Saturday, January 7, 2023
high priests turning to black arts
Some of you served on Mu in the arts. One of you was a great inventor. One and all heard the desecrations of the fallen ones. You heard their blasphemy and you observed how high priests turning to black arts did create astral thoughtforms, beasts of prey, hurling invectives against one another. They were the founders of political strife, religious strife. The dark priests fought against the priests of light, and even the priests of light turned to motives and methods not wholly of Christic light. At first the war of the priests was a war of astral energies, red and crimson lightning hurled against the dark patterns of chaos. Who could create the ugliest patterns and darkest designs was a contest between the priests. -Goddess of Light, Pearl 61:11, given on March 24, 1974 via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Detroit
In ages past on the continents of Lemuria and Atlantis, long before the fiat of God went forth “Henceforth shall every seed bear after its kind!” frightful mutations and weird forms were created through experiments of black magicians. This misuse of divine procreative seed caused the Lords of Karma to decree the destruction of test-tube creations through the Noachian Deluge. After the Flood the Earth, cleansed and purified by washing of the water, was once again brimming with the hope of new life and more noble ideas. Yet only in the Edenic state where the will of God is honored and communion with Him sought as the ultrachoice of man can complete restoration of perfection be achieved. -Hilarion, Pearl 14:37
Fear not those who kill the body but those who are able to destroy the soul in the consciousness of the astral plane. This is the warfare of spirit. It is the warfare of those who have taken the energies of Spirit, who themselves are disciplined in black arts and who then take the energies of the crown of life and misuse them to suppress the mind of God in the mind of His children.
Therefore if you would be delivered and would wear the mantle of the deliverers of mankind, you must offer a suitable sacrifice that is mete, that is sufficient unto the Law of the Logos. You must be willing to raise those energies to the heart and to purify the heart of all motive and intent, of all subtle awareness of pride and deception and selfishness that is folded within the aura and carefully concealed by the carnal mind—behind the behind the behind—until only the subtle splinters of darkness are present to pollute the manifestation of the crystal of the mind of God. -Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 4, 1975 in Minneapolis
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM
I invoke the Electronic Presence of Jesus Christ:
they shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
By the authority of the cosmic cross of whitefire
it shall be that all that is directed against the Christ
within me, within the holy innocents,
within our beloved Messengers,
within every son and daughter of God by the Nephilim gods, their population control and contrived wars slaughtering the sons of God and children of the light on the battlefields of life,
is now turned back
by the authority of Alpha and Omega,
by the authority of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
by the authority of Saint Germain!
I AM THAT I AM within the center of this temple
and I declare in the fullness of
the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood:
that those who then practice the black arts
against the children of the light, namely the entire interplanetary conspiracy of fallen angels and their mechanization man,
are now bound by the hosts of the Lord,
do now receive the judgment of the Lord Christ
within me, within Jesus
and within every ascended master,
do now receive then the full return—
multiplied by the energy of the Cosmic Christ—
of their nefarious deeds which they have practiced
since the very incarnation of the Word!
Lo, I AM a Son of God! Lo, I AM a flame of God, lo I stand upon the rock of the living Word and I declare with Jesus, the beloved Son of God, they shall not pass, they shall not pass, they shall not pass! Lo, I AM a Son of God!
Lo, I AM a Flame of God!
Lo, I stand upon the Rock of the living Word
And I declare with Jesus, the living Son of God:
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
They shall not pass!
in Pearl 30:71
Wise up and recognize that your soul can be lost by wrong choices, by entering into the black arts even unwittingly, and by practicing those practices that are called witchcraft which are truly not of the light.
I say, come out from among them! Forsake these perversions of the Mother-flame and of the Holy Spirit! Understand that these forces of darkness are the archdeceivers of mankind who tell you that witchcraft is of the Great White Brother hood. I say, it is not! And I denounce it as the practice of dark ones who are usurping the light of the Father-Mother God in these cities of twin flames [of Alpha and Omega] and the cloven tongues of fire. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 62:35, given on October 4, 1975in Minneapolis
Therefore let those who dabble in the black arts, who practice the practices of Satan know that I AM the living Christ–not removed into heaven but here upon Earth I AM. And I stand within the very heart of every true follower of God who will receive me, who will in joy prepare me room. For my coming in this hour is for the judgment of those who assembled at Pharaoh’s court, even the black magicians of Egypt who would practice their death upon our Messengers and our disciples north, south, east and west. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 21:32
I raise my hands as the Goddess Meru stands with me to enshrine wisdom’s fires in these cities, to restore the inner blueprint. And therefore by the authority that we hold in the feminine ray we send forth the challenge for arresting of the spirals of all misuses of the energy of the Father-Mother God in the practice of black arts and in the release of false teachers who have come to this place to lead the children of the light astray through paths of variance and confusion.
-Lord and Lady Meru, Pearl 62:33, given via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on
51:35 -Saint Germain, Pearl 33:15
You must forgive yourself for accepting self-belittlement, self-condemnation and self-pity. These are neither of your own soul nor of the Mother, but these are projections of dark ones, the fallen ones and those who are the practitioners of black arts and of witchcraft.
When you feel condemned and unworthy as though you are unable to accomplish anything that is worth being present in the Lord, remember Kuan Yin. Remember mercy. Call forth the fires of mercy…. -Kuan Yin, Pearl 63:47, given via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on September 18, 1976 in Accra, Ghana
Blessed ones, those who arrive at the gate of power shall be assailed by fallen ones. And if they do not have considerable self-mastery, the fallen ones shall move together as one host of darkness to cut down that one who dares to rise in the power of God, the wisdom of God and the love of God in the purity of the balance of the Divine Mother on planet Earth.
Thus I tell you each one, it is simply not possible to impart the secrets of Maitreya’s Mystery School in an open conference in a hotel in any city. Such impartations heart to heart from the masters through the Messenger to you must be given in a setting that is sealed and protected and sponsored.
-Buddha of the Ruby Ray, Pearl 34:59
Beloved ones, have you not understood the incident when the woman touched the hem of my garment and I perceived that virtue had gone out of me and she was healed of the issue of blood which she had had for twelve years? Beloved ones, many practitioners of the healing arts bear greater karma than that woman, and when you place your bodies in their care you indeed take on that karma and they indeed take on your light and thus perpetuate within you their very judgments which declare that you have chronic conditions. Indeed the fatigue which follows convinces you that you have heard the correct diagnosis even while the full momentum of our flame has flowed from you because you have placed your trust outside of your own regeneration–rejuvenative fires of the Holy Spirit that are as a fountain of living flame bursting within you. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 21:33
the yoke that black magicians have learned to place upon you that is rightfully their own, yet they transfer it and allow the people to bear their karma.
You have heard that this is called “karma-dodging.” Many practice it. They amass power and wealth and place this between themselves and their returning calamities. So long may they dodge, but the day does come when there does descend the horrendous karma held back by manipulation of past artists of black arts.
-Phylos the Tibetan, Pearl 34:25
Blessed hearts, do you not remember how many times Milarepa built and how many times Marpa made him tear down? I should say that you as initiates have not had so many trials as did Milarepa. And yet for his trials [and because he had profound] remorse [for his past] practices of black arts this one became the flying yogi and had great attainment. -Saint Germain, Pearl 33:15
This is what we are after. We are determined that the light shall meet death and hell, [that] the light shall meet the astral plane! And those hordes that come out of the depths with their rock [music], with their darkness, with their satanic rites, with all their black magic against the lightbearers and the Messengers practiced therefore against their image–[we are determined] that all of this be met [by the light] before it is externalized in the physical octave. And we are certain that we have and are afforded by the Godhead a mighty opportunity in this hour of this Inner Retreat conference to do just that. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Pearls of Wisdom 32:15
Beloved El Morya and I concur that it is high time greater light be shed upon the current practice of black magic so that proper defenses can be maintained by all who love the light and desire to see its limitless expansion. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 5:38
Therefore I summon you to also become devotees of light. For you have heard the story of my entrapment by black magicians long ago on the continent of South America [when] in an unguarded moment [I was locked from the waist down into] the lower portion of the body of a fish. And so, beloved, [I was] required to remain in that body for eight hundred years before that curse could be broken. And I did clothe myself [in such a manner] and [I did] serve from behind a counter so that none saw the deformity of my lower part.
-Goddess of Light, Pearl 32:54
Now then the black magicians are aware of the power of the keynote as well as power of the mantra, and therefore they have determined the means to extract the formula for instance of certain elementals—fiery salamanders and sylphs, undines and gnomes. And those members of the black brotherhood then use that keynote and that blueprint, and they use certain mantras, certain worded formulas, and they tie into that blueprint and thereby do control elemental life by imprisoning that life in geometric patterns, in energy coils that they release through the power of the spoken Word.
-Divine Director, Pearl 63:37
We understand of course the anatomy of evil as pertains to the fallen angels, but it is difficult to discover how any fallen angel could convince a child of God to deny that God-flame within. Obviously it could not come about directly but only with great subtlety and confusion, role reversal and the conviction that black is white and white is black.
I ask you to pray for the disciples of the seven chohans who are now disciples actively pursuing the path, which means to pray for yourselves and all upon Earth who by virtue of their devotion (which is love) to an art or a field of endeavor have actually created and compelled the tie to the hearts of the seven chohans. I ask you to release to the world the dictations of the seven chohans that these might bring to the world an understanding of a path that can be followed. -Paul the Venetian, Pearl 27:3
The golden fire of Mighty Victory pours down upon you now. Take that fire. Store it in your chakras. Use it to raise the essence of the Divine Mother within you. And go out and do battle with such conviction that these fallen angels will tremble. Yes, they will tremble and their systems will collapse! And the seven archangels will follow you and them, and they will take them to the Court of Sacred Fire for their trial and their judgment.
And hear this: we will no longer allow these fallen angels to remain on Earth or its astral plane, even though they outrank the lightbearers due to their cunning and black arts.
Beloved ones, rise in the God-dominion of your Holy Christ Self and your I AM Presence! For the Lord God has said unto you: “Ye are God’s! And all of you are children of the Most High!”
We bow to the magnificent light within you. Use it to save your soul and the soul of planet Earth!
[17-second standing ovation] -Legions of Justinius, Pearls of Wisdom 40:27
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