Monday, April 3, 2023
in a concerted effort of light’s invocation avert total cataclysm
There are so many elements of their religions and cultural heritage which mankind share in common and through which they can begin to overcome their mental and emotional infirmities, burn out the cause and core of all their diseases and plan for a future age drawn in the divine design that I cannot stress enough in mercy’s name that mankind should not continually allow thoughts of shadow and shame to dwell in their consciousness; for these will most certainly reinforce the causes of violence and unrest among the nations. O mankind of Earth, the Great Brotherhood perceives two specific areas in which mankind could triumph if they would make the effort, and a third that is also possible. The first lies in the opportunity of mothers to commune to a greater degree with God and angelic ministrants as they bear His children; the second is to raise them without shame but rather with rejoicing in an environment of a higher degree of spiritual consciousness than is now prevalent. The third can be accomplished if the various racial memories of previous episodes of human clashes and human disobedience to the laws of brotherhood are consumed by action of sacred fire. -Kwan Yin: Pearl 16:7 ……………………….........................…
The goal of the two-thousand-year cycle following the mission of Jesus Christ that has been set before mankind is this: that every man, every woman and every child should outpicture the Christ consciousness and walk the Earth as a living testimony of the fiats of Alpha and Omega that were spoken through Jesus the Christ in his Sermon on the Mount and in his many other teachings…. Inasmuch as this goal of life has not been outpictured and inasmuch as the age of Pisces, which was mankind’s opportunity to attain God-mastery, is giving way to the age of Aquarius wherein mankind shall know the freedom to create as co-creators with God in the flame of God-love, the Hierarchy is this hour gravely concerned lest humanity fail to pass the torch of the Christ consciousness of Pisces unto the God- consciousness of Aquarius. There is no turning back of the law of cycles. Immutable is the Being of God. Immutable is the conscious awareness of Selfhood. As the great wave of light breaks over the Earth, washing man’s creation, smoothening the pebbles of effort, who shall be left to stand in the perfection of our God when the wave goes back to sea?
The fact that mankind have not attained to Christ consciousness en masse but instead have made themselves advocates of the carnal mind and its carnal living is of no concern to the impersonal Law and oncoming tides of perfection. The tests of Life are given; and whether they are passed or failed the next tests are given. Mankind have always had the choice of riding the wave of God’s light into the new age or of being overcome by that wave because they are not ready.
Hierarchy is now confronted with the question of the ages: how to elevate mankind and mankind’s consciousness into the golden age during the next twenty-eight years. Prophets have prophesied; witnesses have given their testimony; the Messengers have proclaimed by the power of the spoken Word the eternal message of the Logos. Yet humanity have not heeded the call. They have turned a deaf ear to the emissaries of the Lord’s Spirit. And by their enormous neglect, their outrageous behavior they brought upon themselves the dark cycle (of returning karma). And now again having been brought to judgment they have been sentenced with their own returning karma. Karma too is a wave. And albeit it is a wave of misqualified momentums of sludge and silt and flood and fire, it too can be taken at its flood to lead mankind to fortune. Yes, mankind can ride the wave of his returning karma–but not necessarily as in a car of juggernaut whose end spells the end of man himself, for by intense invocation of sacred fire that returning wave can be transmuted into light. And out of that light can come natural resources whereby humanity can claim the victory of all that they jointly hold in their causal bodies as the victory of the light of power, wisdom and love as above, so below. And thus although the edict of the Lords of Karma is interpreted by elemental builders of form as a temporary rupturing of the way of life on Earth as nature adjusts its cycles to contain the purification of the four lower bodies of the planet, mankind even at the eleventh hour may in a concerted effort of light’s invocation avert total cataclysm. For only as a final resort will the Lords of Karma use cataclysm as a means of ushering in the golden age. As Hierarchy has said, the Law ever prefers the gentler way–the way of bringing in an age of freedom by gentle action of the Law of Becoming that is the squaring of the Law of Being.
Thus when mankind’s karma returns–and return it must–the outcome will be determined by the thrust of consciousness. If it be downward, “then shall they begin to say to the mountains Fall on us; and to the hills Cover us.” And if it be upward, then the passing of life over the ascending spiral may be made without (most severe) trial and tribulation.
The prognosis is not good, neither is the prognostication. Hence we look to provide a way of escape and a shortening of days for the elect’s sake. As the Hierarchies of Light are concerned with passing of the children of reality over the Red Sea and the rising tide thereof and with their safety from spewings that have been sent forth out of the mouth of the red dragon, so the forces of darkness and their legions march against time under the direction of the Brothers of the Shadow. They would steer civilization downward into spirals of death through wholesale slaughter of the innocents, an all-out nuclear war, the invasion of America and its take-over by foreign powers who would impose a foreign way of life. They seek the enslavement of the soul unto death, and they stand ready to use mankind’s own returning karma to achieve their ends. They await with glee the hour of its descent, for in that hour they shall raise all manner of havoc to distract humanity from those invocations that are necessary for transmutation of their misqualified momentums. Thus on the one hand you have the Lord God and elemental forces under the direction of Elohim using a cataclysm of light to usher in a golden age, and on the other hand you have the prince of this world and his lieutenants attempting to use a cataclysm of darkness against the children of light unto their destruction. Life-jackets must be secured for those who would carry the torch of illumination released from the hand of the Mother for perpetuation of the culture of the World Mother and true teachings of the Christ. As in the last days of Atlantis when God said unto Noah “The end of all flesh is come before me; for the Earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the Earth.
Make thee an ark of gopher wood...” and as the warning came to Lot “Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain lest thou be consumed,” so the word of the Lord goes forth in this hour. Those that have ears to hear let them hear. Be prepared for cataclysm but do not expect it lest by your very attention you cause it to come to pass. Be prepared for foreign invasion and foreign take-over but do not expect it lest by your attention you cause it to come to pass. Be prepared for economic collapse, for famine and pestilence and for abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place but expect it not lest by your attention you cause it to come to pass. It is better to have a life-preserver and to never use it than to need one that you do not have…. The commandment “Get thee up into the high mountain” is the command to raise consciousness to the level of God-awareness whereby man perceives that his salvation can be secured only through communion with Life and with the essence of Life that is the Holy Spirit–a return to nature, to outdoor living, to expanding of spirit to include beings of the elements and their service. Exercise of the physical body through walking and hiking in the countryside, in the hills and in the mountains restores the balance of nature to the four lower bodies and establishes the citadel of the flame of peace….
I AM the guardian of your safety twenty-four hours a day by the power of the all-seeing Eye of God, and my legions shall emerge from the hills to secure you in the hour of triumph. -Lanello, and K-17 for the Cosmic Secret Service, Pearls of Wisdom 16:21
Beloved hearts, early in her training--very early, in an hour when the burden of the bearing of world karma was too great for Mark Prophet to bear--this Messenger, by the age of twenty-three, was bearing the burden of half of the weight of planetary karma with Mark. We do not condemn for situations that may have occurred of burden to our Messengers in the attempt to bear this cross for you. Truly what freedom of youth had been hers was gone in that moment when passing through Georgetown, driven by Mark, the first 10-percent weight came upon her body and she cried out and said to him “Mark, what has come upon me?” And so he did tell her “A percentage of the planetary weight.”
It was with the passing of Mark that the full weight came upon the Messenger of that planetary karma as well as the initiation of descent into death and hell and specifically the assignment to deal with those individuals who had plagued the house of Rakoczy and the entire Great White Brotherhood for centuries--personal enemies of mine and of yourselves who must be dealt with.
Thus not one but entire classes of fallen ones have gone before the Court of Sacred Fire. And though they may still have tenure in physical form, I tell you they are as dead as charred wood and absent, devoid of the Spirit.
Blessed ones, in the hour of the ascension of Mark the Keepers of the Flame who made their inner vows did determine to share in the bearing of the burden of this weight of world karma borne by the embodied Messenger. Thus by the grace of the true chelas of Morya and Saint Germain who endured through the trials and temptations of the Messenger, she has endured and remained in embodiment to serve our cause. And you have remained! And a bond of hearts fused as one has come out of all of this.
And you have understood the profound lessons of the history of your Messengers and your part therewith over hundreds of thousands of years of the going forth of the Mother in the attempt to rescue fallen ones. As you have been told, their opportunity is up. Now the Mother and you may devote yourselves entirely to the lightbearers. And you must do so swiftly, for they are caught in psychic snarls beyond belief.
If you consider how so easily you are drawn apart by machinations of your own mind to stray from my heart though you love me still, let me tell you, beloved, those who have a little more karma, a little less light are swept away by false hierarchy impostors of myself who cleverly, cleverly disguise themselves as teachers of righteousness. The personality cult and hypnosis practiced by the leader is all-enveloping. It must have your forthright decree work. Thus I come today. It is indeed a new day and a new covenant. For it is to this end that two thousand years of your own trek and that of your Messengers has brought you here--brought you here to this Inner Retreat. It is the sign of hope, beloved, of what promise and hope can be like--a crystal image in the heart, even unknown to the outer mind, whereby a soul will trudge through karma and circumstance and burden for the crystal image placed there by the living Christ. -Saint Germain, Pearl 30:2 ……………………................................
Come to understand and know that much can be gleaned by you in this octave. And yet at this very moment, beloved, some of you have a sense that you must go here and there, whether for healing, whether for knowledge, whether for dealing with your psychology. I tell you, beloved, were you to be in a mystery school as unascended adepts, were you to be at the Ascension Temple of Serapis at Luxor or at the retreats of other chohans or of the Maha Chohan, your discipline would be this: to not imbibe the things of the world and not be lured away from your goal by the passing baubles and trinkets of those who come by with their psychic wares but rather to be true to your Divine Spouse, to your I AM Presence, to your Holy Christ Self and to the abundance of teachings given. You see, beloved, Saint Germain has said that no good thing comes out of the psychic. So you see, when there do come those who are unclean (and I say “unclean” in a kind way), although they may bring many truths, they22 also11 come18 with24 a1 multiplicity61 of12 errors39 and10 vibrations46 (=244=4 x iron grip61) that may tie one to lower levels. Blessed hearts, I can move forward with many of you. I can carry you in my arm, I can lead you beside the still waters that flow as everlasting life, but I cannot compensate for your entering into lower levels of consciousness. There are many who mean well, but their path is not our path. Once again I say, come apart and be a separate and chosen people unto God. And know that in due course you shall experience the opening of the third eye. And what will accelerate this will be our Messenger leading you in giving the all-seeing Eye decrees that you might receive from me through her a tremendous impetus on the fifth ray. I desire to see you work on clear seeing, beloved, because some of you do not have the gift of discernment of spirits and that is why you go here and there thinking that something is spiritual when it is psychic or thinking that something is psychic when it is spiritual.
You must seek and find from the Holy Spirit the gift of discernment of spirits, for there are many who would enter your precincts and lure you away from your place at the altar. Yes, the soul can become silly and be taken this way and that way because she does not have spiritual discernment. So when you come to the end of this century and the end of the age of Pisces you must have, above all, the gift of discernment of spirits so that on a daily basis you are able to interpret right from wrong, truth from error, the real from unreal. As you mount the spiral that is coiled about the spinal altar you discover that it is very difficult to distinguish the real from the unreal, so close is the counterfeit to the real. It is your I AM Presence and your Holy Christ Self who will give you this understanding, this clear seeing through the Holy Spirit.
I ask you then to wear blinders no more but to tear from your eyes the scales that have prevented you from clear seeing. Do this with sacred fire and violet flame. Do this diligently, beloved. For you cannot be on the path and have advanced teachings and then suddenly not know who is real and who is not real.
-Lanello, Pearl 38:9, 2-26-1995 ………………………...................................
And I ask each of you who have had the Teachings: have you listened to the inner voice of your Holy Christ Self and have you obeyed? Yes, you have. But I say, there have also been times when you have not obeyed that inner voice. And when you do not obey it you suffer dire consequences that sometimes carry over into the next life and the next.
And you know it, for you have paid dearly for your disobedience. Thus I ask: how many of you have neglected to be obedient to the voice within? Fear not to raise your hand, for I wager all have done this. I ask you to raise your hand so that you might publicly confess before this altar that you have at times disobeyed your Holy Christ Self. And therefore make your commitment now to your beloved Holy Christ Self and to your brothers and sisters on the path that you will listen and you will obey. [Members of the congregation raise their hands.] If you are going to listen to your Holy Christ Self, then you must tune in to your Holy Christ Self.
And if you are going to tune in to the Christ consciousness, then you must tune out the consciousness of the world! It is one or the other, is it not, beloved? [Congregation responds: “Yes!”]
Since you agree I suggest that you tune out the world for an hour a day and tune in to the sacred teachings you once received from the temple priests on Atlantis and from the Manus whose abodes were in the Himalayas. The akashic records are there for your reading if you are able and willing to decipher them under the guidance of your Holy Christ Self who has all knowledge of the heaven above and earth beneath. You can also petition the Lord God to send Justinius, Captain of seraphic hosts, with his legions of seraphim to search the akashic records with your recording angel and to deliver to you the tally of exactly how many times you have disobeyed your Holy Christ Self since you departed from Eden and the heaven-world. Your descent from the perfection of the etheric octave was gradual. But there came a day, and that day is recorded in your Book of Life, when you no longer hesitated to disobey or override or even silence the voice of your Holy Christ Self. Your soul went the way of all flesh, and you were consigned to work out in the physical octave the karma of disobedience you had made with your Holy Christ Self. Now the day has come when you desire with your whole heart to bend the knee before your Holy Christ Self and say: my beloved Holy Christ Self, I will listen to your voice and I will obey you no matter what. I will not argue with you. I will not deny your voice. I will not drown it out with my human reason or my human desires or my human preferences. Yes, I will seek you, my Holy Christ Self. I will seek the Rock of my Christhood. And I ask that my human consciousness be broken upon that Rock once and for all so that I might have my victory. And in having that victory may I remain in the Earth in good health and in soundness of mind that God in me might deliver those souls who must also have their victory over their disobedience to promptings of their Holy Christ Self. I pray especially for those souls who are weak in body and weak in mind and weak in spirit that they might have their victory over the flesh as well as over all disobedience to their Holy Christ Self. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 38:33 ……………………..................................
Keepers of the Flame, our mission is to save the soul of America! Chamuel and Charity have said that unless some from among the twelve tribes of Israel step forth in this hour to make the necessary sacrifices for mastery of energies of the heart and for focusing of the Christ consciousness therein, the torch of opportunity for the saving of the soul of this nation and of every nation will be passed to a far distant generation who will incarnate on Earth after the necessary cataclysms will have balanced mankind's impositions of misqualified energy on one another and on elemental life. This is the call of minutemen of Saint Germain, the call to do battle against the Antichrist and foes of fires of the heart.
It is the call of Lexington and Concord when farmer and housewife, candlemaker and printer and Sons of Liberty forsake their daily routines and run for the assembly of the righteous to be one with the army of hosts of the Lord.
I am calling for 12 representatives from each of the twelve tribes of Israel to keep the flame of the heart under the 12 Hierarchies of the Sun for generations of lightbearers who are of the lineage of the Ancient of Days that they might know love and thereby know freedom in this age. Who will rally for the victory? Who will rally for the fight? Who will come to the feast of the Mother? Who will come to eat of the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood as Chamuel and Charity release energies of Alpha and Omega in Christ and in Buddha?”
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM I call forth the light! Beloved Godfre, beloved Lanello, beloved hosts of light, kneel with us as we pray for the light in America, as we pray for the flame of freedom. Burn now upon this altar of our hearts! Deliver this nation under God. Goddess of Liberty, send thy legions of light! Goddess of Liberty, send thy legions of light! Light of God that never fails, blaze forth! Blaze forth! Blaze forth! We summon the seven archangels. I call for God's own miracle-light for the saving of this nation, America, and freedom throughout Earth. Let it be done, O God, by the hand of the Lion, the Calf, the Man, and the flying Eagle.
Let it be done by the flame of Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lord Jesus, and all hosts of the Lord! Ruby ray, mighty ruby cross, send forth thy miracle this day! Send forth thy miracle this day! Send forth thy miracle this day! In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and the Mother, amen. -Messenger ECP, Camelot, L.A., 9-16-1979 ………………………................................................My beloved, I would tell you that the Legions of Seraphim are angels of non-compromise. They raise the level of consciousness. If you would be purged, they will purge you this day of all lesser consciousness. If you would be made whole and enter into holiness of Seraphim, you may apply to enter the rigors of discipline that come to those who would move with Seraphim. Miracles are the sign of the Aquarian age and of Saint Germain. Miracles are the sign of your Lanello, your El Morya and all ascended masters.
Miracles then, beloved, indicate transformation, alchemy, and self-transcendence. You cannot have a miracle if you sustain self-condemnation or condemnation of others. You are benched, beloved, according to Seraphim, according to Holy Justinius if you have not graduated from the level where you yet condemn self and others. I remind you then that condemnation is always the condemnation of God, no matter whether you think otherwise. For you are His creation. You were and are in the beginning twinflames and all others have a twinflame as you do. Therefore you see beloved, that flame is the flame of the ascension. It is the flame of everlasting life. Thus to criticize life in any form is to denigrate the ascension flame itself.
Contemplate that perfection is not beyond thy reach for he said " Be ye therefore perfecteven as your Father which is in heaven is perfect”. There are some, beloved, some among you, and some scattered throughout the Earth who applied for and received opportunity of incarnation. This is very rare, beloved. These ones serve on the fourth ray. They are Knights of old! They have come with a mission. They stand tall! They have fearlessness flame. They lead armies into battle. They go before them, lay down their lives for those armies and return again by request to be born through father, through mother into the next family. \
Blessed hearts, I tell you, you must have a higher sense of self. This is lacking. Now make your calls to God for Seraphim to assemble for Saint Germain needs those Seraphim for South America and for the world. [Calls are given.]
So are your prayers written, so have they been spoken. Therefore the Councils of Seraphim, I with Serapis, shall review these. But I would stress, beloved, Self- esteem. Not the esteem necessarily of human consciousness but the esteem whereby you know you have descended from God. As it has been written, "Know ye not that ye are God’s and that all of you are sons of the most high?”
This is written in scripture. Accept that identity and if you cannot accept it save to strip oneself of filthy garments, then I say strip yourselves. If you would become naked as Christ was naked, crucified on the cross, strip yourselves of this self-condemnation and the other side of the coin of that pride that supersedes all other prides. You can cast this into the fire this day and it will be done. You can make a vow to me, to Almighty God and to your Mighty I AM Presence this day. You can make that vow and say "This is the last day I shall ever condemn myself for in so doing I have condemned my God and therefore I am stifling, snuffing out the threefold flame".
Blessed ones, you know the Law. You have the Teaching. You have recourse to the Messenger and to direct prayer and intercession with God. You know all that you need to know and much more than you need to know to make your ascension. Why do you tarry? Are you angry with God? Do you condemn God for your plight? What is your argument with your neighbor? With yourself? With the still small voice that speaks to you from within?
What prevents you from joining our bands? But you abrogate your treaty with the Lord of Infinity when you claim yourself as mortal, as puny, as lesser. Who told thee that thou wast naked? Who did tell thee, beloved? Let the nakedness of the soul now know the clothing of the soul. Let it know that the fire of Seraphim is ready to ignite the coal whereupon you may have consumed from within yourselves those impediments to glory, to the grandeur of God that allows you to fall upon your knees in humility before the living one, that Creator who once made you immortals. Yet you lost your immortality, lost some of your threefold flame. Now you call yourselves mortal.
Well, I tell you, there be some among you in the Earth but very few who stand before you and are yet immortal. They have not lost their garment. They have not lost the beauty of the etheric body. Go after these, beloved. Call then to Adam Cadmon. Call then I say, for that blueprint and call again for it to be impressed upon the whole etheric body that you may begin to know what is the filigree woven linen garment of Christ that God would place upon your shoulders when you can rise to the dignity of Self-worth, Self-worth in Him. When you come to the altar to partake of Holy Communion, do not partake of it unworthily but consider profoundly whether you have made peace with every other part of life beloved.
If you cannot make peace with a fallen angel, you can certainly send that one to God and let God release His vengeance and let God repay. Blessed hearts, seek and seek again and seek again and remove from consciousness even the thought of condemnation of self or another. Do you think I am harping on this subject because it is not necessary for me to do so? Nay, it is necessary, for you must control the mind. You must control the mind! Let that mind be in you! It is the mind of God. Jesus Christ has that mind. El Morya has it. Every ascended master has it, or they would not be an ascended master. Now then, how shall you become an ascended master if you do not divest yourself of your opinions high and mighty of others? Yes, beloved, these things must change. Do you desire the Holy Spirit? (Yes!) Do you desire it with all of your heart? (Yes!) Do you desire it enough to surrender human pride or any other condition of consciousness? (Yes!) Would you have the pearl of great price, selling all for that pearl? (Yes!)
. Beloved, consider in co-measurement now how far beyond you are many in the Earth who have never invoked violet flame, who do not know the power of the archangels and do not walk and talk with them. We come to you because, as El Morya has said, Pelleur has said, Kuan Yin has said "You are our hope! Has there been any time in the history of Earth back to Atlantis and Lemuria when you have had such an opportunity to balance even all of your karma and to ascend as immortals with tremendous respect for all life?
Blessed ones, when you see the poor, the hungry, the starving children, when you see those who are so-called bums who live beneath the bridges of all nations, who have nothing, who seem to count for nothing do not look down upon them for within them until the hour when God calls them there is a light and that light is a threefold flame. Do not look down upon your neighbor for his non-wealth, his non-education, his this, his that! Remember, whatever you think of another you must bow to the threefold flame within that heart, and then, beloved, consider whether or not that one has taken that embodiment that you might learn a lesson of humility.
I leave you to ponder the signs of the stars and signs of your own personality. If you do not like what you see or ponder, then let sacred fire pass through. I ask you to give from the heart, head and hand decrees daily the entire set, but most importantly the transfiguring affirmation whereby you affirm that you are changing your garments moment by moment. How do you do this beloved?
It is the work of Seraphim who teach you to enter into these coils of transformation. Yet they will not allow you to rise any higher than your assessment of your fellow man. I pray that what I have said in this hour might take you to a new humility and a new oneness with your Father/Mother God in the Central Sun!
I am Justinius! We are the Seraphim! We bow to the light within you! Call upon us. We shall answer and accelerate your spiritual path. We will take you by the hand first as our children, then as our brothers and sisters and ultimately Christed ones whom we also can adore. In His name we bow to the light of the Great Central Sun! -Justinius, 4-6-1996
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If we will unite, if we will bury our differences, if we will see that differences are always contrived, and that if we will stay in the teaching long enough we will resolve all aspects of difference, we will find in the fiery core of being the basis for our unity. We will understand in the light of cosmic law that all that is right and good is agreed upon by all of us. And we will see through the philosophy, the temptation, the lies of fallen ones that have been imposed upon us to separate us.
If we are truly desirous of forging a golden age, we will stay with sacred fire, we will stay with violet flame, we will stay with Masters. And we will clean up our own consciousness, our own chakras, our own worlds until we can see clearly the light that unites us and the energy veil that separates us which can be thrown into the flame. We must exorcise all that causes division. This is the greatest weapon of fallen ones - their divide-and-conquer tactics. And they divide us over the silliest of issues! -Guru Ma, 7-6-1995
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