Saturday, October 15, 2022
on agni
Yet great legions of light and teams of great conquerors, legions of the Central Sun do gather. For [there is one thing] we may do and that is to release bolts of blue lightning from the mind of God upon you that your mind might be quickened, that you might see clearly again and know that the path of karma yoga is indeed a yoke about your neck and it will not disappear except by the labor of the heart, by the sign of Agni, by the sign of fire and the determination to walk directly into the storm, into the very face of it, for that storm is your own returning human creation.
-Elohim Hercules, Pearl 34:16
Nevertheless, it is needful that the scriptures be correctly interpreted in order to bring greater understanding on what in Eastern philosophy is referred to as “karma yoga” (union with God attained through the balance of karma by right action). Just so, in his blessed writings James, a disciple of Jesus, stated that if a man had faith, good works should follow as a testimony thereof, concluding that faith without works is dead. And love is truly the fulfilling of this law. -Kuthumi, Pearl 6:15
you are on a path of karma yoga. Sometimes you forget that you work in order to balance karma and that we have instituted work, in the divine sense and the very physical sense of the word, because we desire to see you balance karma, because we and the masters you know and the angels of God are just waiting for the moment when another percentage [of karma] and another percentage has been transmuted and you are gaining mastery all the while. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 48:1
Look at those who have had the dispensations of the ascended masters in the Theosophical Society, the Rosicrucian Order, the Agni Yoga Society, the I AM movement and other forward movements that have begun to unveil the presence and teachings of great adepts in the earth. Look at the members of these organizations, beloved. Some have almost become intellectual snobs, for they do not use the teachings to challenge the forces of darkness in the Earth but only to elevate themselves by their knowledge of the hidden wisdom. They think of themselves as the wise ones, for they have such and such teaching that other Earthlings do not have. This was never the Brotherhood’s intent in the founding of esoteric organizations. -Mighty Victory, Pearl 37:32
We come then in this message of the threefold flame to say to you that this pattern can be given to those only who have balanced 51 percent of their karma. Thus you have an added reason as to why you must accelerate in fire. Agni is fire. Agni is the Source. Agni is your own central sun and the dot in the center of every molecule of matter. -Padma Sambhava, Pearl 45:46
In their sponsoring of spiritualism it was the desire of the masters to give hope to a tired and weary world of a life beyond, of comfort from the departed, even of the possibility of their own immortality. Spiritualism also paved the way for the successive revelations to be made by the Brotherhood through metaphysics, first systematically set forth by Mary Baker Eddy in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1866); through Madame Helena P. Blavatsky in Theosophy (1875); through the writings of Max Heindel (1911); through the Agni Yoga Society under Nicholas and Helena Roerich; and through other ascended master activities of the early twentieth century such as the I AM Activity headed by Guy and Edna Ballard under the guidance of the master Saint Germain -Mark Prophet, Pearl 48:14
Helena Roerich, who in the 1920s began releasing the teachings of El Morya through the Agni Yoga books, wrote of Maitreya and the path of the bodhisattva. In her book Foundations of Buddhism she presents a profile of the bodhisattva and lists energy among his chief qualities:
Helena Roerich, who in the 1920s began releasing the teachings of El Morya through the Agni Yoga books, wrote of Maitreya and the path of the Bodhisattva. In her book Foundations of Buddhism she presents a profile of the Bodhisattva and lists energy among his chief qualities:
“What qualities must a bodhisattva possess? In the Teaching of Gotama Buddha and in the Teaching of Bodhisattva Maitreya given by him to Asanga according to tradition in the fourth century (Mahayana-Sutralankara), the maximum development of energy, courage, patience, constancy of striving and fearlessness was underlined first of all. Energy is the basis of everything, for it alone contains all possibilities.
“Buddhas are eternally in action; immovability is unknown to them; like the eternal motion in space the actions of the Sons of Conquerors manifest themselves in the worlds.”
“Mighty, valiant, firm in his step, not rejecting the burden of an achievement for the general good.”
“There are three joys of bodhisattvas: the joy of giving, the joy of helping and the joy of eternal perception. Patience always in all and everywhere. The Sons of Buddhas, the Sons of Conquerors, bodhisattvas in their active compassion are Mothers to All-Existence.”-in Maitreya, 33:1
Heart therefore is the seat of sacred fire and of agni yoga. Heart must be protected, beloved. Let not the heart be jolted or jostled or overcome by anything beneath or above. Practice therefore stillness in the heart, peace in the heart, strength in the heart and God-centeredness in the heart. -Rose of Light, Pearl 32:52
After El Morya ascended in 1898 he imparted his teachings to Helena and Nicholas Roerich, the founders of the Agni Yoga Society. In book two of Leaves of Morya’s Garden El Morya tells us: “One must manifest discipline of spirit; without it one cannot become free. To the slave, discipline of spirit will be a prison; to the liberated one, it will be a wondrous healing garden. So long as the discipline of spirit is as fetters, the doors are closed. For in fetters one cannot ascend the steps.” -Messenger ECP
Inasmuch as these initiations shall become widespread, the Darjeeling Council upon the direction of Helios and Vesta, God Parents of this solar system, have determined to bring to your attention that you [are called] to live the life of one whose path has become the path of Agni Yoga, the yoga of fire. Thereby you will be an example as well as hold the balance for others who may be taken by surprise, may be swept out of the way by storm or flood or tornado–whose karma does come upon them, for the [garnering of the] fire [of the heart] did not precede that descent of karma. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 34:10
I AM the flame of Hope, adorning Spirit’s wonder. I AM the feminine principle of Purity moving as the wisps of the clouds, moving as the gentle breeze and velvet petals of a rose. I AM in the heart of Purity. I AM mothering purity in life. I AM looking into the eyes of little children and I AM arcing the arc of hope.
I come with everlasting hope as the everlasting arms of the Mother. I come to give you hope. I come to give you the adornment of fire and zeal and the Law, and the proclamation of Gabriel.
I come to quicken soul faculties by the gentle movement of the waters of purity. I come that you might understand God as Mother Purity.
Will you not address the creator of form and formlessness as Mother Purity: “Mother Purity of love, I bow before thee. In hope I come to bear the flame of Hope to all mankind. I come to give hope to the downtrodden, to the weary. I come to give hope for another way of life, for fulfillment, for honor, for reality.”
I come also with that power, that shakti of the feminine principle, and I come to shatter matrices that oppose the virgin consciousness, the matrix of the Mother. Therefore remember that the Mother will always defend her offspring, and the Mother can release the power of the Holy Spirit as an action of a streak of lightning.
Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light! Blaze forth the light of the Mother and shatter that which would tear down the innocence of my little ones.
I say to those dark ones of the night, those demons and fallen ones: You have no power! Blaze forth the light of the causal body! Blaze the light of God!
For I AM the Mother in action. I move with the currents of the mighty waters, crystal fires flowing of the Mother. And that energy by God-authority is mine to command, and God in me is the command of life. And therefore the Mother will not tolerate the encroachment upon the purity of the child. The Mother is the action of intolerance with evil and the energy veil.
The Mother is the guard. The Mother is the watchful eye. Yes, the Mother is in the watchdog. The Mother is in elemental life. The Mother is in all that lives and moves and breathes, and the Mother is life, sensitive in Mater. In the most elemental forms of life Mother is. Mother is aware.
Mother releases fire. Mother releases the action that is for the passing of initiation and release of the energies of God crucified in Mater. So the Mother bears the sins of mankind’s ignorance until that moment, that precise cosmic moment.
Thus far and no farther, I say! I say and I implore in the name of the Cosmic Christ: Light, flash forth! Light, flash forth! Light, flash forth! And break the spell of sleep, of self-hypnosis, of lethargy. Blaze forth and free elemental life! Blaze forth and free imprisoned angels! Blaze forth and free humanity
-Archeia Hope, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 8, 1974 at San Francisco, Pearl 55: 16
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