Monday, March 6, 2023
The golden age is founded upon the intelling
How the heart does incline itself!
How the inner ear does listen!
How the soul does reach out
to touch the hem of the garment of God!
I come to you, beloved.
Has there been another time of greater suffering in Earth or impending suffering as the Lords of Karma hold back so much?
And yet they cannot hold back all.
You have placed yourselves in this remote ranch and you have said with El Morya: “Here we will stand! Here we will raise up the Banner of the Great White Brotherhood. Here we will make our claim for
lightforces of a cosmos to descend to Earth as though shinnying down a giant flagpole!”
Yes, beloved, you have made your claim. And thus I come, I enter and I ratify to you that I am surely in the Earth, knocking upon the door of the heart that is inclined and [appealing to] the listening ear and the soul aspiring to God.
Therefore I impress upon a world my presence. I give the vision, a spherical vision of the past, the future, the right, the left and all things coming full circle.
Yes, another year in the final decade of the century is about to begin. And so you will see as the year unfolds what the Lords of Karma must bring to Earth. Indeed you have tasted of the fire of purging, the fire of testing as sacred fire, violet flame, physical fire. Now I say, know the fire of seraphim of God. Know of whitefire that extends from here unto the great white throne, and yet it is not a matter of time and space.
Know then, beloved, that there has been a tilling of the sea. And the waves of Earth and the undulations that are noted in the hour of earthquake do make the Earth as much a sea as the very salt sea itself. Everywhere things are in a state of flux and always in [national] consciousness, individual by individual.
How can it be that each decade proceeding from the last has an entirely different vibration, a different call to the souls of the world? And there is a conclusion, as though [a chapter in] the Book of Life closed decade by decade and year by year. The trends change, the [way people look at] life–the consideration of prophecy versus the mechanical approach to life. So many lifestreams in so many levels of consciousness! Indeed it is possible for heaven to mesh with earth and with hell as well, [even in one household].
Where will you be then, beloved?
I trust that you will always be in the heart of God, always following in the footsteps of my Son, always remembering that I may enter where you bid me enter and that I may provide for you a certain measure of [assistance for] balancing of karma–a certain intricate formula for dealing with the [complicated] equation of life itself.
I am not here to tell you that all those things I have prophesied will not come to pass. I am here to tell you that they shall come to pass unless there is a world conflagration of violet flame ongoing.
You are approaching great dimensions of violet flame. I say continue [your approach], first and foremost for your very own soul; for your soul is an individual and the ascent of the soul [as an individual component of life] is necessary.
Be points of light and candles in the dark everywhere upon the planet. Appeal to your Holy Christ Self to intensify that [violet, purple and pink] fire. And see in the flame aglow, see, beloved, an infinite number of faces who must pass through the flame in order to pass into eternal life. To walk through fire then becomes the call of the hour: to pass through the flame of sacred fire and move on to other dimensions of your own being.
There are upheavals on the astral plane at inner levels as deep-seated karma in the people and the Earth do rise, as though Atlantis would rise again. And indeed she shall in the return of her karma unto her people reincarnated again. But midst all of this there is hope, for “unto us a child is born.”
The child is the Christ within you. The child is yourself to whom you give birth. Take care, take care that you rock your inner child in the cradle of your heart, for these are the days [of Christmas] when the door to the heart of Christ Jesus is opened. These are the days when the inner child can become fully whole, fully well-rounded, fully in the arms of the Divine Mother, able to leap into the very centerpoint of the Holy Christ Self.
These are days, beloved ones, to continue the vigil that is being kept by millions of my devotees around the world. It is wonderful that some of them will sing with you my Sanctissima. It is wonderful that your voices reach to the throne of grace and echo back again into hearts that are open. It is wonderful that you prepare for the Great Night, where there is no light. It is wonderful that you have the flame, that wherever you may find yourself in the day and hour of the Great Night you shall have a kindling fire that shall not be quenched. May you also see to it that your soul has blended with that flame and that your heart is balanced and at peace.
I bring you peace, each one. I bring you the sense of the eternality of your being as the flame and soul as one do not separate from but do willingly and gladly enter into the [eternal] flame–knowing that that portion of selfhood shall be transformed yet not knowing what shall be the image and likeness of that transformation, of that transformed one.
Yes, beloved, to awaken in the likeness of God, to awaken in the likeness of the eternal pattern out of which you descended shall be for you awakening unto the unbroken stream of eternal life even though you yet reside in these limited frames and minds and beings.
To know eternal life and eternal peace as you walk the Earth: let this be your goal! For continents have sunk, they have risen. [And they shall sink and rise again.] The surface of Earth has gone through many transformations, and you have made more entrances and exits on the stage of life than I can count.
Be free in this hour! Be free, everyone, to know yourself as eternal being in God, not separate but perhaps as a bud within the whole that is only now unfolding to discover the full potential of that reality which you are and shall become, which you are not and may not become–for it is a path of free will forever and forever.
I come in a midnight hour. I come drenched in light of the Christ Mass, purified by the Great Central Sun. Indeed I step forth in this hour from the heart of the Great Central Sun, drenched in living fires of illumination, transfiguration–drenched in the fires of your Christhood and your point of origin.
I desire to draw you o so very close to that which is real! Be not afraid of your reality. Be not afraid of your unreality. But know that there is a point of balance wherein you can accomplish all things–yes, magnificent things whereby you may unfurl the mighty banner of the great cause of Meru, yes, of the God and Goddess Meru.
The banner of the youth of the world is unfurled. It is a banner that belongs to all who claim it, to all who recognize that their internal being and identity is the eternal Youth, one with the Holy Kumaras. [It belongs] to all who recognize the calling in God to liberate souls, to exorcise souls, to bring so many, many into the captivity of their own Christhood, their own Buddhahood.
Yes, you are our hope. And we extend at this Christmastide the calla lily of hope. We extend to you that lily as a torch, as whitefire bliss of the all-knowing mind that shall bring to youth and [youthful of] all [decades] the true understanding of life, true integration with the heart of Earth and Sun and the stars and all paths of learning that correspond to a higher learning of higher octaves.
Here [on Earth] you dip in to certain paths, certain segments of developed thought and you study the disciplines. And above you there is the polarity of that [which is below]. It is the other side of [being as you know] it, which is the permanent reality of all that you can seek and know and become by studying to show yourself approved [first] here on earth [and then in heaven].
Know then, beloved, that there is the track of learning here below [that yet allows you to] touch infinite ideas, and then [there is the track of learning] above. It has a ceiling [that does not allow you to enter] into the next [level of] habitation of the soul [while you are yet in human form except by dispensation of an ascended master].
And in that [higher track] you at a higher level of your being are taking in realms of the mind of God that you could [otherwise] receive only in universities of the Spirit in the highest etheric octaves [when you are functioning at the level of the etheric body]. Yet even here below, [where you are] seemingly deprived of these [heights], your higher being walks with you in the full glory and containment of this vast reservoir of knowledge for the conquering of both material and spiritual worlds.
Thus, beloved, the banner [of the great cause of Meru] does wave in the winter breezes over this retreat. It is a sign [of hope] to many of the highest adepts of other spheres who come and see the [increasing] dedication of the few and the many upon Earth to a higher order of education for all people and all children. You have only begun to integrate these methods, but as you capture them and practice them and try them out [on groups of varying backgrounds], you will refine your own soul and thereby impart refinement to children of all ages.
This is the beginning of the golden age of Aquarius. It must begin with whitefire purity [of the causal body], the purity of the inclined heart, listening ear and soul who would become one with Christ. Then the [golden] ring, [the next sphere of the causal body, confers] the halo of Christ mind. All golden ages are laid upon the foundation of the development of the mind of God through the path of initiation of bodhisattvas, disciples, true learners from all climes. The golden age is founded upon the intelling [of the Christ], the intelligence of the mind of God that does appear in the flowering of many souls.
Continue, beloved! Continue then. And apart from your labors in the defense of your Buddhahood, your Christhood, your Community, your Sangha and your very Buddha Gautama so also remember to give calls on the second ray and to give them [not only for yourselves but] in defense of Christ mind in every soul upon Earth. All may have [the golden flame of illumination to illumine the path, but in order to have it] all must strive to achieve it.
I bring not dire prophecy, for you have heard it. I bring hope that in the very midst of any and all calamity you will be the soul prepared, the soul who has found out that reality does not consist in one’s possessions but only in the fire of Being. That soul, beloved, who does bank that fire can weather any changes in Earth, any war, any burden, any dark night.
Hold the candle and keep on keeping on. Be the candle and thereby be one who can ignite a home, a city, a hemisphere, a world.
I come with a great comfort to all those who suffer, who are burdened by terminal disease, who, on the one hand, have found through the path of walking with their infirmities a profound communion with God and who, on the other hand, have opened wide the chasm of the unconscious only to discover that [they have harbored] a hatred of God in the psyche, even as [they have held on to] a love of God [in their hearts]. No wonder the soul is not free to fly in her seamless garment!
The soul must sort out these conflicting momentums. The soul must ultimately find out that only surrender [to the Christ of my Son Jesus] will bring surcease from the pounding of first one [conflict] and then the other and from divisive elements of the fallen ones who come to tear the soul from her Bridegroom before she is able to put on the wedding garment and the bridal veil.
So know, beloved, that violet flame is able, sacred fire is able, and you are able!
When a world is teetering and tottering, when nature is out of kilter, when toxins saturate the Earth body and bodies of the people where do we go, Lord?
“O Lord, we go to thy sacred heart and to the immaculate heart of thy Mother. We enter our heart and there we are prepared [by our Holy Christ Self] to take the initiations of the merciful heart from the heart of Kuan Yin.”
Yes, beloved, when the world fails you, when people fail you you need not fail but only make that attunement with the Christ in all and give your Christ-flame unto their Christ for reigniting [of their flame], for restoration of hope and of faith and of love in the world.
Yes, beloved, you have entered these bodies and you will exit them and you have done so many times. Let us acknowledge this and get on with living, the living that is a cosmic experience, spherical in mode, whereby day by day you are meshing with the Infinite and there is no death in the past or future but only life ongoing.
When you have that freedom from the fear of death and hell and you are no longer concerned [for your life], then you can dedicate your all to being in life here and now the most dynamic representative of the Divine Mother, the most dynamic chela of your beloved El Morya, concentrated and able to get those things done that must be done if these little ones shall have their day and have their say. Let us consider then what it is that must be done each day because it is a key in the turning of the cycles of humanity and of civilization itself.
What are those things that must be accomplished, to which we must all dedicate ourselves if civilization is to go up into a golden age and not down into despair, depression and final death?
We come back again and again to the flame of illumination and to education–to educating the heart, mind, ear, chakras, the larger aura and frame of self. We come back to love and the gifts of love of the Holy Spirit. We come back to basics.
If there is not illumination and all is in darkness, a civilization will go down. If there is not love, there is no fire for the kindling. But, beloved, if the love and wisdom concerning the will of God be not there, if there is not a greater desire to be in the heart of the will of God than to be in the heart of some segment of another’s will, then indeed all illumination and all love will not succeed in raising up this civilization.
Many find it hard, very hard to wrestle with and to come to grips with surrender unto the will of God. Therefore let some accomplish it. Let some who have the vision hold the vision and hold on to the master blueprint of life which is the will of God [on behalf of] those who must yet experiment outside that will to finally prove to themselves one way or the other which will will become their spouse.
Yes, God’s will is a spouse you may choose. Your own will is a spouse you may choose. I pray you find the way to fuse the two that you may not be troubled by double-images day after day. I pray you find the way.
Sometimes it is a lonely, lonely path, beloved. But I shall comfort you in telling you that single individuals, solitary climbers on the path to eternal life have so embodied that will of God for the millions that they have counted for the millions. For you see, one with the will of God is the empowerment. As Jesus spoke of it, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,” so power comes when one has become the will of God.
Unto this calling I send your souls this night. Angels and ascended masters wait now at the gates of the etheric retreat corresponding to this place. They await to take you to a very special [place in] octaves of light where you may study the archives and records of your lifestream, the original will of God that you and your twinflame did espouse.
This is a place you have not been called to before, beloved. It is opened on this special occasion of this conference. It is a vast library in one of the universities of the Spirit of the higher etheric octaves. Thus, beloved, it is opened because it has been the deliberation of the Four and Twenty Elders that for you to have this information, as weighty as it might seem [and as weighty as it is], is better than for you not to have it at all.
Therefore we give opportunity not alone to you but to certain lifestreams throughout the world whose hour has come for a mighty calling and yet who are not sure they will be able to accomplish what they [have been called to] do. And [sometimes] they are not even sure what they [have been called to do]. So then this shall be a preview for you rather than your having to wait until your life is through and you are standing before the Lords of Karma [for review].
So make that call to Archangel Michael this night to take you not only to the university and library but to the special room where your archives are kept. Now you shall know at a level very close to the outer mind [something of] the vastness of your being, your point of origin and that particular degree of the 360-degree circle of your life that is the direction of your calling.
We are not living merely in the twentieth century; we are living in all centuries past, present and future and in all worlds. Contemplate the vast dimensions of your own being in God and of God’s residing in you, and be at peace, beloved.
You will succeed if you will make daily attunement with God and obey His voice within your heart. And then again when you are prompted by the inner Presence to move this way or that way always obey and obey promptly that each step of obedience might find you in the right place of your highest calling in this life.
Know then the joy of angels!
Know the joy of the many levels of heaven! Know joy, beloved, for the sorrows of this world will come and go and the suffering as well but, ultimately you must ascend to God and bring as many of my little ones with you as you can.
Therefore be at peace, beloved. And do not lean so much to those who speak in my name from this quarter and that quarter but lean to me as I come to you directly that you might know the precincts of the mind of God and that you might gain that vaulted ceiling of this cathedral –much space, much space, beloved, to commune with all hierarchies of angels who serve with me in alleviating suffering upon Earth.
I AM your Mother of Lights this night even as you are my children of the one flame. I seal you in my immaculate heart that you might know what is the immaculate concept of God for you, which I hold for you until you are able.
I bless you now in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother. My angels go with you and shall remain throughout this class, multiplying your devotions to the Divine Mother in all life. I AM always your Mary. I AM always your Mother.
-via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 30, 1992 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, P earls of Wisdom 36:1
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