Thursday, November 17, 2022
O light of the world, I AM come—here to deliver to my very own the victory of Life, the victory of America, the victory of the I AM within you and love that is as ripened cherries on the bough there for you to know now how you too can triumph by the blossom of spring that becomes the heart of the fruit of the Tree of Life!
O my cherished ones, O my patriots of freedom’s flame, in the ode to the joy of freedom I deliver to you my own celebration of the victory of the hour! And I congratulate you for your sustaining hearts and fire, fulfilling the Word with me whereby demons tremble and the Earth does rumble, and there steps forth from the tomb of life the risen youth, the risen Christ—there standing, going before the multitudes with lilies and fields of flowers, bounds of flowers and floral bouquets, bearing them and throwing them in the way for the victory of saints robed in white!
O indeed, the day of the dawning golden age is just beyond the horizon where the rising Sun must come and the rainbow play the symphony of Elohim! This day we are one, for this day the Lord our God hath begotten thee, amen.
Blessed ones, will you not now for a moment kneel with me in the presence of the Goddess of Liberty.
With your permission I place my Electronic Presence over you so that you might pray once again with me as at Valley Forge, that you might know that the fervent and righteous prayer of the Buddha-to-be and of the bodhisattvas who come in the name of Kuan Yin and of the Mothers-to-be does avail much. Let this fervent prayer of your heart unto the Spirit of Liberty be for setting free of the captives to all these plagues that you have so artfully and skillfully named, as well as their legions!
Lord God Almighty, I therefore confirm the will of these hearts, inspired by the wisdom of the Mother and the hosts of the Lord, inspired by the victory of Jesus Christ. Onward! Onward! Onward! I say. Victory shall have her day and patience her perfect work! Mercy shall have her justice, and love shall be endued with truth!
For I AM in the heart of the lily. And therefore we press on as there unfolds the mighty spiral of the Lenten fast, preparing for the feast of light of the resurrection flame.
We therefore say, in the name of Christ: Abba, Father! Abba, Father! O Father of lights in whom is no shadow of turning, no darkness at all, lighten the way of Earth this day! And let there be a new proclamation of freedom—freedom from every form of vice, freedom to be in the heart of virtue.
Our prayer goes forth in the name of the blessed Virgin, by the authority of your own threefold flame of liberty. Rise now, beloved, and take dominion over the earth. I invite you to be seated as I ask you to indulge me as I would read to you some words from my Farewell Address to the nation.
Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the destinies of men and citizens. The mere politician equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connection with private and public felicity.
Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.
It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?
As you have well seen, there have been virulent attempts to shake the foundation and fabric of God-government through the shaking of virtue, morality and religion in the very heart of hearts of the I AM race.
Therefore I lend my flame and my heart to the restoration of true religion under God that did come forth from the beginning and will fulfill herself in the ending—that will not be moved by men’s doctrine or their dogma but will fly beyond these moorings and be fitting as the ark of the covenant blazing in the hearts of all who are of the light.
I come with the vision of America. I come with the vision of the I AM Presence over each soul of God’s heart. I fervently impress this image upon every child of God in this nation and upon Earth. And I place my Electronic Presence and the light of my Buddhic attainment around each and every such a one.
Therefore let it be known that it is the true religion that binds the soul to God and the false religion that binds them to bigotry, human hate and hate creation and all darkness that the actual absence of God does allow.
There is no religion but the religion of Satan in the partaking of drugs! There is no religion but the religion of Satan in the entertaining of rock music! There is no morality in World Communism or its counterpart in the capitalist societies of the lustful misuses of sacred fire of woman, of man and of beloved child.
These are not the pillars of God, but they are the stronghold of the Satanic hordes. Without their leader they are in chaos and in a fury! Beloved hearts, it is an hour to be vigilant for the backlash of the remnant of his seed.
Let us willingly come before the altar of God and praise Him that the instrument of government is yet intact, that the Constitution is not yet done away with and that there beats a fervor in the hearts of the pure—without rancor, without desire for vindication—the pure and deepest love that begets the victory of God-flame.
My beloved, you have joyously, fastidiously and with the flame of constancy beloved by El Morya assembled this weekend in celebration of Elohim and my own birth in this nation. I am gratified that the way is cleared somewhat and the briers are removed and I may walk in certain places where I have not walked with my legions for a number of years.
We cherish the moment of the opening of the door by the Christed One. As it is written, “Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” So you knock on one side of the door to enter into the heart of Christ; and on the other side of the same door he knocks to enter into your heart!
Therefore heaven has found the trysting place here in the sanctuary of the Holy Grail where the disciple knocks and enters by the door, and the Messenger comes and knocks again. And as you open your hearts, lo, the Christ enters in—you bid me welcome and you receive me in the flame of Buddha and Kuan Yin.
Have you not heard even by the media, there has been announced the increase in the birthrate and that it is fashionable in these times to be with child? Have you seen the turning of worlds by Elohim, by the manifestos of the Mother, by your astute hearts, determined eye and prayers that even breathe the sigh of Mother Mary?
Do you not know that many things are turning around? And souls, I am told, are found in the fullness of new joy. Some are skipping into new dimensions. Others are jogging. Some are finding their way up the mountain in the snow, footprint by footprint.
Blessed ones, life is a grand movement! People feel the need to move their bodies because they feel the light of violet flame physically. And there is the action in the physical dimension that is the descent of the Holy Spirit.
Of course point/counterpoint the fallen ones come with their utter perversion of the mastery of the physical body and the attempt to cause depravity and draining of the light. But you will not allow it. I have seen it! I proclaim it! And I understand that the fulfillment of the Law is the light of ten thousand suns descending—is the light, O so cherished, that is not only the heart of our chelas but the adornment of their adoration unto love.
Let the song be sung. Let the Elohim be heard! And let the winging of the bird of light release thoughtform upon thoughtform of your own great God-Self.
Elohim of the secret rays, I call thee forth. Elohim of the secret rays, I call thee forth! Manifest thy presence here. For in this new year we would conquer by Alpha and Omega.
Most blessed hearts, I direct your attention—swift as an arrow like the lightning of the mind of God—to key points on the Earth and cities, areas of conflict, areas where there is a vacuum of the Spirit where the hordes of Communism would push through and others would aid them and others would finance them.
I give you a world map in your inner eye as a globe of light. As you trace the lines of flight so see these lines going forth and pointing to those positions where we would direct the light by your heart, through your very God- flame. [13-second pause]
Now by your leave I direct the entire momentum of light invoked in this conference into those areas where we would roll back into the very core of its own world the nadir itself, the thrusting forward of the lifeless spirit of World Communism.
We are in Poland, in Berlin. We are in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. We are in Taiwan and China, on the mainland. We are in Angola. We are there in the Aleutian chain. We are there in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. We are under the sea. We are in the Gulf of Mexico. We are in the Yucatán. We are in El Salvador. We are in Finland and the cities of Canada. Thousands upon thousands of lines—needle-rays directing filigree light rays and the momentum of Elohim.
Understand that the purpose to which El Morya has called these midterm seminars is truly fulfilled in this weekend together. And the light has come down, and the legions of darkness are bound, and you will find new freedom, (for) that must be challenged for the victory.
Therefore I demand God- freedom! I call it forth!
Let it deal with all human misrepresentation of freedom, misuse of freewill and human self-assertiveness to human rights.
Let the divine rights manifest, and let them hold and subdue human consciousness.
Let the divine light appear, let God-government appear, and let the economies be healed!
I stretch forth the hand of Elohim now for the exposure of corruption in the economy of this nation and every nation upon Earth! I ask you to call fervently to Elohim Cyclopea and to meet with me and Lanello and my own beloved in the Royal Teton Retreat that there might be the exposure then of the misuse of the light of the abundant supply of sons and daughters of God.
We push forward. For we have broken through their lines and their ranks, and we are marching onward, onward, onward to victory!
I direct your attention to the victory of the great God-flame! See the conflagration of whitefire above you and know it is the living God. See the hosts of the Lord gathering. See the trowel and the right angle. See the square and the pyramid. See the lifeline and balances!
Blessed hearts devoted to the victory, I do announce to you in this hour that a certain victory has been won and sealed. Guard it then as Archangel Michael himself has also offered himself to guard this victory. Guard it, beloved ones! For each and every victory has its challengers, as you have seen in Vietnam and other places where the lines of battle have been drawn, where the forces of light have won and where the fallen ones have come and snatched from their very teeth the victory-flame and the victory torch!
Therefore to win is to win again and again! To have your victory is to seal it every day! To keep your freedom is to be vigilant as watchmen and women of the night.
I draw the circle of fire again around Camelot and the Inner Retreat. We will not retreat but defeat instead the fallen ones! And I say, by the hosts of the armies of the Lord:
Roll them back!
Roll them back!
Roll them back!
Sanat Kumara is on the move!
And those chelas who
Have delivered unto them
The Word of wisdom
Will feel the new beat
And the new pulsation of life
And music and poetry and song!
And they will understand
There is no wrong
Where true freedom burns
Within the breast.
There is no wrong
Where freedom rings
The light of purest song of purity,
Of light and heart’s motive,
Desire to be
Perfect love
And light’s manifest flower
Of the rosary!
O my hearts of oneness,
Hear my call!
And feel the lightness,
Feel the movement,
Feel the victory flame!
Feel the lightness of your heart!
Feel the call of ascension’s might!
And know that ascending all the way
Troops and armies of the Lord,
Youth and all who are mature
And ripe in spirits,
Sprites brightly burning
Do march to the victory tune!
And hear the whistling, hear the call!
Hear the march, the drumbeat all
Of sons and daughters of Liberty,
Moving across the world,
Proclaiming in every land:
Freedom is at hand! Freedom is at hand!
And the victory is the right hand
Of the Almighty upraised.
Therefore raise the right hand,
Ye sons of Light,
Sons of Freedom, sons of Liberty,
Victories bright!
Lightest ones, come forth!
Come forth in freedom’s flame
And know the victory of the Lord,
The victory of His game!
I AM here to move and move again
And thrust and ho!
Children of the Sun—forward!
Forward now we go
In the victory of light
In the spinning of the Word,
In the weaving of the garment,
In the wool, whitened unto purest flame
Of God’s own forgiveness—
And forgetfulness of sin and its stain!
Let the floral fragrance of the living win! And let the winning be of light and joy and glory!
And let there be the sealing in our heart by the Eye of God, by protection’s might of every son of God and all that pertains to supply and abundance for which you have called—abundant light, abundant victory and the sealing of our Inner Retreat in every heart of light!
Forward march, legions of the light! O let the avant-garde be ones who proclaim the new covenant and Everlasting Gospel by the light of far-off worlds!
I AM expanding flame of Central Sun behind the Sun within the heart of Earth. Lo, I AM come in Jesus’ name—Christ the light of worlds and men and nations!
I AM come by Jesus Christ and in his name, bearing this gift of freedom— freedom’s fire from my heart, dedication to holy purpose.
Now I release and I impart to you the glory of my name, the glory of my flame and my own beloved Saint Germain!
He is the one who is the overcomer!
He is the one who does deliver you!
He is the one that does inspire and sustain our Messenger for these releases and these calls and this invincible light that is her gift unto ye all!
By her will you are shafts of light! You stand in time and space. You know how to wield the sword. And you are unafraid to stand face-to-face with the challengers of the Mother and her children to roll them back and invoke cosmic justice in God’s name!
What shall I say for you and of you but, Go to! Go to now the valleys of the Earth and continue to proclaim the Word, the knowledge, understanding, gift of wisdom! And impart to them the fervor and fire that will win!
Tell them then: you too, my friend, can win! You too, my fellow American, can be flaming torch of truth! You can be instrument of peace and of the war of Sanat Kumara that moves unto the death of the Fallen One.
You too can be the instrument of freedom and judgment here on Earth as in heaven. You can accomplish your goals! You can bind the Fallen One and the murderer in his wake! Yes! You too can be the instrument of righteousness in this age!
Proclaim it in all the land! Proclaim it in every nation! Proclaim it, sons of light and liberty! And know that I AM with you, thrusting forward with that thrust and roll and a ho, ho, ho—with a mighty thrust of El Morya, with a commeasurement of the light of his eye!
I AM the starry body! I AM the fulfillment of the promise! And I AM the sealing of America’s victory! I seal it in your heart! I entrust it to your care! I give to you the key to that victory!
Now will you not take it and place it in the door of the heart of the Cosmic Christ? Turn the key and let all life, all America, all the world who are of the light—let them in! Let them win!
Share with them the heart of fire, the blood of Christ, the essence of Alpha and Omega! Share with them even the water, bread and wine!
My hand is on the Liberty Bell. And one day you will know the healing of the flaw. You will know the healing of the flaw! You will know the healing of the flaw in America and the I AM race worlds without end!
So be it, Almighty God! I have come, I have delivered Thy message, and I bow before the light within hearts of my compatriots of freedom!
-Godfre, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 22, 1982 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 25:18
Now I place before the student body the need to give fervent invocations for and on behalf of those souls of light who have taken their inner vows, who will be willing to serve the flame—one in mind and heart and soul, one in the flame of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. Let them be cut free then by your calls and by our answers! Let them be cut free by Elohim Astrea from all that causes a lack of discernment, a lack of discrimination of the true and false vibrations of the ascended hierarchy.
And now let the organ at Shigatse roll from the master Kuthumi! Let the rolling of the chords of the great organ of life be for the playing of symphonies unto the children—souls of God who shall come forth because there is even now, rippling across Terra, a response of love and obedience to love that is above and beyond the compromises of those who would manipulate world population trends to their own designs. And so let the chords of the grand organ of the Master of Life now be heard by parents and children. Let these chords be heard, and let them be for the sealing of life.
I place my flame of God-obedience for the protection of incoming souls. And they shall come! For I shall stand! For I AM the guard! I AM the purity of the cosmic honor flame! I take my stand with Saint Germain as the Minuteman of the hour! I take my stand to guard the consciousness of the purity of lifewaves.
Will you take your stand with me? Will you stand with purity, with God consciousness, with the Goddess of Light, the Queen of Light, the Goddess of Purity?
Will you place now the authority of your rod firmly in the ground as a Moses, as a Joshua, as a leader of the children of light? Will you carry the shepherd’s crook of Peter and of the Vicar of Christ? Will you carry the authority that will clear the way for the lambs of God?
I am projecting to you the great glory of the coming of the Christed ones in this year 1976. I am projecting for you now, through the instruments of the Royal Teton and the great mirror there that vision of America—glorious, victorious, in a golden age of enlightenment and peace. I place this vision in the etheric plane, in the mental plane and I turn over to the Mother the key for the passing of this vision into the plane of water and earth, into the cycles of Omega. May she then take from her heart this key of life, this key to the mystery of life and impart it to devotees so that they might complete those spirals begun in our octaves of light, released from the heart of the Great Divine Director and from the heart of Saint Germain, fulfilling the edict of an age, fulfilling the light of the Holy Spirit.
O America, let the very soil of this nation now glow in the fiery crystal of violet flame! Let the rocks and earth and vegetation and life of a people be saturated from violet fire that ascends from the Sun of Even Pressure in the heart of the Earth, saturating the four quadrants with the light of the Holy of Holies.
I AM a God-free being. I pass to you the torch of your God-freedom. I anchor within your heart the rose of your own unfolding cosmic consciousness. By obedience to inner law of the design of life you too can become God-free!
I have the joy of the dispensation, the opportunity to one day welcome you to the ranks of the immortals. And in the hour of your ascension I shall stand upon the mountain and I shall hand to you the crystal cup of the Elixir of Life. And you shall drink of that cup and you will feel the charge of your own God Presence, the charge of ascension flame of Serapis Bey and the mighty seraphim of life! You will feel the tingling of light as atoms and cells within you receive the currents of ascension flame rising from beneath your feet, the threefold flame of life intensifying the action until your four lower bodies are enveloped in the light of ascension’s fires. And you shall rise from the summit of life, from the mountains of North America and from the Temple at Luxor—rise into the arms of your own God Presence.
Keepers of the Flame, you are destined to immortality! You are destined to the ascension! And I will come to you in the hour already known by your God Presence to give you that passing of the arc of life to send you on your way to cosmic consciousness and individuality in God, sealed forevermore. Yes, I will come for you.
I proclaim to you your birthday in the light, your natal day of freedom. And I say to you, see to it that your soul does not take flight unless you have planted firmly in this soil that focus of your flame, that focus of victory and of freedom’s name! Dare not leave this Earth without leaving behind you those footprints in the sands of life! Dare not leave Terra until you have made a contribution of cosmic worth, until you have opened the door for children and souls of light to take up your torch!
And until there is one—one chela in the Law who can take your momentum and your mantle—you must remain with Terra. You must stay until there is a runner who will run with the same speed of victory with which you run. And therefore learn to be the instrument of the cosmic teachers! Learn to pass that torch of consciousness, of your fervor as patriots in this land and every land—patriots focusing love for the inner mandala of the nations, patriots focusing love for Saint Germain, patriot of every age!
O children of the Sun, do you not understand that you must leave upon Terra a way out for souls yearning to be free? You dare not, you must not seek that ascension except on the parallel line of imparting to all the same God-mastery that is in your heart.
O precious ones, hear my plea! The children of the world are waiting for the teaching of the Law. Now go forth! Go forth in the flame of the Fatherhood, Motherhood of God. Go forth to contact the soldiers waiting in the field, waiting for the coming of the general, waiting for the command of God. They seek leadership that you have! They seek the Word! They seek the sure and certain trumpet of the Lord! They hear the march of victory! They hear the triumphal march, and they look for those who will lead them to the Source, lead them to the One, lead them to the ascended masters.
This land is the land of violet fire. This land is the land of freedom’s desire. This land is the land filled with people who love the light. This is a land filled with people who are lost in the night. I say, go out and find them! Go out and claim them! For this is the land of Virgin’s light. This is the land of the Woman clothed with the Sun. This is the land of light that will make all nations one—one in the light of Maitreya, one in the light of the Law of God within the hearts of those who are the real, who are accomplished, who are dedicated ones of old.
I call you forth, children of the Sun, from the golden-age civilizations of old! I quicken your memory of that golden age in the Sahara. I quicken your memory of South America and of the buried cities of the Amazon. Now then come with me in my mantle of light as I take you this night as your souls go into the realm of sleep. So as your souls go forth from your body temples to keep the flame of life, come with me as I show you the records of those ancient times. Come with me as I show you what we have done together for the light.
For what we have done we can do again—we shall do again! We shall be the fulfillment of victory in this age! We cannot fail, for Saint Germain is our love and our calling. We must not fail him. We dare not fail him! No, we shall never turn back until we have fulfilled the love of the Master of Freedom. To him I pledge my heart, my head, my hand. And to all of you who keep that flame I pledge my support of the flame of God-obedience. Claim it in the hour of testing! Claim it in the hour of temptation! Claim it in the hour of victory, and I shall be there kneeling beside you, interceding with God on behalf of the obedience of your soul.
In the flame of love I proclaim to you now that goal: obedience is better than sacrifice! Now take that flame! Run with it! And see what you can become for America, for the world, for souls waiting for the bursting in the sky of the nova of your light consciousness, waiting for your attainment so that they might attain in your footsteps—souls waiting for your mantle, for your example, for your response to your God-ability.
Go forth now, sons and daughters of Liberty! Be the flame of light to all, and let life quench the darkness of all death.
I AM life! I AM alive forevermore! I AM in the consciousness of America for celebration of victory, victory, victory!
- Godfre, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on November 23, 1975 in Washington, D.C. Pearl 63:12
You will see then how your own Supreme Court has gone back and forth on many issues over the years and only today has come forth the announcement of the Supreme Court affirming the death penalty in the United States. There has been great discussion concerning this.
I am here to tell you that I ratify this decision, and the reason is this: it comes more closely into the reflection of cosmic law. You understand that cosmic law also provides for the death penalty in the second death before the Court of Sacred Fire on Sirius where there are those souls who are absolutely incorrigible, who will not glorify God, who have spent all their energy on darkness. When their time is up they pass through the second death. They stand on the dais where the currents of Alpha and Omega are manifest, and there that identity is canceled out.
Now what do you think this does to the rest of the evolutions of the cosmos? It is the same goad to righteousness which you find in your own death penalty. As you sit here knowing the Law, knowing that you do not have forever and a day to while away the hours and to waste God’s energy--knowing that there is a judgment--then you are spurred to righteousness.
And some among mankind likewise need that threat (much closer, of course, in their own lifetime) that if they commit these heinous crimes against the Mother and her children, against the body of God upon Earth that they will have to give an accounting. We see then that justice at work in this hour of turmoil and chaos necessitates this court decision being implemented by the states.
You see, the Lords of Karma realize that the soul that goes through that ultimate punishment will be given very quickly an opportunity to reincarnate. And on the record of that soul will be that record of the judgment and that knowledge: “if you fail, this is what happens.” We desire to see that recorded. And therefore we repeat with Christ, Fear not those who kill the body but those who are able to destroy the soul in hell.
And I tell you, many souls who have committed these crimes who are in prisons today are rotting away because they have not had that edict of the descent of their karma. And so the bodies are preserved and the souls rot away. Would it not be better if the reverse were so? And therefore this is that explanation.
I would also tell you that it is in our opinion a manifestation of far too great a leniency when those who are in prison for life are allowed to leave on good behavior--hardened criminals, those who have committed mass murders. I bring these things before you so that you will understand that ours must be a total victory, and that total victory must manifest in justice, in the law and in every area of life that is lived in America.
I say then, I am going to the Royal Teton and I am going to ask for a dispensation for the release of the next band of lightbearers and of children of the Mother who are caught in various psychic activities. And many of them are caught with those who are [false] gurus. These individuals [lightbearers and children of the Mother] are highly sincere and highly motivated for America, but they have been plunked down into a teaching and a forcefield that is a half-truth and sometimes a whole error.
Once they have accepted these errors, precious ones, it becomes a part of their own mind, their own ego, their own identity. To surrender these patterns is difficult for them, for it demands a surrendering of a portion of their own self-consideration, their concept of their own ability to assess religious principles, to make decisions, to see the truth and to not see the truth. And therefore if they are told that they are in a movement that is entirely wrong, it is an insult to their consciousness and they are not so quick to admit that they have made an error as the human consciousness goes.
And so you see, it is vital that souls who are uncommitted, who have not found the true teaching be drawn into the teachings of the ascended masters. For it is far more difficult to find them once they have been swallowed up in one of these houses or centers or forcefields of teachers who do not represent our Brotherhood. Therefore it is indeed high time that these teachings and these books were made universally available.
I AM Godfre! I AM a God-free being, and I have willed to be free! I tell you that those individuals who are living for freedom yet who are encamped in the right and the left wing--one and all, there is something, something within them that resists freedom at the same time it desires freedom. I will tell you something very interesting and perhaps curious: that there are many such as these, and if they really desired to be free, if they truly wanted to be free, they would accept the teachings of the ascended masters.
Therefore there are conflicting desires in the subconscious. There may be involved a desire for recognition. There may be a desire that is a fear molecule. There may be a desire for wealth, for family, for gain, for some other commodity, and this desire then presents the conflict. And when they encounter the teachings of the ascended masters they are not able to let go.
Even the desire for righteousness itself, the desire to be saved, the desire to be free from sin is a selfish desire in one aspect because it is an attachment, it is the desire to get something for a reward. This desire for reward then tends to make people be bound to doctrines and dogmas. And therefore really when they are in churches or when they are fighting for America, in many instances their motive is based on self-preservation. And self-preservation is a binding force. It eclipses the light of the all-seeing Eye.
Understand then that the only legitimate love of God is to love God merely for the sake of loving Him and loving Him alone, and not for the consequences of His return love, His reward, His elevation of your soul, et cetera. Only this freedom, this freedom to be God and to love God will secure for the soul of light the true path and freedom from error and compromise due to his own pride and ambition.
I give you this key so that you can pray for the American people. Many of them are eight-tenths motivated in the right direction. But there is something holding them back from coming into the light; and once that something is transmuted, then there will be no stopping this people. For this people is a mighty people. This people is of old from the temples of Atlantis and Mu, from other systems of worlds. Among this people are the legions of Sanat Kumara and volunteers who came forth, the disciples of Jesus, the multitudes to whom he spoke on the hillsides, those who lived in the catacombs in Rome. This people is the drawing together of some of the most noble and stalwart souls of the ages of this entire system of worlds.
And the Lord has placed many of these souls in other nations. In each and every nation there are lightbearers whom we have called, and we do salute those representatives at this conference who have come from lands afar, who have come at the behest of freedom. We will send you home with our love and freedom, with our rod of power, with our energy that you might also be electrodes for the rolling back of darkness. And as you give your violet flame in your home bases you will reach a crescendo of light where the legions of violet flame from the Great Central Sun can also come to your nation and roll back the karma of the Dark Cycle.
Understand then that the reason that this was given to America this day is solely because Keepers of the Flame and other students of the I AM have been diligent in giving their calls to the violet flame in this past year. We need many souls in every nation to create that mandate whereby the Solar Lords will send these millions of violet-flame angels to a nation. And so you have the challenge, Ghana has the challenge, Africa and Europe, Sweden and Canada and every place where Keepers of the Flame rise up.
Yes, I AM God-free! But I will never rest until you are God-free, until America is God-free! Precious ones, if you will but take that fervor of early patriots who knew that all the future and all of life and the future of freedom on Earth depended upon their staying power--if you will take that fervor, you will save America and we will win for God together. We expect victory!
Messenger’s comments, We are grateful and we expect victory too.
Every once in a while--that once in a while is few and far between--but every once in a while there comes a little moment in the course of service when I say “Mark, I can’t believe you’re not here.” I say to myself, “How can I be here conducting this conference without you?” I said that to myself as I was preparing for his [Lanello’s] dictation, remembering so many years of conferences when we served on the platform together. And so when I said “I can’t believe you’re not here” he said, “Don’t believe it, I AM here!”
In the name of the Knight Commander, Saint Germain, this Keepers of the Flame meeting is concluded. In the name of the Father and of the Mother, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet July 3, 1976 at Washington, D.C.,
Pearl 44:29
Most gracious ladies and gentlemen, a tribute to the flame of a nation, to the flame of a people and to the flame of humanity. (Won’t you please be seated.)
I AM come in this hour as you prepare for the celebration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. I AM come before you, in the class of The Origin of Cycles, to originate a cycle of expansion from the heart of a people to the hearts of many people the world around.
Some of you who are students of the history of the United States are aware of the fact that in the early days of the formation of our country I recommended a policy of noninterference in the affairs of foreign nations and powers. The reason for that policy is clear: Until a people have magnetized enough of the Christ-flame to carry that flame over the Earth, then they ought not to be interfering with the policies and civil wars and problems of foreign nations. When a people have not solved their own problems how can they solve the problems of others?
Thus it was wise, for the garnering of energy in America, to make America that place where the Divine Woman could appear once again, where the flame of the Divine Mother could be raised again and thereby bring forth the Divine Manchild to build America, to keep her strong and brave and true. But now we come to the place in history where the world has shrunk, where to disregard the affairs of other nations is folly. Yea, it is suicide.
As you have journeyed through the nations of South America you have seen darkness and density arrayed against the Christ light in individual man. And you have thought to yourself “What keeps this darkness out of America?”
I say to you, it is the light of the ascended master students that keeps out the darkness of the world. And the difference in levels of consciousness between the majority of Americans and the majority of the rest of the world is so great as to cause consternation even to the ascended masters as they attempt to determine how to resolve the problems of world economy and governments of the nations in the coming year and decade.
I have come forth then in the name of Saint Germain, my teacher and friend, and in the name of Jesus the Christ, the Prince of Peace, to originate a plan in this cycle. It is a plan for the expansion of the light of America whereby—if the plan is followed and executed according to standards of the ascended masters’ teachings—it cannot fail to ignite hearts the world around while retaining the full effulgence of the flame that is, that was, that shall be the United States of America.
Preparing for the secret-ray action and the test of the ten America admitted the two states Alaska and Hawaii, making a total of fifty—the power of the five secret rays times the test of the ten. Hence you are not alone in facing that test, but all citizens of the United States face that test of the going within to the heart-chakra, to the center of being and there becoming totally selfless, aware only of the great God-Self. For how can you be aware of aught else when you dwell in the secret place of the Most High God?
Prior to the admittance of these two states America was facing another test—four times twelve, forty-eight, showing the action of the Twelve Hierarchies of the Sun initiating this mighty people in the planes of fire, air, water and earth for the building of the four sides of the City Foursquare. The test was passed by many. Cosmic cycles came and the time for the secret rays descended, which is also the time of the coming of the Mother-flame. Thus as you say, time marches on; and as we say, eternity flows as the dawn.
Eternity flows and I AM here. And I proclaim to you a plan for this decade and for the fulfillment of this century.
You have seen how representatives in government have squandered vast quantities of America’s wealth around the Earth, favoring this and that government and nation, only to the detriment of America. You have seen how so much wealth given to the unworthy and ungrateful has evoked in them only hatred and more hatred, only more resentment of the light and the Christ consciousness. You have seen how those allocations of funds intended for the masses of the people have gone into the purses of those at top echelons. And so you understand why I recommended non-intervention.
Now we come to the time in history when “Americans,” the true members of the I AM race, may be dwelling anywhere upon the planet, in any nation. And those who are true members of that race are those who carry the Christ-light in dignity and in honor, who merit the title of sons and daughters of God. The members of that race are the sheep of the ascended masters who know the voice of truth and follow that voice by the flame of obedience unto death and unto life—the death of the ego and life of the divine Self.
We see then how most attempts to appease the enemy with the dollar, to compromise standards, to feed the enemy from the granaries of America have failed to win the hearts of mankind for the flame of the Mother or flame of freedom. We have seen from inner levels how most attempts of the well-meaning, of the sincere—to reach out with funds, with help, with the Red Cross, with CARE packages, with aid to underdeveloped nations and with the United States footing the bill of the entire United Nations—these attempts have brought little reward in terms of raising up lightbearers across the planet.
Why is this so? Because not knowing how to do better Americans who feel the flame (the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power) and desire to expand the love that they feel for the Christ in mankind have not known that to feed the outer self, the four lower bodies and to fail to nourish the soul with truth is to ultimately fail entirely.
And so we stand before you on this day at the dawn of the new year and our observation is this: there is yet mass ignorance, mass confusion, darkness and a great weight outside of the United States which, if not challenged in the name of the Christ, threatens to inundate her shores and to also overtake that nation—great and holy and virtuous in the eyes of the ascended masters, as they have held the dream for America for many centuries.
Therefore the answer comes and it is this: to carry the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, to make the pilgrimage of the Mother-flame an annual event at Christmastide, to go forth into all nations, among all kindreds and peoples and tongues, to break the bread of the Word and, by devotion to the heartflame in all, to transform a living planet, to transform souls evolving.
As you pave the way for the light to descend you will see that the efforts of many governments and many peoples through many avenues will begin to succeed. And you will also see that in every nation upon Earth there are those Americans who belong to this peculiar race, the I AM people, who are not afraid to pronounce the I AM name, to have it stamped in their foreheads and in the palms of their hands and to proclaim it to all. Thus if you will make the call to me in the name of the Christ, I shall be there to raise up, in every nation, in every city that one soul who is the key to unlocking of the heart- chakra of that country.
The ascended masters applaud your efforts and your determination to move against all odds to carry the light to South America. We have observed valor and we know who are the valiant ones. We know who can be counted upon to carry on this mission.
And as you go, remember the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Remember those who control the purse strings in the international banks, in the international economy who are pursuing a one-world government by the backdoor and by the left-handed path. These are they who are working diligently night and day to unite the world under the Luciferians. “A one-world government!” they cry. “A one-world ecology and economy, this is the answer to all our ills.” And mankind parrot them and say, “Ah yes, this is the answer, this is the answer. We will have one world.”
Many of those who live in the United States and support these ideas would not wish to live abroad. Many who are promoting Communism in the United States would not deign to live behind the Iron Curtain. Thus it is a theory which they entertain with their intellectual pride, seeking to be thought wise of men. But you see it is a theory that does not work because it does not have at its foundation the flames of the Christ, of the Holy Spirit and of the Father-Mother God.
I say to you, we shall have our one world under the flame of the Prince of Peace, under Saint Germain and under God. We shall have our one world, and it shall be because the sons and daughters of God understand the oneness and have the power to include within their heart- chakras a world that is fainting for the light, bleeding for the light, pleaing* for the light—a world that knows that the rising of the Sun must come and that it must come quickly.
And so you see, in the dispensation given by the ascended master Cuzco, each pilgrim who journeyed to South America should have his heart tied to a devotee of light now living behind the Iron Curtain who has been contacted by one of the avatars walking in the physical plane in the past twelve-month cycle. That dispensation was the forerunner of my own plan, my plan whereby you and you and you, individually, collectively become the center of a mighty Sun of being, of the Manchild delivered of the Woman for this age and unto this age. And that Sun—as it intensifies in brilliance, in power and light and love and wisdom becomes as the Divine Mother able to contain within itself more and more of humanity and of the millions who desire to be free and yet know not that they even have that desire.
And so you see, the time has come when one by one you must be willing to bear the burdens of many across the globe and to take unto yourself orphans of the Spirit that are the concern of the Darjeeling Master and of all of the Great White Brotherhood. And so you see, you who have the mastery of the cosmic clock and the teachings of the ages can no longer stand only concerned for your own attainment. But you must be able to carry within your light-aura and within concentric rings of your causal bodies, which now radiate from the heartfire center of being, more and more of humanity, first tens, then hundreds, then thousands. And you will learn to know that weight of the cross which Jesus bore and which now is given to you to bear. Bearing the cross means to bear the sins, or the karmic weight, of brother and of sister.
Once you accustom yourself to the load, to making extra invocations for balancing of that load on behalf of other lifestreams you will come into normalcy once again. The adjustment is similar to that which you make when you gain weight. Five or ten pounds extra weight and you quickly adjust. And so you must adjust to being your brother’s keeper. And this is the name of the flame. This is the name of the cycle. This is the name of the game.
For you to be your brother’s keeper then I come. And this plan, taken to heart by the few, will bring the world to that place where instead of the Luciferian concept and execution of the United Nations there shall be one family, one body of God and one body of Christ upon Terra. And only then can Terra enter the golden age of Christ consciousness. This is the opportunity of the hour. And I seal the symbol in your forehead of this mission and of this pledge to be your brother’s keeper,that within your very soul you may be reminded each day that there are millions who require your support and the strong arm of the Brotherhood, which can be given only through your invocations.
The ascended masters long to see the expansion of the flame of America, its concentration within the fifty sovereign states and then its expansion, its explosion upon the world order. This can come, this shall come because free men have determined this day to be relentless in the pursuit of the Christ-flame of man, of woman, of child. You see, he who is most determined wins in the fight, not he who has greater numbers, greater armaments. But it is determination, the deter-mind-action, of the Christ. And you see, no matter how determined are the Luciferians, the fallen ones, the ones whom you call Communist, the ones whom you call deceivers—no matter how determined, their premise is not in God and of God. And therefore their determination lacks the impetus of God-flame.
Therefore you see, one with God is a majority because one with God has the full-gathered momentum of the determination of all saints and ascended beings of every age. Put that together in one flame, as above in the ascended octaves, so below in the octaves of Earth, and you have the greatest Sun- release of all time in history since the ascension of the first three root races.
And so, precious hearts, as the Chief says, “From the beginning we were winning.” Go forth two by two from AMU! Go forth and claim the Earth for the Mother. Claim the Earth for the Holy Spirit! And watch how that claim is the aim of the I AM name.
I AM a God-free being! I desire to make you God-free! You can become God-free by obedience. Obedience, how sweet is the love of obedience. How sweet is that flame. And how the angelic hosts dote upon mankind who are obedient to God’s Laws.
Truly those who walk with God and talk with God are those who are obedient to the Laws that they know. And even at times when they obey laws set forth by man, by church, by state they still have the reward of obedient service. And therefore the Lord says unto them “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many.”
Be attentive to the detail of obedience, to precepts holy, to the voice of our representative, to the voice of God within you. For by obedience the doors of heaven are open wide and the cornucopia of abundance, of joy, wisdom, light and happiness in overcoming descend upon you.
I know, for I am called God-Obedience. And my testing in obedience was given by the ascended master Saint Germain and by the Goddess of Liberty at Valley Forge and elsewhere in the fight for independence. I stood unflinchingly obedient to inner guidance, and it was upon that inner light that this nation was founded, a nation under God. I can count at least twelve occasions during the battle when had I not been obedient to the flame and the voice, all would have been lost and all would have perished, and you might find yourself this day a dominion of Great Britain.
And so you see, each act of obedience to the small, to the great is an action upon which a kingdom can be built. And that kingdom is the kingdom of God come into manifestation upon Earth. That kingdom is the City Foursquare.
Watch and pray. For each thrust of rightness and right use of the Law is a thrust that is a challenge in the very teeth of the rebellious ones, the defiant ones, those who disobey the fiats of the Lord because they have not His love in their hearts.
I see the Fourth of July release of the fireworks in the sky, lightning flashing from east to west. I see the coming of the Son of man to America. I see the coming of the Woman clothed with the Sun.
I see travail and I see victory. I see it. I hold the concept of victory and I AM the victory within you, each and every one. And I AM that victory for every child, every soul upon the planet. And I AM relentless. I AM determined. And I AM the action of the cosmic honor flame.
Precious ones, never, never, never compromise your honor. For your honor is your sacred name and your sacred identity. If you allow that honor to be trampled upon, you have no identity; you are counted among the herds of cattle upon the hillsides. Honor is the flame that differentiates man and beast.
Therefore keep the cosmic honor flame. Keep it as burnished steel, as whitefire light. And know that as you keep that honor I AM the flaming presence in the center of honor. And I AM with you always, even to the transformation, the transfiguration, of America and her people.
You can win because God is in you! You can win because you are Gods in manifestation.
All hail, legions of light! Forward, march!
-Godfre. via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 28, 1973 at Mexico City, Pearl 55:15
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