Thursday, October 13, 2022
that move in this world to destroy the servants of God
My beloved has stood in Medjugorje to bring light, to bring prophecy and to bring judgment upon the forces of darkness in Yugoslavia. The light has stirred the very bowels of death and hell [whose25 agents21 have18 brought37] bloodshed39 and10 horrendous56 desecration50 (=256=8 x monster32) against the devotees and against her appearing. Beloved hearts, the15 reception51 of12 my11 beloved29 by9 these21 godless17 ones16 is10 a1 testimony41 as2 to8 the15 powers33 of12 death20 and10 hell19 (=16 x dismal 22) that move in this world to destroy the servants of God. -Archangel Raphael, Pearl 35:2
However some of the ‘gods’18 have18 wrested31 secrets26 of12 creation40 (=145=5 x clever29) to8 alter20 the15 inner33 nature25 of12 man10 (=123=3 x self-betray41) (both his soul and his genes) to conform to an inverted pattern. Through43 his18 inharmonious66 habits23 of12 thought36 and10 feeling40 (=248=8 x captures31) man became vulnerable to this treacherous violation of the nucleus of self. Therefore because these gods were dishonorably motivated in their genetic enslavement of lesser endowed evolutions to a mechanistic control, when I was embodied as Jesus of Nazareth I spoke unto these manipulators of life, saying “You are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father will ye carry out.” (This lust was for the light of the Christ sealed in the blood of the children of Elohim and equally for the light of Christic attainment radiating from the chakras of sons of the great I AM.) -Jesus Christ, Pearl 4:11
Understand therefore to those who believe on the name of the Son of God Jesus Christ and the Sun behind that Son and the Messenger of that Son there is given “power to make them sons of God.” There is given power to ignite in them the threefold flame. And this is what was given to Peter. The keys of the kingdom are the key to the causal body and threefold flame. And therefore Peter must come to understand that that which is common and unclean, referred to as the godless, those having not the God- flame within them—these ones, beloved, may be anointed. For that [creation] God alone can sanctify in the name I AM THAT I AM….
Understand this, beloved ones. You must bring material that is fit and meet for repentance, as John the Baptist gave the same opportunity to all who were in Israel [Judaea] in that day. And he called them forth to that baptism by water that they might surrender that very substance of the godless and anti-God force within themselves.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 29:14
I am once again standing in the temple (of God’s high estate and purpose) to reinforce the bulwarks of freedom’s holy light against every godless Communistic scheme, whether altruistic-appearing or not. The hearts and minds of men, women and children have unfortunately become a battleground where the media of press, television and radio and the personality cult seek to capture and indoctrinate the people of Earth with biased concepts and human nonsense, served up as a gargantuan commercial cocktail—heady, high-minded, deceitful and full of greed. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 3:48
The message which I have delivered unto the two witnesses has been for perfecting of the saints who are the seed of the Woman. The seed of the Woman are the seed of the Guru22 who19 is10 always18 Mother34-flame19 in14 the15 Earth25 (=176=8 x water22). Now then is the hour of clustering together of that seed for the great conflagration of the Word in Earth. For the fallen ones know the hour of her coming again and of the coming of her seed. They know the reality and therefore they do fear and tremble—they22 and10 their33 devils26 and10 all 7 their33 fabrications50 of12 the15 godless27, soulless23 creation40 (=308=see11 x deceit28). For they know of a certainty that the light is come in the Earth. -Saint Germain, Pearl 56:13, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 10, 1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
O beloved humanity, as a World Mother I speak to you solemnly with the sternest of warning and say: regardless of human hypocrisy, regardless of broken-down altars and failures of many of the religious leaders to set proper example, to teach proper precepts and to establish proper guidelines for their followers, regardless of all defects that may exist or that have existed in the past in various religions of the world, true religion must never perish from Earth . If it does, if the forces of atheism succeed in repressing men’s faith in God and the world becomes a godless place, it will be a jungle of such fury and emptiness as to snuff out the light of purpose everywhere upon the planetary body. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 13:18
And that creation that has not been created by Elohim or God-man focusing the will of higher light of Christos must therefore pass through the screen of the seventh ray. The alchemy therefore does erase the imperfect matrix and reestablish that which should have been, which might have been and was not and ought to have been placed in position at the varying lines of the cosmic clock under the tutelage of the hierarchies of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini.
-Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Pearl 32:13
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