Sunday, February 19, 2023
Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist, on mRNA injections
Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist, on mRNA injections:
The ability to work change is inherent within the domain of man’s freewill; hence men14 speak16 of12 cell14 mutation32 without34 regard35 to8 the15 process32 of12 transmutation50 whereby41 benign33 change29 can9 be7 consistently49 directed41 (=483
=Logos23 x plane21) both by man as the initiator and by God as Preceptor53 under26 whose25 unerring52 guidance37 inherent48 patterns32 of12 perfection57 reappear44 (=376=8 x light-path47).
When long ago I spake “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him” it was in the dawning awareness and conscious sense of the magnificence of the original design of the universe executed by the Grand Architect thereof.
I marvel how men work amidst all superb scientific principles upon which the design of the universe was framed without taking notice of them or their colossal presence in the undergirdings of creation. And once again I must cite in this time of advancing technology the undiscovered wonders of the unknown God –unknown because mankind realize but a farthing of their own potential and very little of His.
Men agree that God is mysterious, and they seem content to leave the universe a cloistered but awesome manifestation. Yet God and nature have already declared themselves unto man: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.” Nevertheless through blindness of heart and dullness of semantics men have failed to perceive the unity of the whole blazing before them as the noontide of reality. -Hilarion, Pearls of Wisdom 14:37
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