Monday, November 14, 2022
is to so entangle them in alliances with those of Darkness
When the etheric blueprint is out of kilter then the three lesser bodies will only reflect that which is there. In the highest level of the etheric body there is retained the image of your Christhood. But if you have so surfeited that etheric body with all of the noise, television, bombardment of energies, you may not even have a tiny space left for the original blueprint that God gave you. -Babaji, Pearl 47:5, on June 30, 1995, at RTR, MT
The yellow flame is a purifying fire. We desire to see the Christ mind congruent with the lower mind, yet vessels must be emptied. And not only must there be a fasting from food but there must be a fasting from entertainment of the world and continual bombardment of the mind by rhythms that are not rhythms at all but are arhythmic. -Lanto, Pearl 35:27
Healing then is required of the psyche, the soul itself and of bodies bruised by bombardment of forces unseen and toxins of the environment and a polluted food-chain.
Blessed hearts, let the mind be quickened by the power of the immaculate heart! Let the soul be quickened! And let each one understand that it is lawful to balance this body and to perceive strength [in it]—therefore to present oneself an acceptable chalice for the uses of the Holy Spirit.
-Archangel Raphael, Pearl 30:69
Considering the maya and bombardment of the senses from the hour of birth and beyond it is understandable. And yet I must say in all defense of the Karmic Board and ascended masters that all who have sojourned with
Earth for these various purposes have come well trained and aware, but little by little have been enticed away from the strait and narrow path of cosmic purpose. -Maitreya, Pearl 23:51
We are especially concerned with protection of new life in the cradle and new life aborning in the womb. We come then and give first priority in answer to your calls each day to the clearing of new children whose consciousness is being impressed with the light of the Christ in answer to the calls and prayers of many among Earth’s evolutions. But alas, when prayers are not forthcoming these souls are often subject to bombardment oenergies and programming of this world so that even in their mothers’ wombs they receive that programming of the media and of mass consciousness; and therefore the veils are upon them as they pass through the portal of birth and receive the breath of life from the Maha Chohan, that blest representative of the Holy Spirit. -Elohim Astrea, Pearl 20:18
When, blessed ones, you consider the vast realm of thought and exposure to which the mind of man may be subjected through bombardment of false concepts you can readily see that almost anything is possible from the level of human creation by the power of man’s imagination. -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:4
Thus you go to the mountains, you go within, you go beyond the stars in meditation to come away from bombardment of the senses in the physical octave of this world so that you might better define purpose, then to come down from the mountain of meditation and in the action of the sword of truth to forge a God-union, your personal identity, and to value above all the elements of community—the community of the family, community of the neighborhood, town, state, nation, the spiritual community of lightbearers. -Nada, Pearl 26:51
You remember dictations that were given in the Heart this past summer regarding education and psychology and bombardment of children by the media. I say, this bombardment must be outlawed! For I AM Hilarion, and I am sealing you in your third-eye chakra which is the eye you use for mental and spiritual imaging. -Hilarion, Pearl 38:7
On Earth you find bombardment of the mind by this anti-knowledge, this anti-wisdom coming through television which devours the hours and light and energy of an entire civilization and lifewave, giving them nothing!–not an iota of self-awareness in God or the faintest idea of how to attain it or even the understanding that this is the goal of life and the reason for being. -Kuthumi, Pearl 32:61
I would acquaint you then with the major challenge that is faced, unknown by all lightbearers in the Earth who are my deep concern in this hour. Those who have not been quickened and who are not aware of the path of the ascended masters–which is the highest path on Earth East and West and the only path that can lead you to the victory of the ascension in this life through the soul’s fusion in the Holy Christ Self and the I AM Presence–these lightbearers then who know not how to call for their protection are subject to the great barrage and bombardment at all levels of the denial of that light. And the conspiracy of fallen ones is to so entangle them in alliances with those of Darkness that they cannot extricate themselves from these entanglements.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 31:37
For you must understand that when you are safe the force does not attack! And this is known. The sinister force will search out and seek every area of weakness in your life. And when you have replaced that weakness with strength there is no longer temptation, there is no longer a bombardment of that point of vulnerability, and the force will seek another! -Archangel Michael, Pearl 25:28
I hope you understand because through understanding in the midst of all man’s getting he is able to perceive the realities of life. And this, I must admit, is somewhat quite a task in this age of mankind’s exposure to bombardment of millions of words, millions of photographs, pictures and ideas so that the universe where you dwell–that little segment of space–in reality is literally flooded as was foretold: the demons will cast out the manifestation upon the planetary body of a flood. Well then, after all, they cast out a flood and I cast out a flood and your I AM Presence casts out a flood. What is it that is being released? The demons are releasing a flood of opposition and blight upon the planetary body. And we are releasing a flood of cosmic love, wisdom and power. -Saint Germain, Pearl 21:3
This so-called music, beloved ones, is a rebellion against light, love, the union of twinflames; for it drives wedges between twinflames and causes the very separation of atoms and molecules of the four lower bodies and destruction of matter itself. This bombardment of consciousness must be stopped by an action of love, by judgment of love and by the coming of Lord Shiva. And therefore we have invoked his coming. And therefore so be ye the temple of Shiva to rescue the children of God who have been burdened, enslaved and held in bondage by this dark manifestation that was present upon Atlantis and that contributed to the sinking of that continent along with the misuses of life and love in science, in mechanization and in the creation of soulless beings by the process of cloning and by the process of test-tube experiments which resulted in the most horrendous forms of life. -Lady Venus, Pearl 21:35
There is a bombardment at every level of consciousness of the four lower bodies of mankind. This has reached an all-time high, so much so that the Lords of Karma can no longer withhold the warning but must give forth the danger signal to the children of light. You must pursue the purification of your physical bodies, but above all you must pursue the protection of those bodies. -Nada, Pearl 62:43 on October 12, 1975 at San Francisco via Messenger E C Prophet
Elohim attend the birth of the Christ child in every heart of humanity....We come thenand give first priority in answer to your calls each day to the clearing of the new children whose consciousness is being impressed with the light of the Christ in answer to the calls and prayers of many among earth’s evolutions. But alas, when the prayers are not forthcoming, these souls are often subject to the bombardment of the energies and the programming of this world so that even in their mother’s wombs they receive that programming of the media and of the mass consciousness....We ask you, then, in the name of the Lord’s hosts as we give you this vision this day, to continue to augment your calls for the unborn. -Elohim Astrea, December 30, 1976 at Pasadena
Children need to be free from bombardment of their consciousness with all sorts of [harmful] images, those that are at the level of awareness and those beneath that level, at subliminal levels that come through television. Even frequencies that are harmful to the consciousness passing through television register in the subconscious. -Pau the Venetian, Pearl 62:41, at San Francisco via Messenger ECP
I ask that you make fervent calls to the Brotherhood, to the entire Hierarchy to release violet flame in order to transmute all discord that would be transferred to the eye or to ear or to soul senses of the little ones and of the sons and daughters of God. For the bombardment of consciousness is great. And so I am a part of the rescue mission to rescue souls from this confinement of their energy flow to imperfection
O God, let these who have had thy vision pressed in the petals of the all-seeing Eye, let these receive the touch of Elohim that draweth nigh.
I am Cyclopea. I meet the all-seeing Eye of God within you, which has propelled you to this place as you have drawn forth the vision of the City Foursquare. So I meet that vision within you by the light of God that is beyond compare.
I greet thee in the light of the eternal morn of the Divine Mother. I come in the vision of Virginia and of Mary in the heart immaculate. I come with the vision that is secure in God in the foundation of worlds. Do you not see that the inner blueprint of the all-seeing Eye of God is a manifest reality now and forevermore, that it always has been, that you do not need to decree for that vision to be created but for that vision to be precipitated in the world of form?
And thus the sealing in heaven and on earth of the great matrix of all that is to come forth in this age was already in the hands of the Elohim when the Lord God pronounced the fiat “Let there be light!” And in that initial release of light was the vision and inner blueprint for all that would be brought forth in the vast creation of worlds.
I have come to speak to you, beloved Keepers of the Flame, concerning the action of the all-seeing Eye of God in this age. You have seen the prophecy of the new order of the ages. And the emblem of the all-seeing Eye has been, before your view, the capstone of the pyramid of life. It is given to the anointed ones, the Christed ones to bring forth this new order of the ages after the flame of Saint Germain and according to the promises of God. This flame, this blueprint and this order have been ordained by God and sealed within the hearts of Keepers of the Flame even before you first took incarnation on Terra.
We know that the all-seeing Eye of God will precipitate the City Foursquare, that it will be the manifest reality in the etheric plane and that it will remain on the etheric plane intact, inviolate. The challenge then comes to chelas of the ascended masters to have the courage to invoke the City Foursquare with all of its inner God-design into the mental and feeling worlds and into the quadrant of Mater, the physical plane.
Within your casual body there is the full momentum of energy of Elohim and of Almighty God to fulfill His purpose and His will. For every seed that God has created He has placed within the seed the necessary blueprint and energy forbringing forth of the full plant. Adding to this the Sun, the water and earth and all necessary ingredients that God has placed in the environment, it is of a certainty that the seed that is within itself, the seed of Almighty God, will cycle through the four planes of Mater.
Knowing that our God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, knowing all of this then we must place our attention at the line of precipitation, at the line of the Christ and Mother and Holy Spirit. And we must determine what are those forces of darkness that would impinge upon the alchemical precipitation of the City Foursquare, what are those aspects of not-Self and of unreality that must be cleared so that reality can be brought forth.l
This brings me to the exposure of the truth and exposure of the lie which will now be forthcoming at this conference and which we have scheduled for your celebration of Columbus Day on Monday—the exposure then of many aspects of the tactics of the Illuminati, of their origins and their current activities.
I come to tell you that the conspiracy of the Illuminati is a reality from astral planes, from the fallen ones who have been organized with their concept of the new order of the ages since the moment of the Great Rebellion and the fall of the Luciferians. From that hour the councils of fallen ones determined to take over the Earth, to deprive man and woman of their rightful inheritance in taking dominion over the Earth and to set forth the counterfeit hierarchy and counterfeit plan.
And therefore I tell you that those who are a part of the Illuminati, they themselves conceive of themselves as the ones who are called and appointed to bring forth the new order of the ages. And just as you see in this sign and symbol of the Great White Brotherhood [the capstone of the pyramid] the promise of the coming of the seventh ray of Saint Germain, so the fallen ones are as certain that the time is coming when their new order of worldwide power in the economy and in governments of the nations, as worldwide control, will be a manifest reality.
They envision absolute control of education, religion, government, economy and all affairs of the nations. And they have made considerable progress in this area in this century. They have taken strides and they have infiltrated every aspect of human endeavor and human organization, including the control of the media in all of its forms.of the counterfeit hierarchy
Now I am Cyclopea and I am concerned then for the protection of the vision of the City Foursquare and vision of your individual ascension. And I see that the vision and plan in the heart of the Great Divine Director for America and Earth must be precipitated simultaneously by Keepers of the Flame who would bring forth that manifest reality of all that is required in this octave for the international headquarters for our Summit University and our Montessori International.
Let it be disclosed then that there is being released by the false hierarchy the counterfeit vision for the counterfeit city foursquare. It is this counterfeit hierarchy and counterfeit vision that we must challenge, that you must challenge. You have given many invocations to me for the all-seeing Eye of God to release the energies of the City Foursquare. I tell you of a truth: all that stands between your call and its instantaneous precipitation is the clearing of debris and challenging of the momentums and identity of the fallen ones who comprise that branch of the Illuminati especially concerned with the perversion of vision.
Now let us examine these perversions of vision. You will be hearing more of the exposure of subliminal programming through subliminal seduction in this conference. You will hear of misuse of the sacred vision of mankind by those who are seized with marketing of their products and who employ subliminal advertising techniques projecting all manner of darkness of fallen ones and their perversion of divine man, divine woman and divine manchild. This they have done in every form of art and advertising through media, through television, through the motion picture industry until mankind’s four lower bodies are being saturated twenty-four hours a day with imprints of the infamy of hell itself. I tell you, the very demons and discarnates from the bottomless pit have come forth through these forcefields to betray the Christ consciousness, and mankind have been unwitting, ignorant tools, being object of manipulation of those who sell their wares.
But it does not stop with those who are advertising to make that profit which they use then to expend upon themselves. It continues with political mass psychology, psychopolitics and brainwashing of fallen ones. And there are those who are tying into the media and into all forms of communication to project into the mass consciousness the complete takeover of the planetary body by the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy. This conspiracy must be exposed and it will be exposed in detail before this conference has concluded.
I am here to tell you that there is an absolute saturation of mental and feeling bodies of mankind in this very hour by those fallen ones who have risen to positions of power and who are using psychology techniques that have been understood and manipulated ever since the discoveries of Freud and Jung and others who have attempted to explain the unexplainable, which is the subconscious mind of man.
Let us remember that the mind of God is the mind of man and that all compartments of man’s consciousness originate in God, including the subconscious mind. In fact the subconscious mind is a vast storehouse of the wisdom of God and of knowledge of the universe and its vastness. All of this is also recorded in the subconscious of lifewaves on this planetary home. A record of all that has ever contacted your lifestream is there and, I can assure you—by the light of the very stars themselves, of cosmic rays and emanations all the way back to the Central Sun—you have recorded within your subconscious an awareness of Life and its Laws throughout this cosmos.
Is it any wonder then that this very plastic nature of the subconscious, so sensitive even to the farthest star and its emanations, should also be recording and be affected by constant bombardments of emanations not only from the physical plane from those who are in positions of power, but also from those who are residing on astral plane and mental plane?
Understand then that mankind have been made the victims of all those who are the usurpers of the all-seeing Eye of God. You can see what a powerful action the all-seeing Eye has when all that is precipitated in Mater must flow through this nexus of consciousness, for without vision and without the image and without the blueprint there cannot be alchemy.
Understand then that those who practice black magic, witchcraft and who engage in practices of the satanic cult —all must manipulate the energies of the all-seeing Eye of God. And these are the energies of the Virgin, the Virgin Mother who sees the perfection of Her children and the perfection of God and holds this immaculate vision simultaneously. And therefore through the vision of the Mother the ray of God is sent forth, passing through Her third eye and being precipitated in Her children. This is the supreme opportunity for those who would raise the Mother-ray in this age. It is to become the pure focalpoint for the release of energies of the all-seeing Eye of God.
And so you see the great whoredom that is abroad in the land. For our definition of whoredom is the misuse of the third eye, and this is everywhere apparent. There is almost nowhere that you can rest your gaze except in nature and not be bombarded at subconscious levels by attempts of fallen ones at programming. All of this of course has been known to us for centuries, as we have observed the manipulation of fallen ones.
Now I would speak to you of the saturation of the four lower bodies with these manipulations. In the hour of the rise of civilization to a peak of mechanical perfectionment on Lemuria and Atlantis it came to pass that manipulation of the subconscious of the people was so great that their four lower bodies were absolutely filled with machinations and manipulations of the fallen ones. That saturation of the earth body itself, even of the very grains of earth, was so intense that the cataclysm that resulted was not only for destruction of the works of fallen ones; but it was to give the souls and vehicles of the bodies of mankind and of the earth body a rest and a necessary period of transmutation and requalification whereby the four lower bodies of Earth and the people could be cleared of all that saturation of fallen ones and their rebellious signs and formations and symbols that they have placed in implants in the people.
And therefore the desert places on Earth and those places that are uninhabited, these also are in that period of rest. It is a cosmic rest and a cosmic interval. And during that period of rest there is an intense fiery action by elemental life and by angelic hosts for cleansing of the very atoms and molecules of physical earth as well as the mental, astral and etheric planes.
Now after the clearing of the Earth there was bringing forth once again of virgin land, conceived in the all-seeing Eye of God in the Mother and held immaculate for sons and daughters of God to come forth once again to write a new page in creativity. Now since the bringing forth then of the new land and New World and the coming of Saint Germain and all those who are a part of the mandala there has been a race—a very intense race by the fallen ones on astral planes and those who have reincarnated from the days of Atlantis— to once again saturate the four lower bodies of Earth and of the people with all these tactics of programming, wedges of rebellion and witchcraft so that helplessly mankind are the victims of these signs and symbols. And therefore in the moment of crisis and in the moment of choosing to be or not to be, by subconscious programming and manipulation of energies of God within them they automatically make the choices for the death cult, success cult and sex cult. -Elohim Cyclopea, Pearls of Wisdom 53:21, continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53 no. 22, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 9, 1976 at Pasadena
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