Monday, December 19, 2022
on clones, etc.
This so-called (rock) music, beloved ones, is a rebellion against light, love, the union of twinflames; for it drives wedges between twin flames and causes the very separation of atoms and molecules of the four lower bodies and the destruction of matter itself. This bombardment of consciousness must be stopped by an action of love, by the judgment of love and by the coming of Lord Shiva. And therefore we have invoked his coming. And therefore so be ye the temple of Shiva to rescue the children of God who have been burdened, enslaved and held in bondage by this dark manifestation that was present upon Atlantis and that contributed to the sinking of that continent along with the misuses of life and love in science, in mechanization and in the creation of soulless beings by the process of cloning and by the process of test-tube experiments which resulted in the most horrendous forms of life. -Lady Venus, Pearls of Wisdom 21:35
Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia want us to focus on our divine blueprint as well as on the following issues: the healing of the nations, their economies and their peoples; the halting of misuses of music, science and technology including genetic engineering and cloning; and the counteracting of germ warfare and the spreading of harmful viruses and microbes. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 41:42
While the masterminds of world dominion think they arrange and rearrange power and anti-power by diplomatic maneuvering, the two-edged sword of righteousness forged of ‘molecules’ of souls East and West keeps the way of the Tree of Life for the children of God bond or free.
As the subsurface rocks of the sea part the most deliberate waves so the rock of Christ in the consciousness of the embodied servant-sons and daughters of freedom, jutting out from the bedrock of reality, parts the astral currents and the astral hordes.
The sons of dominion march by another route. It is the direct route of the descent of the light of the crystal cord from the I AM Presence to the altar of the heart. It is the direct route that connects the mind of God to the mind of man, bypassing the byways of human reason and problem-solving….
Understand that the dragons and beasts of the apocalyptic vision of John represent the momentums of individuals who have elected by freewill to ensoul mass movements of an energy veil, or e-veil, known today as World Communism but existing and preexisting as a force of anti-love (the cancerous consciousness of the seed of the wicked) before the flood of Noah, the fire of Mu and even the destruction of the planets Maldek and Hedron.
Great were the forces of the mechanical ones. Their spaceships were extensions of mother ships, and their black magicians under Satan extended their material power through clones of themselves—chemical humanoids programmed with malintent to the destruction of the souls of the standardbearers of the Lord’s Christ.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearls of Wisdom 22:3
This ancient strategy of numbers, numbers, numbers, has resulted in the Nephilim creating thousands and millions of mechanization man to act as their instruments of their fiats of evil. There are not so many truly who are a part of Absolute Evil, but there are many ‘countercreations’ and ‘clones’ that are the embodiment of the original force of Evil.
Thus you will understand in your daily work for the Brotherhood that it is necessary to go after the original seed that has propagated many after itself. And once the original matrix is removed you begin to see the collapsing— almost as the deflating of a balloon—of the structure that is made after the original. By the fiat of the Lord it is the removal of the cause and core of the blueprint itself—of the original endowment of sacred fire in one fallen angel—which when taken causes the collapse of the inner structure of the entire dragon or the beast, as may be the case….
As the chakras increase their light and increase their spin, beloved hearts, you are able to contain more light, to have a greater power for the release of light into the darkening conditions. Thus the fundamental mantra of the OM MANI PADME HUM is a mantra for the visualization of the crystal jewel in the heart of each lotus of the seven chakras. My assignment to you this day is to take up the visualization of the crystal in the heart of the third-ray chakra, your own heart-center.
Beloved ones, by focusing the attention, the flame of mercy and the meditation on the heart—by expanding that flame, by carrying the focus of beloved Alpha’s crystal (which it is important for you to have and to hold as cherishment, for He has indeed endowed it with a special secret light)—this visualization as well as focus will become the prism for the amplification of the threefold flame and its balance. And the increase of the light of the heart, overflowing the boundaries of the heart, will transmute rings of fear and doubt, records of death, hatred and hardness of heart which is the anti-mercy quality that must be consumed.
And therefore, beloved hearts, these rings of darkness are the perversion and the misqualification of light around your very own physical and spiritual hearts, which ought to be and can be replaced by the solar ring. In fact these are the perversions of the solar ring—defense mechanisms put in place by the lower self in the absence of the light of the Word.
When you have the word of the One Sent, when we have the Messenger of Maitreya in your midst we may speak to you in this manner at any time and hour. Far beyond the knowledge of the outer self of the Messenger or your outer self we may bring you into instantaneous focalization of your own Christ Self and path. Thus consider in the teaching brought to you this day—how without the nexus of the Messenger and the embodied one it would take much time for you to reach a consensus as to what would be the focalpoint of your efforts or what would be the common needs or weaknesses or necessities of the group.
We can traverse ten thousand years of evolution by a single dictation, drawing the soul to the heart, focusing your minds in the heart of the Darjeeling Council. And this is why Saint Germain has said that if you follow the path and the teaching and the dynamic decree and cherish your relationship to the divine Guru, Sanat Kumara, his emissaries in the ascended masters and especially in the Messenger, you can make your ascension in this life or, at the very latest, in your immediate next embodiment.
By the organization of the Great White Brotherhood and the sponsorship of the Messenger you may shorten the days of overcoming and of balancing karma and of groping to find the way. By the heartflame and nucleus of light of our Messengers the community is coalesced. Ninety-nine percent of you could not make your ascension without this community and its divine plan and the community of the Great White Brotherhood ascended.
-Kuan Yin, Pearl 27:27
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