disease….
Even more alarming is the fact that death by medical error at near a quarter million people annually has become the third largest killer of US citizens behind heart disease and cancer. Other more recent studies have estimated upwards of up to 440,000 have died yearly from preventable mistakes at hospitals. Blind obedience to Big Pharma and a conventional medical system too dependent on surgery and technology has inflicted more harm than good on the U.S. population.
4) GWB, Obama,Trump, Biden, Sen. Hawley (R-MO who said on video that Pfizer jab did him good) typify the problem that Washington is heavily aligned to the monopolists dictatorship led by banksters and pharma. And it’s a many decade issue. -r.
9-27-19 There are three key provisions in the intellectual property rights chapter of the renegotiated NAFTA that would also be incorporated into any free-trade pact with India, all of which would prove to be a major coup for American pharmaceutical profiteering.
5) 1-21-20 Mary Daly, San Francisco Fed president has this Q&A in her presentation.
Q: Why is the San Francisco Fed hosting a climate conference? Why this? Why now?
A: The answer is simple. It’s essential to achieving our mission. (which is world takeover by global power elite -r.)
I say: in the flame of the Cosmic Christ abound in the love of the Logos and be fulfilled in that love! You who have received the commandment of the Lord “Take dominion over the earth!” must learn the meaning of the first commandment given to your souls in the moment of the descent from the whitefire core of Spirit into the planes of matter. the quadrants of fire, air, water and earth which comprise the mandala of the material creation are symbolically referred to as “earth” in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis. Out of the twinflames of the Divine Us the Lord God created male and female, the polarity of being who would ultimately go forth into duality as man and woman representing the Father-Mother God to the children of the One.
The purpose of the incarnation of the Logos, the purpose of sons and daughters of God being clothed upon with “coats of skins”–the four lower bodies as vehicles for soul awareness–is to increase the consciousness of God and the body of God in matter as in Spirit, on earth as in heaven. To increase God-awareness in the souls abiding in time and space sons and daughters of God must initiate cycles of life, cycles of love, cycles of truth.
Sons and daughters of God were given the authority in the original creation to infuse matter with the Christ consciousness of eternal life. Initiation then is the responsibility which God has vested in those sons and daughters who respond to the Law of Life and to the duty to be the manifest perfection of that life in matter. The path of initiation is the path of sons and daughters of God who see their reason for being as sustainment of the flame of life for and on behalf of souls yet evolving toward the complete awareness of life as a manifest reality.
You look to Maitreya for initiation. I say, God looks to you to initiate the fire of freedom on Earth, to initiate the correct use of freewill and correct implementation of His Laws….For every gift that is received a gift must be given. If you would receive the gift of initiation from God, what gift will you give to Him in return? With what measure ye mete it shall be measured unto you again and again and again….
There is a price to be paid for initiation.
It is the saturation
Of the body of the Mother,
Of Mater- spirals
With the purifying fires of the Mother-flame.
Beyond the beyond,
The Mother is the initiator
Of sons and daughters of God
Moving in the wind and fire
To the center of the whole. -Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 18:53
7) Robed in golden white light the Mother of Wisdom comes. Her garment is the flow of the mind of God. Her children run to greet Her. She enfolds them in Her mantle. We pursue the flame of the Mother—not as an adornment but as our very life, as nourishment for our souls, as challenge for our minds, as precious gems to cherish in the casket of the heart. Yet we are adorned, for the flame of the Mother is to adorn. By its very nature it makes life beautiful, life worth living in the giving and receiving of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
I am Kuthumi, and I have come from the altar of the World Mother. … While some indulge the precious energies of Alpha in the meanderings of the mental body others indulge the light of Omega in misplaced feelings. They seek the saturation of pleasure to drown the sorrows of separation from the Mother. They are intoxicated with death and dying in the titillation of the senses. They fill their lives with noises and all manner of unholy things. They cling to these things like orphans with a broken toy as if all these things could somehow allay the anxiety, emptiness of a life without Mother. -Kuthumi with Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearl 19:1
…………………................................... 8) We who come to you in the name of the Divine Mother are very serious in completing our assignment which She has set before us for the liberation of the children of God, for identification of their souls with Her living flame.
Whereas the fallen ones are deadly serious in their calculations of false teachings we are the lively ones–lively in the flame of the God-star Sirius….
Let the living proclaim the living truth and let the dying reveal the lie of death! -Kuthummi and Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearl 19:3
You who have set the goal of life as the reunion of the soul with the Spirit of the living God that is the I AM THAT I AM, you who would be fitted for that goal, hear the word of the Mother concerning that Deity with whose flame you would merge your own.
To know God is to be one with Him. Therefore seek knowledge of the Most High and understanding and fulfillment of His living Presence. Seek the Lord as the Lord of the living and the Lord of love. Seek His Spirit and His flame. Seek His identity and His name. Seek consciousness and being. Learn to know Him on Earth and you shall know Him in heaven….
Mathematics is not subject to the passionate debate which clouds the issues of a true and a false theology. God is mathematics and the supreme mathematician. He allows fractionalized fragments of His own Self-awareness to inhabit the Earth as the evolutions of mankind. When the parts of the Whole which comprise eighths and quarters and thirds and sixteenths of His Self-awareness return to the whole they will discover that there is but one God, one Christ and one Self. -Kuthumi and Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearls of Wisdom 19:4
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