Thursday, March 23, 2023
accelerate the righteous
1) To prove that truth is true in matter by deductive and inductive methods is one thing. But to prove that truth is true in Spirit demands acceleration and advancement of the soul on the path of adeptship. Those who care enough to prove to humanity that the higher law works, that the science of the spoken Word is indeed a science fear not to pay the price. What the avatars of truth have done you too can do if you are prepared to make the same sacrifice, the same surrender, if you are willing to enter wholeheartedly the path of service where selflessness is the measure of attainment….
Thus the teachings of the ascended masters will expand and be spread abroad across the whole face of the Earth. And these teachings when brought to the attention of many sincere men and women who are truly desirous of the light and will make necessary sacrifices (even when they come to understand more fully what these entail) will accelerate the righteous in their righteousness enabling many who are now enslaved in paths of unrighteousness to be converted by the law of truth unto paths of His righteousness.
At Summit University we will continue to study Mother’s Manifestos, rolling back! rolling back! error’s cover-up of the masks of evil and manipulation of the people. Alpha and Omega have sent forth a light, the blessed Mother Mary is determined to multiply and intensify the chemical action of the fifth ray in society and human consciousness while I have determined to show devotees of truth how to use the crystal sword and crystal helmet and shield of crystalline light to enter the most intense astral vortices of the Liar and his lie and to handle the ramifications and repercussions of the aroused serpents as well.
The crystal ray is an energy emitted from the whitefire core of the Central Sun that is used to complement the action of the all-seeing Eye of God under Elohim Cyclopea. Thus it is Virginia in the full feminine complement of the fifth ray who wields the devastating action of this light of Maha Kali, the Universal Mother whose dazzling crystal light strikes terror in the demons who have sought to enslave the youth and little children to their astral darkness and death….
Because the Messengers have always been willing to pay the price for the delivery of truth, because they stand and still stand in the face of misunderstanding and maligning of their very motives and mission, and because in the face of all of this chelas stand staunch and true, loyal to the light and in defense of the cosmic honor flame within the community of Camelot we yet have a mouthpiece, we yet have a movement of lightbearers that can turn the tide. And we will stand firm on the power of our own press, in the printed and spoken Word to vindicate the light and lightbearers and to free God’s children everywhere from every form of tyranny over mind and heart. -Pallas Athena Pearls of Wisdom 23:10
2) Therefore, beloved, some of those advanced fallen ones--those ancient hierarchs at top levels who worked with Lucifer and all the rest--are yet in the Earth. Some of them have not gone to the second death for the children of Earth and sons and daughters of God have not learned the lessons that they must learn, and that is to understand that in one sense evil is not real and has no power and in another sense evil overpowers completely those who have no light within them….
And we cannot remove evil from your sight until you are willing to look at that evil yourself, to look in the mirror and see what is left within you that you have taken with you from these past ages--whether it is the pride of the eye or lust of the eye, whether it is the sense of all-importance, whatever it may be, beloved….
Let us realize that how or when or from where these fallen ones have come, they have made their pact, they have made it known and they would move against a people of light. They would strip the United States of America of the defense of the Divine Mother. And they would plot and plan their moves against this nation. Well, beloved, they are not omnipotent. They do not have the ultimate keys to the kingdom. But I tell you, they have taken the Earth and they have declared that it is theirs. Now it is up to keepers of the flame through Sanat Kumara to claim the Earth for the light, to claim the Earth for victory….
We shall be there. We hold the keys; they do not. We hold the keys, beloved; only play your part….
Beloved ones, war and warlike hordes in the Earth are not native to this planet. They have intertwined themselves among its peoples. They have intertwined their genes. Yet, beloved, their hour is come, their judgment is come. Only make the call….
Therefore, legions of light, bind those who are to be taken this night. Bind them at midnight! Bind them at the dawn! Bind them until that grouping of fallen ones is no more a part of the Earth.
One caution, beloved: when this takes place you must be God-centered and remember why your life is in upheaval. It is because the Earth is in upheaval. Stand steady, beloved. I have known you of old. You have true greatness in the core. Now let that greatness come to the fore. This is our offering, beloved. Earth shall go through a surgery not only this night but in days to come.
-Gautama Buddha via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on 1-1-1997 at RTR, Montana
3) In the name of the Mighty I AM and Mighty Cuzco:
Come now by love divine,
Guard thou this soul of mine,
Make now my world all thine,
God's light around me shine
I count one, it is done,
O feeling world, be still,
Two and three, I AM free,
Peace, it is God's will
I count four, I do adore
My Presence all divine,
Five and six, O God, affix
My gaze on Thee sublime
I count seven, come, O heaven,
My energies take hold,
Eight and nine, completely thine,
My mental world enfold
The whitefire light now encircles me,
All riptides are rejected, With God's own might around me bright I AM by love protected (3x)
I accept this done right now with full power,
I AM this done right now with full power,
I AM, I AM, I AM God-life expressing perfection all ways at all times. This which I call forth for myself I call forth for every man, woman and child on this planet, amen.
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