Monday, April 3, 2023
a day and an hour when heaven does not speak again for want of the response
Mi ghty light, mighty light descending! O my beloved, we are come into the very midst of life, bearing the sacred gift of love. It is the love of the Lord of the World for thy soul, for thy heart, for thy gentle becomingness. We are bearers of infinite love of a cosmos. And we would take this hour with you to extol the light and love of the heart of Gautama Buddha. (Won’t you be seated.) Most blessed ones, he cometh! And his servants--as the bodhisattvas, as the initiates of the Buddhic light amplifying the Mother flame--are in attendance. And they carry the train of the Lord of the World which sweeps around the whole Earth, for it is a manifestation of his infinite patience with the children of God who have gone astray upon this planetary home. Thus the Lord of the World embraces all in his heart. And he is the reflection of Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras and the light of far-off worlds. Now this love is supreme power. And this love is the fullness of all that God is--all attributes, all consciousness, all will. The flame of love of the heart of Gautama is therefore the very thrust of challenge to all those who have departed from the center of God’s love. It is the positioning of the one who determined to become the Buddha in the very heart of the creative fire.
Blessed hearts, this presence of love incites the greatest rebellion, the greatest hatred and the creation of hatred that is anywhere manifest midst the fallen ones. Because love is the highest attribute of God, because perfect love can never be defiled or penetrated or destroyed or perverted--this love remains the ultimate challenger of the fallen ones and the ultimate destroyer of their infamy in the Person of the Holy Spirit....
Now you know that irritation and dislike and hatred and disdain is unlike love. And you know that misuses of sacred fire and lust and sensuality and human possessiveness and all these things have been pointed out as antithesis of love. You are aware of human rebellion and disobedience as the sign of anti-love and anti-Christ. You are aware of ingratitude and an absence of appreciation for sacrifices made by Gautama Buddha and other avatars as also being anti-love. You are aware of the blindness which is the cutting-off of the all-seeing eye of God, the absence of vision, that is also the antithesis of love.
All of these things you know. But we in this year and in this cycle turning would bring to you the appreciation of the ruby ray of love, of the unfolding rose of the heart, and of the light descending that demands manifestation within you. This love of which we would speak is the love of excellence. So you have inscribed the word of Casimir Poseidon: “Learn to love to do well, and you shall!” We speak of that love, then, that descends and is perforce the active principle that is able to crystallize the ideations of the mind of God, the desires of God, into action--action that is an intense. Let me tell you something about perfect love. It is not only opportunity to endow Matter and material creation with the Holy Spirit!It is the love of perfecting the art, the skill, the profession, the study. It is the love to do all things well because God is thereby glorified. It is the love that desires to be in the right vibration, now and always, because of the great sacrifices made by the avatars who have gone before and of the intense plight of humanity in their needs. It is a love of excellence and a love of the very process of striving to perform with excellence.
It is love of sacred labor. It is love to be engaged in the work of the ages. It is a love that says: All things I do, I will do them according to the law of perfection. I will do them to manifest this perfection of Christ and his will of which God has given to me the capability and the perseverance. -Archangel Chamuel and Charity: Pearl 24:10
We must not intercept someone's thought but infuse the new blood of life by nurturing the nervous system. Each answering word must be not the nail of a coffin but the physician's ray. -Morya: Community 1926
You who have come to deposit your sins, remember that I have told you, remember that Morya has come to rejoice with you in this hour that the only sin that can be forgiven and permanently removed from your lifestream is the one that you permanently surrender! Therefore go not away from the altar in those moments of tender and tenderness to render unto thyself once again heaps of coals of condemnation. If you have not surrendered the condemnation of the sin, then where is self-forgiveness that descends from the Mighty I AM Presence? -Morya: Pearl 24:56
Know then that there comes a day and an hour when heaven does not speak again for want of the response. -Omri-Tas: Pearl 37:39
Hail, most holy seraphim of God! Hail, ye witnesses unto the truth, even the cosmic truth!
I am indeed Serapis Soleil. I am the one come to call you to the moment of your ascension. Thus the fire of ascension's flame is present. And you may project yourself to the moment when that ascension flame shall envelop your form, and your soul (already fused to the living Christ) shall enter the glory of the flame that truly is the light of the Divine Mother.
Thus out of the Shakti of the living Word thou didst descend in the beginning, and unto the Shakti of the living Word thou shalt ascend in the ending. This is the prophecy of the life everlasting unto all who can receive it and would drink of the cup of everlasting life.
As no man or woman can see God and live any longer as mortal man or mortal woman, so if you ask a seraphim to give you to drink of the elixir of Life, remember there is no turning back to the former state or estate. Therefore the cup is withheld until you, by striving, shall enter in to the fusion with your Holy Christ Self.
Prepare for the Lord’s day! The Lord’s day is the day of the judgment of all that has chosen that which is unreal. Prepare for the Lord’s day by choosing in this hour the reality of your I AM Presence.
I come, then, as seraphim gather here in almost numberless numbers. I have called my seraphim from out the center of God. From the rings of light of the Central Sun, led by Justinius they march; and they come for the protection of all servants of God upon Earth.
You may be surprised to discover the devout and profoundly holy ones who are not Christian or Jew in this life but Moslem or Hindu or Buddhist, Parsi–Zoroastrian. Whatever their calling, whatever their tie, beloved, there are holy ones of God in all communities of the religious. Therefore know that seraphim are without religious discrimination and they come to protect hearts of Light who have already established by their daily devotions a cord of light reaching up into the Infinite One.
The engines of war are sounding. The rhetoric of war is spoken daily. And the desire for war, not peace, is lodged in the hearts of many. Therefore let that which men have invoked be manifest as their decree, for the Law is the Law. And if the evolutions of Earth will continue to allow fallen angels to dictate the terms of war and peace, then I say, even the seraphim should shield their eyes from the holocausts that will continue to ensue.
Ye who are then counted among children of God and sons and daughters of God and even angel servants come to earth to minister–I, Serapis, say to you that your heart must be the focal point of a fire infolding itself that can be used by the forces of the Great Central Sun Magnet to draw the people of light of this Earth into a consummate union of oneness of purpose, ideal, motive and vision by the all-seeing Eye of God.
This all-seeing Eye does pierce through in this the fourth secret ray cycle of the fourteen-month cycles. By the heart of Amitabha, so the all-seeing Eye of God does penetrate. You may understand, then, what a great boon is upon you, beloved, that you may have the opportunity for that two-eyed vision to become one. Surely this is the cycle of preparing the light of the sacred fire, preparing the chakras for the raising up of the Mother-light.
Many shall perish for want of vision. I trust none of you shall be counted among that many. The day will come when every man and woman and child must see for himself, must pierce the chaos and the Old Night revisited upon Earth.
May you be in the holy place when you require that vision. May you have the discriminating wisdom of the beloved Amitabha, and may the discriminating heart of your Holy Christ Self separate tares from the wheat of consciousness.
And may that wisdom itself utterly consume, by the passion of the Lord Amitabha in you, all passions of the flesh, of desires, of the mind and memory.
Let there be then the setting aside! Let there be the use of Archangel Michael's sword! Cut from yourself the ties to the underworld lest you be sucked into it by a force beyond your own. Simply take the sword, use it as demonstrated by the Messenger and declare yourself free from those pulls from beneath.
Plunge that sword into the demons, into the grotesque forms that linger at the partial openings of the mouths of the bottomless pit in this state and elsewhere upon the planet! Be free from those ties, beloved, for your victory is very close; yet by your own measurement [it is] at times very far, simply by your neglect to be it.
I have listened well to the study of the psychology of Zailm concerning reincarnation and karma. Study this well, beloved, for some of you ere you are called to higher octaves will not have more than this opportunity that you take day by day for resolution.
The sands in the hourglass fall for all, yet no man does know in the outer, nor woman, how many grains are above, how many below. Seek resolution so that when you come to our retreat you will not need to remain two hundred years in the lower etheric octave dealing with those things that can be accomplished [today] by the fiat of your spoken Word and your allegiance to the Word you have sounded. Believe that your fiat does invoke the full power of the Godhead and accept your freedom, beloved!
I come to you late in the cycle but not too late. I did not speak at the turning of this cycle on September 4, for had I spoken, beloved, you would have had locked in to your four lower bodies this fourth secret ray. At that hour you were still as shorn lambs; and, beloved, you were not prepared to receive such an intense fire as is the fourth secret ray.
Since its wisdom is the antithesis of the passions and misuse of sacred fire and since you have not diligently sought the binding of the dweller[-on-the-threshold] that represents all of those momentums, it was considered [and decided] by the great Cosmic Council who has sent me this night to forestall the locking in of that secret ray into this body and Community.
The hour has come then, beloved, that if this secret-ray cycle is to bear fruit of victory and God-mastery for some among this planetary body, there must be the locking in. Hence we have called for your petitions for forgiveness and this is a conference for inner resolution.
Blessed ones, this cycle is in the planetary body. It will work its work but some must anchor the pillar of fire that it represents. Therefore I ask you to pursue the highest calling of the fourth ray under my guidance, tutelage and sponsorship. I offer you sponsorship guardedly, yet I do so out of profound compassion for your state. I desire to assist you in the raising up of ascension's flame, and I desire to see you not crumble beneath the weight of this secret-ray planetary initiation.
Ere these fourteen months have passed, beloved, you will see events outplayed in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world, and you will understand how turmoil does indeed ensue when this fourth secret ray band is in play.
Therefore I ask that you signal our seraphim in this hour if you desire the true locking in to your chakras of this ray. I ask you not to fear or falter, yet to also be realistic.
You who know you are faithful, you who know that you take recourse in God and that you continually stand on the battleline in this court and in your homes, accept with trust and confidence that you can bear this ray. And as you so signal that you would receive it I shall give you then the special protection of my mantle. Yet my mantle cannot protect you from an out-of-alignment state, nor can it protect you from any karma that you should make. My mantle will give you the strength to keep your vows and to move on.
I will tell you that locking in to this fourth secret ray band will be a great assist in your overcoming of all adversaries of this Community and Church, Messenger and chelas. It is necessary for the victory. I will also tell you that to ride this ray at its crest in this hour and to continue with all diligence will allow you to arrive at a certain level of the passing of initiations that will enable you to increase your attainment and ability to draw forth supply and all that you need to go on in the fulfillment of your mission.
Thus it is a ray for which there is no substitute, a cycle for which you will wait again another fourteen cycles. Therefore understand, beloved, that coming into this ray in this hour is expedient if you are prepared for the challenge.
I say it can be done! I have confidence that you can do it. But you must show forth the will, the discriminating wisdom and the love to do so. I pray, therefore, that my warning to you will not make you so timid that you will not even come forward to accept this challenge.
A certain karma is upon the nation and the nations in this hour. I pause to contemplate it and also to contemplate what this world would be like without our chelas and Keepers of the Flame. Your decrees were never more necessary to hold the balance for those who yet need to discover this path and to do so quickly.
Keepers of the Flame who hear my words, know that your decrees are vital for your own victory and that of the planet! Your observation of cycles of the fourteen months is essential also.
I ask you now to stand and be counted, [those of you] who shall receive the locking in of the fourth secret ray band for the fulfillment of his mission, her mission and that of this Church.
Holy Justinius, receive your troops! These I present to you in the persons of our beloved Keepers of the Flame. They come to receive you. They stand in honor of your seraphim legions of Light. They do not rush in as fools where angels fear to tread, but they take their stand with a realistic appraisal of earth's conditions and the forces of darkness.
Therefore I, Serapis, command you, Justinius, and all hosts of the Spirit-matter cosmos to guard all who do stand knowing full well the challenges that lie before them! Beloved seraphim, place now your armor upon them, each one, from head to toe!
Chelas of Serapis Bey, I call you. Receive then this armor and see yourselves being dressed by loving servants of the Most High God, seraphim who bow to the light within you and will magnify that Light by your Lord, your Mighty I AM Presence.
May you pause each day–and never be without this visualization when you invoke your tube of light–to see then your seraphim attendant dressing you again from head to toe in armor of light that will deflect from you all harm directed against the holy office you have chosen, which is to embody the fourth secret ray.
I ask you to visualize this armor for your children and for all other Keepers of the Flame who will similarly take their stand to receive the locking in of this fourth secret ray. Do not call it forth or visualize it for any other, for this is unto those who are understanding of the necessity to move forward with planetary initiations. Any and all Keepers of the Flame in good standing who in the future may hear this dictation may also stand to receive this ray and to receive the armor for their stand.
I suggest that those who will may enter in to a forty-day period of celibacy but only by freewill. I desire to assist you in the path of the raising up of the Mother Flame. You may pursue hatha yoga or other exercises for the balancing of the energies in the four lower bodies–Djwal Kul's breathing exercise and other meditations that I may choose to release to you.
Keep the flame for the lightbearers gathered and gathering in the Middle East and elsewhere upon Earth!
Beloved, the fourth ray as the white sphere of the causal body is very close to the five secret rays. May you extol its virtues and embody them. May you remember [my words] and call for the clearing of the memory of all Keepers of the Flame who have heard me. This is a very special moment, beloved.
Now then you are fully dressed in your armour. And thus has come the moment of the locking in of the fourth secret ray to you and to all others who at inner levels in etheric retreats have heard me, beloved, for they also make their choice. Some shall return to their physical bodies, which they vacated for this night's soul travel in [their] work with our Brotherhood; others are there between embodiments.
Thus there is in fact upon Earth a mighty force of lightbearers and devotees from all walks of life who now receive this locking in. And as there is a locking in, beloved, there is, as it were, on the astral plane a trembling of the earth and an earthquake; for the adjustment is great for those in embodiment to carry this light.
I trust you will give yourselves the remainder of this conference to adjust to its vibration, to use violet flame and calls to the fourth-ray Elohim, Purity and Astrea, for the rebalancing of your systems.
Indeed, beloved, this is a moment of great comfort to the Maha Chohan, to Gautama Buddha and Sanat Kumara. As you have labored long in this lifetime and borne much, we have labored aeons with the evolutions of Earth. And though the harvest from the total population may seem small by percentages, we count the harvest of those who take their stand for the Mother-flame in this hour to be considerable, for we count [the harvest] from among those who have the qualifications to begin with. This percentage, of course, is far greater than [if it were taken from the] total population.
Thus our gratitude is profound. We are gratified to know that in such an hour of Darkness so many in so many different areas, moving through the cities, moving about in the earth (not in retreats but fully dealing with the challenges of world karma daily), have yet preserved a spiritual path and calling and are fiercely dedicated in that which God has led them to in this life.
Of course we desire to see them have the full cup of the violet flame and the initiations of the ascension. Therefore we do look forward to Summit University [winter quarter 1991] and we ask you to take advantage of the Messenger's invitation to be present on [Saturdays and] Sundays for special training in ministerial service, outreach and in helping brothers and sisters wherever you find them.
Now, beloved, there is a sealing of your chakras and a sealing of the rays. [21-second pause]
Guard the heart most precious. I, Serapis, place spheres of light around your heart for increased protection in all the days ahead.
May you consider yourselves holy. May you fill the role of holiness. May you see across the helmet of the seraphim that you wear the inscription “HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD!” May you carry a flame of holiness. Let your conversation be “yea, yea” and “nay, nay,” affirming God and not [otherwise] even allowing the mouth to be opened lest the lesser vibrations pass through. When you are present with seraphim, beloved, you are in the presence of holiness.
Each one of you receives, then, the presence of a mighty seraphim with you unto the hour of your fulfillment of [your mission in] this life–unless you somehow violate that presence and that tie by word or thought or action. These seraphim have rejoiced at this assignment, beloved, and they come to you with great devotion, knowing you personally and knowing you well.
Remember, one of the gifts that the seraphim have [received from God] is [the ability] to place their Electronic Presence over you, to lock in to your entire four lower bodies and to bring about a gentle healing and spiral of wholeness, the mending of the tears in the garment, the weaving and the reweaving of the deathless solar body.
May you rejoice at such sponsorship and may there be a true change in your attitude and outlook, in what you allow to occupy your mind and your time, your space and your feeling world.
We desire you to rise, not a single notch but three feet this night. Visualize it, beloved, and may it be so. We desire you up the spiral staircase, far out of reach of the denizens of the lower darkness.
This is my mission in coming, beloved. My gratitude to all Keepers of the Flame who have made possible this dictation at all.
O winds of God and of the Holy Spirit, take dominion in the earth this night! I, Serapis Soleil, have spoken and my fiat shall be fulfilled! via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1990 at Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana; Serapis Bey's fourteen-month cycle of the fourth secret ray band of the causal body is charted on the 10:30 line of the cosmic clock. Dhyani Buddha Amitabha is the initiator on this line. The discriminating wisdom of Amitabha overcomes the passions–all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust. His mantra is Om Amitabha Hrih. Serapis Bey told the Messenger that because we were not able to lock in to the fourth secret ray when the fourteen-month cycle began on September 4, 1990 we will have “to pass the initiations of all fourteen stations and fourteen months in the remaining ten months of the cycle.
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