Thursday, October 13, 2022
on godless, soulless
1. Martian misqualifications. The ascended Masters teach that Mars in its true state is the planet that represents the Divine Mother and base-of-the-spine chakra (muladhara). The Messenger has described Mars as “the white sphere of intense fiery energy of the Divine Mother.” Long ago evolutions of Mars took that pure white light of the Mother and perverted it in war and misuses of sacred fire. Through misuse of free will and base-of-the-spine chakra they perverted the Mother- light in what we call “Martian misqualifications.” These misqualifications can manifest through any chakra but specifically relate to the misuse of Mother-light in the base-of-the-spine chakra. They include: aggression, anger, arrogance, argumentation, accusation, agitation, apathy, atheism, annihilation, aggravation, aggressive mental suggestion; criticism, condemnation and judgment; malicious, ignorant, sympathetic and delicious animal magnetism; anti-Americanism, anti-Father, anti-Mother, anti-Christ and anti-Holy Spirit manifestations in the four quadrants of matter. The fact that so many of these misqualifications begin with the letter A indicates that they are also a perversion of the light of the Father, Alpha. The Messenger has explained that “family mesmerism” is another manifestation of Martian energies. It is human attachment based on blood-ties rather than spiritual ties. War and other violent conflicts also come through the vibration and aura of Mars. The ultimate Martian misqualification is the creation of mechanization man, the godless creation. Astrologers see Mars as the planet of action based on desire. The Messenger has explained: “Mars triggers energy that brings action, but whatever your desires are that is where your energy will go and that is the type of action you will engage in.” She teaches that by hitching our desires to the star of our Mighty I AM Presence we can ride and subdue Mars–we can “ride the bull” and take advantage of true creative fires of Mars, the pure white fire of the Divine Mother. She has counseled us that each time we see a Mars- configuration in our own astrology we must determine to have a “Martian victory” in order to not be overcome by perversions. Through mastering Martian energies we can gain our victory in the whitefire of the Mother. -footnote to Pearl 35:55
And the gods who taught them this devious route to obtain the divinity were fallen angels who “kept not their first estate” but fell with Lucifer. These are they who took unto themselves “the daughters of men” and bore a godless, soulless creation called the Nephilim--through whom they would perpetuate their manipulation and mechanization of the masses.
These fallen angels were now embodied in physical Earth because they were cast out of higher octaves for their rebellion against the Son of God and heavenly orders of Hierarchy. Their union with the daughters of Cain was not in the spiritual order of God’s progeny who are born solely out of Christic seed.
The Lord cursed this offspring of their lust, for they lusted after His power and sought to entice and entrap it through intercourse with the daughters of Cain. This was the abominable abuse of the serpent-force (the very life-force of the Mother and Holy Spirit) called the “abomination of desolation”(of the desolate ones who have no God in them) standing in the holy place of the temple where it ought not.
This cursed lifewave, the “mighty men which were of old, men of renown,” became mere natural man, without soul or conscience or spark of divine potential. The natural man, now called Homo sapiens, was a “kind of man” but not a God-free being after the descent of Adam from Seth to Noah. Hence the crossbreeding of the Watchers and their godless creation with the children of Cain opened the door for laggard evolutions to embody on Earth and interchange of these several fallen evolutions became known in general as “mankind.” -Sanat Kumara, dated 12-9-1979, published as Pearls of Wisdom 42:2
And thus it is as long as the leaders in church and state, in science, religion, education and the major fields of endeavor are themselves the fallen ones, purveyors of darkness and darkening concepts, downward spirals that through art and music lead to the death vibration—so long will those who follow after them for social tradition, for human comfort be bearing the entire weight of the karma of the Watchers and godless creation. -Lanto, Pearl 24:16
The power of the Word is also known by the seed of the wicked. These archdeceivers whom Enoch made known to you as the Watchers and their godless creation were the enemies of David. He, the Lord’s anointed, continually addressed me and the heavenly hosts concerning the persecution of the children of God by the offspring of the Wicked One who misused the power of the Word to destroy and lay desolate the places of my children. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:43
Beloved hearts of light, you have manifested a valiant effort of the science of the spoken Word. Therefore I confirm that Word and I add to your energies of praise my own. And therefore there is fusion and creation of the real and not the counterfeit—the real Magnet of Alpha and Omega by the Guru ascended, by chelas unascended and by the nexus of the heartflame of the Messenger. -Saint Germain, Pearl 24:59
We call for the thinning of the veil that realms of light might be seen, that angels, elementals, and men, mighty archangels, Elohim and ascended masters might join now in a venture of light, of freewill creativity in God to overthrow world tyranny, the totalitarian movements of the Watchers and godless. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 26:38a
Both Jesus and Saint Paul, referring to this discord, pointed out that God often left the wheat to grow up with the tares lest in plucking up the tares he destroy also the wheat. The ploy of mankind’s earthiness so commingles with the roots of his worldly culture as to almost defy separation, but the percentage of the real man in evidential manifestation in relation to the artificial creation is very small. This fact indicates the great need for transmutation, and it pinpoints the reason for the statement of John the Beloved: “The whole world lieth in wickedness.” -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:15
World Capitalism itself is a sham. It is as corrupt and corrupting as hell. Its by-products are materialism, greed, self-indulgence and selfishness along with wanton destruction of Mother Earth. It is polluted and it is callous. But that’s because the Nephilim gods and their godless creation have ruined it and civilization with it. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 33:7
How the godless ones have sought to make you godless also. How they have sought to destroy the youth, yet so many bounce back and are successful. It is almost a wonder. War has taken my sons for tens of thousands of years. How long, O Lord, shall we call—call to the Holy Kumaras, call to the Great Central Sun! -Universal Mother, Pearl 45:11, via
Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 13, 1997 at San Diego
Beware27, beloved, for as remnants of Atlantean experiments human21 clones17 already30 exist23 and they perpetuate themselves as soulless ones. Often they remove themselves from real people, that is, those who have a threefold flame, preferring to move among the godless. Reptilian in nature, they hobnob with the superrich and take up with the high and mighty. Yes, better that we teach our children today of the ancient Watchers and the Nephilim who yet walk the Earth “seeking whom they may devour.” Do not leave them as fair game to the fallen angels who will surely sacrifice them to the God of Moloch. But do give fierce calls on behalf of all children that they might triumph over evil and consume the very fires of hell. Moreover apply the science of the spoken Word by giving fiery implorations to God that the godless be taken to planets where they can be quarantined as they wait in line for their judgment to descend.
-Elohim Cyclopea, Pearl 40:20
If we have another depression, it will be America’s own karma because we the people have turned over our power and our abundant life to the godless dominant minority, the same Watchers, this time coming in the guise of the bankers and their elite rulership over the Federal Reserve System and its 12 member banks. -ECP, Pearl 31:23
We see then the fallen angels who have created a godless mechanization man; and they desire to control the propagation of this mechanization man. In fact they consider that mechanization man has gotten out of hand on this planetary body and [that] they have been educated by lightbearers. They have [gotten] mixed in with the children of light and they themselves have taken up a devotion to the one true God. And they themselves, [this robotic creation,] in some cases have earned a threefold flame which their creators no longer have access to. Thus [their soulless parents] become enraged [as they lose control of their offspring whose devotion to the God- flame now supersedes their human or Nephilim loyalties]. -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 32:41
A godless home and a godless society lead the soul into existentialism. What then becomes of the soul who descends into existentialism? What becomes of her reason for being? -Elohim Apollo and Lumina, Pearl 38:31
Beloved, they desire the light and genes of the lightbearer. And thus they would approach those of highest attainment for one purpose: to combine the seed of fallen ones, even of Satan and Lucifer, with the seed of highest Christed ones. For thereby they have determined to do in this age what they have accomplished in many ages: the prolongation of the life of their own bodies and then that of the robot creation which they have brought forth. You will realize then that the very presence of the seed of light in their genes can extend the life of that particular physical evolution for long decades, centuries and aeons. -Morya, Pearl 30:46
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