Saturday, October 15, 2022
Your dedication
Your dedication, precious hearts of light, joined with my own, to destroy this death (and the hell that is the abode of the godless dead) does clear the way for immortal life to take command, dominion and control over your lifestreams from the threefold flame enthroned on your hearts’ altar. -Jesus Christ and Kuthumi, Pearl 6:14
Those who have the highest attainment of light are not necessarily today in the government of the United States; but I can assure you in my survey of souls in this hemisphere those individuals who have the right to rule because of inner light are by and large in the vast majority in the United States. And therefore you see, beloved ones, we would not trust the guarding of that highest forcefield of light at that nexus to those who are in control of a government that is unstable, that is supported economically by the fallen ones in Wall Street and fallen ones in the Soviet Union and that is in league with Castro and his determination to move from the fields of Africa to the fields of South America, to have not only the children of God come under that godless state but also the resources that belong to the Mother and Her children. -Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 21:43
Thus we are determined, as you are determined, that the message shall not be lost and that many shall come unto the understanding of the interior Self, the interior Christ! They are not hollowed-out ones; they are not godless, flameless ones. They are the children of light and they must walk in light–as the light, of the light, bearing the light! And interior light is the nucleus whereby this spiral [of whitefire] that is being woven around you [by angels of Surya] is being magnetized to your aura. -Surya, Pearl 32:19
Never fear, the grace is there. Never fear, the wisdom is there. Never fear, the mercy is there–just waiting for man to appropriate it. Today as never before man must take a good look at himself, at his world and at his life in its universal context. He must realize that in this vast network of universal life which he calls cosmos are framed such mysteries as to delight his eye and to bring wonder to his heart. But if he is ever to know these graces, if he is ever to become an ascended being, if he is ever to enter into the fruit of holy reason, it will be because he acknowledges that spark of Life in himself and in nature as the inviolate creation of a reality so far beyond his finite self as to be labeled by him “infinite.” If he acknowledges the spark, then I say there is hope. -Tabor, Pearls of Wisdom 14:15
He knew that Serpent’s head (his intellectual philosophy, his scientific humanism, his deification of carnal mind and of godless materialism and mechanization of the Watchers and their soulless creation) would be bruised and ultimately destroyed by the God-mastery of the Son of God in the Piscean dispensation. He also knew that until the final judgment when this chaff creation should be consumed by unquenchable sacred fire of the Holy Ghost it would not relent in its attempt to bruise the heel (the self-mastery in Pisces) of the Christic seed of the Woman.
Beloved ones, in this be it known that the fundamental and basic identity of the sons and daughters of God is the quality and presence of the merciful heart. The Lord has not required you to extend mercy to the godless, to the evildoers, to the Watcher nor to Nephilim. All of these are the “Nonforgivers,” [for they have forgiven neither the Lord nor His own for the just judgments of the Law meted upon them]. Let the mercy of God that endures forever be understood as that mercy which endures unto the merciful. -Elohim Cyclopea, Pearls of Wisdom 31:78
We desire this awakening principally to draw them to a path of individual Christhood, as it has been said. We desire them to become aware that they are also victims and that those things [which] are wrong in the Earth are no accident and that they do come about by conspiracies that are based on fundamental necessity of those have-nots–yes, the sophisticated ones, the wealthy, godless have-nots who have all the money and power but have no light, no Presence, no threefold flame. These21 have-nots32 desire33 to8 have18 the15 light29 of12 the15 haves19=192=8 x attempts24; and the haves are the common people, the poor who must be cared for, the homeless, the children, the middle class–all those who are a part of the body of God. -Archangel Jophiel and Christine, Pearls of Wisdom 32:22
I may speak it, but I am not the origin of prophecy! Every living soul upon this Earth and fallen angels and godless ones–all are harbingers of that which must descend. For the law of karma is inexorable, irrevocable saving where the violet flame, the sacred fire does consume [mankind’s karma]. -Saint Germain, Thanksgiving
1986, in Pearls of Wisdom 33:4
And therefore remember that the Earth is the Lord’s and that He has entrusted it into your care as His sons and daughters and given you dominion over the earth. Planet Earth belongs neither to the archons nor to aliens, extraterrestrials, fallen angels or those of other systems of worlds who have no allegiance to God in the person of Elohim.
These21 godless27 ones17 are15 interlopers!61
(=141) They22 have18 no11 right35 to8 a1 place19 in14 the15 Sun9 (=152=4 x Maitreya38) that shines upon the just and the unjust of Earth. -Elohim Heros and Amora, Pearl 38:40
4. On March 4, 1982, Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, head of the Coalition for Better Television, called a nationwide boycott against NBC and its parent company, RCA Corp., in an effort to rebuke the network for the use of gratuitous sex, violence, profanity, and the promotion of drugs and alcohol on prime time television. In an April 6 address to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council Wildmon said “What is at stake here is whether we will remain a country accepting the Judeo-Christian concept of right and wrong or turn our back on centuries of progress to embrace practical atheism....We can have a society that recognizes God and His moral standards or we can have a godless society which recognizes the ‘make-it-up-as-you-go’ moral standards of Hollywood and the networks.” (See Lee Margulies, “TV Boycott Group’s Leader Sees Progress,” Los Angeles Times, 7 April 1982.) Prior to a March 4 Hollywood tribute to the famous film director Frank Capra, a Los Angeles news reporter interviewed some of the famous guests and asked them to comment on Wildmon’s boycott. All defended the freedom of the industry to show what it wanted and said that Wildmon had the freedom to turn off his TV set. They made a mockery of Wildmon and his boycott. -Messenger ECP in Pearls of Wisdom 25:23
Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord of hosts. And they will all be engraven with this mantra, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD. And all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts. (Zech. 14:20, 21) And the name Canaanite is symbolical of fallen angels and their godless genetically engineered race of “giants” who have walked the Earth.
There must be those who are the Christ who will stand and still stand when the powerful, the godless, recognizing that they have been defeated by the Teachings of the Ascended Masters–for the whole multitude is gone after the Christed ones–will20 then20 join21 them19 and10 attempt23 once10 again23 to8 dilute26, distort33, tear17 down20, deny21 the15 path18 (=306=anti17 x path18) while making a god of those who have been the founders. They have done it again and again! Thus every major thrust of religion does have its false hierarchy in the world today and its false teaching. -Lanello, Pearl 31:86
The altar of Liberty is in your heart. It is in the secret chamber of the heart. Life is hallowed where you are. You have naught to do with the race of mechanization man and godless and the feelingless and heartless who have succeeded in existing by borrowing the science of the Divine Mother and of Sanat Kumara; and yet I tell you their days of misuse of that science are indeed numbered. - Goddess of Liberty, Pearls of Wisdom 31:62
Blessed ones, inasmuch as a judgment has already been rendered it does require but ratification and confirmation daily by Keepers of the Flame. These violators of the genetic seed of Christed ones of Earth must not be allowed to tamper with, to borrow that sacred fire and thus perpetuate for aeons their robotic creation by even a microscopic portion of the liberty-flame which itself is a part of the genetic code of the lightbearers.
If we can count on our chelas who surely see this onslaught of godless aliens and are determined to withstand it, to see and resist the temptations to be discordant in their emotions or inharmonious in their feeling worlds and to keep their harmony in spite of any provocation to lose it, if we can be certain of the chela’s reinforcement of whitefire within himself and of his ability to stand, face and conquer by truth, by direct action and dynamic decree any and all threats to this ascended master activity and whatever may come knocking on his door as karma, enticement or plot of the Force to unseat him from the holy office of being Chela unto God the Great Guru, then we will raise up a light and raise it higher than ever before and we will intensify the greater light as never before! -Morya, Pearls of Wisdom 27:31a
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