Monday, December 19, 2022
bioweapons work very effectively
(Natural News) The latest Rasmussen poll finds that 34% of Americans were injured by the covid jabs, and a shocking 7% of the injuries were major and life threatening. About one third of the population has learned the hard way that the government, the media, and the pharmaceutical companies are pathological liars that seek to control, manipulate, and harm, without any remorse or redress.
The latest poll included 1,000 vaccinated Americans from both aisles of the political spectrum. The results show that vaccine injuries are not political; they affect Republicans and Democrats equally. Approximately 7 in 10 American adults said they received at least one dose of a covid-19 vaccine. Of the vaccinated adults 34% reported a minor side effect, 4% were unsure, and 7% suffered a major side effect. When the data is extrapolated to the entire U.S. population it becomes clear that upwards of 12 million people suffered a major side effect from the covid-19 vaccines! Of course, these statistics do not include the most serious side effects – debilitation and death – because the mentally incapacitated and the deceased can’t respond to polls.
When the government first rolled out the covid-19 vaccine the media reassured the public that the jab was safe and effective, that side effects were minor and rare. As more people were manipulated into taking the jab hundreds of thousands of vaccine injury reports came pouring into the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). This prompted the media to change their tune. When mass injuries became impossible to ignore vaccine companies used the media to promote new propaganda, alleging that side effects did happen, but these side effects were normal and only proved that the vaccine was working. This propaganda was quickly debunked as more vaccinated individuals succumbed to the infection they were supposed to be protected from. Not only did vaccinated individuals go on to get covid, but millions suffered from various side effects, some debilitating, others deadly.

“People are really being harmed by this,” said Rasmussen’s head pollster, Mark Mitchell. “It’s true. It’s out there. People are still trying to cover it up. I think that’s a major story.”
After fighting against two federal lawsuits that sought transparency on vaccine injury, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) were forced to release their V-safe data, which includes information on vaccine injury in a pool of about 10 million vaccinated Americans. “The V-safe data shows that 33.1% of the people who got the vaccine suffered from a significant adverse event and 7.7% had to seek professional medical care,” Steve Kirsch reported back on October 5th.
“These are extraordinary numbers,” Kirsch declared in his Substack. “They clearly show the vaccines are unsafe, that the CDC deliberately hid this information from the American public and that the drug companies falsified the data in the trials.”
Kirsch originally funded the covid-19 vaccine trials in the beginning of 2020 but quickly recognized that the vaccines were dangerous and would cause mass harm to the population. Kirsch has been warning the public about the dangers associated with the vaccines, but like the many others who spoke out against the covid jabs he was defamed, censored and blacklisted across the corporate media and all social media platforms.
The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) provided the V-safe data in an easy-to-understand format. ICAN said the data “reveals shocking information that should have caused the CDC to immediately shut down its Covid-19 vaccine program.” The real-life data shows that 782,913 individuals had a major health event following covid-19 vaccination. A major side effect is one that requires medical attention, ER intervention, and/or hospitalization. Over 25% of vaccine recipients also suffered from an adverse event that required them to miss school, work and other normal day to day activities.
The leader of the coronavirus task force, Dr. Anthony Fauci, continues to promote the vaccine as highly effective, safe, and life-saving despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. Fauci appears hellbent on defending gross medical misconduct and mass murder, even as grand juries prepare to convene at the state level, investigating vaccine injury, death and related crimes against humanity.
December 20, 2022 - Ethan Huff
(Natural News) Humanity as it currently exists in its broken, sinful state must be “upgraded” – not through faith in Jesus Christ, according to the globalists, but rather via a transhumanist fusion between mankind and computers.
The next phase of the globalist transition involves convincing the masses to embrace an ethos of “body tuning” whereby implantable microchips are inserted into the skin to “advance” the human experience.
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Streeck from the University Hospital Bonn in Germany told Welt in a recent interview that “human upgrade” technology can make human bodies more resilient. (Related: Elon Musk is developing similar technology to turn humans into human-machine hybrid beings.)
Everything from chemical “upgrades” via pharmaceutical medications to technological implants that eliminate the need for cash to DNA “tuning” at the moment of conception to create “perfect” genetic lines is being rolled out at virtually warp speed.
“There are no limits to the imagination,” Streeck explained about what is coming down the pike. “Anything goes. We can use this to change all sorts of things in unborn people. For example, we could create children who are immune to certain diseases or more resistant to colds. And there is also a lot of research in other areas, i.e., technology and pharmacy.”
The days of simply drugging children with drugs like Ritalin to control and subdue their uniqueness are over. The latest brands of human modification involve tampering with human genetics and restructuring the human being entirely.

World Economic Forum (WEF) agenda contributor Kathleen Phillips wrote in a blog post that all of the media’s superhero programming over the years was meant to prepare the general public to accept these coming “upgrades” as the next phase of human “evolution” – which is really just devolution in disguise:
“Superheroes have been dominating big and small screens for a while, but there’s a subtle change happening. Many children expect to develop superpowers themselves. These expectations may sound unattainable, but we’re already making the first strides towards an ‘augmented society.’ Augmented tech can change the way we live but only with the right support and vision.”
Fellow WEF agenda contributor Xiao Liu wrote in June 2020 at the height of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic that we are now “entering the era of the ‘Internet of Bodies:’ collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn.”
Apple is said to already be beginning the clinical trial testing phase of a new implant chip that will allow users to control their iPhones and other Apple devices simply by thinking about what they want to do. Musk, as previously mentioned, is doing the same thing with Neuralink.
Yuval Noah Harari is a prominent WEF adviser and transhumanism thought leader who admittedly hates humanity as it currently exists, made in the image of God. What Harari wants to see is that image erased and replaced with the image of globalism and its god.
Harari says he dreams about the day when there will exist an “anti-virus program for the mind” that drives out “negative” thoughts and other things the globalists want to see removed from the human psyche, i.e., imagination, freewill and the cognitive ability to resist globalist programming. In the future, Harari says, “bioengineers will take the old Sapiens body and intentionally rewrite its genetic code, rewire its brain circuits, alter its biochemical balance, and even grow entirely new limbs. They will thereby create new godlings, who might be as different from us Sapiens as we are different from Homo erectus.”

(Natural News) ural News) People fully vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are now becoming blind.
The latest data out of the United Kingdom’s Yellow Card system, the counterpart of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S., showed a rising number of fully vaccinated people losing their eyesight.
A total of 163 people reported total blindness after injection with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, alongside six cases of central vision loss and four cases of sudden visual loss. Meanwhile, 21 people reported “transient blindness” – visual disturbance or loss of sight in one eye for a few seconds or even minutes at one time – after their vaccination.
“In total, there have been 8,016 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab as April 6, 2022,” the Daily Expose said in a report.
Another mRNA vaccine, that of Moderna’s, was linked to 1,519 vision-related issues. Thirty-four reports of blindness and 56 reports of visual impairment were connected to the mRNA shot which was attributed to the lower number of doses injected into Britons’ arms.
The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine has also been connected to 14,895 vision disorders. A total of 324 reports of blindness, three reports of central vision loss, five reports of sudden vision loss and 29 reports of transient blindness were linked to the adenoviral vector vaccine.
“In all when including adverse reactions reported where the brand of vaccine was not specified there have been 24,516 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the COVID-19 injections, with 525 of these reactions being complete blindness,” the Expose reported.

The question now is if it is worth it to get “protected” against COVID-19 and then go blind.
Even though the mechanism of how the COVID-19 injections damage the eyes is not fully understood, one study has linked ocular problems to the shots.
Back in September, a study published in Vaccines reviewed cases of optic neuropathy after COVID-19 vaccination. The study authors looked at 45 cases of patients who developed eye problems associated with the vaccines. “Patients diagnosed with [optic neuropathy] were more likely to be younger,” the authors said, adding that “COVID-19 vaccination may be associated with different forms of optic neuropathy.”
They ultimately concluded that “all subtypes of COVID-19 vaccines – including mRNA, viral vector and inactivated viral vaccines – were associated with optic neuropathy. The temporal association between vaccine administration and the development of optic neuropathies in these cases makes a causal link plausible.”
San Antonio-based ophthalmologist Dr. Lynell Lowry meanwhile told the Epoch Times that she has seen more unusual eye problems since the COVID-19 shots were rolled out.
“A lot of folks are coming in with a visual disturbance that we can’t explain. One patient kept seeing whirls of light in her vision. She was about six weeks post-vaccination when she finally came to see me.” Lowry also shared that another patient experienced double vision within 24 hours of getting her first COVID-19 vaccine dose.
“I have never in my life thought to ask about vaccine status. Now it’s a standard question.”
……..December 19, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson
(Natural News) The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) just released insurance records for 72 million Germans. The data paints a harrowing picture. Not only has the vaccine failed to save people’s lives from infection, but it’s now apparent that populations are living through a modern-day vaccine holocaust. The data was released at a press conference and live streamed on December 12, 2022.
In 2020 the German government set out to monitor potential vaccine injury through insurance data. The Paul Ehrlich Institute (the German equivalent of the U.S. CDC) was tasked with analyzing and publishing the insurance data, but they have failed to do so in a timely and transparent manner.
German parliamentarian Martin Sichert and data analyst Tom Lausen forced the German government to release the data to the public. The data is shocking. After the covid jabs were rolled out to Germany at the end of 2020 the number of sudden deaths more than doubled in the first quarter of 2021. The spike in excess mortality continued as the vaccine program was rolled out to the public.
Before the jab was rolled out the average number of sudden deaths in Germany stood at approximately 6,000 per quarter. Even during the “pandemic” in 2020 excess deaths followed similar trends to 2019, hovering around 6,000 per quarter.
Now there are roughly 14,000 sudden and unexpected deaths per quarter. Excess mortality has more than doubled in a heavily vaccinated population. Every day in Germany roughly 88 fully vaccinated people are now dying suddenly and unexpectedly – above the pre-vaccine averages.
Professor Stefan Homburg, former Director of the Institute of Public Finance at the University of Hannover, tweeted: “Since vaccination began in early 2021 ‘sudden and unexpected’ deaths have exploded. This is shown by the new KBV data of the 72 million insured persons.”
The global life insurance industry detected the first signals that the population was dying off faster after the covid-19 vaccine rollout. In the first three quarters of 2021 the life insurance industry paid out $5.5 billion which dwarfed the total payouts ($3.5 billion) for the entirety of 2020. Aegon, which conducts two-thirds of its business in the U.S., paid out $111 million in the third quarter of 2021. These claims were 258% greater than the year before when $31 million was paid out during a deadly global pandemic.
OneAmerica insurance of Indianapolis reported a 40 percent increase in death claims in 2021, compared to pre-plandemic levels. The deaths are being recorded for working-age people between the ages of 18 and 64. “We are seeing right now the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” confirmed company CEO Scott Davison. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
In March of 2022 Andreas Schofbeck, former CEO of health insurance conglomerate BKK/ProVitaSchofbeck, reported an unexpected jump in vaccine-related health insurance claims. Schofbeck used the BKK billing data to claim that the government was under- reporting adverse events to the covid jabs. After notifying the Paul Ehrlich Institute, he was abruptly dismissed and fired.
In his letter to the PEI, Schofbeck wrote: “If these figures are extrapolated to the whole year and to the population in Germany, probably 2.5-3 million people in Germany have received medical treatment for vaccination side effects after Corona vaccination.”
This data is on par with the vaccine injury data collected by Open Vaers in the United States. Life and health insurance companies continue to raise the alarm about vaccine injury and death, but governments continue to pretend that the excess death has nothing to do with the unlawful vaccine mandates they enforced.
and so do justice and karma!
shown: Padma Sambhava
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