Monday, November 14, 2022
(using a bit of niumerology here) altering of genes and psyche
But I assure you that if you disapprove of the actions of our appointed leaders in your realm, we do not. And I refer most especially to their conduct and performance in the carrying out of our will to the best of their current ability under outer limitations and a constant bombardment of negative force carried in the world.
-Morya, Pearl 44:34, September 7, 1964 via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet
Beloved Oromasis and Diana, Aries and Thor, Neptune and Luara, and Virgo and Pelleur, protect our planet Earth, elemental life and all lightbearers from the negative effects of close passes or bombardment by comets, asteroids, brown dwarf stars, meteors and showers of stones, the up-swelling of magma, ocean warming, climate changes, extreme weather, freak winds, intense hurricanes, tornadoes, and hailstorms; drought, increased frequency and intensity of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions; magnetic pole deviations, fire, explosions, lightning, continuous rain storms and hailstorms; super tides, tsunamis, polar ice melting, suffocating dust and gases, prolonged overcast, crustal displacement, depletion of oxygen in the air, and poisoned water. -Virgo and Pelleur, Pearl 47:46, October 9, 1993 at RTR, MT
It is interesting when you have separated yourself from the city and gone into the mountains or into nature for a period, even to the Retreat, to notice the difference in your sensitivity and how bombardment of the media seems so intense when you first contact it again. When you are away from this contact you grow in grace measurably. It is because more comes through the media than merely that which you see and hear. Psychotronics and [rays from] UFOs can be projected through these wavelengths. Thus there is always the subtlety of that other vibration that enters the household whenever radio and TV are open.
-Rose of Light, Pearl 48:44, at Camelot, L.A. on January 2, 1983
Hearts of fire, zealots for the will of God, I say, you are chosen this day because you have chosen to serve that holy will. You are chosen to anchor the light in this nation’s capital. And I ask you one and all that you preserve a painting or a photograph of the Capitol dome, graced with the statue of the Goddess of Freedom—that you preserve that focus in your home and in your sanctuaries where you can direct the light of freedom, the light of liberty to that place that is under such a bombardment of psychic energy, of psychic attack, of blackmail and all manner of contriving that I would daresay that if any of you would come under such attack from the dark ones you might also falter into positions of compromise. -Morya, Pearl 52:13, at Atlanta via Messenger E C Prophet
You would fight if they attempted to do here what they do in the Soviet Union! You would not stand for physical confinement. But you allow the spiritual slavery of your life! And you do not perceive that it is calculated, beloved hearts. It is true–astral bombardment, sources beyond this world such as spacecraft, all type of mind-manipulation and through drugs the altering of genes and psyche to produce the attention turned in upon itself, upon the body, upon the release of sensation and momentary pleasure of all kind—and I should mention eating itself as a preoccupation to ease anxiety and to create a moment of pleasure and afterward ten moments of agony and the shortening of the lifespan and inability of the light to flow through the body temple, for it is cluttered. -Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, Pearl 32:15
………………………….I would acquaint you then with the major challenge that is faced, unknown by all lightbearers in the Earth who are my deep concern in this hour. Those who have not been quickened and who are not aware of the path of the ascended masters–which is the highest path on Earth East and West and the only path that can lead you to the victory of the ascension in this life through the soul’s fusion in the Holy Christ Self and the I AM Presence–these lightbearers then who know not how to call for their protection are subject to the great24 barrage34 and10 bombardment44 (=112=4 x deceit28) at all levels of denial of that light. And the conspiracy51 of12 fallen23 ones17 is10 to8 so7 entangle33 them19 in14 alliances31 with24 those22 of12 Darkness28 (=305=5 x conspiracy is61) that they cannot extricate themselves from these entanglements.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 31:37
For you must understand that when you are safe the force does not attack! And this is known. The15 sinister36 force29 will20 search27 out11 and10 seek13 every30 area16 of12 weakness25 in14 your25 life23 (=306=6 x conspiracy51). And when you have replaced that weakness with strength there is no longer temptation, there is no longer a bombardment of that point of vulnerability, and the force will seek another! -Archangel Michael, Pearl 25:28
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