Saturday, December 17, 2022
active life which derives its motion and energy from an inner flame
What is it you mirror, O children of Earth longing to be free? Is it ephemeral fashions of the day or eternal garments we wear? In this great duality of active life which derives its motion and energy from an inner flame, where goes your attention, beloved ones?
Your petitions and requests pass often in review before me, and I am so reminded at times, in some instances of these words of two thousand years ago: Ye know not what ye should pray for as ye ought (to know)!
To pray, to petition or to decree is all an attempt to call forth that which you desire. If your manifold desires mainly exclude the inner but include much of the outer, you are eating the husks of life even if you receive all that for which you ask. But if you turn your attention, beloved ones, more and more often upon the ascended host, ought it not to mean that you shall mirror us even if at times somewhat imperfectly? For it will still be our image, God’s image, the Christ-image, your own individualized flame of immortality which is being magnified within you for the pristine purpose of taking at last its rightful dominion which will set you free in accordance with the original divine plan!
You see, where your treasure is there will your heart (your full attention) be also. And inasmuch as the words “by their fruits ye shall know them” unto the present day do have patent meaning, so shall that meaning be exemplified and called forth into living reality by your own Christ-like daily conduct, my earnest ones.
Now the Great White Brotherhood is not a fable nor is it a mysterious organization to be dangled before the uninitiated as something which sets you apart from others or
distinguishes you with temporal honor; neither is it intended to extinguish you in the ignominy of sincere but abject humility but rather in the dignity of divine providence to provide an avenue or protected outlet where the Christ-light of the many can go forth in ordered service, divine dignity and ever-living purity. This will glorify that precious spirit of divine unity which good fortune has so wisely inscribed in these words from the Great Seal of the United States of America as E Pluribus Unum, “One Out of Many” which in its greater meaning comes full circle to read: Many Out of One in Unity of Action —political, educational and religious—who shall draw nigh unto their Creator in a feeling of such oneness as will glorify the ageless Christ of all whose active unity is ever dwelling in the one light of every man!
The coming days should be exalted as priceless days of opportunity when the cosmic seed of our endeavors should sprout and expand the results of the recent far-reaching deliberations of the Darjeeling Council which are presently being revealed in many ways to the eyes of every sincere and alert student of the light whose own zeal and faith thus widen the panorama of life’s love and the consequent loveliness of life itself which will then expand to include the greater meaning of the lilies of the field and their glory; the sanctified life and its glory; the golden ripening grain and its glory; the heavenly manna and its glory; the Christ-victory that overcomes the world and its glory; and the nearness of the Presence of God to you hourly as you are held every moment in the keeping of His real and tangible holy angels and their glory!
I, Maitreya, wish for each one that all these glories of God and many more may become daily more real to you than even the changing skies themselves or the climate of Earth!
Behold, in the many planetary mansions of our Father and of His Christ the light of every world twinkles its individual welcome across the starry realms of space right into each heart where that blessed anchored ray connects all with the same Christ-reality of immortal life.
I AM ever your attention to God each day in the victory of freedom’s unfoldment. -Maitreya, January 29, 1960, via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 49:22
I AM Fortuna and I bring with me the wand of abundant life. The wand of abundant life scintillates. The radiation of this great staff which I carry, like ancient fables of magic, is the means whereby each individual can come to realize that he is a focus of abundance. -Lakshmi/Fortuna,
October 7, 1971 via Messenger Mark Prophet at Colorado Springs, Pearl 52:11
In the delphinium blue is found the violet, the pink, the purity of faith–faith in the hour of sublime transformation of souls, faith in the hour [of soul’s assimilation unto Christ], faith as the attendant upon divine union, faith as substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. -Lanello, Pearl 24:67
Therefore realize that when23 all7 the15 world27 is10 an6 amplification65 of12 noise26 of12 one16 sort18 or15 another36 (=288=4 x self-justification72) making a statement is a mighty test indeed. The statement of the I AM race must be as a Banner of Maitreya billowing from the mountain—a statement of the I AM Presence and logic of each one’s unfoldment of the inner Logos. -Morya, Pearl 25:56
Aesop’s fable, Lion and Mouse, is one of the more memorable fables. The unexpected or somewhat minor detail may hold the key to a vital riddle—whereas the lion being in grand mode may not notice some minor detail.
Lion23 and10 mouse19 fable17=69=3 x Logos23. (using numerology)
deoxy28-ribo26-nucleic31-acid17 (DNA)=102=6 x God17.
in a phi/golden ratio series anchored at 102.00 we have 102 x 1.618=165; 165=5 x directs33;
thread of contact 63; strength 39;
truth 24; math15; sun 9.2; 1.618 to 1 is the phi/golden ratio.
DNA spiral as a Golden Section
May 13, 2012 by Gary Meisner 124 Comments
The DNA molecule, the program for all life, is based on the golden section. It measures 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of its double helix spiral.
34 and 21, of course, are numbers in the Fibonacci series and their ratio, 1.6190476 closely approximates phi, 1.6180339….
The DNA cross-section is based on Phi
Dr. Robert Langridge, known as the pioneer of molecular graphics, earned his Ph.D in Crystallography in 1957 with a dissertation on x-ray crystallographic, model building and computational studies of the structure of DNA.
The ratio of the diagonal of a pentagon to its side is Phi to 1. So, no matter which way you look at it, even in its smallest element, DNA, and life, is constructed using phi and the golden section!
This decagon-based nature of the DNA cross-section was independently recognized by Dr. Stephen Marquardt. His research on human facial attractiveness led him to discover the relationship of the golden ratio to both the decagon structures found in both DNA and in the “Marquardt Beauty Mask” he created which provides an archetype to understanding human facial beauty.
His work describes Phi in 2D to show the pentagon and decagon as it relates to DNA, and extends that to “Making the Mask” to reveal a:
“complex of forty-two (42) “secondary” Golden Decagon Matrices, which are exactly the same shape as the Primary Golden Decagon Matrix but smaller by various multiples of phi, are mathematically and geometrically uniquely positioned in the Primary (or framework) Golden Decagon Matrix. It is these forty two (42) Secondary Golden Decagon Matrices which ultimately form the various components of the face.”
The transformation from decagon to the Beauty Mask is discussed on this site at “Facial Analysis and the Marquardt Beauty Mask” and on Dr. Marquardt’s site at
Gary Meisner says
February 10, 2014 at 7:42 pm
…A single strand of our DNA though contains a more sophisticated code than any mankind has created. That code contains the complete instructions to create the human brain, which is far more sophisticated than any computer we’ve conceived, and the neural networks that allow your eyes to see, your brain to think and your fingers to type.
Gary B Meisner says
July 31, 2019 at 9:15 am
There are now some excellent videos on YouTube with incredible animations of what’s going on inside our cells, and information on the mathematical improbabilities of it happening by chance. I put together a video that compiles a lot of information that I found here:
by Liliana Usvat
Sacred Geometry finds its roots in nature. In the ancient world, Greek and Roman philosophers theorized that Sacred Geometry was the blueprint for life. These scholars believed a god had a geometric plan to create the universe, and it formed the basis of all matter. They argued that specific geometric shapes and proportions have symbolic or spiritual meanings.
Today scientists have found evidence that Mother Nature does use principles similar to Sacred Geometry. Living organisms and natural objects adhere to universal mathematical constants like Phi (1.618), the Golden Mean.
Many teachings have described Sacred Geometry as the blueprint of creation and the genesis, the origin of all form. ... Sacred geometry amplifies our connection to spirit, and creates harmony within ourselves, and between ourselves and the outside world.
Human beings carry a self-replicating hereditary material called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. This long molecule has key information about every person's unique genome. According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly every cell in a person's body has the same DNA….
DNA resides in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. Since cells are small, DNA is packaged tightly in the form of chromosomes. Scientists call the DNA found in a cell's nucleus "nuclear DNA." An organism's complete set of nuclear DNA is its genome. You can also find DNA inside mitochondria. These organelles provide energy to our bodies. Researchers call the chromosomal material, "mitochondrial DNA," or "mtDNA."
Nature uses DNA's genetic information to construct, maintain, and reproduce living organisms. DNA also provides instructions about making proteins and amino acids in our bodies. Each species has a unique set of biological instructions. For example, a tiger only produces cubs, a cat always gives birth to kittens, and a human's progeny are babies. Adults pass genetic information to their offspring during the reproductive process.
The ratio of a diagonal of a pentagon to its side is equal to Phi:1.
Fibonacci and Phi are found in countless elements of nature. Golden Spirals can be found in pinecones, sunflowers, pineapples, and many other plants. Also the petals and phyllotaxis of plants commonly grow in Fibonacci numbers. Lillies, buttercups, roses, delphinium, marigolds, black eyed susans, pyrethrum, and daisies all have a Fibonacci number of petals.
The branching of plants and trees is also based in Fibonacci numbers. (see left)
It is also the case that plants grow in Fibonacci and Phi because it is the most beneficial to their growth and life.
The Golden Ratio is present in many dimensions of Saturn and its rings, and the moon and the earth are in a relationship that demonstrated the Golden Triangle. Also, many galaxies are Golden Spirals.
Many animals are divided into golden sections and show the golden ratio in their structure.
▪ Dolphins
▪ Moths
▪ Seashells
▪ Angel Fish
▪ Penguins
▪ Tigers
▪ Ants
▪ Koala Bears
▪ Seastars
Human Proportions
The human body shows possibly the most examples of the golden ratio. Below are a few of the proportions in relation to our height.
1 From the head to the fingertips is a golden section of our height.
2 From the head to the bellybutton and elbows is a golden section of the head to the fingertips.
3. From the head to the chest and inside of arms, as well as the width from shoulder to shoulder is a golden section of the head to the navel.
4 From the head to the base of the skull and the width of our abdomen is a golden section of the head to the chest.
5. The width of our head is a golden section of the head to the base of the skull.
Similarly to Phi, the human body is based in 5. We have 5 appendages to our torso (legs, arms, head), 5 fingers on each hand, and 5 toes on each foot, and 5 openings on face, as well as 5 senses.
The ear is a Golden Spiral.
◦ Human Face
The human face is also based in Phi, being perfectly contained within a Golden Rectangle. The mouth and the nose are also located at golden sections of the distance from the eyes to the chin. Other facial proportions include:
Center of pupil: Bottom of teeth: Bottom of chin
Outer and inner edge of eye: Center of nose
Outer edges of lips: Upper ridges of lips
Width of eye: Width of iris
Width of front tooth: Width of second tooth
Thus beauty and mathematics, proportion and the golden ratio serve to enhance the message of the Word itself. Thus we sought and ever seek in our retreat to bring to life the ancient records of akasha of the great souls who have ensouled a living flame. We study the geometry of virtue as it can be seen in the etheric plane. We study the dimensions of the aura and how vibrations of light and their harmony enable the individual to carry greater and greater light. -Paul the Venetian, Pearl 27:3
Thus do not think that in order to work change you must [necessarily] “drone on” by the hour; [although there is a time and a place for prayer vigils and decree marathons,] remember that the heartfelt oneness, that contact with Christ’s love that was demonstrated to you by your own beloved Mark, that is the key whereby change can be immediate [and whereby] the spirals that will bring about [constructive] change according to the order of [cosmic] cycles in the Earth will immediately commence [by the power of the single fiat made in God’s name].
And you must trust [this application of the science of the spoken Word]; [you must] trust the mathematics of the law of that spiral, [even the golden ratio,] beloved, because all things begin in whitefire core of the spiral, [the center of the circle charted on the cosmic clock,] and proceed [from the dot in the center] to emerge through the twelve o’clock line, which is yet in the etheric octave even at the subconscious or superconscious levels. -Cuzco, Pearls of Wisdom 32:46
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