Friday, November 18, 2022
our actions always pivot around light and cannot support the15 shadowed34 concepts32 of12 mass7 mind22 (=112=4 x deceit
28), no matter how acceptable these concepts may seem to be….It is unfortunate that many17 take10 the15 energies46 of12 heaven28 and10 color27 them19 with24 human
21 concepts32 and10 shallow27 attitudes
29 (=319). If the ascended masters were to manifest physically and to appear in human form to mankind, many17 of12 the15 very25 ones17 who19 claim20 to8 be7 our18 chelas21 would21 totally24 reject25 us4=253; 253+319=572=stealth22 x 26betray. Such15 as2 these21 admire32 us4 from25 afar17=116 (=4 x ckever29) as if peering at a distant star through a telescope of their own creation; but, unknown to them, they could not take us in proximity….Not13 desiring49 to8 accept21 responsibility75 for21 their33 own16 fluctuating44 assessments27, people33=440 (=10 x fluctuating44) have often transferred their disappointments and disaffections to those whom they once glorified and subsequently cast down as broken idols when their own uses were not served….let us by grace develop the acme of cosmic virtue in all as2 we10 discard31 mechanical 42 ignorance50 (=135=5 x partake27). -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:12
Let10 divine36 rights36 manifest33 and10 let10 them19 hold21 and10 subdue18 human21 consciousness49=273=3 x overcoming of fear (58+12+21=91).
Let the divine light appear, let God-government appear, and let the economies be healed!
I stretch forth the hand of Elohim now for the exposure of corruption in the economy of this nation and every nation upon Earth! I ask you to call fervently to Elohim Cyclopea and to meet with me and Lanello and my own beloved in the Royal Teton Retreat that there might be the exposure then of misuse of the light of the abundant supply of sons and daughters of God.
We push forward. For we have broken through their lines and their ranks, and we are marching onward, onward, onward to victory! -Godfre, 2-22-1982 at Camelot, L.A. via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 25:18
You16 can9 win19 because20 God17 is10 in14 you!16 (=121=see11 x tests11). -Godfre, 12-28-1973 at Mexico City via Messenger ECP, Pearls of Wisdom 55:15
(numerology goes: a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc., as above shown)
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