Saturday, April 1, 2023
And if opportunity does pass because the people have already become so dense
Robin Hoodvideo worth the candle : The Charter . of the fire element, Pearls of Wisdom 11:32
Take dominion over yourself, your emotions, your body, your mind, your soul, your spirit, your destiny! Yes, take wise dominion….Wise dominion in the earth must begin with those who sense the God Presence within, who know that they have the direct tie to the Central Sun, who know that they are here for a reason….
I say to this government, I say to the top echelons of government and to the Presidents of the United States in recent years: you have not fought to win! And therefore I stand before God and I accuse you this day. You have not fought to win this war against drugs! And if you had determined to do so, I tell you, we the Archangels of the Second Ray and all hosts of the Lord would have been right there to assist you! You are not helping the angels in their work, therefore we cannot assist you either.
And this is a stalemate [because of the involvement of] the moneyed interests of the world and cooperation with those moneyed interests by people in high places is a disgrace! Well, beloved ones, many of them are fallen angels and they have been disgraced ever since they left off worshiping the one God….
You the spiritual people of America and the world must know that the power of God is behind you. And when you daily use the decrees that we have dictated to these Messengers for challenging of oppressors of the youth of the world in the schoolhouses of the world, we will be there! …
I say, O people of America and the world, hear my voice, seize the opportunity! For the opportunity may pass. And if it does pass because the people have already become so dense that they cannot respond to our cry, then we will see an era of darkness and grave darkness in the land….
It has been too hard for fallen angels, but you who are lovers of God understand that surrender to the will of God is the key to your destiny. And the ability to surrender, beloved ones, comes from your knowledge that the will of God has been good for you from the beginning, that once upon a time you knew that and you walked in shafts of wondrous blue-fire of that will. You knew your own inner blueprint. You knew the blueprint of a cosmos. You could move here and there light-years away. You had all mastery [of the physical universe]….
Surrender to the will of God is just that. It is not surrender to a human person or to an archangel. It is surrender to the great God-Self and to your own real being. If you can do this, you will no longer be a house divided [with your members] pulling you this way and that….
Take heed, beloved, lest you become insensitive to world pain, for when you do that is when you cease caring and cease loving. No matter what the hardness of the Earth, no matter what darkness that may surround you let your heart be opened even as you heard [Chamuel say] last evening….
I AM Jophiel and I come then for opening of the hearts of people everywhere to the true mystical path of union with God. That path is service, it is surrender, it is sacrifice, it is selflessness, yes, in the truest sense of the word. It is not just parting with your monies, beloved ones, it is parting with the light of God. And each time you give of that light we shall replenish it many times over and you will find yourselves not depleted but strengthened in the Lord. Who are those then who will stay with the team of reinforcements of angels in heaven and in the earth? -Archangel Jophiel at Minneapolis via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 36:10
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