Monday, March 6, 2023
self-discipline is the requirement
1) Nothing could be further from the truth, for self-discipline is the requirement of the hour. But these21 untamed24 souls14 would21 not13 surrender50 their33 human21 will20 (=217=7 x deify31) for anything or anyone, and so it is easy for the prince of darkness to find disciples from among those who have been subverted from their earliest years.
The highest alchemy is the precipitation of the Christ consciousness, and all to whom the breath of life has been given have a solemn obligation to pass on precepts of holy wisdom before passing the torch of responsibility to the next generation. The ancient proverb “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it” becomes then Life’s injunction to all humanity. Seeking a means of improving the strain and quality of life they should consider and reconsider its mandates until they are effectively interwoven into the whole structure of striving toward the future. -Saint Germain, Pearl 13:16
2) Therefore direct attainment is unfoldment. But that attainment which seems direct is not direct at all but only a sudden rending of the garment whereby there must be undone that damage which is done.
I saw then also in the last days of that period that there came the false teachers who saw that the way to tear from the children of God the light of holy purpose, the inner vow and inner dedication was to offer unto them, as baubles and trinkets, the sudden release of energy from any one of the chakras, especially with the concentration of the eye upon lower chakras. And thus with a sudden bursting of energies there were those immediate experiences which satisfy the curious, the profane and those seeking after psychic thralldom. But once the energies had been squandered and the feeling of flow of sacred fire as it was released had passed away, then those souls who had followed the false teachers had nothing left to work with when they came to the temple and true teachers of light. -Rose of Light, Pearl 58:15, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 20, 1977 in Pasadena
3) Therefore listen, O children. Harmony, O blessed harmony, is your challenge for the preservation of your freedom. And you will note how accurately he, [Beethoven] said “I do not write noisy music.” Noise26, the15 noise26 of12 dissonance40 and10 discord36 (=165=5 x manifest33) side by side with the veritable sound of fiery vortices of moving galaxies of Elohim humming the sound of the HUM, the OM, the HRIM--all the sounds and tones of the Universal Ma can be heard in those nine symphonies of the Word.
Therefore note well that those22 who19 manifest33 anti-freedom56 are15 inharmonious66 to8 the15 core23. They22 have9 subverted35 the15 life23 force29 (=380=10 x the core38) of Alpha and Omega in every atom of being. In physical matter they are irresponsible71 purveyors51 of12 misuses24 of12 the15 energy38 of12 the15 atom13 (=265=5 x life- forces53) and all manner of misuses and abuses of deadly substances and poisons, radioactive energy and on and on.
-Mighty Victory, Pearl 43:13, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles
4) I want to remind you that the first individual who fell, out of rebellion against God (before Lucifer), by the name of Peshu Alga, fell because he was angry at God that God took from him his son. His son died. He held him in his arms at death. He never accepted that death. He cursed God, he shook his fist at God, he was enangered at God, and he determined to get even with God. His getting even with God was a determination to subvert Lucifer. And he was the one who actually subverted that one, and that is how he had his alienation from God—the refusal to accept the justice and righteousness of the eventualities of life. -Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on June 15, 1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 55:14
5) Understand my meaning and do not misunderstand it. For I say, All that the Son is is God. And the Son can realize no more of God than he is become. But when the fullness of the Son is come then is the fullness of his God Presence come unto him. And all that is in the vast expanse of Spirit/matter spheres and far-off worlds is contained in the mind of God as a single point of light. Therefore the Son who is one with the Father and whose mind is in Him may also contain the point of light. -Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 22:35
6) Therefore let all true sons of light heed my warning: This is the arousing of the serpent, even the sleeping serpent who has long been left in the mental plane to subvert youth, who remain subverted throughout a lifetime for want of the true Shepherd.
See then the purpose of the Shepherd’s crook. It is to draw up the light from the base unto the crown, to draw it inward into inner mind and to seal the third eye. Thus by the sealing of the Christ there is within that spinal altar the power of God. Take heed, ye legions of the Cosmic Christ! For by his leave I summon you. And in the name of Archangel Michael we do descend to every layer of perversion of the mind of God. -Archangel Jophiel, Pearl 30:40
7) With his assassination the balance of power shifted from “We the people” to a power elite that has controlled the higher levels of government, economy and our cultural life ever since. As a result the Union for which Lincoln gave his life has been steadily subverted in an ongoing revolution that has nearly destroyed the delicate architecture of the American republic with its limited powers, checks and balances and individual sovereignty. Concurrently the people of America have become progressively disenfranchised. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 31:9
8) May you learn the way of love and the way of wisdom. For in this world you would do well to become wise as the serpents are and therefore to confound them in their abuses of divine wisdom, to overturn them, to best them wherever they ensconce themselves in their powered positions. Thus you must know what they know, and [you must] know that what they know is a perversion of what I know; and therefore from the [point of the] perversion itself [you16 must10] by a process of divine reason and induction go13 back8 to8 the15 original49 (=115=5 x Logos23) of which theirs is the counterfeit.
Every30 field27 of12 knowledge42 requires49 this20 [scrutiny]39 (=219=3 x 73=require48 nature25) that the children of the light may discover41 how19 serpents35 have18 set8 aside20 the15 true19 Law9 (=184=8 x Logos23), true geometry, true engineering, true architecture, the true everything, beloved. For there is not a field of [earthly] endeavor that they have not subverted for trapping of children of the light. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 32:58
using numerology, a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.
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