Sunday, February 19, 2023
We will not stand by and watch the slow slipping away of identity into non-identity
I can well understand, although manifesting in angelic consciousness the tenacious roots which mankind have extended into the earth element, for I have been in contact with numerous ascended beings who have passed through the human octave. Man’s attachment to things of the earthly senses seems most natural to him through the power of old habit, but this false sense of nature has often taken preeminence over his heavenly rights, and much to our wonder and dismay mankind are often less at home in a heavenly atmosphere than in an earthly one. Yet if cosmic destiny is to be fulfilled, and the great Law demands it, then sometime, somewhere there must come a break in the chain of mankind’s feelings of attachment to the earth, earthy so that they do find their immortal freedom and obtain the higher ways of the Christ.
-Archangel Uriel, Pearl 7:40
The great forerunners who have made possible spiritual achievement in every age have been men and women whose power of vision have enabled them to challenge the concepts of the mass mind and enter into the advanced thought of the Brothers of Light and the spiritual hierarchy. Thereby they no longer run riot in the manner of the common herd but stand as tall trees upon the hillsides and mountains of the world, exemplary spires of spiritual fortitude, content to point the way toward the untrammeled heights of holiness which in reality are the country of God. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 7:46
The wondrous functioning of the internal world of mind in the individual then goes on, completely oblivious of outer interference. And this action takes place in all, with or without their conscious approval or disapproval, and thus are established the inner records of each individual man. The continual inflow of thought and feeling from the outer active consciousness creates matrices of record which, when linked to approved desire, are very powerful in amplifying either the good or bad tendencies in mankind.
-Divine Director, Pearls of Wisdom 8:7
And yet there is abroad in the land a very nefarious spirit that seeks to tear down Hierarchy and the manifestation of Hierarchy, to desecrate the image of the ascended hosts and of the Messenger and to say that no one can be fit to be called a messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, that no one can be fit to be called a disciple or a chela of Morya, but that somehow in the levels of equality in democracy all must be a part of the common herd of the mass consciousness.
-Lanello, Pearl 20:3
Now I occupy my soul
And all my energy in His service;
I no longer tend the herd,
Nor have I any other work
Now that my every act is love.
If then I am no longer
Seen or found on the common,
You will say that I am lost;
That stricken by love
I lost myself and was found.
With flowers and emeralds
Chosen on cool mornings
We shall weave garlands
Flowering in Your love,
And bound with one hair of mine.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 24:29
Now you would rise beyond that plane of vibration and you notice how very much the momentum of the planet goes against the momentum of Life. Why, anyone who is truly alive is immediately criticized for not being one of the herd, one of the crowd, one of the gang. Somehow they are different. Somehow their eyes glisten with the light of another Sun of a far-off world.
Whence does the light come that is within yet is physical and can be seen? It is from the World Mother and the world of the Mother in the heart of the God- star. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 25:33
Therefore in looking upon those who are apparently being manipulated by sinister strategies and forces (such as the representatives of this government who are simply moving as one mass as a herd of lemmings to their own self-destruction) could you not consider that they [might be] under a ray of the fallen ones? And due to the absence of light [in their psyche] and their non-commitment to light [that] they [might] be vulnerable to forces of evil far superior [in techniques of mind and genetic engineering and in their use of the black arts] to the levels [to which they have attained in] their own involvements in the false hierarchy? -Divine Director, Pearl 31:73
You no longer have the ideal of reaching for a greater awareness and you label those who do as either insane or fanatical, trouble-makers or starters of a new cult. That an individual should seek to exceed the potential of the common herd arouses the enmity of the disintegrating self which desires to be left alone in the process of the self-willed death spiral that is upon it.
Shall we stand by and watch shrinking man ever shrink unto a lilliputian world that has no identification with the realities of a cosmos? We in the councils of light have said “We will not. We will go forth in search of those who will perceive us by love, by their compassion for life on earth. We will find some worthy soul whom we can take apart from the multitude and we will give to that one the exalted vision of life. We will not stand by and watch19 the15 slow14 slipping48 away14 of12 identity43 into22 non=identity59 (=246=6 x lightness41) that stands in opposition to the great God and therefore ultimately cancels itself out.” -Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 42:15 portrait of Sanat Kumara by Ruth Hawkins
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