Friday, December 16, 2022
video of Karen Kingston at the crux of bioweapon revelation
Intelligent Sensor Platform This is patented; K. Kingston dug this up to show people what’s inside the hydrogels so cleverly, so covertly dumped upon the world population except for China. We are 1/3 into this video:
the time reads 11:50 into video.
intelligent sensor platform
An intelligent sensor platform is provided with an architecture that takes advantage of a low cost microcontroller for overall sensor control. Outputs are all controlled directly by the microcontroller as are gains of signal processing amplifiers and thresholds for threshold detectors. The sensor can be remotely programmed using a remote control device or simple push button programming can be implemented. This abstract is not to be considered limiting, since other embodiments may deviate from the features described in this abstract.
United States
Vadim Bondarev
Eric Brooks
Worldwide applications
2000 US 2004 US
Application US10/876,884 events
Priority claimed from US13090799P
Application filed by Vadim Bondarev, Brooks Eric Richard
Priority to US10/876,884
Publication of US20040249485A1
Application granted
Publication of US7136591B2
Adjusted expiration
Expired - Lifetime
• [0001] This application is a continuation of, and claims priority benefit of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/547,446, filed Apr. 12, 2000, entitled “Intelligent Sensor Platform”, which is currently pending and claims priority benefit of provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/130,907 filed Apr. 23, 1999, entitled “Intelligent Sensor Platform (ISP) with Contact and Non-Contact Remote Control and Programming”, both naming Vadim Bondarev and Eric Brooks as inventors. These applications are hereby incorporated by reference as if disclosed fully herein.
• [0002] This invention relates generally to the field of sensors. More particularly, in certain embodiments, this invention relates to industrial sensors such as optical, magnetic, capacitive, inductive, etc.
[0003] There are many applications for sensors such as photoelectric sensors. These devices are used in many industrial applications to detect, for example, the presence or absence of a part on an assembly line. Such devices might, for example, incorporate a photoelectric transmitter and receiver which detects the presence or absence of varying amounts of light transmitted from the transmitter and received by the receiver as an indication of the presence or absence or type of the part on the assembly line. In other examples, an inductive sensor might incorporate an excitation oscillator (transmitter) and a receiver which detects the presence or absence or change in frequency of varying amounts of magnetic field originated by the transmitter[0004] In the industrial environment, there are many applications for such devices. Each application, in general, must be individually engineered and adjusted so that it functions properly within the parameters of the installation. For example, for a given transmitter output level, a small amount of receiver gain is needed in order to detect an object which is only a short distance away from the sensor. However, much larger receiver gain is required to detect the same object farther away from the sensor. Additional adjustments may be required to account for differences in size and background of the object and throughout the life of the sensor to compensate for the effects of the operating environment.
[0005] In conventional sensor systems, these gains are often adjusted by manual adjustment of a potentiometer. Unfortunately, in harsh industrial environments, these potentiometers can become dirty or noisy. Moreover, the potentiometers are frequently damaged by over or under adjustment and are prone to drift with time, component aging, vibration, etc. Furthermore, the fact that access to the sensors is required for routine adjustment can lead to a compromise in sensor location from the perspective of performance or safety. In some applications, significant system down time can be required to safely perform routine sensor adjustment and maintenance. Computer controlled sensors can be utilized to ameliorate some of these issues. However, the cost and size of computer controlled sensors has lead to poor acceptance in the marketplace.
[0006] The current state of the art in intelligent sensor architecture can be summarized in two approaches: 1) microcontroller based sensor units made to interface to discrete elements directly, creating high component count, fault susceptible, noise sensitive units; and 2) microcontroller based units made to interface to industry standard stand-alone ASICs, providing, inflexible component intensive solution with minimum ‘system visibility’.
[0007] Currently, the sensor market is dominated by large and expensive to manufacture sensor devices which are application specific (i.e. no onboard microcontroller control). Over the last few years there has been a slow introduction of microcontroller controlled sensors which offer few additional features over the older type sensors but at significant price/size premiums. ut (AOUT2) and it's inverting input 189. In the second amplifier stage 184, for example, several resistors can be provided in series with FET analog switches selectably shorting or tapping some or all of the resistors under program control to provide an array of possible gains, with gain steps of equal or unequal intervals. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that other configurations of adjustable gain are possible, and that the configuration of FIG. 2 is simply illustrative.
…That’s the patent.
• When this device is at nanosize (don’t know if/when that happened) then into the hydrogel go many very subtle engineering directives, go graphene nanoparticles, go I suppose this intelligent sensor platform AND SO THEY CROS THE BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER. K. Kingston simply says “it hijacks the central nervous system”, getting back to the video, now at 14:40. So between 11:50 and 14:40 is a book or two on bioengineering control of people.
These “were meant to hijack the central nervous system,” says KK.
So what was the artificial virus spike protein stuff about? Well, it’s a multi-layered bio-nano-weapon with a slew of nano-level games going on, including quantum dot frequencies operating within the body. Now I could not possibly recommend that the viewer continue much past these 3 crucial minutes specified above of this video by KK. Maybe drop back a bit before 11:50. One should understand that KK went very deep, almost like she was chief of Ft. Dietrick, Maryland; she was not/is not because the powers that be brought in a young German fresh from N. Germany university for that job and he never testifies. Congress never asks, doesn’t want any oversight (only head of HHS is supposed to keep some kind of tab on this mega-field, 1 guy!!!, mind you); for decades Congress just gives big pharma everything on a silver platter, I think everytime. Now money might be involved, perhaps a few or tens of billions, but they want more. “That was yummy but I want more.”
-any big pharma ceo. Well, how ‘bout co-ruling the world along with some gentlemen from China, WEF, Gates and probably a Rockefeller rep, plus of course World Bank rep, a few others, perhaps an alien or three? I don’t care personally about the tech stuff, CRISPR and so forth, but no real oversight, no check and balance, a bunch of psycho-rich/power dudes like Gates getting their jollies from world population reduction and the “aphrodasiac of (mega) power”
—maybe you conceive of the general line of reasoning here. Let’s pin it down, though from a deeper angle:
Blessed ones, you may laugh in your joy, you may have good times, but not fully, not ultimately–not entirely can you abandon yourselves to the happiness of the days and the golden days ahead.
For each of your days must yet be tinged with a deep soul- and heart-awareness of the abortion of souls of light and all souls– an awareness of children who are missing out in their sensitive periods when they should be learning to read and write and have the joy of envisioning a universe of numbers and of geometry[–and then you must do something about it]!
O blessed hearts, it is good to allow yourselves to sense the world pain, especially the pain of children. Knowing this [pain] you cannot quite fill your cup of joy to the fullest.
• Remember the children.
Remember the children, for not so long ago you were a child and you had at least some nurturing and some foundation of an education.
Remember, remember the children.
For in the not too distant future you may be a child again, and as a child you shall reap the karma you incurred in your last life, this life, for having ignored so great an opportunity and so great a salvation that you could have given to the little children.
It is a most serious hour in Earth’s history. For the fallen angels have determined that if they are going to be bound and taken for their judgment in this decade and coming decades, they will leave a scorched Earth, they will leave children whose minds have been so scrambled, so confused, so turned around that they will not be able to rise and claim the Earth for freedom.
Yes, beloved ones, this is the plot of the fallen angels.
Thank God you have completed certain labors recently. Your labors must begin again and begin at the very core of Antichrist. Remember the slaughtering of the male babies. Remember the intense effort to snuff out the light of even Lord Krishna when he was born. Yes, beloved hearts, the forces of Antichrist go after the children. Now you must go after the enemies of children.
We charge you from the Great Central Sun and we charge you in the Earth. We the Sponsors of Youth from out the Great Central Sun cannot leave this Earth and we shall go into the astral plane, where in embodiment and out of embodiment the children of light have been imprisoned by fallen angels.
O blessed hearts, I wish to assure you that every call you make is answered. [You have but to] keep a regular, rhythmic cycle, a ritual of prayers to the heart of the Divine Mother and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to all hosts of the Lord that you can name. Keep that prayer vigil! Turn off your own TV sets, deny yourselves a number of programs. Keep abreast of the news but set aside [the rest of the] time [for your prayers] for the children.
We have called you and our call reaches back to the heart of the Great Central Sun and is mirrored again into your heart and soul and mind.
Remember that it is possible, it is entirely possible for the entire scene to change.
… I salute you in the name of Alpha and Omega, the Goddess of Liberty and the Lords of Karma.
Go for it, ye sons and daughters of Liberty!
We are with you and we will do it!
Will you?
-Pearls of Wisdom 35:59 (1992)
dictated to Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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