Friday, March 24, 2023
Let not this founding religion of the age, O my beloved, become watered down by the firstfruits.
2.3.10. There is power in repetition. Although incorrectly applied in religion, in life this armor is indispensable. One must repeatedly enwrap oneself.
3.6.15. What external condition is indispensable for quality of labor? Light. Only light makes labor productive and useful. The butterfly can fly until its rainbow pollen is exhausted. Man has the same rainbow force which absorbs the power of the light by means of photoplasm. Different plasms are intermediaries between the visible and invisible. Photoplasm, being an emanation of the nervous system, forms a rainbow pollen which absorbs rays of light and conveys them into the nerve channels. -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925
269. Good relationships must be established, and only cooperation will lead to effective good. It is necessary to adopt a rational exchange--thus we arrive at that which is called the cooperative. But cooperation will not be durable if in its basis lie concealment and cupidity. Confidence is indispensable. Partnership based on trust was the first form of the cooperative. Indeed everything must be perfected. -M: Community 1926
93. Attunement of the spirit affords the needed harmony. -M: Infinity 1, 1930
39. All that is outworn is subject to the law of replacement. All that does not progress is subject to the law of replacement. The cosmic creativeness so definitely foresees utilization of energies that it substitutes one for the other without delay.
50. a command preordaining fusion; a command preordaining destiny; a command preordaining the replacement of one by another; a command preordaining consummation; a command preordaining immortality; a command preordaining life for each atom; a command preordaining the approach of new energy; a command preordaining the new era.
92. On one hand one must eliminate all useless accumulations; on the other hand one must penetrate more deeply into all manifestations, augmenting contemporary achievements.
-M: Infinity 2, 1930
159. each vital action requires stability. Before looking at two parallel lines one should know which to choose. Hence stability is so indispensable, and only the closest approach to Hierarchy provides the correct path and higher solution. -M: Hierarchy 1931
217. One must strive to me in thought, this striving is the most indispensable. Learn not only to have my image constantly before you but also to propel your thoughts in the direction of Hierarchy. -M: Heart 1932
56. Joy and courage are indispensable, but without Fire these qualities are not created. Reason can deprive one of all joy and thus close the gates to the future. Yet a fiery world outlook does not fall from heaven, it must be discovered. -M: Fiery World 1933
2) Intellectualism, pride of person and pride of accomplishment are deterrents to the unfoldment of that loving Christ consciousness which can be developed through realizing that it is God within you who is permanently acting through you to fulfill your highest good and to express the allness of His nature. -Jesus the Christ: Corona Class Lessons, 27, 1963
3) Therefore as we begin to reveal to the students those cardinal virtues which are the very nature of God and are as compass-points indicating the true path we trust that souls in bondage to mortal convention will recognize that there is an octave of freedom and light, mystery, initiation and manifest power which is above and beyond all idle conceptions of men or books that have been written on the masters of wisdom or ascended masters….
If pride goes, then the altar is swept clean for gifts of divine humility. If pride remains, it doth indeed go before the fall of that individual into numerous pitfalls. These pitfalls are subtle involving the character of the self….You came forth for one cause and one cause alone and that is to manifest God’s light. No greater purpose has come to anyone and no lesser purpose….
Quite frankly many individuals on the spiritual path use their contact with us as a means of attaching importance to their own egos. They but harm our cause….If the masters and divine Presence of men through the mediatorship of Christ have ever recognized any of the errors of men that have hindered them from becoming that which they long to become, they have recognized their pride. -Serapis: Dossier on the Ascension, 4, 1967
4) There exists in the world today a very dangerous sense of earthly sophistication which is wholly rooted in personal pride; in the grips of this pseudo-reality individuals consider themselves qualified to be the arbiters of their own destiny. -Serapis: Dossier on the Ascension, 8, 1967
5) The starting-point of all judgment is in the heart. Its purpose is to test the motivation of man, for by our motives we are justified or condemned….Our own understanding forfeits the divine understanding because by the action of our two-eyed vision in time and space we perceive only angles, never the whole--aspects but never the totality. -Messenger E C Prophet: 1-20-1974 at Santa Barbara
6) Blessed hearts, the byword of initiates of Maitreya must be Dare to Be Different! I say, how can we dare to disobey the command of the heart of Maitreya? We dare not go against the inner Word and inner light. Yet some of late have sought to silence that Word, to quench the flame knowing if they would hear it or feel burning of the heart, they would be compelled to an action which they would rather shun. Let10 not13 this20 founding religion of the age, O my beloved, become25 watered31 down20 by9 the15 firstfruits57=200 (=5 x victory40). For those22 who19 come18 after23 will20 indeed32 desire33 to8 water22 down20 the15 path18 (=250=5 x surrender50) of the ascended masters and to say “We also do those things, we also have the testimony,” when they do not….
How wondrous His manifest works! And therefore let the crystal be thy identity and let there appear truly the face of Christ. And let those whom you meet recognize that presence, that power, that authority--even by the light, by the aura, by contact, by fearlessness and boldness of the simple word of Christ that does heal.
El Morya, Chief of the Darjeeling Council
I am sent to remind you of first things and firstfruits. He who has founded this order of the Summit Lighthouse and this activity, he the one who has called your souls and disciplined you, calls you again and calls you in this hour to his spring quarter of Summit University. For he is determined to make you worthy and to make you value the presence so great of Maitreya and the World Teachers in your midst….As Saint Germain said in the land of the Philippines, each one must look within and cast out the serpent if he would save his country and his nation rather than attribute to the leadership alone the fault and blame--look within and recognize that the responsibility to raise up the scepter and authority of Christ has never, never been greater!…
And therefore, beloved hearts, understand that confession, remission of sin, repentance therefore does once again restore you to that alignment with the chalice of being who is Christ. For Christ is the crystal chalice, Christ is the Holy Grail, and the light that is poured therein does become the nectar thou dost quaff…Recognize that a man’s sins are not capable of destroying him, but a man’s willfulness to continue in sin is the nucleus of self-destruction. Those who would go and sin no more therefore must know that when you cease to sin instantaneously you are delivered from the toils of the tempter….
Understand therefore that the will that has a heart for God and His path, the will that has a heart and desire for loving and serving and passing through the fiery trial to be rid then of the old man--that will is the fortification whereby the soul may mount and enter the arms of the everlasting Christ, truly the Bridegroom who does receive his own. Therefore not sin but the will to sin is the destroyer of souls…Know then that the strength of our movement and our revolution today is always the strength of the individual, as the Messenger has told you. Let the individual become the pillar of fire….Just as quickly as you can let go of the former self so the true Self does appear, beloved hearts. But it takes the leap of faith--faith in the science of Being….Many who have heard or should have heard but have not even taken the opportunity to present themselves of a Sunday to hear the dictation have therefore become watered down, backsliding as they say, and truly out of the pale of the circle of the protection of Saint Germain…
I say and as the Darjeeling Council does proclaim it this day--those who are not here in this activity as chelas of Saint Germain, who are not bearing his burden of light and his burden of world responsibility ought not to remain connected with the holy order of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. For there are reasons for being for the establishment of this movement, and it ever has been the Guru/chela relationship between yourselves and Sanat Kumara which is enhanced and effected through your relationship with ascended masters and the Messengers….Let none attach themselves to the Community of the Holy Spirit who see this as an escape-valve in time of trouble. For none shall be saved except by the Lord’s Spirit and those who are in the Lord’s Spirit of the I AM THAT I AM on the Lord’s Day….
Therefore it is meet, beloved hearts, that those who would walk in the mantle and dispensation of the hour understand what is that mantle of the I AM Presence that comes to you through El Morya. Some chelas who have departed from his will have all but silenced him, for the unfulfilled dictation is non-response of the chela. The dictations of El Morya have been spoken from the altar yet they have stopped at the altar-rail. And infective internalization of that call has not been forthcoming….the fulfillment of your individual Christhood is to be found in speaking of the Word of God. Yet how many preachers of righteousness have prepared themselves out of this community to deliver that Word that comes forth out of the mouth of the Messenger? There ought to be many….
Hear then: the lying serpent mind does fool you when you have been told again and again that no master can save you but only point the way, that you yourself must fulfill your fiery destiny. See how you are even unconscious that the serpent mind has spoken softly in great beguiling wiliness. And the soul has heard, and the consciousness has shifted into laxity….
Thus remember: nothing is guaranteed until you are the ascended master.
Nothing is sure until it becomes both physical and spiritual.
The victory cannot be counted upon until you win it! And therefore you cannot say the Messenger will go forth and save the nations….
You are therefore responsible for the “I” who is the I AM where you are. And let that I AM Presence live, I say! Let it live free and freeborn. Let it live to fulfill its fiery destiny with you as a concomitant and a concommunicant with that “I.” The I AM THAT I AM in you is the deliverer of the nations….
Blessed hearts, this is the true message, the true theology of the Aquarian age. Who will know it or understand it if only one does become it or two? Who will understand it unless multitudes of sons and daughters of God walk the Earth clothed upon fully in their Holy Christ Self?…
(Life is) forsaken until some and one and the few come to be Saint Patrick incarnate. For I AM that Word, I AM THAT I AM THAT I AM. Thus call to me to enter your heart and pray there with Christ for your deliverance. Pray for the perception, pray for the discriminating plumbline of truth, pray for right regard and vigilance….Thus understand that I have come for the love of your souls to commemorate the ancient memory, to8 restore37 sight27 to8 those22 blinded32 by9 egoism32 and10 self-love33, to8 restore37 truly24 the15 gifts25 and10 graces26 (=363=Patrick33 x tests11) that you might deliver your brothers and sisters.
-Saint Patrick: 3-17-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger of the Brotherhood
E C Prophet
-Saint Patrick on his way to Tara to convert the Irish
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