Saturday, January 7, 2023
few of these know what they do
When you gather in my name neglect not the invocation to the Elohim of Exorcism, Astrea, to the Archangel of Deliverance, Michael the Great Prince and to the Virgin Mary in whose presence the demons also believe and tremble. And neglect not the call to mighty Ray-O-Light and his legions of fearlessness flame who fearlessly bind the hordes of impostors of the Holy Spirit sent to snare the children of God by wolves in sheep’s clothing who lead their congregations in prayers of malintent and thereby become the practitioners of black arts, vibrating with the black mass and Black Pope and even the Satanists active in the lust of their intellectual sensualism in these latter days.
I say to you that prayers of ill will and malintent are the equivalent of witchcraft and voodoo. Yet in my name they are offered by the self-righteous, whether in the metaphysical, fundamentalist or orthodox movements. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:39
Many centuries of the misuse of power in witchcraft and black magic that have come forth in the stories of the Frankenstein monster and of Count Dracula have been a way of life in the inner circles of the black brotherhood. These have created a pall over the crown chakras of the people, thereby engendering an intellectualism and a materialism without the true Spirit of the living Christ. Religion that is worth anything is dead—save in the hearts of the people persecuted, most notably behind the iron curtain where there is a fervor for freedom and for Mother Mary and even for the Pope that burns on. -Archangel Jophiel and Christine, Pearl 24:12
As mankind in their councils deliberate the necessity for earthquake preparation and establish building codes for minimum loss of life in the event of ‘natural’ disaster, we contemplate the fiery destiny of the total planetary body and its total evolution. The Ascended Master Cuzco has addressed us on the subject of impinging forcefields and the buildup of mass entities of hate and hate creation manifesting as war, black magic, and witchcraft. He has pointed out the overwhelming odds against which brave elementals serve to anchor the light in the physical bodies of Earth’s children and in the Earth itself.
-Oromasis and Diana, Pearl 23:15
I would tell you, beloved, that the gnomes are very loyal. To them trust is a matter of honor. When they befriend and are befriended they are loyal to the very end, and they will remain in that association even if abused. And therefore many of them have come under the [influence of] black magicians and their practices to imprison elementals.
They are servants of God and of sons and daughters of God in the highest sense of the word. This service to life and to the Earth body is their very reason for being. They take joy and a positive sense of pride in the fulfillment of their duties. It is because they are so attached to and so desirous of pleasing you whom they serve that they are often bowed down by the lack of cooperation [on the part of some of Earth’s evolutions] in terms of [their] pollution of the Earth body and by the fact that this pollution does not stop even when it comes to the foodstuffs that are taken in by people.
-Virgo and Pelleur, Pearl 34:42
Thus we must go back to the path of true meditation and not that auto-self-hypnosis that is taught by the Maharishi and many others who come in the name of the Eastern gurus who have not the true link to the Source and are in fact false gurus and false teachers. And I must say they are also black magicians, for they have succeeded in securing the lifestream and harnessing it to a rote performance of an ancient ritual that comes from the Holy Kumaras and is sacred and ought not to be given for the sake of outer gain or manipulation.
Beloved hearts, the entering in to sacred fire is indeed a ritual and it is an initiation. Can man by himself pull himself up by his own bootstraps? It is not possible. There must be the divine intercession. And this is why we speak. And this is why the system of dictation, initiation, washing of the waters of the human by the cleansing of mind and chakras does come about. -Surya, Pearl 28:24
I come with you then by the very Fearlessness Flame. For our Messenger has stood in the temple for the exposure and for judgment of the heathen who have no God and are no God, for the judgment of the Nephilim and Watchers, for the judgment of their books of black magic and of witchcraft.
Beloved ones, fear not! And let not the fear of fallen ones come as the returning tide upon your doorstep so that you be the ones who tremble, when they are the ones who tremble after all. The mirror of your soul is not to mirror their goings and comings. The mirror of your soul is to mirror Almighty God and Him alone. -Ray-o-Light, Pearl 24:69
We know this is an unpopular message! When has the light and truth ever been popular amongst the masses [or their oppressors]? When have those who have never been able to face accountability of personal and planetary karma ever been willing to hear the prophet in the land? When have they ever welcomed the Divine Mother in embodiment? I tell you, beloved, they do not desire to encounter a living Guru because they may have to surrender some of their human nonsense, some of their illusions and some of their dabbling in lesser and black arts.
Blessed hearts, I come with a fire and I come with an intensity and I come because I desire to strip you of your illusions! Yet I am obedient to the Law of the One. I am an archangel and I bow to freewill of the servants of God upon Earth, and therefore I will not touch a hair of your head unless by freewill you desire in this hour and throughout this weekend to be stripped of those illusions and stripped then of those scales that are upon your eyes that do not allow you to see and to know what is preparing against you. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearls of Wisdom 31:32
There have been some among mankind—sorcerers and sorcerers’ apprentices, witches, warlocks, black magicians, demons with their demonology—who have also used and employed elemental life to do their bidding. Those who have pursued black arts upon the planetary body, who have learned the science of engrams and of projecting curses (with all manner of formations in their misuse of sacred fire), have learned that because the elementals are obedient servants of mankind, they can also be enticed into the service of black magicians. And thus many seeming miracles, seeming phenomena performed by those who are not of the light but are of darkness are performed dutifully by elementals who are imprisoned in a matrix or a pattern of darkness from which they cannot escape. -Aries, Pearl 62:7, given via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on September 2, 1973 in Atlanta, Georgia
When it is an hour to decree and to check the actions of evildoers by voice and vote it is not the time to dabble in entertaining arts, whether these be black arts or witchcraft or psychic channeling itself. Blessed ones, there is a time to concentrate on one point and one alone, and it is survival. Then you may go back to your preferences on the path.
I come for uniting of a heart and all hearts of America. I come for the warning, beloved. And I tell you, it is possible to lose centuries of what we have built. It is also possible to use these centuries and your action of today as a foundation for the building of a true golden-age civilization that can sweep Earth from this point, America, into the new age of Aquarius. -Saint Germain, Pearl 30:66
My people do things strange in thy sight,...yet have no wisdom why it is so, and work their wonders heedless of Yeovah. Wherefore they are a brood of sorcerers and do not work white magic which is beneficent but black magic which is sorcery. It shall work them exceeding woe. I would...have taught these my people faith, hope, knowledge and charity, which same make pure religion undefiled.
Ernon continued sorrowfully:
\O, Suernis, Suernis! I have given up my life for thee! I have striven to lead thee into Espeid (Eden) to teach thee of its beauties, and thou wouldst not! I have tried to make thee van [that is, in the vanguard] of all nations and thy name synonym with justice and mercy and love of God, and how hast thou requited me? I would be as a father to thee, and thou didst curse me in thy heart! Keener than knives is ingratitud!
-Messenger ECP, Pearl 34:60
While it is true that some do break through into the kingdom of heaven and lay hold upon and claim divine power for themselves to which they are not yet entitled, while it is true that there are in vogue and in practice expressions of what has been termed black magic or witchcraft—running as a thread of shadowed substance through human misuse of life’s energies, carried on by those who seek to effectuate personal control over the lives of others and to serve on a cooperative basis with the negative forces of the planet in creating a miasma of confusion in society, politics and religion—it is also true that in ignorance few of these know what they do. -Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 10:1
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